Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Oct 1954, p. 6

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and Express Oct REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I I IN Newmarket frame Jill conveniences In good repair large lot Immediate possession Phone Newmarket clw43 RANCH type bungalow cut stone fireplace to wall dining- room 2 large bedrooms rile bath very modern kitchen hot- water heating with oil attic garage Reasonable price- Phone Newmarket JACKSONS Point ail round house all forced air heated with For further particulars phone IN Newmarket New clapboard bungalow rooms and bath ful basement stfll under construe May be complete in weeks Down payment cash Terms arranged Phone St NEW bungalow bedrooms hardwood floors oil heat gar age near bus Would rent furn ished to adults until June In Newmarket Write Era and Ex press box ROOM brie house Com bined living room and kitchen Large picture window bedroom with closets Combination coal electric stove Well and wired Must be moved PI Mortgage arranged Walt er C Reach Keswick phone w4 house oil heated pr month Phone New- market MONTHLY room duplex lights minutes from Newmarket or Toronto bus line Phone Mount Albert house with bath miles from Newmarket Phone lw3 ROOM cottage on highway rear Immediate possession Phono ville BUILDINGS FOR SALE PREFAB buildings For particulars contact Robert Newmarket phone 1 FARM WANTED WE have hundreds of enquires Tor farms in this district contact us JOSEPH QU1NN REALTOR 218 Main St Newmarket Phone Evenings STORE FOR RENT for lease on Main St in monthly Beauti fully decora fed suitable for Jewellery store lingerie beau I parlor shoe store simp or drug store Apply owner River Lunch Sutton West TRAILER FOR SALE TRAILER Steeps four Private bedroom Insulated for winter use oil heating Ice box clothes closets lots of cupboard space Phone Newmarket REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STOUTT REAL ESTATE AURORA bungalow year old modern Early pos session down OAK furnace i hith A buy at down MOUNT OLDER sty- rooms on one floor full basement 3 pier bath furnace down SHARON NEW bungalow beauti ful ravine room oil furnace etc down RICHMOND HILL FULL storey home car par- W lot in every detail Immediate possession VERY central room older home in excellent repair large lot 7300 down BRADFORD WELL located room house oil furnace hardwood floors throughout Pos session Nov down KINO brick bedrooms largo Jiving room and kitchen oil heat piece bath ATE sale 5room stucco fee quiet location large lot down the finest selection of In this area ranging in from lo 5000 Call CUM 101J2 ion stoutt ltd ACREAGE with stream new bungalow living room 12 2 bedrooms each with closet modern kitchen metal unit sink imitation tiled walls piece bathroom with septic tank Full dry cellar blocks high furnace heavy duty hydro garage Public school near high school bus to Newmar ket acres with good drain age was reajlzed from sale of raspberries past season much larger returns expected next season Location In growing vill age miles from Toronto Total price only down payment balance terms Joseph Anderson Broker 35 Blvd Toronto or ACRES of level crop past ure and bush lovely black loam soil ton shape steel roof barn implement shed chicken house and other build ings Very nice stucco house with basement hydro and water this entire property has been well looked after taxes very reasonable Terms ACRES of lovely rolling goo a clay soil in crop bush pasture and an extra acre ir fruit shaped barn and good spring with pumps ft hip roof implement shed chicken house Solid red brick ronm house in spotless condition bath full basement with new furnace inspection will con vince you of a quality farm Term ACRES on the highway near Sutton workable pasture bush with in ir water hydro with for chickens lenient shed and ther building white stucco house with hydro and in side water full basement a buy at Terms ACRES of lovely rolline clay loam 1W workable really very nice farm shaped barn and other buildings 5 room home full basement pood supply the first to inspect this farm will buy it for 5650000 with half cash Dont let the fool you this farm is defin itely being sacrificed for quick rale in the Baldwin area ACRES One of the nicest farms you could wish to see has very profitably operated which is evident In the appeal of this property all the 1 uridines are in top shape and The solid brick home with every conven ience Is immaculate If seeking one of the better type farms you under no obligation to this place 50000 ACRES and acre on reels of market garden see these if looking for a to build your home can bo bought for per acre the and ether choice farm properties or If you have a farm to sell contact our farm who is qualified to appraise your property Mr Hopkins Albert ALEX BROKER KESWICK Queensville Keswicks Active Real Estate Office MORTGAGES WANTED first mortgage on new Newmar ket BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A HAY new to too anil faetori hospitals etc Now and for free details I CO Jackson pi Illinois USA SERVICE STATION jieivlce station site for sale Quretisvillf Ontario oil company will build to suit buyer time payment obtainable Write Era and Ex I box LOTS FOR SALE I jmt afjjoximatclv i Ave Apply J Walsh St in r market LAST choice lot available re north side Millard Ave Park ate IM Sewer and water 2100 Plume or write Post office box ISO Newmarket vision on Sharon highway frontages and Registered restrict tions Terms Priced at to Substantial wells have boon reached at ft Excellent drainage Elgin Evans It R Newmarket phone New market WANTED TO RENT YOUNG couple abstainers room heated apartment private Write Era Kxpresn box ROOMS FOR LARGE clean furnished room Apply Timothy St New- I market ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED Phone Newmarket FLAT 3 furnish rooms no children Sli weekly Phone evenings FURNISHED or unfurnished large bright bedroom in quiet comfortable oil heated home- neighborhood near St bus Housekeeping privil eges to right Christian woman or couple No smoking or drink- in Phone PA Aurora FURNISHED bed in room housekeeping facilities Suit business girl Phone or Newmarket COMFORTABLE room all con veniences Phone 276w Newmar ket ROOM AND BOARD AVAILABLE ATTRACTIVE horn with care for elderly ladies Write and Express and board available Phone Newmarket WOULD board and care for con valescent or elderly person Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED WILL board one or two women children by day or week Write Era and Express box HOARDERS in comfortable ac commodation Phone New- after fi p WARM comfortable roomr aM conveniences Pros pect St phone Newmar ket APARTMENT FOR RENT NEW 3room apart ment Possession Dec 1 Applv Ontario St Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE CONDITIONING FURNACE FILTERS all SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED 28 St Aurora buggy like now Phone Newmarket HEAVY duty electric stove Phone 246J Newmarket table white chairs bed chesterfield dining room buffet Reasonable Newmarket or ap ply Pleasant View Ave PAINT sale at wholesale prices in me brand best quality all colors interior and exterior Phone Newmarket OIL heater medium 25 Piione Newmarket stove coal or wood Reasonable Apply Ontario St or phone Newmar ket PRINCESS Pat coal or wood in good condition Phone Newmarket lw43 A BARGAIN for everyone Sell- in because are going back to Holland for a long piece bed chesterfield suite red chesterfield chair toffee table end table floor lamp table din ing suite buffet chairs table table lamp kitchen utensils dinner pans palls etc carpel it fit tondi- At a bargain pi ice G 2 Newmarket Saturdays FARM SKID GASOLINE TANKS CYLINDRICAL gallon Jlf00 gallon S3 SNOW A HEATING LIMITED Phone PA St Aurora VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Matle for ill of windows Klrsch Iraiw tracks amis and pin hooks etc Free estimate Installations Phom- or apply Harold St MK nearly new with pipes and stove board Mis lames Si phone A dining loom llebr towet roils glass shelf minor music cabinet Phono PA blonde dinette suite leather seat on ebdrs fleas unable Applv Mt Lome Ave or phone New mar AtISTN 12 volt and five 1 1 res Apply Andrew St or phone Newmarket niter TANKS to gallon capacity REST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA 75451 St Aurora ARTICLES FOR SALE on tanks AND ACCESSORIES to gallon Tank Gauges Filters Vent and Fill Pipe Caps SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA 75451 St Aurora OIL space heater large size al most new Singer Treadle sew ing machine Double bed com plete Phone or apply Avenue Newmarket HUDSON seal coat size in condition Phone 1026J from pm to pm or write PO Box Newmarket NEW space heaters a few left different models These ere sold below cost for sale Phone today for yours Main St ph Newmarket Mcculloch Chain Saws FOR SALE OR HIRE Call Francis Starr Phone Newmarket for demonstration clw43 ACME almost new Kitchen chairs organ sideboard J lw3 LARGE oil space heater with oil tanks in good condition Reasonable Must sell Apply Prospect St Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE GRAVITY furnace in good work condition Apply Queen St Newmarket WALNUT drop front desk 3 drawers Pine with mirror marble top washstand burl walnut oval top table pine chest drawers walnut swing mirror antique Boston rocker other rockers platform rockers solid oak boardroom table all carved Walnut high boy chest sectional chest sectional chester field hostess chair Wilton rug propane gas range 18 yds stair carpet electric extension dining tables hanging lamps commode chair Mans bicycle spark guard andirons dogs brass coal box Typewriter chrome chairs wal nut dinette chairs occasional chairs walnut corner whatnot electric clock china clock drop leaf table Mantle radio ice cream parlor chairs window shutters antique crib and cradle and tabic- lamps and double beds and springs bathtub- lb computing scales other scales mirrors brass can SO piece dinner set China other articles numer ous Fred Hirst phone Queens- LARGE space heater in good condition also stove pipes Newmarket FURNACE AND STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS all sizes SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED St Aurora HELP WANTED HOUSEHOLD effects of the late Mrs Friend Morton north of Keswick highway on Nov 5 and afternoon and early evening oak dining room suite fine oak bedroom suite nigs Acme coal and wood small electric stove kit chen set rocker stretcher pil lows and many other household articles Phone Newmar ket WATER tank John elec tric 30 gallons enamel jacket year warranty to be regist er e1 in purchasers name brand new half price Ideal for some building a new home Mr John Sticet West Bradford phone SEWING machines famous with the magic sewing brain Life time guarantee Free rowing lessons Completely auto embroideries blind hem ming buttonholes and sews on buttons etc For free informa tion or demonstrations In your own home it your convenience and no obligation on your part write Mrs Julia 21 Ont ario St W Newmarket your authorized Canada rep resentative c4w43 AND CONDUCTOR PIPE AND STRAINERS SNOW BEST HEATING LIMITED Phone PA 75151 Yonge St Aurora MODERN PLUMBING COMPLETE FORCED HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVEROOM HOME 52500 SVJOHNSON Plumbing Supplies I J E AND SAVE Open Wednesday and Friday evenings and Ml day Saturday PULL LENGTH Mown coat in in- Hi LS bicycle Newmarket spring Marsh- II or best Plume Newmarket MANS overcoat black nearly new t dresses all- coat and bat suit beige all MAPLE green- Few other pieces of maple furniture Phone Newmarket washing Phone IMP or Lydla St Newmarket REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FURNACES Grates Dampers Pipes pricks Cement SNOW REST EATING Phone PA St Aurora SUFFERING from backaches Pain Sciatica is over if you let help vim to votu NICE furniture Cheap for sab Phone PA in apply Si Aurora cook- tow and wood Phone Newmarket HALLOWEEN rid Id rens fairies downs Chin e etc each one Mrs Drew phone New mar owl aire Quebec heater ex condition Phone Newmarket KTUMIEN cupboards this month onlv Phone or write Geo Jacksons Point LADYS figure skates figure skates white Almost new Phone HOUSEKEEPER Phone 3w2 Newmarket home bungalow light work apply Mrs Ida Lcppard Keswick phone Roches MOTHERS helper to live in for Toronto home Own private with bath One child Ar Water St Newmarket or call FARM ITEMS WANTED TO BUY ELECTRIC range burner Phone Newmarket st I w ELECTRIC range wide heavy duty Refrigerator ft In good condition Phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE AT Mens More overall pants Lined with warm fancy check doeskin They just Waist to S508 AT If you are troubled with arthritis or rheu matism or aches and pains buy percent wool moth with underwear medium weight combinations Heavy combinations Shirts and drawers and WHY SUFFER AfSONY FOR A FEW DOLLARS AT red label allwool heavy rib under shirts Reg Sale price Sizes to No exchanges no refunds Only two customer AT Roys black rub raincoats sizes Reg Sale price 300 IPs the early bird gets the best value tf42 for HARDWARE We deliver Phone 28 SERVICE AVAILABLE A B PLUMBING PLUMBING and heating instal lation Phone PA Aur ora WELDING CEDAR STREET NEWMARKET PORTA RLE elect lie acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work all kinds ALLENS SERVICE SINGLE or multichannel rust- pro material used on poles roof or chimney moving and re pairs Reasonable with one guarantee Phone Newmarket 174 AND RADIO SERvTcK PICKUP and delivery Phono Newmarket LOCKS KEYED and repaired Keyed alike or master keyed Poor closers repairs ami Keys cut while you wait Auto keys rut to Craigs Lock and Key Just of the REFRIGERATION Com mercial and domestic sales and Geo phone Newmarket PERSONAL OLD at SO ft MEN new pep quick el Tonic Tab lets For 1oih sexes acquaint size only fiOe All HELP WANTED v Newmarket cleaner Prospect St Newmarket female clerk for of flee week salary not necessary Stale and expect Era and box Male or Interested In earning money during your spare time evenings weekends etc Excel lent remuneration Write Era and Express box slating full particulars In first letter WORK WANTED PEEP turnips Phone MOUNDS guaranteed Apply Main St or phone Newmarket FEED turnips for sale in any quantity It J Pollock wick DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket TO or Toronto Em GORDON LIMITED MISCELLANEOUS BABY sitting by responsible young girl day or night Phone New ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or or wilt make daily visits Excellent ref erences Phone SAWS filel Frank Stick- lend 14 Cotter St Newmarket r2w43 HOSPITAL BEDS FOR ANI SON Phone LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR all your carpentry needs call Howard Van Home Builders Store and house repairs Phono ROTAVATING your garden makes perfect seed bed for grass seed or vegetable sod Apply John Maple St Aurora phone PA WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket tf UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent So St or phone Newmarket TOP TELEVISION SERVICE QUALITY Repairs and INSTALLATION MAURICE Phone Sutton 39S PROFESSIONAL permanent waves given In your home If de sired Irene Sheridan phone Mr St Newmarket tMO WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BEARE RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone 355 Newmarket ABERDEEN Angus bulls months Reasonable PA Aurora cows freshen soon Murray Sutton West day care for small children Private home Phone Newmarket c3w41 PRODUCE HULK amber honey in and lb pails per lb Phone 1 MACINTOSH and Spy apple Rales Bros Sharon phone NO 1 for lb bag Delivered in Aurora Ap ply J Maple St Aur ora or phone PA TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines etc Our Information and sendee is reliable Come In and talk over vour proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Phone USED CARS CHEVROLET coach In fair condition 75 or best offer Phone PA Aurora even lugs lw43 CHEEcOLKT sedan mile- lOtHVK Price Phone wmaiket 13 HMO CHEVROLET coach in rood condition sell 100 and take over payments Applv Shields Garage Queens- sedan motor and tires in Rood condition Must le Phone after pm USED TRUCKS CHEVROLET dump truck in pood Phone Point alter pm TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket to am Returning pm I hone Newmarket TRANSPORTATION WANTED Annua Toronto liVJ and pin I a in Phone PA 5170 Aurora wJ 1 MACHINERY FOR SALE tractor and front loader only worketl hours huh head Rip saw top motor I cylinder like new Melts pullevs hangers and shafting Phone Roches Point Lake Sim- toe after pm AND are now a buy at NEW PRICES Write telephone or PLAN at percent rates Mo bile Homes to Ottawa Trailers Ave Toron Ontario THE REST COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs and cold cents The Must Newmarket SHORTHORN bull months from yocwi breeding bulb scr- ae with four world records for milk and fat in nearest dams records wellmarked Ap- Trebble 21I0S PIGS S weeks old Apply floss Pine Orchard AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket WEANED pis Phone Suffolk vearlinrs cast or Aurora phono PA Auro lambs Cheviot Ml Mar Bros Phone LIVESTOCK WANTED for Will call for with truck Good cash price Pro- Newmarket Reverse charges tflC POULTRY FOR SALE Ap ply Ivan Sliaron Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Store phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL nods wheel and In valid chairs and phone Mount Albert LARGE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED drain and tile laying All material supplied Prices greatly reduced on com plete tank jobs in or near town For estimates call between and pm Murray Raker Eagle St Newmarket phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat other disturbances These ire the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adult and child ren with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket POULTRY WANTED ALL kinds of live want von We will pax Toronto prices right at youi door Phone Newmarket tf10 Any Bring them in or will call on re- guest Highest prices paid Ridges or phone Hunter DRESSED POULTRY chickens 35e a lb and ducks 42c a lb PA We deliver CHOICE klressed young ducks Cox Sharon phone YOUNG dressed turkeys for all occasions Apply Ben Cox Sharon phone 23212 Queens- PETS CANARIES Singer S705 Cages stand and breeding cages Violets each Agar HoMK wanted for female cat spade pretty marking broken months old Phone N JVALKRR hound Bluetick female vears running fox Phone Newmarket TROPICAL fish Phone Newmarket REGISTERED Dachshund I no papers and up An- ply Rainbow Gardens Keswick PLA TOR SALE A FEW tulip and daffodil bulbs Will sell cheap or apply Main St Now- WOOD FOR SALE also elm length Carl Clover Raven shoe phono Mount Albert HARDWOOD for sale Phone Mount Albert LUMBER FOR SALE LUMBER 2x1 planks and lumber Blizzard Saw mill Si- Newmarket LOST stroller silver In On Main St phone Newmarket boys brown and sweater last noon please phone New- market croon Now market or Phone Newmarket MANS Rulova watch eravlni on hack keepsake lost In Sutton area Finder please contact Jack Hurst Main St phono SALE REGISTERS PP DAY OCT Auction sale head Shorthorn and Hero- ford cattle tractor fertilizer grain drill nearly new tractor spreader side do livery rake potato digger L International pickup truck pips etc also the acre 1 on farm kihI louse bank barn lien house eiivinjc shed potatoes bay in etc the Oconto at mile north of No highway E clerk Terms on chat tels property terms mac kiuwn day of sale Skiers and Atkinson OCT Auction sale of household of the late L Mount lot con East Owillimbur Time I oclock Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket SATURDAY NOV Auction of antique furniture stoves china and utensils of a wide variety at the property of Lillian at the St Aurora pm Terms Smith auctioneer WEDNESDAY NOV s auction sale dispersal of I tire herd con ins 35 head of vaccinated official ipsificd the of at Live stock cm way mile north of onto No reserve as facta Terms cash Sale at this one of the herds in Ontario Brent nor on pedigree For to or auctioneers Sellers and Atkinson livestock phone ville NOV tide of dairy herd Kin of head of cows Hob stein heavy lbs unit milkers stainless pad pipe lines for IS cows electric motor Moffat pail the of Me- at lot ye ion I East on Davis Drive of Newmarket NOTE As the result an the owner is forced to sell his livestock No reserve Terms cash Sale Los Harp er clerk N Smith and THURSDAY NOV Auction ife of farm stock and Imple ments inc Mil tractor No model row crow tractor model No years old machine George White full line power head of cattle hie fresh cows springers ami cattle hay furniture at lot 13 con the property of Or villi Martin The Womens In- will serve lunch Sale at I noon sharp Terms cash Ted Hewlett ami Reg Clerks A Farmer NOTICE all those men who an Ieieiuusly contribute sand lae for the Dam De fense please accept our Hon to come to the 9m incept a for We to factory settlement foe Kii

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