Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Oct 1954, p. 4

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Oct IJV rift A HOUSE FOR SALE storey and one half hath alt conveniences lot at tached garage Phono or HOUSE FOR PER bung all modern conveniences acres and large chicken house Possession Oct Phone Mount Albert or apply A Clarke Cedar Valley BUILDINGS FOR SALS HEN house ft Newmarket ft Phone TRAILER FOR SALE 2WHEEL trailer cheap Phone REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEWMARKET REAL VALUE New roman brick ranch type bungalow feat uring foot living room fire place three large airy bedrooms modern kitchen Two car at tached garage Air condition oil On town water and sewer Call Cox TURNER REAL ESTATE LIMITED St South RICHMOND HXLL 2 NEW 5roorn homes Base ments hydro water on tap good location at Holland Landing Reasonable terms Phone 51 Newmarket NEWMARKET bungalow new modern Half cash ranch bungalow garage recreation room fully modern central Terms one and one half storey house extra lot oil furnace good condition 59000 cash brie recreation room garage verv large lot Must be sold cash red brick central base ment furnace bath Half cash ra me 3piece bat lot 4500 frame house full base ment About years old fireplace cat- garage good lot cash brick basement bath and furnace central large lot cash brick parage complete ly modern excellent location brick steel beam con struction furnace tile bath room controlled Cent ral Down payment We have others in Newmarket and district CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Phone ACRES of level nat ure and bush black loam soil ton steel barn implement ISx chicken house other build ings Very nice stucco room house with basement hydro an water this entire has been well looked after taxes very reasonable Terms REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Cut living room modern kitchen and piece bathroom some terms THIS one is a gift at this price White stucco bed room home with garage on double lot full divided basement with recreation room economical air heating lovely living room and a real modern family kit chen bathroom interior has been newly decorated could be carried for per month with the required down payment This one wont last ON highway very comfortable home with even convenience has full base ment with air heating very nice bedrooms living room kit chen dining room and bathroom large insulated work shop on acre lot good loca tion for tradesman Terms 1090000 VERY substantial storey permanent home ideal for two family dwelling in spotless condition and situated on a beautiful lot has every conven ience and new furnace this is a good price for this type of property terms BROKER KESWICK Keswicks Active Real Estate Office LOT ft x ft central loca tion Phone Aurora PA LOT Millard Ave Newmarket 1900 Phone HA Toro clw40 subdivision on Sharon highway Lot fronUc and Registered Terms Priced at to Substantial wells have been reached at drainage Elgin Evans Newmarket phone Jgggl market ROOM AND BOARD COMFORTABLE double room all conveniences Available Oct Board if desired Phone Newmarket ROOM and board with widow Irv ine alone On bus line close to school and post office at Write Era and Express box WANTED TO RENT REAL estate Charming older style home in excellent state of repair ft living room with fireplace fam ily dining room modem kit chen and twin size bedrooms on main floor finished and unfinished bedroom upstairs oil heat tile bath garage lovely shaded lot Priced at 15000 cash Must be sold immediately AURORA WE consider this one of the one and one half storey homes in Aurora hardwood throughout new oil furnace completely new modern bath lovely sunroom garage and many extras This home Is im maculate and located In best res idential district Call at once Interested A good buy at NEWMARKET OWNERS brick in spot less condition centre hall plan with oak floor and trim com modernized kitchen and hath nice size bedrooms and balcony upstairs large land scaped lot on lovely tree lined residential street Asking Terms arranged AURORA HOUSE or apartment in New market children By Oct Mrs Harold Campbell phone Newmarket c2wt0 UNFURNISHED rooms or apartment by December 1st any where in Newmarket Phone Klngjjfcj UNFURNISHED room by gentle- man Phone Newmarket ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED bedroom for single man heated and 16 Queen St Newmar ket FURNISHED suit 2 people Phone 224r New- FURNISHED or unfurnished lame bright bedroom in quiet comfortable oil heated home neighborhood near St bus housekeeping to Christian woman No smok ing Phone PA Aurora FREE rent for room Light housekeeping for work hour a day around the house Phone Newmarket FURNISHED room suitable for or girls Phone New- ROOMS and outside unfurnished abstainers Anplv St Newmarket or Newmarket CONVENIENTLY located new brick bungalow with and attached brick parage modern tile kitchen and bath spacious living room with fireplace 2 master size bed- roomSr forced air oil heat Terms WE have a number of acre lots for sale for the low of each Terms Suitable for alt or otherwise OF AURORA ACCOMMODATION AVAIL QUIET comfortable home for lady some nursing care If re quired Phone APARTMENT FOR RENT white clapboard bungalow large bedrooms good size living room well plann ed kitchen and 3piece bath hard- ACRES of lovely rolling good wood floors ctckj basement and clay soil in crop bush hotair furnace on a If ft lot pasture and an acre fruit grand I shaped barn and good with electric pumps ft roof silo 20x15 Implement shed chicken house Solid red brick room house in spotless condition bath full basement with new furnace Inspection will con you of a quality farm Terms VJ ACRES of valuable high way property in Keswick excel lent location for subdivision or motel site this land with over feet highway frontage so close to town has many possibil ities Inspect and make offer on the highway with running through the prop erty very good bam no other buildings a real investment ACRES op the highway near Sutton workable pasture and bush good barn with in side water ami hydro with ac commodation for chickens Upstairs Implement shed and other buildings white stucco house with hydro and in side water full basement good buy at Terms CASH full price A real buy for bedroom well Insulat ed bungalow on the highway near town church and shoppln heavy wiring and Inside oldest established teal estate BRAND new room bungalow well Insulated and in- side convenience heavy wired I beautifully landscaped with per ennial and ornamental shrubs Asking Terms arrang ed GORDON STOUTT LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS Call Aurora el MOST EXCLUSIVE SUBDIVISION WE will build under National Housing to your plans or we will supply plans to suit your require ments At lots on Town Water and Beautiful park like surrounding large trees and year running stream Restrict ed area For further information Call It Cox TURNER REAL ESTATE LIMITED St South RICHMOND HILL PROPERTY WANTED ROOMED apartment hard- wood floors oil heating Avail able Nov R phone Newmarket SMALL selfcontained furnish ed apartment centrally located heated suitable for or adults Phone Newmarket LOWER duplex small heated with lawn and garden Adults Available November 405m Newmarket pm UNFURNISHED self- contained heated apartment Available Oct Adults Phone Newmarket ETE second floor I room kitchenette and bathroom furniture optional Phone apartment self contain- edi Abstainers only Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE J AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE all SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED St Aurora very large living room with pic ture window modem kitchen with tots of cunboards low down payment considered PERMANENT home on the highway near Beach has bedrooms very large living room and kitchen very good location RETIRED couples op portunity cosy compact spotless ly bedroom bungalow with attached parage in the love ly Beverley Hills subdivision Lake just from City This home only old has WANTED WE have clients waiting to pur chase property in Newmarket and district LIST yours with Newmarkets oldest established re I in for fast selling CHARLES BOYD REALTOR MAIN ST PHONE mans winter coat do lining sports coats size All in perfect condition Phone Newmarket STORM window il Spool and dresser Steel and crib Kitchen table and chairs Phone Classified advertising Rates Two cents a word minimum of cento for each miL Hall when advertisement repeated on successive weeks percent discount If advertisement paid within week of Events costs two cents a wort minimum cents Sale for the first week cents for each week Card of Thanks and Death announce ments cents tor each announcement less cents if paid within week of In cents for each insertion phis cents a line for verse leas IS cents If paid week of Classified he phoned into or left at The Era and Exams office on Main St Newmarket phone at The Misses Wood Store St Aaron office phone PA Aurora at Mrs phsne or any accepted the mail name of sender and address Is clearly indicated advertisement Into nearly homes In North ARTICLES FOR ARTICLES FOR SALE FARM SKID GASOUNE J TANKS 200 gallon gallon SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED t Phone PA St Aurora VENETIAN BLINDS drape tracks drape arms an pin hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone- or apply Harold Craddock Ont ario St Newmarket fl40 LARGE round mahogany table brown double steel bed with springs Easy electric washing machine white insulated icebox Phone Newmarket even- oil A NO to galkii VutM Gauges Filters Vint Fill Caps SNOW BEST LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora TSAVtL it MANY household well as good cloth Mrs St Newmarket LE 1st Phone ARTICLES LADYS figure skates size new with guards Phone Newmarket DINING room suite dark pieces in good condition Cheap for quick sale Phone Newmarket lw40 FALL sale of used sewing ma chines treadles electric port ables and cabinet models also demonstrations at reduced prices machines guaranteed and free sewing courses Terms and liberal trade in allowances Sing er Sewing Centre Main St phone Newmarket TYPEWRITER SALE SCHOOL OPENING all standard models regular price 175 up now late Remington and Underwood Noiseless standard regular price clearing New port able typewriters reduced twelve months to pay Adding machines only Each fully guaranteed 5 deposit balance limited supply grown Montreal Que GIRLS winter coat dark green size Phone New market MODERN white enamel coal or woo1 cop- reservoir stove pipes includ ed Ail in good condition Phone STORM windows and screens Phone Newmarket SEPTIC TANKS to gallon capacity NW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora ELECTRIC washing machine in condition Phone Newmarket or apply St Newmarket REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR Grates Dampers Pipes Bricks Cement SNOW BEST HEATING Phone PA St Aurora FIREPLACE screen and iron Enamel Quebec twoplate electric grjjt sterling silver teaspoons Goo tweed winter coat with Coon col lar size Nearly new bright red crepe dress size Phone Newmarket GOING OVERS nanjp all fOinar sR information rvMvTi rr trip by f The DRU0 Phone or work im to CIV40 OIL burner and pipes Duo Therm used only two months piece dining room suite Apply 6 Oak St markt clw40 LARGE size babys bed Phone Newmarket ACME electric range 3hurner high oven in good working con dition Phone New market ACriVB ftsat Estate ha for SSmmnr I frrrat have Sfe jerfeec You ill twos aiUanA ard paiil Era and PLAYPEN good condition Phone Newmarket cHv40 GIRLS turquoise coat red velvet trim and fur size lining Phone market own travelling of est Write Era x OH Newmarket SALESMEN TO help take care m program with car neat character If your present earnings sr mm CMS TRUCK for present day WOTCK GIRLS green coat with grey fur and hat to size Girls brown coat and leggings size Phone New market KITCHEN this month only 21x30 24X3G Phone or write Geo Jacksons Point SMALL Quebec heater and an nex both in condition Ap ply St Newmarket RED velvet short coat and other clothing size Reason able Phone Newmarket WANTED TO BUY BOYS bicycle frame in food condition Extension table rod four chairs cheap or quick sale Phone Newmarket RUGS Save 50 percent NEW rugs made from your oh rugs carpets wnollcns etc Blankets also made Phone 1028r Newmarket TOOL kit value at new No reasonable offer refused All complete with rase Apply Joe Ros Cellar Valley PIANOS SEVERAL good used pianos completely reconditioned reason ably priced Also new Mason and Risen pianos recently on dis play at the trade fair at cent discount- Ken Pontine Grace St Newmarket phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MANS blue gabardine walking coat Misses maroon blazer printed silk dresses blouses car digan and skirt size Phone Newmarket ACME all white near ly new Phone Newmar ket before am or after pm ROGERS Ma Jest radio and record player Adams phone Newmarket COAL and wood stove white en with in good condition late mode Apply Main St over the Mar restaurant Newmarket Satur day morning tJRNACE coat and COAT size as new Suit brown stripe St Miotic Newmarket IF BACKACHES slowing you up take and help yourself to relief from pains and aches Ask your Druggist USED shotguns and high power ed rifles Morrisons Newmar ket phone SMALL size walnut buffet in condition Phone 1390w Newmarket ANTIQUE weapons We will buy any low arms pistols swords you have either collections or nieces Our repreveota call if re- Write Mr Winona Drive Toronto MERCHANDISE coat trimmed with velvet size excellent baby carriage condition Anplv Andrew St or phone cabinet 3 ft deep double panel ton and bottom slide awav lalii counter too natural with red trim Mrs M Winter bone Newmarket AND PIPES AND all sizes snow rest heating Limited St Aurora LARGE Coleman space heat- for quick cash sale Phone Newmarket Act miiklv for AT ErL Sat Mens heavy weight blue drill work pants with stripe Sizes only Sale price No alterations costs why not lex your home and discuss possi bilities of bettering yourself In terview in the presence of you wife preferred Permanent highearning posi tion for men who qualify box Era and Express tell me when I can come to so you PARTY to take firewood our of woods on shares Phone Mount WORK WANTED TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING for Regular No refunds please for HARDWARE We deliver Phone NEW all pur cloth finished surface in wood metal class leather plasdc against the elements water alcohol rust and protected cars easier stay clean Will last one year come In two iizes and Plume New market TO Song Leav ing pm Phone New market av lime only this bargain diess Mens overcoats- Phone Newmarket rane with now hot- water front Phone PACKARD slippers for women and men Packard i At An Wests IS Main St Newmarket IRRIGATION PUMP LONDON Model Wis gasoline motor tip to completely overhauled Apply Highlands Golf flub An IT room sidle suite and other Items 42 Park Ave Newmar ket el RAISE South American Chin chilla They are not rabbits CHINCHILLA pelts sold in New York for W75 each on June 21st The fur Is In demand Get start- raising this profitable animal Build a business of your own Write to Chinchilla 111 Haddington Ave Toronto Ontario ELECTRIC stove large oven like new small size excellent condition Radio small console model walnut case floor lamps etc Apply Millard Ave phone Newmarket OIL burners for kitchen stove with nines and oil container Ap ply Queen St Newmarket PLYWOOD wardrobes each Marion Arm I ago or phono a FINING room table In con Phone 110ft Newmarket el w40 AND CONDUCTOR PIPE AND SNOW REST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA Yonge St Aurora SEE the new fall and winter mi tines and overcoat samples by Tiros at An Wests New market A perfect fit guaran teed Priced from Up TONY lamb wool sweaters new shades Priced 1K at Aug Wests Main Si New ma jit LARGE healer near ly now Coleman oil burners lor stove Phone New tun KITCHEN eablnet kitchen hoard dining table buffet rock- tag chairs dressers and other articles OUR now fall stylos in womens tress shoes have arrived Mack blue red and black patent and widths Kcllv American Girl Air Step Aug West Main St Newmarket SAVAGE and Packard hoes for children Aug West Main St Newmarket MA HIT shoes for better nt Ant Wests Main St Catalogue on re quest propane 4burnor stove like new Thor electric rotary honor single hods three size walnut double hod spool hod oak round dining table chrome chairs 4 chrome bar stools table oval table niece sectional chesterfield with side chairs bedroom chair no bolstered rocking chairs corner chairs lamps studio gramophone and records Radio typewriter screen and Irons Oak drop front desk mans Other Apply Fred Hirst SERVICE AVAILABLE WELDING CEDAR STREET NEWMARKET PORTA RLE electric acetylene welding government approved holler repairs Verandah made to Ron work all kinds tf4D A A SERVICE SINGLE or multichannel rust proof material used on poles roof or chimney moving and re pairs Reasonable with one euarantoc Phone Newmarket by lug tears tlv most mater ials Mis Cambridge SI Au lvT AND RADIO PICK HP and delivery Phono Newmarket LOCKS KKYKO and repaired Keyed alike or master keyed Poor closers repairs and service Keys cut while you wait Auto keys cut to code and Key Oak Ridges just south of the Windmill tMO REFRIGERATION service Com mercial and domestic sales and service Geo phono Newmarket WHEN extra typing needed phone Newmarket haulage and general J rucking log contracting custom saw work Also stove wood and Phone I4j22 Newmarket twIO girl desires work look ing after children Apply and Express box YOUNG woman would like morn big preferably In Ihone Newmarket DRIVING SCHOOL WILL give driving lessons to anyone Interested in learning to drive With or without car Phone Newmarket CARPENTRY all your carpentry needs call Howard Van Home Builders Store and house repairs Phone CARPENTERING and building stairs alterations and plans drawn Phone your garden makes perfect seed for grass seed or vegetable sod Apply John 10 Maple St Aurora phone PA tMO ENCLISH Rained eurso avail- by the week or day or will make daily visits Excellent Phone mo WANT your radio repaired in a Hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield Milton occasion chairs rebuilt recovered in fabric- Aprdy Ken Sargent Newmarket for downtown Toronto Leaving 530 pm Phone 1462w New market to Toronto Queen and St via St leaving am re turning pm to Friday Phone or 1330 evenings Newmarket filed Frank Cotter St LEAVING am via Hon Mills to Church and Richmond Phone Newmarket IX Toronto Newmarket between and am Returning pm or later if necessary Phone Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket 715 am tlatly to Toronto Returning Phone Newmarket FARM ITEMS GIISON com box Inch In rood condition including pipes Cheap Dunham Yonge St harrow Peering cultivator praclidly new life scales as now nnuliry netting many other odds art ends Phone Mount AH removed your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect lit or Toronto Em LIMITED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WEANED pigs Phone HELP WANTED HOYS for up pins North- end Alloys Newmarket after ScPERlENCED pressor to work In thy plant Steady work Apply Clean- St Richmond Hill or phone Turner STENOGRAPHER for and be quick and articles Phone SO Newmarket phone Queens- 1 accurate Write Era and Express or apply Main St TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs and INSTALLATION MAURICE Phone Sutton 398 WO PROFESSIONAL permanent waves given In your home If sired Irene Sheridan phone St Newmarket WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BRASB RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket EIGHT week eld pigs Apply Arm Race Pine Orchard in PUREBRED Suffolk ewe lambs George phone New cow 2 bob calves Gordon Bend lot con p SHEARUNG Hampshire ram Douglas Thompson phone REGISTERED Suffolk lambs Apply J A Campbell 3 Newmarket or phone Aur ora PA LIVESTOCK WANTEO Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices Cowman 1089 Newmarket Revert charges POULTRY FOR SALE PRODUCE Hi Delivered Win phone Mount A liter or Newmar ket at noon hour or alter pm NO POTATOES for lb bat Delivered In Aurora Maole St Aur- or phone PA hybrid pullets Barred Rock White months old laying Priced to sell Allan phone Mount Albert HAMPSHIRE and months old Phone Mount Albert WEEKS pullets also Plenty of hens Phone Mount Albert

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