k Pages from the i Notebook Last week readers received their copies of the Era and Ex press as far as they were con cerned as usual But there was nothing usual about it In fact we were close to having no Era On Wednesday night four sombre faced members of the staff including ourselves held a top brass consultation and almost decided that print ing the paper was impossible- All the trouble was over a simple looking gear which stripped its IS cu shortly be fore the end of the second press run The Km is printed in four prows the first start ing Tuesday afternoon The reason for the four runs Is Hani our circulation has increased but the capacity the same old press has not week we were almost at the string and bating wire ft was shortly before seven oclock Wednesday evening when this impudent gear on tho newspaper folder lost ail Its teeth- The pressman recalled that he heard a grinding noise somewhere in the machinery and he that he brought operations to a halt as soon as he could- The pressman and the foreman like a couple of bird dogs put their heads into the jumble of gears and roll ers and out with the mangled part They entered the editorial sanctum and placed a greasy groundup cog on our desk stepped back two paces and stood there as if they expected us to wave a magic wand over it and cause it to grow teeth again We looked at the cog and knew immediately that this was serious- It was more serious for example than the time last year when the rollers melted on the final press run during a hot spell and went slush all over the type at top speed We looked the foreman in the eye but we knew that he didnt know whether there was or was not a gear like the bat tered one in hand between here and Omaha Nebraska where the folding machine was manufactured We tried to be calm and as a lefs not lose our heads pose When people get excited more accidents always happen But it was difficult with three experienced print ers staring us in the face With the forced manner of a top business executive we started the process of elimination We phoned the type foundry in Toronto no night service no answer And no one new the salesmans first name so we couldnt phone him That ave nue of escape was closed off As we said before when people get excited accidents happen One of our junior members of the composing room staff was pacing up and down the floor chewing on a match He thought of some thing to say turned around opened his mouth and swal lowed the match As the rest of us tried to contain our mirth he rushed over to the wash basin choking inserted his finger half way down his throat and removed the match might have choked to death he indignantly It was the foreman who brought us back to sanity by pointing to the greasy gear on the table make new teeth for it we said Mr Racine went to work with a drill and started to inset steel teeth but he shat tered the remainder of the cog Mr then thought of an old model washing machine which had bevel gears of the type we required So a hunt began The remainder of this yarn every word of which is true sounds like one of those detec tive stories on the radio The search went to the cellar of Mr house for washing ma chine gears but there were no gears to be found A light was burning in the hall and we dropped in there The fire men suggested Mr Joe Wood cocks machine shop We rush- to Mr Woodcocks machine shop but he could not help us A model Ford had bevel gears in it but they like what you want he said We went to the residence of Mr Stewart one who deals in washing machines Mr was not at home and his daughter said she would to help get the paper out but thought there was nothing she could do When wo were back at the office Mrs phoned and said she would open up the back shop and we could search for gears- We madly rushed to the Hearts again but Mrs could not find the key to the back shop Clutching at straws by this time we phoned Mr Art mer about old Beatty washing machine gears He had thrown out all his old parts and besides he said they were di rect onetoone that is By this time we were completely familiar with gears Our little gear with teeth was suppos ed to drive another little gear with teeth You couldnt fool around with the number of teeth otherwise the entire machinery would be out on its timing and utter confusion fraught with despair would follow But Mr directed us to the residence of a young gentleman on Hamilton St by the name of Mr John He has a basement full of lathes tools and parts of every description except a degree bevel gear with teeth Unfortunately he did not have the proper cutting tool to fashion one himself But Mr knew another machinist in Aurora who might just be able to cut that gear We were directed to Mr Harry who sometimes plays in the Newmarket Citizens Band We forgot to ask him what instrument he plays Be ing employ of the To ronto Star engineering depart ment he was most helpful He and found a cutting i in his machine shop and offered to night on a lathe making the gear which would complete our press run But wclid not ask Mr to work all night with out sleep because he knew of place jit Toronto where we could pick up the right gear readymade the next morning In fact he told us of three places it was nearly midnight back at the office when we settled a plan of operations for the next day To make a longer story short papers on the second run were folded by hand a laborious task and the next morning Mr picked up the required gear in Toronto with only three or four minor hitches We com pleted the press run on time and as far as our readers knew nothing unusual happened We learned many things in that period of stress We now know what a bevel gear is and about ratio and pitch we also know of a new type of lubri cant We should have been using to prevent gears from found out that machinists are good people They love problems no matter how late the hour and they will go to no end of trouble to help some one who has a broken machine In fact the greater the chal lenge the better they like it We have a great respect for machinists now Apologies to Ginger this week for taking so much space Catnips had to bo left out WEST SHIVERS EAST SWELTERS Take the thermometer reading of both and Western divide by two and the resulting temperature might be Sllwrner Individually the temperatures fn Alt Helen write degrees Upmarket and Express MCMttll ft NEWSPAPERS Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York Newmarket Era The Express Herald 1895 Published ovary Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription for two years for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN Managing Womens From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago ON GEORGE editor I Job and Production THE EWiWmiMA PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR VIEWS ON SWIMMING POOL PROJECT We received a letter last week on the subject of a project for a community swimming pool The writer seems to have bad taste left from a former community recreation project At first we hesitated to publish the letter because the writer had not signed his name pre ferring to sign it One for fair play but since we have heard similar opinions expressed by other citizens we decided not to hold back the letter He or she writes as follows Congratulations to you for putting Newmarket in the limelight once again The swim across Lake was one of the most successful stunts I have ever seen You and your helpers deserve a lot of credit for this production This swim will no doubt be talked about for many a year to come Most of the citizens Us New market realize that we need a swimming pool This fact was shown by the number of people who attended the Lake swim I am sure all organizations in town would be ready to help with the project There is no doubt that it could be done Now is the time to get started However there seems to be a little reluctance on the part of a good many citizens to step forth and help because of something which took place here a few years ago A certain project was carried out and a great deal of volunteer labor was given At the time great pro mises were given as to the running of this establishment These promises were all forgotten as soon as the work was done Those who did the most work were shoved aside and the important people took over That is what the majority of citizens are afraid will happen to the swimming pool If this is to happen we would be far better off without one I feel very strongly that we should have a pool but it happened once it could happen again The answer to the writer is that when a mistake is made- once it is less likely to be made a second time But it our opinion that the swimming pool project should be with caution There is much ground work to be done Theft will many conflicting opinions among citizens whether to have an outdoor pool or an indoor pool about size cost maintenance and location As it was suggested a pub lic meeting should be held All those who are interested could then voice their opinions and an estimate could be made on the amount of support such a project could be expected to receive A public meeting may be called soon THIS NEWSPAPER A We noticed that other weekly newspapers have written a considerable amount of copy on the theme newspaper week which has passed We have little use for many of the weeks going on practically every week the year and we are not enthusiastic newspaper week As long as this newspaper is doing its job and people of the community read it we are satis fied We do not intend to tell our readers they should place their fingertips together say we should be that we our newspaper We are certain that the- public would react if the publication this newspaper were stopped We read of the death of a British magazine John Londons Without notice lit the previous issues and without warning to its editorial staff and contributors it was announced in the last 3U0 that the publishers would cease for economic reasons to publish the magazine Many literary magazine friends and effort had been made to keep the magazine going Some thought that the economic reasons did not Was losing money but that it Waiting enough money publishers possibly of other types 00 they could market which would bring in If the survival of this the amount of profits it probacy outfit polish John The iuiportauco of a good pyuHsatioO in our view it provuloa and tost that it a expression a the size of Newmarket a newspaper sometimes the only voice which will out Wo citizen refuse viiic opinion for fear Ul good will council citizens or citizen recently ait WOtlliWife put his te that editorial and get away In my business I cant he said This admission us a good Idea that the newspaper is appreciated CONGRATULATE THE FIREMEN There is no better municipal fire department than Newmarkets The department has a new fire hall two trucks and good equipment But more important than the fell and the equipment are the members of the volunteer brigade who are doing a great service to the community The firemen do more than answer the fire signal when it is sounded Last week for instance they did a fine job in public relations and education during fire prevention week Contests on fire prevention sub jects were held in the schools cleanups and refuse col lections made every householder mindful of fire and open house on Saturday again reminded children and parents of the importance of good protection against fires Members of the brigade are to be congratulated for their efforts and their interest in the community They spend many hours drilling learning how to operate new equipment and ensuring that all equipment will function perfectly when it is needed Besides offering protection against fire the spirit in which the firemen work helps make Newmarket the fine communitv it is THIS IS NOT FOR QUEBEC 1 do not agree that Quebec cannot be a province like the others I do not fear that if our culture is placed beside others it will wither and perish I do not fear that we may be absorbed or annihilated in North America Those were the words uttered by Prime Minister St Laurent recently in Quebec Approv ing the prime ministers the financial Post says this is not It is almost a long time the senior and Federal Government at Ottawa has been patient For a long time the people of Quebec and the rest of Canada have been patient Itt the eyes tho whole world Canada has been making gigantic strides nd poli tically We are a big country with a future Quebec with a substantial share the nations popula tion territory industry and raw materials- has shared well in that progress and it has every right to expect to continue to share substantially But it pos sibly share either equally or substantially if its people are subject to extra taxation if its educational institu tions are deprived of revenue if as a province it is not permitted to cooperate with its sister provinces No Canadian has the slightest desire to deprive Quebec or the citizens of Quebec of any rights of language religion or customs Any foolish notions there may have been along that have long since disappeared Above all no sincere Canadian wants to deprive Quebec of the right to grow and develop with the rest of Canada No one wants to make Quebec a martyr except the little narrow group which would take that province backward into the past Mr St Laurent has met their challenge squarely and all Canada including Quebec will applaud ECONOMICS man Statesman The problem of surpluses says Agriculture Minister Gardiner cannot be solved by giveaways The theory of giveaway economics which Mr Gardiner rightly renounces is that a country can prosper by encourag ing farmers to produce more fe needed to meet demand and then using the- taxpayers money to pur chase the resulting surpluses to give those surpluses to other countries Mr Gardiner knows whereof he speaks Federal support prices for butter have encour aged production to the point- where there is far more than is needed to meet demand Those time have been lessened by the decision authorities to sell the surplus butter to at prices far below the sum which the using the taxpayers money paid to industry for the butter in the first place the Agriculture Minister says such giveaway economics is ao solution to the problem of surpluse plainly that what is needed is to get of the support subsidies which caused the overproduction in place If such he the support of every housewife in Canada Is not of on fct and it i not ftMdJon of fo of OCT will fee to the Iho and to know that the section of fac tory ii now occupied by the Canned Meat Co and operations commenced last morning The stall will he increased a work pro gresses prospects are very favorable for a permanent In The prompt action of IR firemen in responding to an alarm of lire shfltrtly before nine on Tuesday even ing saved a probable confla gration Some parks from furnace chimney on the com modious residence of Mr on St set the roof on lire and it wa not noticed until a hole had burnt through and sparks were falling in the attic The fire was quenched by the chemical apparatus without throwing any water consequently die damage was very small covered by Insur ance After waiting all summer on account of Mr Green breaking his collarbone the Era Office looks considerably brighter with its new coat of paint Misses Gwendolyn and Mar are visiting their uncle Dr Gilbert on handy Ave OCT On the invitation of Miss Cane about 25 young people had jolly time riding to Aurora in a hay rack on Thursday evening of Jast week On their return refreshment were served at the residence of father Mrs J- Cane Two of our high school grad uates Messrs Tim Wesley and Will sailed from Montreal yesterday for Glas gow Scotland accompanied by another man from Owen Sound The three are over to take a theological course in the Glasgow Univers ity preparing to enter the of the church Dr Bruce Smith who atterd- in few market along with the editor of 5Jra p removing frwa Toronto Mr Chit Miss Case In the city over Mr of DaiFy Farmer The Top Six Inches was town yesterday Mrs Isnv Mrs Jackson and Mrs attended the conven tion in Weston yesterday today If you didnt have a day at the fair we would like to say that you should have had one any way That special fall fair at mosphere which on a good daw is made up of frying onions the noise of the merrygoround the roar of the tractors and other implements being demonstrated all this mixed with crisp fall air and hazy sun is of the pleasures of the year The cattle and horses parade with coats slick and manes and tails silky Children wearing funny hats arid carrying funny canes and some things that make noises amble around aim There are also men around wearing colored badges and they sometimes look pretty aimless too Because all through the hustle and bustle of the day one can also see that buildings are neglected and sometimes pretty That rail ings are broken and the grand stand must have taken a deep breath and trying to hold through just one day The fait fairs still have their magic and they still have their draw on people question is arc they grnwiftg with the times and are they for ward tu the changing age or are they living on their former reputations We are afraid that they have become or rather their directors have became too shortsighted They have been on the job in some cases too long and they brought up a new generation of to and their places when the time comes One mustnt be too hard on volunteer put in a lot of effort to make the day of the fair a big event and suc cess But will not the community in most has a financial stake or responsibility for neglecting a job The job is neglected is planning and looking ahead In most cases the the job well done the the backroom be hind the secretarys over shadows the job that is dune that of growing with times We all know fails which carry on a few thousand dollars effort on a million dollar real estate property Their midways are getting shabbier as the years go on and their livestock dhows are getting smaller Occasion ally new interests are added by rodeos other attractions but mostly they live on the fact that the crowds next our populat ed areas are getting bigger and thus are bigger crowds there less for them to see Jfbr is there any need in this age of good roads to have three or four tu the county York for example The com- of these fairs almost build- an along No highway to equal the livestock section There could be greatest county of the continent in where the livestock and crowds to sec them located it could run this time of year for a- week and the com munities which up the original could have owndays and when it ill uver the could provide of tor r sales meetings and wintu events The variety director Had a table for junior- tomer exhibit and says with his chest Doit but me it tuna gmwn up to be a fa US is just as much of an achronism us plowing with a team at oxen The pub lic it it even doesnt WEDDING BECOMES CITY CELEBRATION ftauu Mr nd Mrs James D of Sauk Ste Marie Oat found the focal point of Interest of ten when their mirrUg coincided with the golden they- their departure 1904 with toe