The Newmarket Eta Express Thursday Oct I ft HOUSE FOR SALE NEW bungalow bedrooms Hardwood floors oil heat gar age near bus Would rent furn ished to adults until June In Newmarket Write Era and Ex box 3w41 clapboard bungalow with finished room in basement beautiful hardwood floors lovely picture window Phone Newmarket MAIN St Holland Landing storey house full size base ment house water on tap flush toilets builtin cupboards apartment in basement Apply Mrs J Thompson Holland Landing phone IN Aurora Cape Cod bungalow on treeshaded resi dential street oil heat full sized basement attached garage easily accessible to public and high schools Price reasonable Phone PA Aurora HOUSE FOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT semi detached house on farm district monthly J parks Sutton West WILL rent to responsible tenant for six months Nov to April room furnished house oil fur nace 5100 a month Adults References Apply Wells Gamble and Phone Mr Oakley Real Estate Richmond Hill Turner w JACKSONS Point hung- alow all modern conveniences Phone Rex Smith BUILDING FOR RENT fa Sharon con East cattle or storage phone 21613 TRAILER FOR SALE 2WHEEL trailer cheap Phone Newmarket 3w40 SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE with stream new 4- roomed bungalow living room bedrooms each with closet modern kitchen metal unit sink imitation tiled walls niece bathroom with septic tank Full dry cellar blocks high furnace heavy duty hydro garage Public school near high school bus to Newmar ket acres with good drain age was realized from sale of raspberries past season much larger returns expected next season Location in growing vill age miles from Toronto Total price only down payment balance terms Joseph Anderson Broker Blvd Toronto or ST KESWICK DOWN balance easy 2 bed room bungalow inside conven iences artesian well wir ing on highway full price best selection In this area call Roches GARRETT GARRETT BROKERS Lake Shore Road Keswick NEW room homes menis hydro water on tap good location at Holland Landing Reasonable terms Phone Newmarket STOUTT REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET OWNERS brick on floor oak floors and trim large modern kitchen and bain 1 fain size bedrooms and balcony on second floor immaculate throughout One of the better residential locations In town Musi seen to be appreciated Terms AURORA BEAUTIFULLY planned clapboard bungalow lovely liv ing room with fireplace separate dining room modern kitchen bedrooms bath oil heat ing laundry tubs etc Tills home- is almost and is reasonably priced at Terms OAK RIDGES ROOM storey on a nice residential street large living loom separate dining room modern kitchen and bath full basement and furnace acre lot Terms AURORA NEW 4room bungalow located in best residential district mod ern throughout very attractive welllandscaped lot full price Terms MOUNT ALBERT OLDER style bungalow with modern kitchen bath full basement new oil car garage A well- landscaped quarter acre lot on villaKe outskirts Full price ACRES of level crop past ure and bush lovely black loam soil top shape steel roof barn implement shed ISx chicken house and other build ings Very nice stucco house with basement hydro and water this entire property has been well looked after taxes very reasonable Terms 215 ACRES of lovely rolling good clay soil in crop bush and an extra acre in fruit grand shaped barn and good spring with electric pumps ft hip roof silo implement shed chicken house Solid red brick room house In condition bath ful basement with new furnace inspection will con vince you of a quality farm Terms ACRES of very valuable high way property in Keswick excel lent location for subdivision or motel site this land with over feet highway frontage so close to town has many possibil ities Inspect and make offer ACRES on the highway with creek running through the prop erty very good barn no other buildings a real investment ACRES on the highway near Sutton workable 10 pasture and 12 bush good barn with in side water and hydro with ac commodation for chickens Upstairs implement shed and other buildings 6room white stucco house with hydro and in side water full basement a good buy at Terms CASH full price A real buy for bedroom well insulat ed bungalow on the highway near town church and shopping heavy wiring and inside conven iences BRAND new bed mom bungalow well Insulated and in side convenience heavy wired very large living room with pic ture window modern kitchen with lots of cupboards low down payment considered PERMANENT home on the highway near Beach has bedrooms very large living room and kitchen very good location RETIRED couples op portunity cosy compact spotless ly clean 2 bedroom bungalow with attached garage In the love- Beverley Hills subdivision overlooking Lake Simcoc just 3d miles from the City This home is only one year old has living room modem kitchen and 3 piece bathroom some terms THIS one Is a gift at this price White stucco 3 bed room home with garage on double lot full divided basement with recreation room economical air heating lovely living room and a real modern family kit chen 3plcce bathroom interior has been newly decorated could be carried for per month with the required down payment This one wont last ON highway very comfortable home with every convenience has full base ment with air heating very nice bedrooms living room kit dining room and bathroom large Insulated work shop on acre lot good for tradesman Terms VERY substantial storey permanent home Ideal two family dwelling in condition and situated on a beautiful lot has- every conven ience and new furnace this is a good price for this type of property terms ALEX DOAK BROKER KESWICK 14J20 Keswicks Active Real Estate Office HOUSE or rooms in or near Mount Albert Write Era and Express box Newmarket 2w4i HOUSE or apartment in New market 3 children By Oct 20 Mrs Harold Campbell phone Newmarket ROOMS WANTED ROOM for single business man Phone Newmarket ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED bedsitting room light housekeeping facilities Suit business girl Phone or Newm COMFORTABLE room all con veniences Phone 276w Newmar ket Classified Advertising Bates Two cents word of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement is repeated on weeks Ten percent if advertisement is paid within week of two cents a word cents Sale Registers ft fur first week cents for each success ive week Card of Thanks Engagement and Death announce ments cents tor each announcement less cents If paid within week of publication In ftlcnwrisms cents each insertion phis 5 cent Use for seme less cents paid week of publication Classified may be phased left at The Era and office en St The Wood Store St rf of PA Aaron at Mrs ft Kin any correspondent re name of sender and address Tour nearly In North ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 OIL SUPPLY TANKS 100 to Tank Gauges Filters Vent Fill Pine Caps SNOW A BEST LIMITED WORK WANTED SAWS Apply Frank Colter St TRANSPORTATION Toronto bur pm returnlni a UNFURNISHED rooms or semi furnished board optional Apply fi St lw41 FURNISHED or unfurnished bright bedroom in quiet comfortable oil heated home neighborhood near St bus housekeeping privileges to Christian woman No smok ing Phone PA Aurora ROOMS and outside balcony unfurnished abstainers No children Apply Prospect St Newmarket or phone ACCOMMODATION AVAIL ELDERLY couple to share Christian home with elderly gentleman Write Era and Ex press box APARTMENT FOR RENT SMALL selfcontained heated apartment Centrally located immediate possession Phone 466 Newmarket clw41 apartment separate conveniences in Newmarket Ap ply St Newmarket apartment hard wood tloors oil Nov phone Newmarket LOWER duplex small heated with lawn and garden Adults only Available November Newmarket pm If ARTICLES FOR SALE CONDITIONINO FURNACE FILTERS all flbes SNOW A REST HEATING LIMITED 28 St Aurora WHITE imitation mantle plas tic covered bassinet maternity dresses size Phone New- market BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GORDON STOUTT LTD REALTORS Aurora RAISE South American Chin- chills arc not pelts sold in New York for 5175 each on June Ihe fur Is In demand start ed raising this profitable animal Rulld a business your own Write to 111 Haddington Ave Toronto Ontario LOTS FOB SALE LAST choice hit available In re stricted subdivision north side Millard Ave beside Park area Sewer and water Phone or write Post office box Newmarket LOT GO ft t ft central loca tion Phone Aurora PA on Sharon Lot frontages and Terms Priced at to Substantial have been reached at ft Excellent drainage Elgin Evans Newmarket phone New market WILLIAMS piano Elect rohonur combination radio and record Console model Phone 710J Newmarket PIECE dining room suite for sale 50 cash W J Hop- Vinson Prospect St phone Newmarket ICE box white enamel finish holds lbs ice Breakfast set consisting of buf fet table and chairs chairs have black leather Upholstered eats and backs all In 1st ondiilon Price for all Phone PLAYPEN with pad Quebec beater large size Apply Millard Ave phone Newmarket double bed with firings babys co rifb In condition Apply Charles St Newmarket MEDH1M space heater hi excellent condition used only Olio season Phone loir Point between and pin FARM TANKS gallon gallon MOO SNOW A REST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or Made for all styles of windows Klrscb drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or apply Harold Ont ario St Newmarket if i ARTICLES FOR SALE FULL size double bed with springs Babys cot springs and mattress In good condition Phone Newmar ket Phone PA St Aurora houschol well as good Mrs St Newmarket fcwy But- CUSTOM chain sawing taken down Port WHEN extra DRIVING SCHOOL give driving to in learning to rive With or without car Phone Newmarket IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE winter outfit wine x III widltlon English make Mrs phone rYPEWRITBR SALE FOR SCHOOL OPENING all standard models regular price up now late Remington and Underwood Noiseless standard regular price clearing New port able typewriters reduced twelve months to Adding machines only 1095 Each fully guaranteed deposit balance limited supply Crown Montreal Que MODERN white enamel coal or wood per reservoir stove pipes includ ed- AH in good condition Phone QueensviHe STORM windows and screens Phone Newmarket after pm SEPTIC TANKS to 500 gallon capacity BEST HEATING LIMITED DOUBLE BED walnut modern springs and clean springmat tress Quebec heater good condition Phone Mount Albert REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FURNACES Grates Pipes Bricks Cement SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora If RED velvet coat and other clothing able Phone Newmarket WHITE Acme eokKtove waterfront coal or Phone Newmarket before am or after pm mm FOR all your carpentry needs call Van Home Builder Store and house repairs Phone Mr lxbridtfe J potato digger It potato digger ft Ml digger actor plow 1 plow ft tandem dic ft cultivator disc drill Armstrong Mount Albert phone MACHINERY FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY Phone PA St Aurora tf27 USED combination coal wood or electric rane white porcelain finish Fast electric elements automatic oven con trol One only Apply Main St phone Newmarket PAIR small boys skates size Phone or enquire St S Newmarket clwll COMPLETE furnishing for three rooms Rest offer accepted- Also Dodge or best offer Apply Cox St phone PA wl inch ion cabinet model excellent cor Apply Prospect St up stairs RUGS Save 50 percent NEW rugs from your old rugs carpets woollens etc Blankets also made Phone Newmarket QUEBEC With new water front Si Phone Newmarket IRRIGATION PUMP LONDON Model Wis gasoline motor up to KM Apply Highlands Golf Club An AND PIPE AND STRAINERS SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA Yonge St Aurora MOFFAT electric range large excellent working condition Mrs Harmon Mount Albert phone GIRLS wine winter coat size excellent condition Phone Newmarket SILVER grey baby carriage like new Phone PA Aurora chesterfield suite Grey wooden bed and springs Hani- wood top table with centre ex tension leaf Phone New market PRINCESS Pat cookstove and Empire heater both burn wood coal each of love pipes all In good condition Apply Mrs Davis Franklin St Newmarket FIREPLACE screen and irons Enamel Quebec heater Large twoplate electric grill One sterling silver teaspoons Good tweed winter coat with Coon col lar size Nearly new bright red crepe dress size Phone Newmarket FURNACE AND STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS all sizes SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED 28 St Aurora TONS baled clean dry straw Delivered Ernest Grassland phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE AT Sat Mens heavy weight blue drill work pants with pencil stripe Sizes only Regular Sale price No refunds No alterations please and building ft lairs alteration and plans drawa Phone your garden seed bed for grasi or vegetable sod Apply John Maple St Aurora phone ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make dally visits Excellent ref erences Phone of harrows Mo cream separator lb capacity cutting box cultivator new Many other farm re- Phone Mount 2T only months Idea custom work or market gar den or nearest offer Phone 39r King lwll FARM ITEMS for HARDWARE We deliver Phone 28 WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket SO UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Ken front St or phone Newmarket tf0 NEW miracle Silicote all pur pose polishing cloth Beautifies any finished surface In wood metal glass leather plastic etc Protects against the elements water alcohol rust and corro sion Silicone protected cars clean easier stay clean longer Will last one year come in two sizes and Phone New market SERVICE AVAILABLE TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs and INSTALLATION MAURICE Phone Sutton corn box inch in condition including pines Cheap Dunham St Newmarket DEADSTOCK removed On your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect Em GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ASH J w tf LARGE size Coleman space heat er priced for quick cash sale Phone Newmarket day time only Act for this bargain WELDING CEDAR STREET NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail- made to order Iron work all kinds tMO RELIABLE day care lor children- Private home Phone Newmarket AERIAL SERVICE SINGLE or multichannel rust proof material used on poles f or chimney and Phone PROFESSIONAL permanent waves given in your home If de sired Irene Sheridaji phone Gorham St Newmarket WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE STILL some Aberdeen Angus heifers breeding age or These are purebred stock not registered and therefore offered at reasonable prices be seen day anytime In Aurora area Phone PA Aurora PUREBRED Shorthorn bull calf weeks old pure red 50 Warren Mount Albert PUREBRED English Yorkshire boar ready for service Ross Thompson Cedar Clw4t YOUNG team mare and welding quiet even way Young pigs Holt phone Mount Albert A AND plumbing and heating Installation and repairs Phone PA Aurora THOROlGHRRED Angus bull month old Ram say w4 PRODUCE acres Laurent tabic turnips Apply Walter Warren Reasonable with one vai Mount Albert MODERN PLUMBING ROOM WOULD care for Child or years old Room and board If desired Phone Newmar ket ROOM and board available i Phone Newmarket PAULS of boys skates in ex cellent condition sizes and Apply Joseph or phone Newmarket elwll PIECE suite new Hall 2 tubs Fernery Step ladder Garden tools Phone Newmarket 4ROOM space heater with gal drums and Reason able Apply Nelson Ravrn- BABY Lloyd blue apartment size playpen In very good condition Phone Newmarket OIL space heater med ium size In good condition Ap ply George Constable Davis Dr phone Newmarket be fore COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVEROOM HOME S V JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies AND SAVE Open Wwlnesday and Friday evenings and all d Saturday PAIN of Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago can be helped by tak ing Recommended by of thankful users Ask your druggist WALNUT dining room suite dark in good condition Cheap for quick salo W or phone New market OIL stove medium size with pipes and tank year old Apply Superior St Newmarket sloping hag In good condition with folding cot Ideal for hunting trip phone KITCHEN cupboards this mouth only 24x30 Mx3fi Phone or write Geo Jacksons Point tMO RENFREW wood with reservoir Putting with pulley and cranks Cheap for quick sale Wanen Mount Albert FURNACE pipes links few ft elbow Fall leaf tabic Small heater Medium space beater pipes and drum oly St or evenings GIRLS navy blue full length station grey fur col lar size good as new Phone Newmarket INVISIBLE mending by Burns tears rewoven most Mrs L Cambridge St RICVCLK speed lent condition Roches Point racer Phone excel- I 1 TV AND RADIO SERVICE PICKUP and delivery Phone Newmarket SO LOCKS KEYED and repaired alike or master keyed Door losers repairs and service Keys cut white you wait Auto keys ut to code- Craigs Lock and Key Oak Ridges Just south of the Windmill service Com and sales and phone Newmarket Donfa phone WANTED MACTNTlSH and apples Bales Bros Sharon phone charges Horses for mink Will call with truck cash Newmarket Reverse the basket land landing phone Northern Spies millet tV wr bus Wind- half price Phone Queen- Hume Mount Albert vn as7 PERSONAL Newmarket WARM Morning coal heater with thermostat control good condition Single bed and spring and coll spring mattress water header ft roots 18 picket fence a roll Apply Cedar Valley Chain Saws FOR SALE OR HIRE Call Francis Starr Phone Newmarket for demonstration clwll propane 4burner like now Thor electric rotary single beds com oleic three size beds com oleic walnut double bod spool bed oak round dining table chrome chairs 4 chrome droplcaf table oval table sectional chesterfield with side chairs bedroom chair up bolstered chairs rocking chairs corner chairs lamps studio couch gramophone and records Radio typewriter fire- olaee screen and Irons Oak drop front desk mans bicycle Other articles Apply Fred Hirst phono Queens- MANY household articles storm windows combination storm door Playpen extension gate bed springs and mattress chiffonier Ivory finish Oak Apply Park or phone 177 Newmarket to 0 pm costumes child- sizes fairies clowns Chin ese etc each one original Mrs Le Drew phone witnessing accident be tween truck and car in Sept ta pm in defense of car driver please write Box Newmarket and WANT VIM Try Tonio Tablets for new vitality today size only All druggist4 HELP CARROT bushel Ply A- J off high way opposite toad at Garage PARTY to cut wood on share Phone Mount Altert CARROT pullers and potato Dickers niece work Apply Jack Van Dutch Settlement R R Newmarket phone Brad ford Itfroo help Three child ren one school age Light duties Private room and bath Salary a month Christian family Apply Mrs McLean Drive Lea- side Toronto phone Ma STENOGRAPHER for shorthand and typing Must bo quick and accurate Write Era and Express c3w40 fall J NO Delivered Win Mainprise phono 111 Mount Albert or Newmar ket at noon hour or after for lb Delivered In Aurora Ap ply KUvs lt Ma Die St Aur ora or PA TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS sell passage on Trans- Boat tines tCunard Our information and service Is tell ble Come hi and talk over proposed trip with Chester The BEST DRUG STORE Rexall Newmarket Out Phone 14 POULTRY FOR SUE excellent puliecs cross Rhode Island Reds Sussex It weeks oil These arc high stock from one of the hatcheries no deubf will lav within month too Albert USED CARS sedan Hotly motor and in good condition Must sold Phono aft pm club coupe recond itioned engine Terms ranged Newmar ket TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE TO via St Leav ing Newmarket am return ing Phone New- market LEAVING Newmarket am for downtown Toronto Leaving pm Phone New market gw4g LEAVING Newmarket am via Don Mills to Church and Richmond Returning 515 Phone Newmarket POULTRY WANTED ALL hinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket to poultry Any quantity them in or will call on Highest prices paid VV A t Oak Ridges or phone I turner DRESSED POULTRY ROASTING chickens a lb Geese and ducks 42e a lb PA Aurora We deliver CHOICE dressed young ducks Ren Cox Sharon phone YOUNG dressed turkeys for all occasions Apply Ben Cox Sharon phone POULTRY EQUIPMENT DOUBLE unit hen nests also hen roosts Apply Arthur Evans St or phone New- market PETS BOXER puppies registered and cropped Apply Eric Wil low Rank Ave Lake WUcox Turner Richmond Hill REGISTERED no H and Gardens