GUARANTEED FULL YEARS THE NEW ONLY AT CANADIAN ARMORGLASS OWES Yt my aw r pel cm lie Wis The it tower mi jre- fallvrt can a a VET BOOTS LOHGEB LIFE la Ike m is J Ibis cols we all rtfiaiilf pay Ike bibb SATE AT Big Allowance For Your Old Battery Thank Offering Service At Trinity Torifght For Three if MS Groups The three auxiliaries of the MS Trinity United church New market will join in a Thank Of fering service at the church Oct pm The hostess organization will be the After noon auxiliary- Members and friends of the Evangeline auxili ary and the Junior Evening aux iliary are invited to attend The guest speaker will be Mrs There will he a social halfhour This joint program will take the place of the regular meetings for the three groups JEWELLERY MISSING Theft of jewels valued at 2000 has been under provincial police taken from the Henry Borden home at Tannery Hill Farm west of King City They belonged to Mrs Borden A silver jewel case confining the jewellery was missing from her bedroom dress ing table after Mr end Mrs lin den returned home late Saturday They had been away from home several hours Police the valuables were stolen sometime Saturday afternoon when the house was unoccupied for a period of minutes The house was not locked said Of the four rings taken one was valued at and pins were among the miss ing articles Case of the provincial detachment investigated NORTH Weeks Of Delay Prevent Investigation Of Possible Building Law Infractions Month Guarantee MORPOWER Heavy Duty at PLATE BIB LIST SIMS Your or fcffr a Ifltnal mtrt imp Dependable tot driving Ming moil popular cars fans fett opacity SAY With your old y 995 tod 0 and 2Year Guarantee Super Service REG LIST Your Old Bolt for all More proles cell give instant action with ampin power fill mat ton tits fad pro4utt ftc SAVE With your SUCCESSFUL TEA IS HELD BY WOMENS AUXILIARY A successful afternoon tea white elephant sale and sale of home baking were held under the auspices of the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary at- the home of Mrs George Case on September Receiving the guests were Mrs Noble president of the the hostess and Mrs Rogers representing Miss Lillian Thomas superintendent of nurses for York County hospital Mrs Frank Courtney convened the tea Mrs it was in charge of the bake sale and Mrs Alex MacKay conducted the white elephant sale Over 210 was raised for Hospital auxiliary work Residents of Beach Lake have been making regular appearances at North township council meetings complaining of what they say is an infraction of the township building bylaw by Garrett who lives at that beach V The bylaw states that no building shall be erected closer than feet from any road Miss Dorothy Campbell as spokesman for the beach associ ation at the last meeting of- the council on October said that it was the fifth time she had at tended a council meeting a for action regarding the break ing of the bylaw by Mr and Mrs Garrett She pointed out that the mem bers of council had that by the township soflcltorijoseph Vale the Garrett by engineer Wallace Donfieifc made and the plan was siibrriit- market Mr Sad refused ffle If was signed fegft surveyor plan was to have been sent employers WildS and To- P fesiiied by phone Miss Campbell asked if did or did not think ffiaKl new surveyor should be hired Deputyreeve Richardson said it has taken entirely too long Councillor James Clark said Township affairs have been too long being cleaned up Are you going to stall and Stall asked Miss Campbell Deputyreeve said that council was unanimous in taking action but Donneil keeps putting us off and off Clerk Winch said he had checked with the township solicitors office before coming to the meeting and the plan had not been received Miss Campbells suggestion that council appoint a certified surveyor have the property sur veyed and proceed immediate ly Miss Campbell asked coun cil several times during the dis- cussipgi too you think there is intrigue going on between and of council closed this phase of the meeting by saying that they expected to be meeting ion October and would see transpired by then The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct Page The Arthur Rank organization is bringing technicolor cure for the blues to Newmarket Dirk and Kenneth More above bring soda syphons to work in a hectic street battle with rival medical students in a hilarious scene from Doctor In The House which is coming to the Theatre Newmarket Monday and Tuesday Oct and NEWMARKET BOWLING ACADEMY needed for bowling in mens Tuesdays Couples wanted for mixed league Friday- pm Still one league vumey Wednesday- pm mm SCHOMBERG Mr and Mrs Marchant are spending a week with their daughter Mrs Sutton Sud bury Mrs Williams is visiting with friends at Creemore for a few days Miss Marie Adair was relieving operator at the Bell Telephone the past week Mr and Mrs Dove St Ca tharines spent the holiday with friends here The Schomberg fall fair was quite a success with a large to be 1IOLLANDSE Te houden op November 1 IN TOWN HALL PM 20c veorkomen Vcrkoop Travel Bureau Herbert Slain Street phone held October was According to the township clerk Efwin Winch he had been in touch with Mr Vale on Tuesday morning and at that time the certified survey papers had not yet arrived you ever amp AVE SI With old Your Old or high ouireniefS more power motor turnover output popular action to prosecute had not taken Some of the reasons given for the delay she said itemed vague such as the sur vey not the offices of Hi Wilde and be cause ad dress being changed and town ship Yale being on va cation Miss Campbell said that did not seem the beach that tbwnsWp matters were being carried on in a very businesslike man ner I Miss Campbell weni on to say ttat Mr Joseph Vale is soiicitot for township he is also acting for the Clark saidj fll tfiaf Mr Allan Mlto la her he pKohed trie reaf ding this and asked me to go down to see him which did Doyle said I phoned y regardiie and fio as sured me woulct by Wilde iff Vales hands by to day Winch reporter that M Reg Hit With old 90 Bain Bain died at Zephyr on Thursday October after a short illness He was lit the son of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Bain He married Jessie May in predeceased him in Mr Bain a farmer spent years in ott township council a councillor and eight years as reeve He was a of Zephyr Presbyterian church Mr Bain was a member of Masonic Orange and Oddfel lows lodges he belonged to Scott Agricultural society North Ontario Plowmans Association and was warden of Ontario County in His chief Inter est Was in municipal affairs Surviving arc one son one brother Toronto one sister Mrs Herman Storey To ronto Karen One brother Scott pass ed away in The funeral service was con- it had not been received when ducted by Rev Clifford Brown Mr office Zephyr United church on the mail was received and Oct Pallbearers were sorted in Newmarket this morn- Bert Byron Armstrong A business and devotional meeting was held at the home of Mrs on Thursday J spent the holiday with her daughter Mrs Armstrong Georgetown Harold Russell is having two weeks vaction Mrs Calhoun and Mrs and Miss Marlene Alliston visited with Mrs on Saturday Mr and Mrs John Winter Mi chigan visited with rela tives here over the holiday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cunning with the mother Mrs A ham Barrio spent the weekend Winters WINS DIPLOMA Bob Flicker 23 Ontario St Newmarket has been notified by Extension University of Chicago that he success fully completed their course of training in modern bookkeeping and has been awarded a diploma Flicker completed this course of training in his spare time St Johns Bingo THE NEWMARKET TOWN HAIL SATURDAY OCT AT PM JACKPOT 200 ADMISSION Mr Thos Sellers is busy erect ing a new residence in the vill age MUSK lug said he had sent it by registered mail yes terday when Be was contacted GRACE Before the worlds creation He chose me for His own And this He did without a cause By Sovereign Grace alone My place He then appointed My special work He planned And what He wills Hell bring to pass By His almighty hand- Sometimes by many trials Ke works His will in me Sometime In pastures feaus mo ways I cannot fathom I do not need to see By all work together Work only good for me And through eternal ages I still shall be His own His loved redeemed and chosen one By Sovereign Grace alone Fred Walker Newton son John Arnold and Harrison Interment was in Mount Albert cemetery Five Kijg township resident- recently received fines and costs In court for in fractions of the township build ing bylaw They appeared be fore Magistrate charged with breaking the new feet minimum floor space for a residence One of the flaunted a borrowed permit prescribing out dated floor space requirements For an impertinent remark an additional was added to his tine complainant was Ross King township building in spector Lucas township solicitor spoke on behalf of municipality A sixth poison also received a fine of 20 and costs charged with Mrs Friend Morton In failing health for the past two years at the home of her daughter Mrs Leila Newmarket Mrs Friend Mor ton long time resident of Kes wick district died at York County hospital on Friday Oct in her year Sh was born in the daughter of the late Philip and Jane Em- cry Brougham Pickering town- and Grant Morton Newmar ket Mary Morton Keswick one granddaughter Taylor Toronto The funeral service held on Monday Oct was conducted by the Rev George Campbell Keswick United church He was assisted by- the Rev Lawrence of Mrs Morton Pallbearers all neph ews of the deceased were Winch and Gordon Hamilton Keswick Warren Wilson and Dean Mairs Brougham Horace Long Branch and Fred Toronto Interment was made in the family plot at cemetery AURORA NIGHT COMMENCING OCT 1954 9 PM Under auspices Aurora Recreation Admission per person township bylaw which demands She married Friend Morton North in 1888 and lived most her life Keswick dis trict there were three Raymond and Fran cis Mr fttortpn died in and lor years Morion operated the farm with the help of her son Raymond was active in churcji community af- Hits Sforton was organist Christian church for many years She was a staunch and worker hi Met also a member living in a trailer for more than district director of days He had occupied the trailer residence since March The township bylaw limits trail er dwelling to tourists for a 30- day period Go AGAIN the Womens Institute Surviving are two children Newmarket and Francis Keswick four grandchildren Marian Taylor Toronto Frank- Lowest prices in Newmarket Lowest prices anywhere GENEROUS TRADEIN ALLOWANCES Low down payment EASY TERMS CHEVROLET sedan gray SI 395 AUSTIN sedan blue 1 09500 FORD coach green 1 950 CHEVROLET coach black sedan beige sedan gray 1 FORD sedan blue 79500 1 947 sedan black CHEVROLET sedan green sedan blue as is no warranty CHEVROLET coach blue as Is no warranty coupe black as Is CHEVROLET Vital with back completely closed In with lock ing doors without built In back US FOR PARTICULARS SMITHS FEED AND SEED PHONE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL PM Newmarket Motors Ltd BOTSFORD STREET NEWMARKET PHONE MOO