I WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Known Drug Stores Keep Wheels Turning Last week was Pharmacy Week fox the druggists and in view of that interesting fact it is worth noting that we have three drug stores in Aurora which have been here a long time Some few years ago we gave a three a place in our panel Know Your Merchants Two of these drug stores have been in existence for over years although in different own erships The Willis Store was owned by Dr Rutherford and Mr A Willis and before that by Mr The late A Willis was the father of the present owner of business Mr J Jock Willis who took over the Ruther ford company after graduating from Toronto university in His son John joined his father graduating from Toronto uni versity in The Willis store dates back to The Store Around years ago the drug store now owned by p Hess Was under the proprietorship of Mr Frank York Who was suc ceeded by Mr J Sloan Mr Hess graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacists in and after spending seven years at Windsor and three years at Norwich he acquired the Sloan business in Mr Hess rep resents the those years Mr Hess store has had only three owner ships including the present own ership Assisting him is the well- known Mr Bryan as quali fied in pharmacy as he is in popu larity The Morning Store John Morning founded his own successful drug store years ago Born in King township within a mile of Aurora he attended Au rora High School and graduated with honors from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in In he established his own busi ness on Main St Aurora follow ing several years experience in drug stores Mr Mornings store severe ly damaged in the calamitous fire which swept Main St in January of this year Since then the Morning drug store has been modernized and reequipped His assistant Miss has been with him for years Thus it will be seen thai Auro ra can boast of possessing three firstclass drug stores where your wants will be met with courtesy and efficiency Reed Mr Ernest Reed the lay pastor of Faith Tabernacle is a Toronto businessman and the son of a Methodist minister He is an Englishman of quiet manner and quiet speech His address to council was remarked as being one of great lucidity and conviction He appeared to be greatly surprised when the mayor presented a petition against the erection of a public building on ihc- purchased lot Mr Reed told Aurora News Page that he failed altogether to understand why any Aurora citizens should oppose the sug gestion of a building for public worship I hope they dont think weve got anything in common with Jehovah Witnesses or the like Of the adherents of Faith Ta bernacle Mr Reed in faith and in prayer and have something in common with Presbyterians Baptists and Ang licans and our mission Is inter denominational in character We believe in Christianity as Christ taught it not in what may be described as He said they were seeking ac commodation for a present num ber of some to worship pers and at present were holding services at the Legion half Picking Specials Last week the Aurora Banner carried a new feature on its edi torial page under the name of J Picking in which references were made to scum journalism and smears and concluding But of course if youre paid for it and you havent any place else to go We would never question J Pickings qualifications as an authority on scum journalism and smears But surely there is still one place left where he can go Hoof Still Leaks Elsewhere something leaking Thousands of dollars have been poured into the old Arena struc ture in an effort at rehabilitation Yet on a very recent visit there on a wet afternoon the rain was still coming through the roof and forming little pools on the new floor The roof seems to have the renovators licked AVOIDING CRITICISM Claim Submission Of Tenders Fairest Method Of Purchase Comment was made by members of council its last meeting on the heavy costs incurred in the pur chases of sand ami gravel One account ran to nearly out of a total exceeding 1500 spent on material mainly concerned with sidewalks Enquiries made in regard to subsequent Questioning of the accounts would have been avoid ed A similar situation arose in during Mr Heirs mayoral term when an order amounting to was completed without the previous consent of council Mr Bel took very strong excep tion to the purchase without the previous consent of council pointing out that procedure per mitted a chairman of a commit tec to spend no more than without such council consent Authorized Chairman It would appear that the pres ent purchases In question were made on the authority of the chairman of the Streets commit tee Ho antecedent Streets com mittee report recommending the purchases were submitted IP council as stated council did confirm the purchases al ready made following soma questions on the high coats In volved on presentation of the accounts the matter of such expenditures Would lead to the conclusion that there has been a change in council method in regard to It seems that much more than formerly is left to the dis cretion of the chairmen of com mittees Strong comment was made to Aurora News Page concerning the omission of tenders for such purchases as sand and gravel since there are a number of mer chants In town Interested in the sale of these materials It was pointed out that the fairest me thod of making such purchases was by tender No Tenders Submitted In the present instance no ten ders were asked for and the purchases were confirmed by council after they had been made subject as we have stated to some questioning from two councillors Had the purchases been made by tender and thus approved by council as a whole i WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES Extracts From Town Accounts Question Costs Gravel Sand enable taxpayers to know where some of their money goes Aurora News Page publishes each a list of major expenses ajfshown through town accounts The following extracts arc from minutes dated October AmericanMarsh Pumps Fire Aurora Banner Co Office expense waterworks total -Aurora- Building Co Arena Aurora hydro Bell Telephone Frank lin Press Debenture printing Metal and ijuj Street signs Rose brothers Sand and gravel Wilson Mower Wilson Hardware te- Accounts Aurora tor sidewalks Wheel and itch resins and man Brick and cement Brothers Sand and gravel Toronto and York Co Centre stripping St and asphalt Waterworks Accounts Marina Construction Watermuin on Wel lington St 27715 Neptune Me ters Ltd James Wil son Excavations for water ser vices 2611 Relief questioned At question time following the reading of the accounts Council and Moffat drew at to the heavy outlay on sand and gravel Councillor Mof fat pointed out that Base Bros accounts appeared in two places on the general accounts and on the streets accounts Councillor Corbet sold the costs for sand and gravel were very heavy For the above October ac counts sand gravel cement and expenses reached a total brick Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor Aurora Social News HALL AURORA OFFICE TELEPHONE PA 74573 PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AMD FIFTYFOUR EDITORIALS REAL DANGER HAZARDS The high wooden fence on the south side of Centre street and around the cornet dn end of street to which called attention ftews of weeks anT increasing movement vehicular JWB the fence In of human safety ft be removed Without The parking on either side Gentle street tU Yonge to in our news columns real dangers cars trucks there and outgoing vehicles if the concerned over safety they will to these dangers columns we must write the truth as we understand it and leave it there Therefore We cannot see what valid reason there is foidleciiona09builS nig of a small church on the north side of St as suggested We are not a scriptural authority but we do recall learning in our youth that where fewp three are gathered together in My Name shall be also Do the objectors desire to place Ob stacles in the way of such gathering together of two or three His Adherents of Faith Tabernacle reportedly fervent power of faith Is it there is enough faith and prayer already abounding Aiirori Without the adding more visible evidence to supijort such a claim For ourselves we are neither as good as We should he could We wouhtpjftce the War of any of our friends saying a prayer lor us Nor will the rights df ifiHgiou3 tical to haw free- of assembly fe wiry of which we in Canada eiqiQy Is it to be that Aurora such a rule The wording of the petition which In fairness to ail we have published is so destitute of grounds of that it convince even a religious heretic must be fuller reasons She petition antin fairness to all concerned thase should bo stated is a funny thing in fact many years Dickens wrote a book in which he was an ass Ass or not unless you by it you can eagijy run into spot of have a liking reading leaves in teacup when they have Did know nig teacup leaves either for a charge or for fl tip can involve you iii prosecution for a breach of the code You may tell someone that lie or she is goodlooking and of an even temper and possessed of a lovable dis position none of which may he true after studying the leaves in their teacups But if you as much as ven ture to forecast what you think may happen to them in the future that is you make your self liable for prosecution Statesmen are always busy forecasting the future without risk of imprisonment Therefore if you wish foretell the future your safe plan is to get into parliament Otherwise if you read teacups to foretell thjs even if the proceeds are for a church bazaar you risk a heavy penalty hands of which Dickens said was an ass There are all of laughs that no two people have the same of laugh One of the biggest men we have ever with an expanse of chest as broad as a goodsized doormat made a little but loud like an aged soprano cracking on high C Another man his opposite in size used to break forth in a deep boom like the roll of distant thunder Whats in a laugh A good deal we think There are some people with a laugh that makes you shudder There is another kind of laugh that breaks off in parts and resumes again like a crowing rooster with hiccups There is what is known as the dirty laugh There is the infectious laugh that holds all within earshot in a spell of laughter There is the bellylaugh broad and deep and contagious with mirth Hut of all the laughs that we dislike most is the loud laugh that speaks the vacant mind It usually comes from some Big Shot who wants to be noticed When you hear it on the street you look around and there sure enough hes laying down the law to some body and loudly guffawing at his own wit Until he closes some door behind him there is no escape from that asinine bellow It isnt a laugh its an uproar place is a good place to build a church In any case the lot has been bought Its are some feet frontage with a length of feet Pastor Present Mr Ernest Reed who resides on Kennedy St was present at council He ex pressed very great surprise that objections to proposed build of the church should have been made by Aurora residents and said they had never con templated such opposition We are informed that Faith Tabernacle of which Mr Reed COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Delegate Says Weve Been Around Like A Ball If variety is the spice of life then we have the spice of life at council for we have variety Last meeting was dull dreary and doleful taking the meeting as a whole Three episodes saved it from total ennui first these was the an odd place to build a churchy of Constable William the answer was made that any hangman He came in to talk council ihe subject making contacts easier between the hi of There had been criticism of police said eonstaWe and it hurt It because the police were trying to give one hundred I fact that Aurora is almost is best testimony can be offered to the Aurora police force But being human iiindi not it is possible that some time or other services will be urgently called lor arid they will be a some spot where they cannot be contacted- Improved Services As he spoke Constable Lang- man looked tired and worn said he had been on all that day and the night grevious a break The unfortun ate illness of Dunham had naturally put an extra on the staff But the constable convincingly and lucidly lie suggested the installation of a twoway radio service on the police cruiser If the police could stay in the office all day and all night there would bo no problem But in or der efficiently to patrol the town they have to cover considerable distances- It has happened that while thus occupied calls have been put through for them and there has consequently been fail ures to contact them The police are not to blame for such failures which have arisen out of Iheir attention to patrol duties Council has had this matter under discussion for some lime but no solution has yet been offered What will happen now will proceed wo understood recommendations from a committee to council Meanwhile wo think it will ho generally acknowledged that in ell the circumstances the police have done and are doing a fine job We do not the people of Aurora will hesitate to agree to any reason able proposals which wilt the police services even costs some money police protection is a vital necessity for Hie community Opposition To Church was rather surprising hear a petition read at council opposing the erection of a new church proposed to bo built on the north side of Tyler St opposite the Leather building was sign ed by over forty residents There no suggestion the church would be way on based pcared to that a haz ard would be created The to that that parking would be arranged at the rear of the The basis d the opposition ft be extremely flimsy ha that lit was in fact only a peg oh which to the petition the been asked whether some people in Aurora are op posed to freedom of worship To the suggestion that it was Miss M Smith spent Thanksgiving with Miss EL Davis St Miss Shirley Mclntyre spent the weekend at her home on Spruce St Miss Jean was home for Thanksgiving with her par ents Mr and Mrs Lambert Will- son Miss Carol Fish spent Thanks giving with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs O Bell Toron to Mr and Mrs were guests of Mr and Airs Roy at Thanks giving Mrs Toronto a weekend the home of Mrs Graharh Centre Mr Oliver sjjentijhe with his parents Mr and Mrs H Wl speaker at the annual Thanks giving meeting of thex St Pauls Brampton taking as her siibjeet Thanksgiving and At S Work at the afternoon and ev ening sessions At both meet ings she pointed out the great success of the Toronto branch of the which had raised much as 192000 of its objec tive of for missions in 1955 At the close of the ses sions Mrs Fish was presented with a bouquet of flowers The Aurora held a successful fashion show and bridge at the Tuesday evening of last week Mary Jane Bowyer and Miss Sharpe Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Oliver Mrs J Emmons and Mrs visited Mr and Mrs and Miss a King of Mr- and Mrs J B Garstang gave party for their younger daughter Patricia on Saturday last when she celebrated her tenth birthday i what needed you are said one of the delegation just as said batted around a ball and dont know where are It was suggested that some members of council proceed Toronto and approach the authorities at Park and find out just where council stood The mayor however instruct ed the town clerk to telephone the department the following morning and ask for direct formation on what council had is the lay pastor is the title of to do to get the subdivision go- ait interdenominational church and form of worship whose cen tral principle is faith Of Mr himself we have written some notes in What They Are Saying It was pointed out by the mayor that regard would have to be paid to the petition which did not mean that an application for the building of the proposed church would necessarily be turned down No valid rea sons for the rejection of such an application were given by any member of council if and when it were made ft town lit Ontario gained notoriety refusal of a supply food to colored Aurora will also gain ait ijjjfr pleasant notoriety fact be publicized that it has freedoms of worship to the e tent of rejecting an for the building of a church to a body of conventional worships pers Hilarious Situation The thirds episode which saved the last meeting of council from close to the first stages of an Irish Wake was the renewed appearance of a detega- concerned with Mr Gordon Timbers proposed subdivision east of the railway trucks Several months ago Mr Tim bers came to council and was informed that it was hi agree ment that Official Plan be amended to the effect that what was designated as in dustrial area should be altered to a residential urea so that he could develop a subdivision This decision by council was to be referred to the planning board for action Nothing more has been heard on the matter until Mr and his friends came back to the council meeting A hilar situation resulted when one J of the speakers said they had been butted around a ball He said they were- no further forward than before The planning board it knew nothing of the proposed change the Official council had Knew it emerged that the mutter had been brought up at a planning board meeting anil the consult- ant was said to council would issa ft few- Reference to the act however did itot show that any bylaw was needed It ap peared therefore that the eon himself did not fully Timbers said he had in vited a representative of the health department to look at his Subdivision and when he did so he said he had no business to be there as the Official Plan hadnt so far been changed After it was agreed to get the desired information by telephone the delegation withdrew with Mr Tunbers saying he would now go back to his farm Zoning iBclJeve not at the sug gestion of some members of it then agreed to Call a special meeting to con sider the zoning bylaw This was tot October said It might not for him to one that dissolve Into a committee Having dissolved itself coun cil fS a whole emerged Intact the dissolution with Coun cillor saying Move we adjourn Mr and adjourn It did at pm J WILLIS PhmB Druggist The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone PA For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE Yonge St Aurora Telephone PA AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads MISSES WOOD St Aurora Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The D HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel PA Emergency Calls Telephone PA SVPR10R WALL PANT To Place A Classified Phone Aurora PA 74573 OR Newmarket PETITION AGAINST CHURCH Proposal To Erect A Church or St Stirs Protest Pine Orchard Co CEDAR VALLEY fa Phone Mount Albert 2916 iSVthe Inst meeting of I he town against the of a designed for use of public worship opposed by the sriuilories in fairness to all the full text supporting names of the is hereunder To the Town Of Aurora We the undersigned taxpay ers and residents of Tem perance and Mill Street district of the Town of Aurora protest against the granting of a permit to build a public building on part of Lot Plan north side street which we under stand has been sold by Mr Mel Wilson We would point out that this location is not suitable for public building of any kind We would also draw to your the parking haz ard that would be created as there are no parking facilities available in the neighborhood this day of Sep tember Kenneth Mrs Chapman George Black A Patrick Ed Al White White Mrs Profit Green Profit Mrs Davidson Chapman Mrs- Allan Profit Mr Allan Profit Mrs Helen Newton Mr Newton Mr J Hope Mrs J Hope Karl Mrs Fred Ifenney Mrs Doug Case Eva Wilson J Wilson J Isabel Reynolds Thus Mrs White Arthur White Jean fitarkey George Bald win Louise Kenton Mrs J Me Mrs A P Mr A P Hois Mr P Mrs P Mrs Richard Daly Mr Richard Daly Mr Norman El mer Mrs Rita Elmer Mrs El mer Frances Watson Guv Watson Mrs- Roberts S Wells Pauline Mr and