If Newmarket Era mud Express Queens vi lie News Mrs Ralph holidaying last week at the home Mr and Mrs Mr Grant Burked AT If Youre TIRED ALL THE TINE a now and Iheo and nothing a folic condition fey and Thats the lime to take Kidney and to help action of excess od vulti Thru feel work txfte Get Kidney now lor with red bind all ft depend on Falls spent last week with Mr and Mrs Archie Smith Mrs Ethan was visit the village on Friday Mr and Mrs now live south of Keswick Sharon Junior Farmers an nual church service will be held in St fames Anglican church Sharon on Sunday Nov at Ronald was the Institute delegate to in the convention at he Royal hotel from Nov- to in clusive hunters from this area headed north for smother sea son They are Floyd Cunning ham Byron Oils Sid Maries Chas Shields Ang us Smith and Jack Congratulations go to Mis Sherwood who won a prize in the amateur hat destining con recently Evening Auxiliary The ladies of Evening Auxiliary will hold meeting t the home of Mrs Murray on Tuesday Nov at pm Mrs- Don McMillan will have charge of the ivorshig per iod Mrs Harry wiU the study book arid will he u3fc leaker Mrs will have charge of tfts The the will Mrs Leonard Mrs John js the jjfks you Mr Cm and visited Mr and Mrs Ldftfe Strjft girls U Sunday is stay int with iter Mr Jack to Mr and recently their fortieth at the of Mr daughter Mm Hoi Sorry to report Wait- How good it is we a Canadian Concert association an organization where young Canadian talent is recognized una given a chance to show bow much Canada has to give to music the evening of Tuesday Tov we journeyed to convey Hilda ami to the concert hail We had attended two of Mr recitals in Tor onto and so knew something what was in store for us artist The other Mus was of course a stranger When Rita nice to see two talented young Canadians their to- I that she the thoughts a great many listeners was a surprised whew I saw the titles Mosss numbers both have appeal present no great difficulties When have a I vsalse the runs In the which was tfa my self memorized tears and vengeful thoughts towards teachers and parents Bui as notes flowed out the skilled fingers of the artist past was forever consigned oblivion and 1 enjoyed my Mr Mosss interpretation of Chopins Sonata in minor Op was a fine piece of artistry- It had depth and breadth of tone the Scherzo had life and gaiety while the Largo had a of tone a singing that made it to me his piece resistance The finale with its speed color showed the technique of the artist In his four last numbers He arrived REFRESHED by bus have sold their fettn will be into new house Wardens Banquet A number from here attended annual York County Ward- ens at the on Friday Nov Mr Terry was the puest solo ist Reeve of East Mr Jack Rye Mrs and their two and son honored by the county as he completed his term of as warden A Huston VJcioii Square was the t the United church on The Womens Institute will the first euchre of season on Nov a- in hall Hie will be films on Sunday night Nov United church basement Is Mr and Mrs Elmer Hamilton j it on West spent Sunday Us sister Percy Mr and Mrs Fred and Mrs Ed Midland had an interesting to the bird sanctuary and vlsitfid other ni in the part ihe You may not go in far water skiing but you will fit and refreshed for activities at your fa vorite resort if you go by bus FLORIDA Circle Tour Days1 1730 From Toronto RETURN FARE Sightseeing and Room Double 8 nights your Agtnt for of his or Tours In Moss showed a remarkable cry and of Dev ilish inspiration and then hack to the lovely Butterfly Waltz was a feat His closing number Rhapsody in major was capricious as it was melodious In we have a violinist who in addition to his artistry can by sympathetic interpretation bring his audience into close touch with the composer Beauty tone and pitch were particularly fine and there was one cadenza by Sam that by sheer beauty of tone and expression fairly carried one away Mr playing of the first movement of Mozarts con certo in major was a brilliant piece of work The melodic con tent was brought out with the that always satisfies uncertainty in listener minds that needs a firm think that Is bo much ultra modern music leaves listeners and unhappy- They miss the well brought theme that in the older classic In by Block the strange harmonics which are of people and their faith came to life under Mr fingers Too lha delicate charm of whimsy of the fiotte by Sibelius which through all whimsy the charm which is never in of new missing from Sibelius com Sea by where the vio lin murmured and sang of ti sea All these gave Mr opportunity to show tho di ver of It an ior the sciaH Following ROUND TRIP FARES Sub to ChanaJ NEW ORLEANS 5070 LOS ANGELES MIAMI HOTEL Phone The meeting of the mm bold of Mrs Mrs charge Ojf ah of World Friendship- The December meeting wlH held at the home of Mrs New is vibiting her Mrs Janus Wright the the of Mrs Clover Sharon Mr Percy Jahoncy who is a patient in in improving Mr Morton is on tlie sick list He is at present in a Toronto rest home Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant left Tuesday for a visit At the home of Mr and Mrs Hoy Fountain Toronto The Sunday morning services at the United church were large ly attended on Sunday when members the Optimist club Boy Scouts and Cubs were pres ent in a group A suitable ser vice for the occasion and for Remembrance day vas conduct ed by It Campbell Kenneth who under went a last week has suffered an attack of the measles We wish him a speedy recovery Mrs John visited her sun Donald and family Willow- dale for a few days last week The Evening auxiliary meet ing will be held on Nov to at the home of Mrs Winch Mrs Ramsey and Mrs arc in charge of the program The roll call will he a missionary and tell something of her work Mr and Mrs Fred Knights visited at the home on Sunday Several from Keswick attend ed the commencement exercises In Newmarket high school on Friday evening Wilson was one of the graduate Jim is and concert the artists were en tertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Beer Minstrel Show Ever since we heard of the Ju nior Farmers minstrel show dir ected by Dr Margaret we have planned to see it and on each occasion fate stepped in and put a veto on our desire However on Saturday evening Nov we really got to the show and saw and enjoyed it with a large and enthusiastic audience Dr Margaret is certainly a wo man of many talents Only last week I wrote of her as a speaker at our Institute Now we see her conducting a chorus and dir ecting a minstrel show suppose think of a show first thing we think of is the end men they good the fcterlcifor is on toes without theft you haW the swift inters change of wit that lights up the whole show Most of the jokes were fresh and really funny One had only to Sear the delighted bursts of laughter and applause to tell how they got home to the audience to make one suggestion and its about the underground train narration Mr Crone could speak a little louder there were parts we wanted to hear which we missed and we didnt want to miss I know this is possible for Mr Crone in his interlocutor business spoke splendidly and brought out his jokes like a professional I think the voice car ried the best We were quite Intrigued by the new interpre tation of Hay Ride with its exceedingly clever horse and artistic wagon and the Kingfish and chorus gave a good rendi tion of the swing I must congratulate Sambo on his dual personality song Oh No John In fact songs and choruses gave pleasure they are too numerous to mention indi vidually Wo hope we will hear all the cast again I feel I must mention little Myers for she did a good job and I always love to encour age a child but was lust one excellent where all were good The registered nurses association deserves a veto of thanks for their presentation of this and I know that would be echoed by as many voices as wore people in the audi ence MOUNT ALBERT Win Hicks has taken over the store formerly operated by Mr and Hon Young have begun con- structibn on their new houses Sharon Junior Farmers an nual church service will be held in St James Anglican church Sharon on Sunday Nov 21 at Tc Mount Albert bowling club donated 10 to the Hurricane fund Neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs Gordon Knott gather ed at the IOOF hall on Mon day evening to a farewell party They presented the couple with a mirror Mr and Mrs Knott are moving to New market A number from Onward lodge attended banquet held in on Tuesday even ing for the visit of the grand master Mr and Mrs Roy spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Keswick A number from Mount Albert attended the Wardens banquet on Friday evening held at the King Edward hotel Toronto A bus load of Womens Insti tute members went to Toronto on Thursday to attend the lunch eon held at the Central Ontario convention Royal York ho tel Mr- and Mrs Clinton Leach Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs N Wilson The Sunday school rally was held at the school service and not with the congregation at the United church Ann ShiUinglaw the lesson and Mrs Bruce Roiling told the story Miss Armstrong had two selec tions by the junior choir The funeral service for Mrs Kate Rose was held on Sunday afternoon in church with interment in cemetery John Lock Toronto was in charge of the Remembrance ser vice held in Mount Albert on Sunday when veterans marched to the Memorial gateway at the ANSNORVELDT Because of the flood we have been unable to send our usual social news Now most of the people on this side of the Hol land Marsh have returned to their homes They have started the big cleanup Job Church services and societies will re- community park Roy Stewart and Reg laid wreaths for their sons Jack Pearson and James laid wreaths on behalf of the province and the Legion A bugler from Newmarket sounded the Last Post Following the laying of wreaths a service was held in the Community hall John Lock was the speaker Mount Alberts usual large con tingent of hunters by train Saturday night for the north country- Mrs J Oliver spent the weekend in Toronto The Womens Institute will meet one week later than usual on Thursday Nov at the home of Mrs If Harmon at pm Mr Genoa has sold his store and moved to Rich vale and Mr is the new storekeeper The short course on Program Planning sponsored by the Wom ens Institute under the leader ship of Mrs Elton Armstrong Newmarket will be held in tnt Hall on Monday Nov 10 am to pm sume their regular meetings this week A few are unable to return to their homes due to the water damage and are tempor arily finding shelter with friends and relatives Mr and Mrs Miedcma spent last weekend visiting lives in Chatham and Windsor Mrs Matthews spent a few days visiting her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs M London Mrs John and small daughters are spending a few days visiting relatives in We want to thank all the peo ple who have helped in so many ways and later on well have many happy memories their kindnesses in helping tis through the trying days past two weeks Hollandse Filmavond KLm DONDERDAG 2 DEC 1954 in Newmarket Town Hall 8 pm Haast U teleurstelling te voorkomen Travel bur in St cs if a AND THIS CONDITION DURI I ant DOUBLE BED SIZE is Automatic has 9 safety thermostats Set control for the temperature you want Takes very little current Keeps you more comfortable than wool blankets Has Rayon Satin bindings Unconditional GUARANTEE INCLUDED WITH THIS SUPERB NEW WASHER i Birthday Club wishes arc extended this week to Sylvia tt year on Saturday Nov Holt years old on Salt day Nov Elaine Virginia ft- years old Monday Nov It New- market years old on Monday Nov Joanne Holland years old on Tuesday Cole years old Nov Nov lflye4eE Nov years old tin Thursday Nov James New market years old on Nov send in your name dress and become a member the Newmarket Era and birthday FRIDAY NOV 12llt TO SATURDAY NOV See champion livestock prize hoi sea and vectahKs Ids seed ami show on the plus of other outstanding exhibits Queens Guineas Competition Sale of Stars I Royal Horse Show Stpiare Dance Contest Mower your mil fares C Royal Coliseum TORONTO J A tvjtm ft mJm itr Ml If Hat rh and in h Mpild Tub hot lop eloi to end Nol ttayft and TOTAL VAU OF WASHER A- J I NO 1YMI TRADE r Era and Express classifieds bring results Mount in IT WONT BE IP Hundreds of dollars in mer DYER T4JK 1 i J r T J tfa v ys- V5 THIS STORE WHEN 1 rt r