Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Sep 1954, p. 9

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SIDELIGHTS Problems Unfinished After Many Months Debate No verbal fireworks gave color or exuded odor at the last meeting of council presided over by the mayor It was both tame and lame Lame because council had to repair a injury in the form of rescinding one of its own bylaws and replacing it by another Tame except for one closing incident reported elsewhere There were several bylaws passed some amendments to former ones Nothing silences members as much as bylaws Theyve got to sit and take it from Madam Chairman Council- Sometimes she candid enough to admit that she doesnt understand all the by laws over which she presides Who does The bylaws intersections must have held tip debates on other subjects for almost half of the whole meeting But there were bright intervals in the passing of them when members took pleasure in dissolving themselves As the cock in the early morn you may be sure that the Aurora town council will be dissolving itself at even tide if byJaws are on the mu nicipal menu Mr Cousins Was No not in the fleshy Mr- Cousins was not present in the flesh at council But he was there sure enough in bylaws It has rarely happened lately that Mr A Lome Cousins has been missing by name from council proceedings He is al most ubiquitous If popularity is a matter of familiarity then indeed Mr Cousins is a popular man His name has been constantly mentioned in council since early spring and it is now chilly au tumn as we write A man must have something that has that much The chairman of the water de partment DeputyReeve J Murray has had the water laid on to Mr Cousins plant But what about the sewer Why there was a bylaw passed by council given three readings on a single night and then des patched to the municipal board The more haste the less speed It was not in order to give sewer byla w three readings Two was the required number So the municipal board return ed it council rescinded it then proceeded to give replacement bylaw two readings Now it goes back to the municipal board for approval Edward Street Extension Mr Cousins was back again council discussion in connec tion with an extension bylaw for Edward St There seems no end to the processes that should eventually free Mr Cousins from further debate And of course members had to continue to dissolve themselves in order to complete the bylaw Mr Cousins had one item all to himself Tins related to his granting of an easement to the town in connection with his pro perty One of these days be will find himself freed from the red- tape shackles Then his name will fade away from council dis- cussions and we shall feel ra ther sorry Well feel like singing the old song Will Ye No Come Back Again But even when he seems to have gotten a clear ance he planning board may come up with something Receiving Attention Murray asked what progress was being made with the province in regard to sewer service to the Ontario hos pital and the mayor asked what progress was being made con cerning the plans for the exten sion of the disposal plant To each of these questions Era Express Classifieds Bring Results the town clerk replied that it was receiving attention Commenting Deputy Murray said the agreement in regard to the sewer service had been reported as having been sent to file department but they had heard no more about it Council should make up its mind Replying to the deputyreeve the town clerk said that every thing in connection with the Centre St improvements had been okayed Annexation The proposed annexation of land in the King and Whit church townships got as far as the first reading of a bylaw for that purpose The deputyreeve said council should get together with the representatives of the two townships and this view was supported by Councillors Moffat Jones and others A motion by Jones and to that ef fect was carried New Parking tot Considerable discussion took place when a bylaw to cover the leasing of the Fisher pro perty was introduced DeputyReeve Murray said he was opposed to spending money on it and Councillor Moffat said she couldnt remember council had reached a definite conclusion on the matter In the end the bylaw was given a third reading This means that Aurora has now ac quired an additional parking lot at a cost of per annum for a period of years This new cost added to the 150 per annum paid to the board of the United church for the land rented for parking pur- pases means an annual outlay of 450 yearly for parking ren tals 1000 was recently spent on the area west of Yonge St for parking purposes While it is not anticipated that it will be snowing throughout the entire period for purposes of an agreement Mr Harrison was appointed to look after snow removal over the period October to September His remuneration will be at rate of 450 per hour with a guaranteed minimum payment to him of as recommended by the streets committee and ap proved by council Nine ByLaws In the course of the evening Councillor Moffat introduced no less than nine bylaws Seven times council itself into a committee of the whole but did not disintegrate on any single occasion AURORA Social News Miss Anne Stephenson who won the John Stuart prize and the King township award when she graduated from Aurora and district high school in and who is a student of Mr Harris has been awarded a scholarship for further study in the senior school at the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto Anne is soprano soloist at Rose- dale United church Toronto and has been accepted for an appear ance on television Miss Steph enson resides with her parents at their new home on Eagle St Newmarket Mr and Mrs Don Olds and son David and Mr William Wil lis have been visiting Mr and Mrs J Willis His numerous friends will be glad to hear that Chief Fisher Dunham is home from hospital Mr Frank attend ed Lindsay fair last week Mrs Lambert Willson enter tained the choir of the United church at a corn roast on Thursday evening of last week j SCHOOL OF BALLET TO OPEN IN LIONS HALL AURORA Comer of Mosley and Vktoria UNDER PERSONAL DIRECTION OF Miss Jody Macaulay FRIDAYS am Primary Class Ages 45 Adult Class Exercise and Ballet SATURDAYS am Class Ages 10 am Beginners Class Ages to 12 a Beginners Class Having Studied at least one year am Intermediate Over years For Further Information Write Miss Jody Macaulay BOX 343 AURORA Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA OFFICE A TALL ORDER PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND IALS DOWNFALL It seemed to us that the whole secret of successful management was illuminated in the conversation we recorded last week in regard to industrial Unless good staff relations are fostered by management such a basic necessity will be wanting Employees are human who will wholeheartedly respond to kindly and management Wages are wh employees work for But that is not all the story It should be possible for employees to be able to say outside their shop or factory We have good management and our employers are fine people to work for There is great for employers who take a kindly interest in the wel fare of the youngest to the oldest employee The human touch can achieve that A business is iff the first place built up on good will If it does not start on that basis it cannot succeed Nor does it deserve to succeed Having reached a flour ishing point it is calamitous when a successor in man agement comes along and undoes all the pioneer work that established it How often we have heard it said The young boss isnt a bit like the old one The old boss took a personal interest in each one of his staff He addressed them by their christian names The young boss struts around with an air of selfimportance and treats his staff as numbers not as human beings The old boss valued old employees They had helped to build his fortune The young boss dis charges old employees and fills their places with cheap labor As we sow we reap The young boss is the archi tect of his own defeat A house divided against itself will fall Where happy relationships do not exist in industry the etui of the story is Downfall IS IT LEGAL The report we published last week on the high cost of recreational activities as revealed in the bulletin of the Ontario Recreation Association contained a ref erence to the legality or otherwise of local recreation committees disbursing without first of all getting the approval of the municipal council The OK A report said Many recreation commit tees have their own bank recounts and handle all of their transactions It is questionable if this is legal era authorities have stated that h municipality should handle recreation committee o and dis burse it us required Insofar as Aurora is concerned the authority is a commission not a committee Our understanding is that a commission is empowered to handle finances sub ject to the submission to council of officially audited accounts which has been done in the instance of the Aurora recreation commission That is our under standing without reference to legal definition BUSYBODIES TOO BUSY This time the town BusyBodies have overreach ed themselves There is no harm in conducting a spring time planting of petunias or Wiping the windshields of stationary cars on Main St however ludicrous the latter may seem as evidence of a zest for town beau- on the part of the Jaycees editorially praised by the Banner as BusyBodies But excessive enthusiasm can become An example of it was furnished to the town council when application was made by the socalled Safety Coun cil for the removal of certain ornamental hedges cul tivated by homeowners and which are in no way an impediment to safe driving On the contrary both hedges are way aids to precaution If our information is correct the local junior cham ber of commerce of which the safety council is an auxiliary in its t u is aiming at the winning of a national prize That is fair enough so long as the means of achievement are restrained within reasonable bounds To menace the rights and amenities of homeowners is a proceeding that goes beyond such limits ESQUIRE Now and then we receive mail with the envelope marked Esq after our name Generally they are beg letters and the writers are determined to exalt the egos of the recipients as a preliminary to their pleas Apparently it is assumed that Ksquire sounds more important than plain Mister How vain is man The symbol represents an antiquated and system of class distinctions Except for the American magazine of that name there are no Ksquires on the north American continent although we have seen one or two moviehouses so named Historically Esquire relates to the orders of British knighthood and before that to the Saxon yeomen In Canada to see an envelope marked Esq pro vokes the notion that somebody is flowing over with sap like a mapletree in springtime Wells once wrote that nothing was better on an envelope than ones initials and surname George Drew dropped his military category of colonel in civil life like so many others Shakespeare himself was plain Mister V WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Wooden Fence Is A Danger To Pedestrians Motorists It is the opinion of many people as they have ex pressed it that one of the most dangerous if not indeed the most dangerous corner which drivers of vehicles have to negotiate in Aurora is the turning from Centre street on to Wellington street and vice versa The obstacle in the way of in retirement at drivers is not a small privet or Springs Florida Mr Steven- barberry hedge but a sixfoot high black fence hat completely Remove Ornamental Hedges fa Is Safety Council Demand it happens that the end of a dull council meeting will suddenly be lit up with a bright Hash of controversy like a shaft of lightning corning out of a sullen cloud It seldom happens however that Council lor Clarence Davis is responsible for a piquant epilogue blots out visibility in either di rection There is perhaps a little visibility as drivers make the son now an active is the son of the former proprie tor and editor of the Aurora that virile weekly turn from south to west in which is still vividly remember- rounding the comer But as they drive up Centre street to make the turn south they have no means of observ ing whether a human being is traversing the narrow path leading towards Centre or a driver approaching from that di rection Drivers have to move with extreme caution like a man feeling his way through a wood at night Should Be Removed The tall old black wooden fence should be pulled down in the interests of human safety It is not only an unsightly heri tage from years gone by but having regard to the constant and increasing vehicular traffic on that location it is a positive danger both to pedestrians and drivers That section of the whom lately we heard describ ed as Banner cadets known as the Safety Council have been extremely bisy with I ommendations to the town coun cil purporting to be in the inter ests of human safety Diminu tive ornamental hedges have not been overlooked by them their search for alleged offences But the hotfoot scrutineers have somehow or other thus fax failed to observe the tali black wooden fence which- together with three trees that dangerous ly protrude by the corner of the bend is a menace to human safety Or is there some special personal reason why the black fence has been omitted from the black list When someone gets killed there then theyll pull it down a citizen remarked to us Old High School Boys Two brothers who attended the Aurora and district high school and started their banking careers with He Imperial bank after service in the Canadian Air force are now in neighboring branches of that bank Mr Grant Stephenson was trans ferred recently from the King and Market branch to the new Ontario Produce branch on the as accountant Mr Alan Stephenson who was on the staff at Aurora and for the past six years has been at the branch was transferred last week to the new Imperial bank which has been opened at Islington on the where he will be teller accountant Mr Grant Stephenson and his wife and two daughters have moved to a new home at Bramp ton Mr Alan Stephenson and his wife and two small sons are moving near to their new loca tion Distinguished We were glad to have news the other day of one who years ago became a distinguished We refer to Mr Steven son who for many years has ed by Aurora oldtimers Having learned the printing business at the hands of his fa ther A E Stevenson Ashton moved to the United States after serving with the Evening Telegram under its cele brated editor John Robinson Mr Stevenson is the inventor of over 30 patents on printing ma chinery which have been used in the leading newspapers of the world Mr Ashton G Stevenson has a close association with the Era as his father worked on it for The meeting had gone over the scheduled closing tune when Mr Davis suddenly flourished a paper he drew from his pocket and said it was request from the Safety Council The request appeared mom entarily take the breath away from some members of council For in fact It consti tuted an attack on the rights or propertyowners and it it had been acceded there would have been a considerable fawn commotion The Councillor Davis solemnly quested council in the reading of Safety Council document to order the removal of a hedge on the property of Mr George Young Maple and Fleury and of Mr Martin Kennedy St Other property- owners were named but unfortunately we missed their identities Presumably the requests were based on pleas of safety and be fore writing this article we made an inspection of the hedges on both properties Both hedges are low and are in a welltrim med condition Neither affects the visibility of sober motorists and both add beauty to their surroundings Their growth and development cover a period of many years It so happens that in the case of Mr there are stop- some time and married a sister the intersection by his of Jackson who was proprietor and editor of the Era for the remarkably lengthy per- of 50 years Several months ago the present managing editor of the Era and Express John E Struthers made references to some of these interesting facts in his editors diary Aurora News We regret hearing from a few readers that their copies of Au rora News Page have recently been missing frorn the Eta and Express through a folding over sight assure one reader that the omission was in no way a case of sabotage It should be remembered that residence which makes the claim for the removal of his as fantastic as it is of ficious The hedge by Mr Youngs property provides a pro tection for it besides giving neatness to the street corner bend Request Boomerangs Councillor Davis is councils representative on the socalled Safety Council which was sired by the Undoubt edly he would discuss the re quest with its authors Why he should ever have consented to introduce such a ridiculous and presumptuous request to coun cil is to say the least extremely some copies of the Era and Express have to be folded each week and usually Aurora News Page- is included in the second section of the paper With a large number of copies to be I handled it would be than I human if some error did not arise at some time or other However the complaints have been taken care of and we trust that none of our readers will in the future find the Aurora News Page missing from the whole Downhill We heard a rather sad story last week concerning an Aurora club which our informant said was going downhill In its early history this club recruited some of the bestknown busi nessmen in town But one by one they fell away and when others took their places some of these also like the Arabs fold ed their tents and went their way Now our informant said the club was at the dragging stage It might hold on with diminished numbers or just pass out Ap parently at one stage of the clubs existence there was a suggestion that beer might be sold over the counter to stimu late its funds This suggestion was of course deeply frowned on by the more responsible members even if it could be made legally practicable After all it should be borne in mind that Aurora is a dry town Era Classifieds Readers of the Era and Ex press classified columns the Page Col 5 puzzling Rumor has it that Councillor Davis aspires to become reeve of the town at the next elections Yet here we have the chairman of the streets committee actu ally conveying a request from an outside organization not elected by the people to have ornamental hedges removed properties of well- known and responsible citizens and taxpayers Hardly had Mr Davis read the contents- of the document to council than they boomeranged DeputyReeve J Murray verbal fire on the re quest and was immediately sup ported by Councillors Jones and Moffat They would have noth ing to do with it The document which had been been passed up to the head of the table was returned with such speed to Councillor Davis that no other member of council had a chance to say a word The mayors gavel sounded a timely closure Surely it should have been ap parent to Mr Davis when he was first handed the document that council could not peremp torily enforce such at request or demand Yet the fact that Coun cillor Davis agreed to such a request before council with out making a personal or reservation might suggest that he was agreement with it Who Runs This Town It will be an unfortunate day for this town if it has to yield to such demands from small but belligerent groups who their own ideas of the town to the extent removing ornamental hedges or other pro perties in the process of consum mating crazy What with a plague of Ban ner posters on street poles and an overflow of yellow paint on curbs and other top level stunts visitors to Aurora may reasonably conclude that it is in a state of quarantine The town may soon acquire the du bious reputation of Stunt Op- IS NEAR To Meet Ail Requirements For Expert SHARPENING OF SKATES Have Installed A MODEL MACHINE WELLINGTON ST airs Your Chamber of Commerce is building a better community AURORA WATER SUPPLY Committee Chairman Gives Interesting List Of Figures At the last meeting of council I J Murray gave a detailed survey of the water situation in Aurora earning fur himself commendation from the mayor who said that what they had heard showed that the chairman of the department knew his subject Mr Murray said at the pres ent time 460000 gallons of wa ter were being used daily The natural flow from the artesian wells amounted to gal lons daily The compressor they had in stalled was capable of increas ing the natural flow from the wells up to as much as gallons per day to gallons were running daily into the creek The arena would presently be using daily or al most ft total of gallons per month- St Andrews col lege would be using gallons per month The new Cousins chicken plant could pos sibly be using up to gal lons per month No Present Shortage Commenting on the figures given Mr Murray said there was no present shortage But experi ence had shown that there was not enough when the pea loads came along It was then that use had to be made of the com pressor The chairman said ho was of the opinion that water from the creeks should be used for the arena rather than the present system using water from the town supplies Councillor agreed to take up the with the arena board of which he is a member Reeve Cook said he would not like the idea to get abroad that Aurora was short of water Our underground supply has never failed us he said and there Is always plenty of water flow ing through the creeks Mr Murray said if the arena board had to pay for the water they used it would cost them around per month He was not however suggesting that such a course should be adopted but did feel that water from the creeks would meet the needs of the arena board Silky knows its way around keeps you warm without bulk wraps you in high fashion at low price At right one darling from our coat col lection All coats with chamois lining and many with milium 2995 to

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