v Business and Professional INSURANCE FIRE BURGLARY AUTO AND LIFE Hew and sued cars inancd Bill St PHONE MmKtSPNUlI MM ABSUKANOI Of VandtrVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone DR W DENTIST 150 Main Street Newmarket Phone MISCELLANEOUS Lawn Garden Equipment SALE SERVICE GUI ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING House Farm and Industrial Wiring Free Estimates DOUG BAIN Ontario St- Box Phone Newmarket EVANS newmarket Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phone 5 Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling EVANS FUELS Distributor In Newmarket and District Four generations are photographed above Seated is Mrs Marian Jane holding her great granddaughter Dorothy Lorraine age three and a half months Standing at left is Dorothy Lorraines grandfather Harry Everton and right her father John Wesley Newmarket FASHION SHOW Queensville News Mr and Mrs Jim Harry had Thanksgiving and family Toronto spent Sun- dinner with Mr and Mrs Cyril day with his parents Mr and at Lansing Mrs Byron Mr and Mrs Don and family nave returned from Saskatchewan where they have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson spent the holiday in Ottawa The library will now on Saturday afternoon from to Mr and Jars Claire Smith Windsor visited his parents Mr and Mrs J Smith over the weekend Mrs Sr Mr and Mrs Jr Islington and Mrs A Clayton spent Thanksgiving with their mother Mrs Jacob Smith Mrs Cooper has had her mo ther from Quebec visiting her recently Mrs Haddon Falls spent last week with her friend Mrs Archie Smith Childrens Styles To Lingi Included In King Wl Showing Mrs Annie Morris who Laura spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Ed Cole Aurora You are cordially invited to attend the Trail Ranger show to be held in United church on Friday Oct at pm This is special entertain- meat of technicolor movies highlighting Plan to get rid of all your papers cardboard magazines books and coat hangers by neat ly tying them in bundles and leaving them at your gateway by on Saturday Oct The Trail Rangers will be glad to pick them up Mrs Newmar ket is spending a few weeks with Mrs P The Evening Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday Oct in the United church at 8 Guest speaker will be Mrs Mrs Leonard 11 The Newmarket Era ami Express Thursday Oct It New Green Phone Directories Being Distributed Week It may not ho on any Hat issued it r-IMWif- Mb little action but the new- covered Telethon directory delivered mis weeks in been will have ttSttngt Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Cleaned and Repaired fipyKnJw HILL and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Hough or Dressed For the first time in this area lingerie was shown fashion show when the fall and winter styles for milady and her small fry were previewed on September The show and afternoon tea were sponsored by the King Womens Institute un der the general convenership of Mrs Cora Specht Held at the home of Mrs Glenn Sawyer King Side Road the show drew its audience from Newmarket Aurora Maple King and other centres The entire proceeds went to the Wo mens auxiliary York County hospital and merchandise from the Jack and Jill and Dawsons Ladies Wear were presented by King City models Shown were the everpopular skirt and sweater inatch combinations which are so suitable for the school girl and her busy mother One skirt tailored from fine English wool showed this falls trend to more softness with less bulk There were tailored dresses presented in the fashion show which were designed to lead double life One of these striped wool jersey In soft sooty charcoal the formfitting princess line and with its own Jacket gave trig en look which is so import- ant to fashions profile this sea son Colored Hate With it was worn a pink vel out hat Colored are hay their heyday whoa the remainder of costume a sleet grey or soft hoig the perky adds the finish ing zip With a striking color a a The tweedy look is not confined to top coat OB suits It seen in afternoon no longer ah inbetween stage for girls when they are too old for the childrens stylings and too young for the teenagers fa shions Now they have clothes designed specifically for them Many such outfits were shown in the Jack and Jill presentations One of these a lime wool dress had a tailored top with angora trimmings and a wide skirt Another had its tradi tional middy top treated to the extra spark of velvet trimming This dress had a full graceful skirt Lined jeans with their match ing flannelette shirts a popular style with both the small types who wear them and their mo thers who face the laundry problems were shown in the collection as were station wagon coats with their matching ski trousers and hats One well dressed young man of about three years ot age gave the boys viewpoint on ml fa He wore smartly tatt ered grey longs in a new corded material that is light in weight but destined to hold a sharp crease With it he wore a white shirt like dads complete with French cuffs and a and white sleeveless pullover and Filmy Lingerie the lingerie torn sons that had to lo cal audiences were many dreamy creations of nylon fine Mid night Wagitf gown of richly colored perm pleating topped by at swirling black nylon Black French lace underlined by the colored sheet tricot formed the bodice was rich In braid A green satin housecoat had a bodice which intricate staying with her sister John has returned to her home in Miss Emma To ronto was home for Thanksgiv ing Mr and Mrs John Finder spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs Ken Davis and husband at Lake of Bays Mrs Annie OConnell Is a pa tient in York County hospital Mr and Mrs Gordon and Mr and Mrs Roy Davis Barbara and Dorothy visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Angus Smith on Sunday Miss Pearl Gynne and Mr will be in charge of worship ser vice Hostesses Mrs J Mrs Cooper Mrs J Clark Mrs Mrs J Kava- Mrs Johnston Ladies of Newmarket Evening have been Invited to attend this meeting Mrs visited Mr and Mrs Dave at Baldwin last week Mrs has returned to Boags after spending two weeks with her son Gordon at Master Robert and Master Keith Wright Aurora spent Thanksgiving Weekend with their grandmother Mrs P than any likely appear this year Unlike moat the Belt company oaks discard previous it books There arc arid changed listings in the new rectory Bell manager here said and the con tinued use of the obsolete book would result in wrong He urged each customer to bring the Blue Book of Tele phone Numbers up to dale by checking it against the new di rectory Pocketsized copies of the Blue Book are now available at the Bell office They axe being facing has ptcfei4 eliminating W Information ait local Be gtowth during the past year in the territory served by the directory the Increase in the number of distributed from to 14475 In Newmarket the increase is from to 2750 The direc tory contains listings for tele phones in Aurora Richmond Hill Sutton bridge Thornhill and surround ing territory well as Newmar ket t3 JfQ yjr Parity was by the wear- Delivered on the job by truckl ability several tweed business dresses and padding back and front and the skirt had the graceful sweep of a hostess gown With it Write for prices Ontario Bookings for Sea and Air BUREAU Authorized Agent for All Steamship Lines Main Street Newmarket Phone siiin WALL which were Authentic their own year and continue as the correct and casual fail Wear Slacks with veskit and spirt in the were who identical white turtle- pecked pullovers to titftw beauty in the fashion wis a prihcc line with a fall MiOff It was in A black velvet semble Winter modelled high collars and haft leas fullness than last year ted coat favor Shown for the lh the small miss and the With the half size figure One laiIorei suit in trimly styled blue flannel was smart simplic ity itself It had a skirt with easy stride back pleat and was designed to flatter the shorter fuller figure Small Types Styles Gone are the days when mo thers had to choose between style practicability They hand- inhand todays fa shions for the young There is a gown fashioned with double- insets of nylon mesh and lace at the front of the draped bodice The shoulder straps were edged nylon Vol lace and three elastic waist fori a lit Over tier arm the carried a matching Lets Redecorate the Miss Blight Wall paper litdi To discussed current trends in home coordinat ed draperies and coverings In both the old and nerw Blight presented the courtesy of L Stephens and San Newmarket She art experienced interior decorator who has spoken to groups throughout the province had a of shows at the Ottawa and London exhi bitions and the Canadian Na tional Toronto this The church was decorated on Sunday morning for Thanksgiv ing with fruits and vegetables Among the visitors we were pleased to see were Mr and Mrs any Draper Cordova Those who were unable to at tend the first meeting of the and School on Thursday evening missed an interesting and informative talk by Miss the public health who serves this community through the York County Health Unit She outlined she will give both in the school and in the homes Regular monthly visits will be made to the school when the will he examined the parents wilt he advised of any inspected disabilities of AX hearing or of disease the throat etc They will then referred to the family doctor diagnosis and treatment Miss also explained the program of immunization lor Diphtheria and Small pox which will be carried out commencing Friday Oct parents of children wish to take advantage- of toxoid are invited to firing for at I Jtjiatj Whooping cough toxoid yLso be included for the- pre- children In a reading given by Don it was expluinedi children art promoted to a grade while An the j me grade and of Iho same age- ire not ft was pointed nut a childs mind as his he forced in its just as children vuy in icul development the same is Iruoj il mcniol development One grade one child may spend getting to school while make iXvelieht progress in reading and Success or failure depends on 2 j the attitude of the parents and of the pupils toward school and teachers as well as the training of the child The imporl of giving little ready access to books and ex plaining to them and allowing them to explain pictures was stressed Because of the change in meth ods of teaching parents who try to help their children without consulting the teacher sometimes confuse them A discussion followed this with the teachers Mrs and Jf a r questions and explaining relating to the course of and methods of teaching The mothers in cooperation with the teachers are planning party for children of all ages in the community Prizes will be given for costumes as well a treat for all the children The parents will appreciate the of the trustees who gyve their time to resurface the Hour of boys J rf FOR HEALTHIER CHICKENS and better egg production To your vigorous and egg production in winter month CONCRETE BLOCKS Itll be warm am and vermin LOCAL AGENT I NEWMARKET IgTSAUJLSTIlsPECIFlCaTIOHS 1 LIMITED Ms -if- rvv r A Newmarket Aurora and district skaters don ned the blades over the week end for the opening three nights of skating at the Newmarket arena reports manager Stan Smith On Oct opening night total was skaters Oct and on the Thanksgiving holiday 225 JUNIOR FARMERS ERECT SIGNS ON CONCESSION ROADS Members of the Ju nior Farmers have been in King township identi fy concession roads have been posted between concessions nine and two on the highway They are fur the convenience of the travelling public said president of the Signs also are being put up on north nlin between and the Conces sion project adopted by the club last spring and approved by Kin township council wilt cost the organisation signs were made painted and erected by members of the club They plan to extend signs east ward on the town line extension During a fir fell of highway No 9 to the second on Vancouver I concession near found to be year Birthday wishes are extended ibis week to Alary Carolyn Aurora years old Friday Wendy Ann New market I year old mi Saturday let Haines years old on Saturday Oct Larry Fried years old on Saturday Oft Carolyn Sutton years old on Saturday Oct Marilyn Nora Wilkinson Shar on years old on Sunday Oct James Aurora years old on Sunday Oct Preston It It New market years old on Sunday Oct Fletcher Newmarket years old on Sunday Oct George Kay Cedar 11 old on Monday 11 Merlin Take years old on Monday Newmar ket years old on Tuesday Oct 12 Karen Ann Ma Jr Toronto years old on Tuesday Oct Donna Johnson Newmarket years old on Wednesday Oct Send in your name address a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club v I S rf hi Li I il tfcs mm No other Deafly haft a tub inside tub Humaa as fait and clean iKan others ball bearing machanisrtivj stronger No belli Life GIFT VALUE Aim A A TRADEIN AND UP EXTRAS EUhk Blank you than wool ft with 9 control Unit olt DOWN -y- -p-