T The usefulness of fire was shown the made on the new King City during the flood Weekend- On Friday forenoon Oct the department answer the first official call attend ing a disastrous fire at Parker drove the fire truck- The brigade was com- by Aurora and berg fire departments The de partment received the standard fee as set by the township of King On the following Saturday and Sunday the fire truck was used to pump out flooded basements the community laymans Sunday A large congregation observed the annual Laymans Sunday at Nov 12 to Nov 1954 Tkbti Monday TuiduyWdnidoy I MMy end Royal Agricultural Winter Fair COUSEUM TORONTO All Saints Anglican church King City on October Dr J Barrie and Mr A Hooper read the lessons Dr David gave an impressive address when he stressed a laymans duty to the church At United church the annual service was held with the president Miss Boys in charge Rev Mor ris Aurora was guest preacher A ladies choir sang Mrs Mar vin Hunter and Miss Helen Hun ter sang a duet Miss Julia is conval escing at St Johns Convalescent Home Guides and Brownies A meeting of the Girl Guide association which is the Dew title for the mothers group was held at the home of Mrs George with present Mrs the president Brownie leader Mrs Marion spoke on the associations program If a Girl Guide com pany is to be organized at King City it will be necessary for those in it to notify the secretary Mrs George or Mrs by Novem ber id Five dollars was donated by the association to the Hurricane Relief fund Another will be given by the Brownie pack United Nations Christmas cards and will be sold by the girls throughout the dis trict Proceeds will go to the of the Brownie pack New Baptist Pastor The new pastor of the King baptist circuit is Rev George Hart He has replaced Rev Smalley in the threepoint charge of King City Bethel Bap tist Kettleby Emmanuel and Second King Baptist Mr and Mrs Hart and children came from the charges of Fairfield and Alberta All Saint Gertrude Simon Reg superintendent of Ingles House Toronto addressed the of AH Saints Anglican church at home of Mra Johnston when 28 were present Mrs Al fred president was chairman Mrs J Grew poured tea for the social hour Committees for the Christ inas fair Dec I were named Operators Meet Crisis The unsung heroes in a grave situation are often the telephone operators For the girls at the King exchange there were hours extra work during the flood crisis Before midnight no going calls could be placed Iff Toronto As a reporter our ftft he staff were were mot with Motor Show third motor show Motors at showroom In comment morn- until Sal- unlay night The theme is with decorations center leg on this Idea The model cars and electric household ap pliances will be displayed En and lucky prizes will be featured both nights The A of King City United will serve buffet refreshments both evenings Falls From Horse Miss Barbara a young a young rider who took part in the Field Day and Hunter trials at Beverley Farm on Thanks giving Monday is feeling the effects of a fall from her horse Bows The fall gave a concussion stiff neck and sore tack when her horse hit a jump flanked by two other horses Had It not been for my hard hat Barbara said Id have been done for Four Christened David A Christening service at King City United church on October was held for four babies David was chosen for each in his Christian name The child ren were old John David son of Mr and Mrs David George months old son of Mr and Mrs George David James months old son of Mr and Mrs Ralph Hunter David James Gerald months old son of Mr and Mrs J The latter three families are residents of King City The ceremony was performed by Rev Martin Demonstrating the spirit of brotherhood the choir of United church led the commun ity in a relief drive From the choir fund was drawn for the purchase of new blankets which were taken to the Holland Marsh On Monday a drive was made to collect clothing and bedding delivered to and to King City Anglican church for delivery to the Marsh With proceeds of the Fellowship Group raised at the Carson sale last Thursday and an added col lected from the the relief fund was started Rev M Jenkinson as chairman and Les lie Jtohson as formed the executive flood relief com mittee organized by Keith Over came in on Sunday Oct from the congregations of King City and United churches for tho Hurri cane Relief Fund Of this contributed about Scout Send Toys After notification from Scout headquarters last Friday night King City scout troop and cub pack set to work early Saturday morning collecting toys games niclure books and puzzles were scout era From there mum a transport a smaller truck and a car for Bradford The refugee children of the Marsh located in so many different homes have been a loss to put in their time Their own playthings were lost in the or are still in the flood area homed Halloween ratty The annual Halloween party for parents and families of King City will be held in garage Station Road King City on Saturday night Oct It is being sponsored Lake Marie and King Ath letic Assoc J is arranging for a magician and musicians for entertainment Prizes will be awarded for cos tumes At Laskay Institute hall the i will sponsor a community Halloween frolic on Saturday night Oct LAD INJURES ARM IN FALL FROM BIKE A Wilcox lad Ronnie is in the Private Patients Pa vilion Toronto General hospital with a compound fracture of his right elbow and a shattered el bow cap after a fall from his bi cycle The boy is the son of Mr and Mrs George Fergus Ave Ronnie had worked hard on Friday afternoon in the flood emergency With another boy he rowed school children up the waterfilled roadway- He car ried smaller children from the boat to the higher roadside It will be some weeks before the boy will be able to use his injured arm SCHOMBERG Speca Church Service Held In Dutch And English Sunday GRATEFUL FOR HELP AFTER FLOOD Let all the Canadian people realize how much appreciate their help said Mrs Cornelius iiadder and Albert Van Dyke at on Sunday Both families have suffered losses It Is a blessing that so much kindness comes forth in a time of need Mrs Van Dyke relat ed No need has gone unan swered the authorities are doing all they can the commun ities of Bradford and like others are doing everything to help us she said No sooner had the flood abat ed at than a notice was posted in the Workers food depot Inviting those In need to apply to the ladies of the canteen Over men women and children came the village and district Sat urday NEARLY TWO TONS At Schomberg Presbyterian church on Sunday morning Oct a service of worship was con ducted by Rev Ralph minister of the Holland Marsh Christian Reform church for who had been driven from their homes and others of the village who regularly attend the March church Prayers of thanksgiving and hymns of praise expressed heart felt gratitude The service was given in both Dutch and English Among the families attending were Mr and Airs Erin Van and their three children John aged five Clare two and Adrian eight months This tarn- had seen their home float in the waters of Marshs now lake They lost everything but a few personal belongings stored in their car which they had left the scene Anniversary services at United church Oct were well attended In spite Obituaries Rose Ellen Rose Ellen died at her residence On Saturday Oct She was born at Norfolk England in the daughter or Mrs and the late Rob ert and came to Canada in Mrs had resided in Newmarket for most of nor remaining years She married her second hand the Elgin In He predeceased her January of this year Both them were known for their ha work and pride lit their lovely flower- garden Mrs chief Interests lay in her home and family Surviving are two daughter J Doris Weston anil Mrs J Osmond Grace- her mother Mrs Newmarket one Mrs Grace Mont- rail five brothers Robert and George Eng land Herbert tensing and Al bert brother was con ducted by Fred Tuesday Oct wore two sonsinlaw and four brothers interment was Zephyr News of the fact that several persons were working on the rehabilita tion of damaged properties Mrs Harold Russell whose was one of those badly hit on Main Street took her place as organist at the church service Her anthem selections were waterlogged and black with flood silt Just before the ser vice Rev J F Morris Aur ora came to the door a gift of his personal selec tions of music and a beautiful illustrated Bible for my band she related acts of kindness by a stranger held a special meaning for us at our Mrs Russell said Johannes Peuter and five children also worshipped in this church His family of was split Into seven parts The parents and some of the child ren were living with live farmers Two children are at and three are at Trenton The entire family and a teenage neighbor boy were in the Marsh flood for five hours hi the second storey of their frame house Many friends of Rev attended the Young Peoples meeting at the Mount Pleasant Mission church Zephyr on Friday evening last- Mr Thornloe was the guest speaker Mr Lome Hoover presided at the meeting and Rev and Mrs Chester pastor of the church gave a musical number on their accordions The offering was donated to Mr who in turn gave it to the Flood Relief fund Mr Dewey Graham came out and spent a day at his home This little visit must have been a real treat for him having been away from his home so long We hope that Mr Graham will make steady improvement The of the United will hold their November meeting on Tuesday Nov 2 This is the annual election of officers We are now collecting good used clothing for overseas also for the flood victims Cloth ing may be left at the church or at Mrs Note change of date because of Pres byterian supper on No The held their October meeting in the S S room on Wednesday afternoon president Mrs Profit pre sided The guest speaker was Mrs Robertson Sutton Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Clarkson Arnold on birth of a baby son Mrs Jacob Meyers has return ed home after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs Don Bell Barrie Friends and neighbors of Miss Horner Hamilton gathered in the S S room on Monday evening last to present her and her fiance Mr August with a shower gifts Their marriage is to Saturday Oct 30 The anniversary services held in the United church last Sunday were well attended both morn ing and evening The guest speaker was the Rev The choir under the leadership of Mrs Gordon Rynard gave some splendid numbers Mr Meyers is installing a furnace in th community hall USE AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING AR1KIES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH rTi WITH WW Steel Washer Electric Blanket ton 111 blanket Stolnteti value No other steal tub Inside a outer Human Hand washing action clean Giant wilder ball bearing mechanism is I Life lubricated A of ho JtolUattva of All Anglican church ganized flood of cloth- good canrieft to two tons The loads went out on Monday night Oct and during the week to Brad fmd the people of Holland lark used his half- truck and with Mr Bay 1 Stilt took the Mr load at A truck from Katun Hall took the cvortd load Mm Hay Wirt with Mrs Mrs Alfred Mrs II Mis I fin and others of the and pack ihe article in cartons Fallowing the local chinches was ratifying Mrs Butt Halls receiv ed a bundle of clothing on after ihe Mood MwmwSB V a j ir- j GENUINE Double die Hot binding Uil wool very wain Loth with colli poetically wont GUAR TO TELEVISION PROTEST VILLAGE PUBLIC WORKS 0M SABBATH There were complaints held against the King City village board in allowing an cement mixer to operate and the laying of sonic street I locks on Oct 17 Rev II speaking for dome complainants suggested to the local roads commissioner It- I Mcleod that the fa thers were expected to reaped lite rights of day and observe the the lords Day Alliance Act lie said he felt trustees should take the lead in curtailing public works activity pub lic example in Sabbath Commissioner McLcocl ex plained the operation as an em- duo to circumstances beyond the control of the board It had rained all but one day that week and the contract to hove blocks completed by Oc tober was held up Only blocks were finished by Satur day Another factor was that Ihe mixer not available on Monday Mr said many complaints about leaving public exposed to tho open spaces in the sidewalks were al so reasons- Accidents oc cur he said Because of the extremely weather the only course to use the cement mixer on Sun day to finish Job In the beat interests of citizens McLeod regretted- the emergency Come in and choose your new Tip Top Tailor suit from and bo measured new son of the IflJO J ami Mrs died ore October at tlto Detroit Detroit In at been in Whitchurch and Newmarket seliools Wlien living In Newmarket ho employed by Cnno and Sons and later by tho Specially Co Lid Mr Lundy took an intcroat la local was an active mem ber of tho Oddfellow Mr Lunda him five years ago leaves lo mourn His two daughters Margaret Eileen Craig and four grand children all Lincoln Park Mich I brothers Fred Harry alt of and Robert secvlco was con ducted by Rev- a Park Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery Detroit Birthday arc this to June Peterson New market year old on Friday Oct Marilyn years old on Friday Ann Sutton 10 years old on Qjfo William Brian by yearn old on Sunday Oct James Harold Mere weather Mount Albert yean old on Sunday Oct rill in Willow years old on Sunday Oct Helen It Newmarket 12 years old on Tuesday Oct Hubert James Hope It Newmarket years old on Tuesday Oct Kendra tee row old on Oct Metcalfe year old on Wednes day Oct Michael He mils Winona years old on Wednesday Oct Sybil Salmon year old on Wednesday Oct Freda Christine lederscn New market years old on Thursday Oct Sherry Newmar ket years old on Oct Karen Marie years old on Thursday Oct Elaine Newmarket year old on Oct Donald Larry Law ash Auro ra old on Thursday Oct Send in your name address ago and become a member of the Newmarket Era itJiAL iJ fXJ 3 fc- J a iCrXJ z l faUSKtefiVI TERMS COME ONE COME All 3 1G2W15 -S- HAYS YOU litTTONV Mta Ji If you fi Add 10 LBS just because hogs away lbs straight grain your turnover too amount of grain Come In and see that will Savev M you will 9- GiMJM