Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs Roy Martin attended the evening services of the District Quarterly meeting at the Free Methodist church Oct Inclusive Mrs Harvey vis ited last week with Mr and Mrs Sydney Mr and Mrs Lome Payn- were the guests of Mr and Stirs George Barker Sharon on Sunday Mr Joseph Peat returned home on Tuesday from Hurober Memorial hospital where he had undergone a major operation la progressing satisfactorily Mr and Mrs Charles Lee accompanied by Misses Hazel May and Alberta were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Hope Mr and Mrs A Crowle vis ited Mrs mother Mrs George Mount Albert on Saturday Mr and Mrs Mel Kenny and Miss Hazel Kenny all of To ronto were weekend guests ther J Kenny Miss Lillian Thomas super intendent of nurses York Heres a lowcost light weight Mcculloch one man CHAIN SAW with or tip lb that does all woodcutting jobs faster and easier Come In fir a tail ly hospital is a patient at To ronto Western hospital Toronto Miss Thomas suffered a com pound fracture of her knee in a fall from a step ladder at the local hospHa Her condition is improving Mr and Mrs Fergus Taylor Elaine and Myron spent Sunday at Keswick the guests of Mr and Mrs Freeman Pollock and Mrs Kennedy Mrs George Toronto was a weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Roy Martin Many from the Newmarket Free Methodist church attended sessions of the District Quarter ly meeting at the Free Methodist church Holt Oct to 24 Armagh the home of their They included Rev and Mrs A B and daugh ters Mr and Mrs Joseph Bull and Harold Bull Mr and Mrs Norman Mrs R Bab- cock and family Misses Evelyn and Clara Mr and Mrs H Gibbons Mrs Don- old Mr and Mrs Cyril Gibbons and family Mr and Mrs Gerald Sedore Misses El sie and Alice Gibbons and others I Mr and Mrs Stewart Dow Miss and her sister were Sunday guests of Miss Keswick Mrs Archie Sr return ed on Monday night from a weeks visit with Mrs Archie Jr Detroit Mich Mrs Jr had visited her mother- inlaw in Newmarket over the Thanksgiving weekend Rev and Mrs A Moffatt and family were guests of Rev and Mrs J Daw on Sun day Rev was a guest speaker at evangelistic ser vices In Oct He returned to Newmarket on Mon day Mr and Mrs Hisey spent Sunday in Toronto the guests of Mr and Mrs Carl PLAN ST ANDREWS TEA AND BAZAAR Plans were made for the an nual St Andrew Day tea and bazaar at the October meeting of the Womens association St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket The date was set for Friday Nov 26 The A met at the home of Mrs Mrs Sydney Legge presided and the devotional period was conducted by Sirs Joseph Greer and Mrs Fred Meredith Each member turned in an apron for the ba zaar at the roll call At the close of the business session refreshments were serv ed The hostess was assisted by Mrs George Wilson and Miss Margaret PRESENT SLIDES BY MRS J W BOWMAN TO HOSPITAL AUX Colored slides showing scenes from Florida and other sections of the United States and Canada were presented by Mrs J W Bowman at the quarterly gen era meeting of the York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary when the group met at the Agri cultural Board rooms Newmar ket on October Mrs Noble presided Die excellent pictures were enjoyed by those in attendance Included in the showing were slides taken at the school for Re tarded Children Newmarket QUILTS NEEDED BY HOMELESS FAMILIES Quilts are urgently needed by the flood victims the Holland Marsh In an attempt to these needs the Newmarket branch Canadian Red is willing to supply material to any organization society or group of individuals who are willing to quilt for the people of the Marsh area Here is an opportunity for the needle women of the community give practical assistance to their homeless neighbors If you dont quilt perhaps you could help by contributing ma terials for the filling of the quilts Good clean used wool blankets are welcome by the Red Cross for this purpose Anyone interested in organiz ing a quilting bee or anyone with suitable material for the filling of the quilts is requested to con tact Miss Edith Robertson den of the Newmarket branch phone HOME AND SCHOOL DONATES 106 TO RETARDED CHILDREN The Newmarket Home and School association raised at its benefit card party on Oct The entire proceeds were donated to School for Re tarded Children with the presi dent William Warden receiving the cheque from Mrs At kinson at Tuesday nights meet- of the Home and School group The card party held in the auditorium was well pa tronized Guests were welcom ed by Mrs Atkinson There were draws for prizes and lucky door prizes The project had been ar ranged by Mrs Ridler Mrs Jack Mrs William Par sons and Mrs Atkinson Delicious refreshments were served and the draws made for the prizes Convening tho re were Mrs Edward Mrs Michael Steel Mrs Onirics VanZant and Mrs Womans World m f By Caroline Ion The Bronte library was again in the news when In J column in the Saturday issue of the Globe and Mail a letter referring to it was quoted Era readers will recall that Lo cal Observer mentioned the Bronte library in the Here and There column a few weeks past It had been announced that the Bronte library was closed because as the Bronte librarian explained No one wants to read books anymore The total list of Bronte library subscribers stood at three Television and cheap paper bound books were blamed for the decrease inter est in better reading by the Bronte populace According to C Browning Port Credit whose letter to Mr was quoted in the lat- column Bronte is an iso lated case The majority of other Ontario centres are finding there is an increased interest in their local libraries The Burlington and public libraries have never had a greater circulation in their his tory wrote Mr Browning as has every other live public lib rary in Ontario including co This you may confirm by re ports of the Ontario Library as sociation In Bronte with a population of had pa trons who paid a membership fee of cents per year The librarian donated four hours a HALLOWEEN TEA AT ST PAULS CHURCH Tomorrow Oct the annual Halloween tea and bazaar will be held in the parish hall under the auspices of the Parochial guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket Tea will be served from 3 to pan There will be a supervised nursery Grocery grab bags will be fea tured at this years Touch and Take table There will be home baking candy and aprons for sale at the bazaar booths week free service and was spent on books paperback or otherwise onehalf of which was paid by legislative grant but not one cent by mu nicipal grant fa the same year only three miles away with a population of had borrowers and a municipal grant of 5468 The legislative grant in 1953 was therefore 254 Also in in the taxpayers paid 7822 in support of their library If a municipality wishes a li brary and is willing to contribute to its cost the provincial legisla ture will assist in organizing it and financing it Except for per haps people Bronte doesnt want one continued Mr Brownings letter A DANCE CLUB Practice classes for the Betty Gordon Dance club will bo held on Thursday Nov 4 instead of Monday Nov as the Legion hall is being used on the regular night for the Chamber of Com merce dinner classes will he held at the usual hours Tho change is for next week only and the following classes will be held on Monday Nov Largest Sunday School In Archdeacon of the Diocese of started to mail Sunday school lessons to boys and girls who lived too far away to attend a regular Sunday school Little did he think that by 1954 this would have grown into the worlds largest Sunday schooL From radio stations which blan ket Canada from Aklavik in the far north to St Johns New foundland the Anglican Sunday school of the Air is heard broad casting the word of God and the love of His Son to millions of people across our land Children who normally receive little or no Christian education are able to attend Sunday school in their own homes Sunday school papers are mailed to each child enabling him to partici pate in a full program The growth of the Sunday School of the Air has been steady and continuous Some 32000 boys and girls are en rolled in this fast growing and most interesting Sunday school which unites young Canadians with each other and with the great friend of all children Jesus Christ In this area the Anglican Su day School of the Air is each Sunday morning at from CFRB at on radio dial HZ- LO SPECIAL if SPECIAL MARGEN SPECIAL SPECIAL QUAKER TEETHING TROUBLE I it is ft L It ITS FC Jv Eft J -r- slacks jack purchased a wellknown lowest price weve seen on ORLON With fine rayon waistbands good quality pocketing priced slacks and the ORLON blend is wear and to give you all the creaseresisting qualities for which Is A i shades Charcoal Grey Charcoal Brown en Blue size 38 j I Thy A Special Low Price wn Hail if or I f flap- til VALUI fog Full utoC3i3M V r 4 Mj SHm lino renfiwxa comfort jbl nothing practical a shirt than t finished washable doeskins altrac- tartan patterns Sanforized and or for leisure hours around the house J til Turn large extra large A J I VT SPECIAL I Fan Nabob E D Sndths Straw Golden Bar C Monarch lUIEDHr DUi Oil Swift Purit Bobin Sal Ml ioppei v iiZJXli J J- A RBAL TR1AT FOR THE ii ONTARIO GROWN ft i i FIRM GREEN AND TASTY NO ftft I CRUNCHY ClUSTIRS v J5LfSfriU v Food lor Dogs Cat Food or Don Biscuit BOX- iot SMe e f Mm I mm A- P ON A SPKCIAL ME PORK SPAR i imsM flr SWIFTS i- ii 11 t wit BRAND c l two WICK OCT ux