Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Oct 1954, p. 11

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f PLANNING BOARD LETTER First They Say GoAhead Next They Say Sit Still In a letter dated October 15 addressed to Mr Wilkinson town clerk the secretary of the Aurora planning board writes as follows in connection with the proposed Timbers subdivision iter of the I within the Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYEIGHT DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR AURORAS BIG PROBLEM letter cerning the proposed Timbers the October meeting of the Aurora town planning board a motion was passed as follows Respecting Mr Timbers change of use an in minutes of June plication for a industrial parcel of land described in industrial to we herewith instruct Mr to prepare the necessary STt and plans of to the present Land Ran for submission to council that this board I to council that the Basic Land Use Plan be amended to change that portion of the pre St Area of the CNB tracks and norm lit 89 Plan to Urban Sewer S suggestion that council consider e opin ions expressed by Dr King Director and Medical Officer of Health Health Unit in his letter to St Joseph Bale Hill Ontario regarding the use of Peptic tanks in the proposed timbers subdivision Therefore within the limita tions of the Basic Land Use Plan classification of the area must be classed Urban Sewer if it is io be used for residential purposes Under such classification resi dential development could be approved but only with instal lation of sewers In any event the planning board respectfully suggests that the problem of providing sew age services to the Timbers area be finalized before expense of the consultant Mr- Deacon proceed with the action embodied in the motion indicat ed the second paragraph of this letter Is incurred The board has in fact re quested Mr- Deacon to delay fur ther action until the councils wishes in this regard are made known If council confirms re quest made in their letter of Oc tober 1954 then the board will instruct Mr Deacon to pro ceed forthwith The board should like to point out also that recom mendation included in motion of paragraph above does not commit this board respecting approval of any subdivision EDITORIALS Briefly stated Dr Kings ad- plication LETTER FROM DR KING Sewage Problems How Snag Down Timbers Subdivision In a letter to Mr Joseph Bale of Richmond Hill of October regarding the proposed subdivision on Mr SmL property an sou of Wellington street east Dr Robert King and medkal officer of health wrote as follows a town of Aurora it fr- As requested an of the proposed area was made on October While the rough sketch sup plied does not show contours it was noted that tho land slopes sharply from east and west to a low point along the line of the proposed street allowance known as Consul Road Absorption tests were not performed on the soil which was presumed to be predominantly clay under loam cover- Most of the lots in the proposed subdivision would be approximately square feet We understand that it is proposed to provide municipal water but not sanitary sewers at the time It Is anticipated that consid erable difficulty will be experi enced In providing satisfactorily functioning private sewage dis posal systems in this area Ade quate provision of storm sewers to handle sulfate runoff would be important and if such were to be installed then the installa tion of sanitary sewers should he considered from the econ omy point of view at the same time in our letter dated her to Mr George Wilkin- proposed subdivision was recommended that consider ation be to installation of sanitary sewers in the area of a proposed subdivision on Cathe rine Street relatively near the proposed vision In question at this time In addition we understand that consideration is being given to subdividing an area relatively close to subdivision and north of Wellington The present proposal to subdivide again augments such need for municipal sanitary sewers 1ft this area and probably the costs aspect even more prac tical Since there is considerable risk of producing sanitation problems In attempting to main tain adequate operation of sep tic tank tile beds in the pro posed area and since the addi tional expense that will be in- in installation welt as in maintenance could easily make this type of system ap proximate of providing connection to municipal sewerage system we feel that can not conscientiously rec ommend senile tank type of disposal system in the A ROUGH JOURNEY Having observed the course of events over a period of several months it is our opinion that Mr Gordon Tim bers and those associated with him in his proposed new subdivision have had a very rough journey The end of the long involved story is that there now appears very little chance that the subdivision will get under way for a long time ahead if at all Mr Timbers and his associates have come to and fro in council discussions for several months being batted around like a ball in the words of one associate In July last the town council the proposed sub division but an amendment had approved by the planning board in connection Wilhfc Official Plan and later approved by the the department of town planning and Now the office on the scene to recommend ihfe the Instal lation of septic H1B8D approving subdivision be paid to WcHTminan tions of the planning board and the medical office are not based on a situation that has arisen suddenly Such a situation existed from the first and the rough journey endured by Mr Timbers and his friends consists of their having been coasted aloof as though all were well and then suddenly confronted with a cul- desac They could have been told front the first what they were told on Monday night October that posi tive objections and requirements were involved in the creation of the subdivision Instead they were patted and encouraged batted around like a ball and finally called to a halt The processes they have experienced are more suggestive of a childs game of hide and seek rather than of any serious effort at cooperation with businessmen by busi nessmen Mr Timbers and his friends will now under stand what IS meant by the phrase knocking the town COURT OP Floods Made A Desolation Of Newly Renovated Arena The big problem here in Aurora at the present time is the arena For years it has been the problem Money has been poured into it to the extent of over and the end is not in sight Some people say the place is jinxed WHAT THEY ARE SAYING An Irregularity At Council Assessment Figures Four council meetings in the space of owe week must surely be a record There was a general meeting of council on October IS a special meeting on Wednes day October a special meeting on richly October to discuss how the arena floor should be composed and a special meeting on Monday October to discuss the zoning bylaw At tho time this writing we have no information of those who are to form the fivemember panel of to sit as a Court of Revision to hear appeals from reassessments at hearings to take place next month But whoever they may bo it is our opinion that It was a mistake for council to pass on to others a responsibil ity which clearly was Its own There are those who have gone further than to define it as a mistaken policy They denounce it as a shirking of responsibility According to our informa tion councils action has created a precedent and one that will not enhance -reputation- Councillor Moffat said that we council should stand by our convictions in appointing these men assessors Councillor William Davidson said he agreed with that Council has of course a legal right to abrogate its power of revision to outsiders But what Is legal is not always convincing- There should ho hotter fitted to examine tho claims of appellants than those who were elected to conduct town business Members of council have access to information that scarcely available to outsiders for the very best of reasons wo dont think that the decision to recruit outsider for a job that seems essentially for council members will bo received with approbation Many people have said it was built on the wrong spot former ly a town dumping ground- It has undergone all kinds of re pairs The roof has been leak ing and the foundation has been letting in water Several thous and dollars were spent in install ing a cement wall at the east end of the structure at the south and north corners A week before the deluge there was a grand opening night for the new floor which cost around placed there by the board of trade which used part of a fund partly raised by public effort and part- fly augmented by the sale of which was partly gifted by former owners for the erection of- a memorial building Game tfi flood and the new floor be a morass through the heavy inflow of water which was easy considering the low foundation on which the struc ture was erected This means that a great loss of money is tak ing place ihrougri die arena be ing put out of action when the skating season is just at its start A Solution Against this depressing back ground of events the town coun cil at its last meeting was faced With the task of finding a solu tion to the problem of getting the arena going again No one would deny that council was confronted with a monumental problem Much money would be needed if the arena were to bo set going again What was council to do Abandon tho seemingly outfit or take another chance with destiny It looked as though pouring more money into it was something like trying to set an inveterate bankrupt on his feet again Council resolved to try and do lust that and to find a solution to the problem ihey ceiled in Mr John Bowser noted Mr Bowser brought to coun cil a firm which was named only as All Canadian One Its members talked with great rap- and with such convincing technical knowledge that later in the evening council unanimously proceeded to motion in a coveting debentures le tune of price quoted by the contractor bylaw was to receive two readings the following evenings then to be rushed to the munici pal board for approval and if okayed a third reading was to bo given it No was to be lost at the job of restoring the arena Six to seven weeks were calculated as reopening time Came A Hitch But something happened at the adjournment of council It appears that this was a case of the more hurry the less speed It was found that the first step was not to pass a bylaw but to ask the department of municipal affairs for a grant of the sum estimated for the job There was a hitch resulting from a review of the situation and the special meeting sched uled for the following evening for the purpose of giving two reading to the bylaw did not lake place But there was a special meeting held on the fol lowing evening Wednesday Oct At this special a good deal of discussion took place But in the end it was resolved to ask for a grant of If this request is favorably receiv ed steps will then be taken to get the okay from the municipal board after an okay from the department of municipal affairs There is to be a further spe cial meeting on Friday night October when the arena board will join council to de bate methods of restoring and setting the arena going again Some members of council feel that there may be other methods of restoring the wreckage than those outlined to them the expects who aliened council on October at its general meet ing COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Members Sat Down To Unravel long Of Tough Problems There was plenty of business at the general meeting of the town council held on Monday night October when all members were present with the exception of Councillor Davis who was reported absent in conse quence of sickness The discussion on the arena is re ported in other columns A representative from the the reports of the planning board chamber of commerce at- Dr Kings lended to give an account of the J have the let- j j i in other columns this is- 500 handed over blanche to that organization for relief work for the victims of the Hol land Marsh deluge Details of the expenditures which it was reported reached the sum of around were given to council There was no emergency for food the repre sentative reported and the money was spent on Sundries as indicated in our council re port of last week The mayor congratulated the junior chamber of commerce on what he described as an example of good citizenship and brother hood Timbers Subdivision Mr Norman Todd legal ad viser to the Timbers syndicate appeared before council to ascer tain what further steps had been taken o get the subdivision started and was met with a long letter from the Aurora planning board and a letter from the O Dr Robert King Claiming that they had been subjected to a passing of the buck between council and the planning board Mr Todd asked for direction Councillor Moffat said that the planning board had agreed to a change in the Basic Land Use Wan So that our readers may be made aware of sue Editor Aurora News Page On a question by Deputy- Reeve J Murray as to what was holding up the subdivision the mayor asked whether coun cil was prepared to bear the ex pense of sewer service as de fined by the planning boards UrbanSewer classification Objections Staled Councillor Jones strongly op posed the spending of money on such a location pointing out that the installation of a pumping service might run to as much as to The mayor said that unless a pumping system were installed they might as forget the whole thing He added that Dr King and Queens Park were op posed to the installation of sep tic tanks In the end it was resolved to ask the engineer to submit an estimate of costs embracing not only the proposed Timbers sub division but other adjacent con templated subdivisions Water Services DeputyReeve Murray read a report prepared by the town clerk on the costs of the water services The report indicated that the estimated costs for the operation of the waterworks Cot SPECIAL MEETING Jones Takes Exception To Wording Off Grant ByLaw A special meeting of the Aurora town council was held on Wednesday night October with Reeve A A Cook in the chair Other members of council present were DeputyReeve J Murray Councillors Davidson Jones Moffat and Stoddart AURORA SOCIAL NEWS Miss Leila Reynolds gave an interesting lecture on her trip the Maritime provinces at the of the Aurora church Lily Bradbury has relum ed to duty at the post office after her recent accident Mr Jay Cody formerly of and Mr New York are building a motel in connec tion with Big Chief lodge north of Mrs and Mr J XL Willi visited Mr and Mrs P on Sunday last Mr and Mrs Wilkin son accompanied by their two infant sons Stephen and Frank visited relatives in Toronto over the weekend Police Chief Fisher Dunham has now returned to duty looking fit and well after his recent ill- The subject of the special meeting waft to revise what had taken place at the general meet of council held on Monday night October mo tion for a bytow toe a sum of was carried and instructions given foe the preparations of IhS said bylaw with a view to two read ings being given to it on the following evening The course taken at Wednes day nights special meeting was to give two readings to a bylaw requesting approval from department of municipal affairs for a sum of as a grant to the Memorial Arena hoard for restoration of the arena from caused by the flood Councillor Jones Objects Immediately following the of first paragraph of the Councillor Jones took exception to te wording which represented the grant was being asked operat ing Thats li ft Am SMmtyreeve and ftffief of council We re damage cause to arena by the M JoA-s- Un til Us added the arena was and was to shape Brought to council by tele phone the explained wording of the para graph was hi accordance with law However members of council insisted on a change in he wording and this was ac cepted by the solicitor It was pointed that the ap plication for grant of did not necessarily mean that Hie whole sum would be spent An event happened at the gen eral meeting council on Octo ber when editor of the Aurora Banner rose from his seat at the press table during a discussion motioned town clerk from his desk and handed him a not intended for the mayor It Is part of law that no member of public haU interfere or Intervene when council in session Docs handing of a note to mayor by a newspaper editor while council Is in session con stitute a breach of the We are not suggesting for one moment that the mayor was In by the receipt of the note from editor of the smaller periodical What we are suggesting is that it was an irregularity and proof of the fact that neither rules nor good manners can restrain some peo ple from keeping in their pro- pet The Era and Express was sold out again in Aurora last week It page issue was notable its magnificent series of flood pictures and coverage Addi tional copies of the paper were to meet the expected in- demand but even so insufficient ft town clerk George obliged for following reassessment figures for and comparative figure for Land Buildings Business total Land Build Business total Donation Among the first to respond to the appeal for the Aurora Relief Fund was Mr Boy AUan of the liA Service station on St who gave the profits of sales on Saturday Oct to fund Mr Allan thus anticipated by one day the official setting up of Aurora fund which was in augurated by a meeting town organizations on Sunday after noon Oct Mr John Kleea Wo hear that Mrs John Klecs is being urged to allow her name to be nominated as candidate for council vat the forthcoming elec tions She has had consider able experience of work in con nection with many town organ izations anil would bring a force ful personality to council where women can play an important part in municipal affairs Having a mind of her own Mrs Ktces would not be subject to outside or inside influence of any kind and it we may write would not be artybody stool pigeon A mental calibre would be to council SIR mm m V While titles survive it right that best men should he honored Next to Sir Winston Churchill wo think most would agree Quit An thony is the moat man alive today He has given his life to the service of his country and the free world Sir Anthony Eden is a man who derives moral bravery from a deep sense of moral justice and impec cable rectitude There are those who say that politics is a dirty game But it need not be so And it is not so in tho ease of those who follow a political career not for what they can out of it but for what they can put into it for the of their homeland and the world Sir Anthony Eden belongs to the latter rarer class of politicians When strong convictions moved him he was prepared to sacrifice a brilliant career as when ho resigned from the post of foreign secretary in Vtife Chamberlain government following decisions taken tit Munich It is not for us to say that the late Neville Chamberlain was wrong in the course he took History will assess Chamberlains decisions hut one thing is sure he loathed the idea of war The point is however that Mr Eden disagreed with Mr Chamberlain and resigned rather than pursue his policies Later he returned to achieve greater fame and at the present point of his career he has been hon ored by Queen Elizabeth In accepting tho honor of knighthood his inclusion in that ancient order will also honor it It is a just tribute to a very great man who is honored in the hearts of his countrymen

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