J the Newmarket Era am Thursday Oct- The Common Round By Isabel ColviUe IS IT CANADA Are the people the new world less nationally minded than Europeans or people of the East One wonders sometimes when one sees how the people from other lands cling to their ageold customs their food their way of life even their language sometimes wonder if it is be cause we are so indefinite in purely Canadian traits I think people coming from lands are bewildered be cause we make so little fuss about being Canadian We have no Canadian flag no universally accepted national anthem no folk songs except those of French Canadians which lovely as they are cannot be accepted as representing all Canada I wonder how many- Cana dians have ever sat down and thought about how wonderful our homeland is a dominion stretching from sea to sea and showered by mother nature with everything that makes life liv able Inland seas and mighty rivers cany our produce to the ends of the earth Two mighty railroads connect two oceans airplanes circumnavigate the globe for profit and for pleas ure planes fly the barren north- lands to bring succor to the sick and help to the stranded planes like giant hawks sweep over ready to pounce on dangerous things that might invade our territory Look at our iorests sink into the background to be remembered only by the few Who now gives a thought to Banting and Best except those diabetics to whom insulin is a life saver And yet they gave something not to Canada alone but to sufferers all over the world The St Lawrence sea way is Canadian born and yet already our big neighbor to the south would like to dictate and all because we are not selfas sertive enough Barbara Ann Scott aroused our enthusiasm with her prow ess Archie and I were particu larly interested for we knew her grandparents arid her mother in but the US has practically swallowed her up Its nice to think there are three things so firmly toed on Cana dian soil that they cannot be moved the the and the Stratford Festival And now comes Marilyn Bell- To me she is a heroine beyond all heroines and with reason You see for summers I struggled fought and nearly died trying to learn to swim All my cousins all their guests and Archie tried to inspire me with whatever it takes to make a swimmer Little children float ed about me old men and wo men sailed gaily by while I animated by a keener desire to swim than any of them just couldnt If anyone would put a finger under my chin I could swim OPPORTUNITY SALE SKATE EXCHANGE BY HOME AND SCHOOL The semi- annual Opportunity Sale sponsored by the Newmar ket Home and School association will be held in the basement of the town hall on Thursday Oct 21 pm A skate exchange will be conducted also AH skates must be left at the town hall basement before one oclock on October 21 They should be securely tied together and tagged with the owners name size of the skates and the price wanted The Home and School does not retain any of the sale money All unsold skates or the money from the sales must be collected by the owners not later than The Opportunity sale will fea ture good used clothing for all the family The proceeds go to help the work of the Home and School in the community ITS A A- meeting ffi SftXfUSS though so often threatened by the carelessness of men Con sider our prairies and orchards our mines and our great herds of cattle of caribou of reindeer and our wonderful wild life And this is Canada And do we shout her praises to the world Oh no Even when our statesmen are achieving world stature when our contributions to diplomacy and help lo the helpless is acclaimed we sort of shrink from being vocally Can adian Why I know modesty it a thing but it can degenerate into something less admirable I think Marilyn Bells swim was one of the boat things that has happened to Canada for many a moon Too often we let our compatriots achievements must be brought gasping to the surface by some benevolent soul So you can imagine how I viewed Marilyn Bells feat At I watched those huge whitecapped waves roll in on the beach I though of that small courageous girl out there pulling off those dreadful eels suffering from pain and lack of sleep and exhaustion but keep ing on with no thought of re ward save that she conquered the great Ontario tired out I know that Mrs Coales Eva and Elsie and who together by radio followed that epic swim felt a strange exhaustion We swam imag ination with her and we were but four of the thousands who literally willed her to win If all we Canadians were animated by her spirit Canada would be a giant among the nations I News Iff your new includes many new and changed numbers On Wednesday Oct lad- ids and friend of branch took a bus trip along the Trent canal system by way of Kails where a bit of shopping was done They visited and then beauty of the countryside in all its bright fall dress was viewed with pleasure by every- one The canal locks and the falls were points of interest At Peter- bom ladies spent some time on tours A tour was of the mill at the- Quaker Oats Co where the ladies watched the many products being made and A second tour was made through the Western Clock Co in the Driftwood Room Restaurant served through the kindness the Chamber of The October meeting of the will be held in Hoard St Oct at pm Roll call What Makes a llfcuse a Home Topic Child growth showing development from nurs ery school to junior school A cordial invitation extended to all interested in this subject K- to avoid wrong numbers fo save time and trouble refer to your directory when youre not sure of the the for handy luting showing where to buy it our I I Street branch met at the home of Mrs Thomas Swan- son Thursday Oct There was an attendance of Mr Moles first vicepresident was in the chair Mrs read interesting current event A donation of was sent to the Mental Health association It was decided to ask for the legislative grant to he used for educational purposes Mrs Whitfield convened an interest ing program Mrs district convener of home economics was guest speaker and explained the girls club work also demon strated the planning of nutri tious and attractive meals The November meeting has been changed to Use as the con vention is being held in Toronto Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs Charles Cum ber Mr and Mrs Harold Hilton Paul and Joy and their uncle Mr H J and Mr and Mrs Wilbur spent Thanksgiving day with their parents Sir and Mrs Wil fred Traviss Mr Norman Chantler Mr and Mrs Fran ces Ann and of Newton Robinson Mrs Toner and Mrs Brown Toronto and Mr Dor Godfrey were weekend guests at Armagh the home Mr and Mrs J Kenny Mr and Mrs Lyman Rat and Carol Ann Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs Raes parents Mr and Mrs Robert Harland Mr and Mrs Hill and family spent Thanks giving holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs and Mrs Pearl Hill also Mrs Garnet Myers Gormley Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert over the Thanksgiving weekend were Mr and Mrs Bob Ni agara Falls Mr and Mrs Bud Guelph Mr and Mrs Donald Toronto Mr and Mrs Bert Dukes Mrs Roy Church and Mr and Mrs J Newmarket Miss Mary Osborne spent the holiday week end with her parents and Mrs George Osborne Mr and Mrs Charles and Ronnie were guests over the Thanksgiving weekend of Mr and Mrs Miss Jane St rut hers is holi daying with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Gordon Kemp Is lington Her mother Mrs J and brother Doug will join her there tomorrow for a weeks visit Miss returned on Monday from Renfrew where she had spent the past two weeks the guest of Mr and Mrs J Ma and Mrs Harold Mann and daughter Carol Toronto Thanksgiving dinner with hits mother Mrs A at Country Acres Miss Sara Watson spent the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Tom White Keswick who have recently moved from Sud bury ft BAKE SALE RAISES FUNDS FOR HOSPITAL ROOM Approximately was raised at sale of home baking held on Friday Oct by the Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket Ml5 Harold San derson was convener The entire proceeds will be used by the in furnishing a room in the proposed new wing of York County hospital New markets club has pledg ed itself over a threeyear period for this project One room in the hospital has furnished to date and School association in Sep tember It was a happy choice the inspector Mr MacLeod be cause the Newmarket group selected a Better Reading camp aign as its work for this year The plan for the campaign was discussed at the associations meeting and will be car ried out In each of the public schools tins year as it satisfies both teachers and parents as a constructive method by which the communitys boys and could be encouraged to read The idea originated with a group of former school teachers who are now farmers wives and Womens Institute mem bers at Elmvale Ontario With modifications their program will be followed here Lists of suitable books will be provided for the various age le vels of the public school children During the winter months they will be encouraged to read the books and in the spring a quiz program or a series of quiz pro grams Will be held The ques tions will be based on the books included in the recommended lists and of course the young- tors who have read the stories as to inwardly digest their meaning will bo well qualified to answer the quiz questions But to return to the Home and School meeting of last month Mr MacLeod answered many parents questions regarding the teaching of reading in todays schools Anyone with a child in attendance at school has fount cut that teaching methods have changed considerably since she was a child herself Most often the parent is so lost that she that shes being more of a than a help to her children And from what Mr MacLeod said we suspect that the teacher feels much the same way about it Mr MacLeod said that pupils in the primary grades were not encouraged to take their reader Until they had been completed There was the ten dency for the parents to coach the child atfiome so that his sub sequent reading was not a picture of bis reading ability lie read the story well because of re petition It was much better for the child to have another book at home at the same leading le vel as Ids school reader The public school classes now divided into three groups for reading This system com bines tin- advantages of the ban and the rural schools Mr explained As no two children are alike it allowed for greater spread in the vale of development of children with in one class The teacher decides into which the child will be placed by the result of several is a report from ids tea and then taking a supple mentary reader She teacher lows child to read tu nas made more than five mis takes in words At that time the child Is considered Womans World By Caroline Ion Reading was the theme of the l place were he can read and of the Home j comprehend without frustration Under this system a child pa himself He isnt compelled to travel faster or slower than is natural for him Mr MacLeod said that the school encourages the use of se veral series of readers for sup plementary reading Books that are parallel in development with the class reader can be read as extras by the children in their spare time Mr MacLeod said that about So percent of the words hi our vo cabulary are phonic Now child ren are taught phonics after they know approximately words by the word recognition me thod lie explained that although day readers might appear mono tonous and uninteresting to adult they are based on the con- trolled vocabulary idea so that the words in any reader arc sui table to the child at any place the educational program They are words which have meaning to the child The danger of system lies in limiting the to a particular series so that when he reads his science or so cial studies text hooks hes un familiar with the words Memory frequently included in todays readers added by the individual teachers There are suggestions in the teachers guides for suitable memory work for each level Air lu ex plain the use of he prepared work lie said that they provide suitable seat work and and that such seat work should lake up about twothirds of the reading timet Good teachers prepare their own work material that is due great- danger with thfr prepared work they might a I good teacher of her initiative Mr MacLeod added Parents can help child at home by providing with suitable books for reading Be fore he reaches school age the child should have picture books ami should read to feliw This an interest books lie warned against pa rents attempting to teach their child to read too soon The- rage child reads a half years of age and even In the kindergarten MacLeod thought the reading should no progress beyond the first pro The purpose of kinder garten is to create an atmos phere of school It is to get ten the correct habits Mr MacLeod said I TALK OF THE TOWN M IOBIAW1 Coli special LOB LAWS TANGY special a wen i SPECIAL WINS AT FIELD DAY Miss Maureen King captured first place for in the Farmers flat race of half a mile at Die Toronto and North York Hunt Field Day held at Beverley Farm Aurora on Thanksgiving Day She is a member of the pony club the daughter of Mr and Mrs Douglas David Rock Sharon placed second Susan Temper third place and Don ald Timbers of Whitchurch fourth The field day was one of the largest with attend ing and horses taking part The meeting of the Evening Trinity United church was held on Tuesday Oct The devotional wus conducted by Mrs Mrs occu pied the chair There will be a Joint social meeting in Decem ber the afternoon group It expected to have the film Tour In January Miss Eva Barnes spoke about her tour in Europe Refresh ments were served special V 53 I e 10BIAW in ti mm lOBtAWSCOTTAGI J OR Ml A- 1 ORANGE CHICKEN MB Pico tV f SEEDLESS it GOOD -r- v -at- NO GRADE GREEN ONTARIO FANCY GRADE promts POUND Reds 3 POUND ONTARIO GREEN BRICK IP Stalks At the of the and Womens club the report of the biennial con vention of and clubs In Canada was given by Miss Clcland Miss attended the convention at the Royal York hotel Toronto along with dele gates from each of the prov inces Prior to the official opening all the delegates visited Niagara Falls loiter in the week they travelled to Stratford to attend the Shakespearean festival Is Anne of Mr and Mrs Clifford Newmarket and George Brian married at the Christian church Newmarket recently Rev J Aiken of Trinity United church officiated- Photo by Gail Palmer Representatives of parliament educators ft officiate and Other guests spoke at the official ceremonies in the Royal York ballroom Greetings were brought from other womens clubs and the organizations pro gram was outlined In Margery speech of welcome Among the many distinguish ed speakers was Miss Margaret QC Toronto who gave a talk the creed lunch eon She said that the and P clubs creed was in reality a topical prayer It is our dec to ourselves and others We do no more than live it she said Mrs Ahem Halifax past national president read the rules of procedure There was a merchandise show by one of the large department stores and a comic panel The men bless em was featured at one lun cheon Elsie an aero nautical engineer from one of the six Toronto and P clubs gave the lecture at one session She said matter how able a woman Is she cannot bo a little job It is be cause there are so few in the jobs in Canada that so women are known national ly Women Horizons Unlimit ed the topic of the guest speaker at the closing day She Dr Lillian She the first woman to win the Washington award since that honor was first conferred upon Herbert Hoover In She outlined her past life most of which Is familiar to everyone because of Cheaper by the Dozen And as Miss added aha believed her topic and has lived it In closing Dr said Education Is Important But there is one thing in life which Is more important than educa tion or wealth or position and that is you at your best No one can limit your horizon when you drive on to new heights PAPER Appleiords Food Saver JO VOX Maple Leaf Soap Flakes Face Tissues 2 Doggie Bits Manyf lowers Toilet Soap Lux Liquid Detergent Blue Surf Lux Toilet Soap ROUBOX Bit EACH l UK Deal Cashmere Blue Super Suds New Old Batch Cleanser Johnson cakes JO 2 CAKES IGE AUllftO L08LAVV lOfitA I FRESH PORi IEAN Loin Roasts I Lean Shoulder Roasts viA0 sBHi IB SHIB IB L Lean Butt SPECIAl 1 LEAN Cottage Rolls te FROSTED SEA FOODS PAN HEADY God Fillets Wi- MB O Cooked Fish Slicks 53c lite CO EFFECTIVE OCT