Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Oct 1954, p. 1

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f this Week and SWING AURORA AND THF RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending Newmarket Trading It- Aurora Others TOTAL PAID YEAR EXPRESS HEiALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER 28 SINGLE COPIES GENTS EACH r Wire and There Around Town By Local Observer Have you seen this weeks sue of Life magazine If not try to do so for it contains an excellent article on retarded chil dren Ills the second in a series two the earlier section of the story having been printed in last rnagazine It Is not often that Local Obser ve infers the Era readers to an American magazine but these ancles will aid in everyones better understanding of the Since the formation of a for retarded children in this area there has been con- interest in the topic but too often confusion and mis understanding is met by those closely connected with the work when they discuss it with the general public Here is an op portunity for everyone to learn some facta about retarded child- fen and the work which has been done for and with them to date It doesnt seem to matter how great or urgent a need there is for charity in certain fields there are unscrupulous individuals who will take that opportunity of making some easy money In recent weeks there have been the false canvassers who claimed to fee collecting funds for the flood victims None of the money do nated to them reached the proper authorities Now another type of fraud has come to light With the approach of Remembrance Day each year homes are visited by men all of them strangers to the district wanting to sell Veterans calen dars No one wants to refuse help to a relumed man and so the purchased But as Mr Wesley president of the Newmarket branch Cana dian Legion said These men have no authority whatsoever to sell calendars The sale is not sanctioned by any recognised veterans organization and In many instances the salesmen served in this armed forces These fellows have the calendar printed on their own Funds are raised for disabled war veterans at this time through the sale of poppies and poppy Wreaths not through the house canvassing for the sale of calendars In Newmarket we shall have poppies on sale on Friday and Saturday Nov and In for the special services of remembrance which will be held on Sunday Nov explained Members of Newmarkets fam ily of the theatre Barbara Donald and Murray Davis arc keeping as busy now as they were with their heavy summer schedules Besides their work with Hie Crest theatre they have appeared on TV radio and other shows On Tuesday of this week Donald Davis was a player in the cast of the theatre when it presented as its regular onehour television show Oscar Picture of Dorian Gray badminton The Aurora Badminton Club ts shooting for members for 1VM55 racquet season A present the dub is well on the way to its objective Keith one of the dis tricts top flight racquet wield- en was named president Other elected were Hon Jimejum vlceoxesUicnt secretarytreasurer Keith another of North Yorks top ranking was named tournament chairman OPEN WAREHOUSE To celebrate the opening of Smiths Feed and Seed Ltd new warehouse at a tree Jftiri Night will be held tomorrow evening in the new warehouse at a Canadas outstanding Clan Ted will be in attendance Master of will be John known farm commentator Boot kiddies contests and educational displays will be Included In the attrac- Salvation Army Takes Tremendous Job Of Sorting Relief Material The tremendous response to the appeal for clothing food bedding and furniture for Hol land Marsh flood victims contin ued last week up until Friday The arena In Bradford had been jammed with material and a conveyer belt had to be brought in to move clothing to a second floor It was necessary to start new storage centres in seven other buildings to accommodate the mass of articles which were be ing sent in from towns and cities One day nine of goods came into Bradford Some trucks were of the large tractor trailer type Captain McEwan of the Salvation Army Newmarket and Lieut Marshall of the Au rora Salvation Army and town officials of Bradford were at a standstill for some time they did not know how all the ma terial could be handled On Friday Reeve Arthur Evans of Bradford asked the Salvation Army to take charge of the clothing and bedding shipments McEwan call ed for extra help from the Salva tion Army divisional comman der Major who asked Captain Bell to come to Bradford and be the resident manager of the large scale undertaking This week groups of Salvation ists from Colfingwood Barrie Orlllia Newmarket and Aurora have been sorting and distribut ing clothing Bradford citizens who started sorting clothing the day after the flood struck the community are continuing to work in the centres Many have worked countless hours and are continu ing to work with the Army Other groups which have been assisting at the clothing centres include the Catholic Womens League of Sutton members of the Newmarket Ladies Aux iliary of the Canadian Legion The Salvation Army has been given the responsibility to fit the many trailers which are being sent into Bradford for emerg ency housing purposes with mattresses if needed and pillows and all bedding By Tuesday evening 33 trailers had been out fitted with supplies which were sent in from the Salvation Army centre set up in the Armories in Toronto and from other centres Women volunteers have con tinued to prepare and serve food to displaced persons at Brad ford Some women of the vill age have done this nearly every day since the flood From New market groups of women from churches and service organiza tions have gone to Bradford to take a spell of duty at the food centre Baking has been sent to the village by a number of householders from Newmarket It was reported yesterday that a catering company experienced in handling large numbers of people will start operations at Bradford soon The Marsh peo ple will be housed in trailers prefabricated houses and rail way sleeping cars it nouriced AUL North Court Of Revision To Nov 10 North council has Appoint last years mem bers of the Court of Revision to hear this years appeals the on which taxes will be based This court will be made up of Messrs Clarence Crittenden John King Bruce McMillan George- lament and Allen Stiles with Messrs Carl Morton and Harlan Huntley as alternates Court of Revision commences on Wednesday Nov at and will continue until all repeals have been heard and de cisions reached Taxpayers had until October to file their ap peals To Operate School Bus For Roches Point The pupils at No township will he to and from bus In the near future A call for tenders by the of that school Give Bruce Chapman Se For Shooting Wife Last Bruce Chapman ville was sentenced on Tuesday in Toronto to two years less a day definite and months in definite in reformatory He was convicted of wounding his wife Marianne 18 with a 22 rifle last February They lived at the farm owned by his parents Mr and Mrs Ross Chapman near Mr Justice Schroedcr said his main consideration in passing re formatory sentence was a psy chiatrists report requested after Chapmans conviction last week Chapman was found to be unsettled but not mentally ill Justice said he was convinced Chapman was l James Hammett Heads Mount Albert Chamber The Mount Albert Chamber of Commerce hi- Id a organisation on Monday evening- New it lected were criminally minded and that he was baffled by the apparent lack of a motive for the shooting The were married in August 1953 Mrs Chapman was shot six months later while she was waxing the kitchen floor their home Legion Softball 9 Club Is Honored The town of Newmarket Thurs day honored the Newmarket Canadian Legion Softball team at a dinner of champions at the Kim George hotel The Legion Softball team won the allOntario Canadian Legion intermediate B Softball cham pionship this past season It was the first time a Newmarket mens team has captured Ontario council members Canadian Legion offi cials headed by Tobey and a number of Newmarket and dis trict sportsmen along with all but two of the Legion team mem bers were present Each player was presented with a gold trophy and a crest Alderman Jack Hamilton was chairman Mayor congratulated the team on its victory Hulsc reviewed briefly the teams history while team coach and Legion sportsman Dei replied on behalf of the team Players present were Charles Tod Mosier Bill John Shedlowick Gord Wright Mickey Smith Doug Simpson Fred Dillman Don Smith Bruce Bill Johnston John Norm Don Burch Randy batboy coach Jand Del Head table guests were Mayor Reeve Joe Dales DeputyReeve Violet MacNaugh- ton Councillors Ed Wright man Bob Jack Hamilton Po lice Chief Byron and Toby Collect Flood Relief Funds At Town Office Contributions to the flood re lief fund may be given at the town clerks office in Newmar ket or at local banks This week town clerk Wesley Brooks an nounced that a total of 1040 had been collected at his office Disbursements concerning the purchase of special types of clothing for the Holland Marsh flood victims amounted to h clerk reported Cash received at the office and remitted the Holland Marsh flood relief fund up to Wednes day amounted to 78708 Many requests were telephon ed by Red officials and others at Bradford for special items of clothing particularly for infants The town clerk au thorized the purchase of these items using flood relief funds collected at his office Volunteer workers bought cloth and made infants diapers which were needed at Bradford Newmarket merchants gave worth of food and clothing following the flood Many contributions have been made to the flood fund by New market and district residents through various agencies and it is impossible to obtain and esti mate Some are giving directly to the Bradford bank and others are sending contributions to the provincial fund FIND MISSING GIRLS Two Aurora girls who have been missing from their homes since Sunday night have been located Carol Banbury and Florence Hunt were located at last night accord ing to police At last report this morning they had not yet reached their homes CANCER DRESSINGS A meeting of the cancer dress ings group will be held on Thursday Nov in the after noon at the Agricultural Depart ment board rooms Bo ts ford St Clean cloths are required for making dressings Legion Servke Officer To Give Information On Pensions Allowances The Canadian Legion Service Officer Jones from the Ontario Provincial Command will be visiting Newmarket Legion branch on Thursday Nov He will be at the Legion Hall from pm to 3 pm Anyone wishing information advice or assistance regarding war disability pensions treat ment and allowances is request ed to contact the Service Officer or secretary of the local branch Local Service Officer is J Gor don Downward and the secretary is Charles Resident Praises Conduct Of Bus Drivers In flood i Gaeiyfi the closing liine for I James president noon on three offers lie in At a of the So jihonl with Norman as en Sat in Jay evening October lid it was decided to accept Jack Re- hid ail only taxi hi North town ship has his place of on the Lakes I an Hovers at According to the secretary i out to Ih travelled each the bus approximately The bus service til the cud of June The ihiee tenders were leased for publication by the but the tender the lowest offered ley and Alan vice presidents sec retary and William treas urer The main topic of the meeting was a Santa Clans par ado which is to be held in Mount Albert on December TOWN WATER SAFE Dr Robert King medical of health for the York Coun ty Health Unit announced last Saturday that residents need no longer boil water for drinking purposes The announcement was made by sound truck on Saturday Residents had been informed that the water supply was con- laminated when flood waters reached the overflow at the town reservoir during the Householders were required boil water during the lowing the flood Editors Note We make this announcement I eeausc we raatket r lhat some people may still In our own I loo P their fine support over the past season We hope theyll come quired week Jog Heres great rjlwa fcf the New market and district Junior la fans and sup porters The will return to Newmarket sea son Green Gaels Jimmy lthop and manages fibvlo passed out the good news on next plana Friday The play era took a vol and mitrausly itetuxi next year As for IMS we should bo stronger ver WoU bo out to bring HOCKEY TONIGHT All players and fans interested in the formation of a Newmarket juvenile hockey team for the season are requested to attend a meeting at the arena tonight Thursday Purpose of the meeting will be to organise for the coming hockey season Meeting is called for Local juvenile hockey boosters figure they can ice a champion ship team this season Come along and help the boys get started on the right foot names are Is of the Old world tte qsfloii posed Secretary ft nettwg a Wo the meet at hma of Mr a fife flb JQ8S believes cart the ig of the tesoWKSSavbtw it at win tevft firspJwp the rant good ftwi at a awn each water up to this morning when wo telephoned to ask Or King when ho expected to Save the town water supply in good We out of town when Iho announcement was last Saturday We are beginning to Is with our and t Kma far the will fe held on Nov in the t hall torn a port to ft puia If an requited bo held on Monday Dec too township has a In the King City post of j township has been electors may see for Saturday Nov turn back to cheer us on next year Coach Bishop also speaking on prospects for indicated four players from the edition would bo lost due to age limit but several outstanding players coming along to replace them The Dominion junior la- cross finals will be played in the east and if the Gaels are suc cessful in their bid for Eastern Canada honors the Cup games for the Dominion title will be played here DAY Nomination Day In North Bus drivers are often a sub for criticism but this time it is the other way round said a Newmarket resident A story concerning tho courage and courtesy of a particular driver on night of the hurricane was related to the Eta and Kx- this week The Gray Coach pulled out of Bay Street station Toronto as usual at pm on the night of Friday Oct headed for Newmarket Road lions at this time were already poor with result that truffle was both slow and heavy put of North Toronto According to the local resident the driver Inched his way aloiv And It took half an hour to pas McLeanHunter building toe June ton of No 11 and w Road He refrained some of younger ones from getting out and continuing their Journey on loot The next day local resi dent spent a good deal of time at the coach station watched incoming coach Grateful passengers were shaking with their drivers la Ton of getting their vehicles and passengers homo safely On Saturday at the roach set off in Newmarket at Pra SALVATION ABUT BAND TO BE HERE In connection with the visit of the East Toronto Silver Band to the Newmarket Corps of the Salvation Army Nov Captain McEwan would bo grateful if any residents of who have extra accom modation and could billet bands men for the weekend to get in touch with him at 10 Joseph St or phone In addition to the Saturday night program of music in the Citadel already announced an afterchurch program is planned at Sunday evening in the Christian Baptist church There will be singing by a quartet feOSt the Christian Baptist night ha BAKE SAMS of Tomorrow Oct be a horn WWS fflff opportunity good Used in Tele MEETING phone la The Womans Christian As the coach for betas Kime sored bit at heme of District foe Retarded il Andrew St on Children pm HOCKEY STANDING Metro Senior Newmarket Stouffville W a l 3 e Fights Own Fires ruck And Garage Roof the King City lire extinguished two flm last Sahtrday ttr on the roof ot the the fit and on the tire ft backed out of ihe trouble all started when truck- Sparks drlfttSi onto loot started a fire flame ten in ami cuts damage- While that fire was going and while firemen ing to put out Fire Daw the fire engine out of the building A fire started income that thousands workers are now played or on short time Yet iht profits of corporations are at record levels When there is a serious short age of houses schools hospital and other facilities Is no reason why any able bodied person should be ployed Mr In answer to a question gatding the devastation caused recent floods Mr up the urgent need for and civil programs In Ontario He said if we had had prop control and mg systems as well as a train- civil defence organisation the life and prvpefty dam age by the could have been hive talking about these things years it now time that we did something about the at Adults THURSDAV NOV The Famous Leslie Pelt Singer In Richmond Hill l church country other buses werr stalled by the hlghwiy driver stopped to pick the stranded When another coach deeded help he stopped and gave It a to It Finally at the driver of the bus was forced to abandon the journey and turn around to Toronto Some of hi had beep booted for the north country and were anx ious to inform their friends and relatives of their plight He kindly stopped the coach for half an hour at a milk bar to enable calls to mad and al low his passengers rest and re freshment GARDINER TO SPEAK AT OF DINNER MONDAY J Metropolitan TorQUfct the guest speaker market Chamber of CmtKe dinner meeting to be i Frederick Children under of Green Gaels Are Hona At Community Banquet Newmarket Gaels ju nior team which brought Newmarket its first jun ior championship were feted by town and arena commis sion at the Kin George hotel Friday Present at the banquet members of the team coach Jim manager Ernie Gaels officers it Glad town council members and Newmarket Memorial Arena as well as a number Newmarket and dis trict sportsmen Following supper Chairman J Jo Dales on Gaels coach Jimmy Mr in troduced each member of team and club executive mem bers Bishop announce frj of Itm team The Trophy pre- sentod an OLA team for achieve Mr indicated firs that Trphy has been award which hu not the East the Canadian finals WVnjihip passed on the Town JCewnar- Adults Children SAT OCT Store bread an in on Mai th ard briefly The were arcni a the opening and were the tr c ml presentation Hospital Fund Admission adults child- nd rummage Tickets can be aln St I of the nurses in town the truck the muffler a bonfire behind An extinguisher was used and it parage which houses the was out HELP PEOPLE Groups of men and women from and throughout the township GwflUnv have contributing time and of food and clothing in aid the Holland Flood disaster and Rose for School for Children iw43 SATURDAY OCT St In town hall Jackpot Admission OCT to Holland Community hall Orchestra Valley Ranch boys Time pm Admission NOV Magnificent Ob session starring Jane to the NOV At Canadian of at high school auditor- him Klemi Earl Moss for four concerts number of single tickets available at the NOV the Newmarket hall pm Sponsored by the Can a Legion Goo prices Admission NOV Hi lars Landing turkey supper In basement of the from to pm or in hospital FRIDAY NOV Turkey sup sponsored and King Athletic A relation at City church Admission ticket only adults SI and children Tickets available from member f Lake Marie or phone and Kins SATURDAY NOV IT Hot and in Sharon oclock on Under the auspice of tho East fiivup SharonHope Adult Theatre AND SUNDAY and councillors from the of North DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING J A Tiffin president of the Horticultural will address the annual meeting of Horticultural District at Baptist church Ave on Tues- supemacv It day Nov pm The to C one block north of Kingston and one block east Vic toria Ave members in this area are urged to attend For further Denny the had won the OLA championship Coach Bishop on to present trophies by she team over the season Firs trophy to be vas the Cup It is em blematic of Ontario Junior La- pre- The J I t Calling alt boys in interested playing bantam ho ckey this year There will be a practice for the bantam team tonight at the arena to pm Newmarket Optimist club the team Lowell Waller has been appointed coach The team will eater North York bantam WEDNESDAY NOV 17 Car Packers Ccoktne s In Newmarket Town ha by Chap ter Eastern Star Ad mi s en every Saturday at Euchre Thursdax Red Caldwell service bo Saturday Nov fact on j and hop will be TO PREACH FAREWELL SERMON THIS SUNDAY years as an ordained minuter Rev Meredith Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket will preach on Sunday morning Oct The evening service has been cancelled Rev Meredith who will be leaving old tyme Ad- J Newmarket will be retiring from the active ministry night at pm In North Memorial Centre wick every night in Mount Community halt to Norm Burling and his orches tra at in memory In Wars The of the aii Legion the which il take from Monday Nov to Nov- Wesley hey everyone to wear Flayers symbol of T of St of years has not church All veteran and of those are eni by oar sides who gave ftve The poppy day chairman Paul that the poppy e a he said that davs will be Friday Nov and

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