Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Nov 1954, p. 7

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V fcS- I Classifieds Continued Flow wired to all of the world FLOWERS A SPECIALTY St -TTm- Rose Directors STREET NEWMARKET flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers All Over the World 5 MAIN STREET Phone 573J NEWMARKET AUCTION SALE of Registered and Grade Hie undersigned has received I from ARTHUR WRIGHT lot Con West 2 miles west of No hi on way mile east of highway To sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY NOV at pm sharp The following Registered Bull Sunnyslde John born Sept Registered cow Dora Brae reg No bom June 10 193U calf at foot Registered bull Gilford Rupert Brae No born July Registered bull No born March bull Domino Brae bom Aug Yearold cow due Dec Yearold cow clue Feb cow due Jan Yearold cow due Jan Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY NOV GARDENS fellowship of Baptist Churches Located just south of Charles School on Muriel St in R Pastor 950 am Sunday School Worship Service pm Evangelistic Service Prayer and meeting A warm welcome awaits yon FAITH Legion Hall Aurora Services am- and The sick and afflicted prayed for at all services Send requests for prayer to the pastor Reed Pastor Box ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Guest Preacher Br A Carrie Toronto Mr Rudolph Hoydens Organist 950 am Sunday school am Morning worship Morning service only during vacancy FREE METHODIST CHURCH Minister Mrs Gerald Organist Sunday School am Morning worship pm EVANGELISTIC service Tuesday 8 pm Prayer service pm Class Meeting Christmas Program Dec YOU ARE WELCOME i FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev J Daw Pastor SUNDAY am Special Sunday school rally Special singing Murray Varney Supt Divine worship Come and join the inarch to Sunday School this Sunday Much special singing duets trio and quartet Come and rejoice with us Every Wednesday services at pm TRINITY UNITED Rev J- Aiken Minister Ministry of 1 1 am Morning worship In Theatre MONEY IS IMMORTAL THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am Senior school 11 am Beginners and Primary am Nursery class Sunday Nov 21 Reopening and Dedication of the church am Right Rev George moderator United Church of Canada pm Rev Marshall Street Church Tor onto Come and worship with us CHURCH OF THE Cor Main and Queen Sts Rev A Collins Minister Miss June Haines Organist Miss Norma Baker Pianist am CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL and pm REV EARL guest speaker Friday tomorrow 8 pm Rev RALPH MORRIS Toronto VISITORS Always WELCOME FRIENDS MEETING Street 1100 am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us All welcome Saturday Nov Yonge St Quarterly Meeting in Toronto 11 am Meeting of Ministry and Oversight pm Business session fol lowed by program The God of peace make you perfect in every good work to do His will THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Rev Fred reckon Minister am Morning worship Speaking the Truth pm Sunday school Las Contest day Evening Gospel service Bright and lively singing and message ALL I GRACE CHURCH fa 52 ST Associated Gospel Churches Pastor REV A YIELDING 960 AM BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages AM The PASTOlt Joel Speak PMThe PASTOR The nation called to repentance Join us in our Bible study group Wednesday at Always a welcome at Grace The Salvation Army Newmarket Citadel REDEDKAT10N SERVICES SATURDAY SUNDAY NOVEMBER by Major Divisional Commander FEATURING The East Toronto Silver Band Plus The Christian Baptist Church GOLDEN QUARTET Schedule of events at the Citadel NOV March of witness Rededication of ceremonies Musical festival of praise Silver Collection SUNDAY NOV Holiness meeting meeting riW the Christian Baptist Church musical program attend 5Yearold cow due Jan 4Yearold cow due Jan due Jan Yearold cow due Jan 4Yearold cow calf at food Yearold cow calf at foot Yearold cow calf at foot Yearold cow calf at foot Yearold cow due May 7Yearold cow calf at foot Young grade bulls months old 2Yearold open heifers Heifer calves months old REMARKS Mr Wright is sell ing all his grades and some reg istered cattle as he has too many rattle for winter All cattle for sale are out of registered bulls and all cows are bred to present herd sire John Rupert breeder Bros cash No reserve Sale at 130 pm sharp Jerry Coughlin auctioneer phone TOWNSHIP OF NORTH VOTERS LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I lave complied with Section of the Voters List Act and that have posted up at my at Keswick on the dry of October a list of all entitled to vote in the raid municipality at the municip al elections and that such a list remains there for inspection and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to Lave any errors or omissions corrected according to law THE last day of appeal being the twelfth day of November DATED at Keswick day of October Winch clerk Keswick TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR TREATED SAND SEALED tenders marked as to contents will be received by the Keswick Club Active During National Optimist Week Keswick in undersigned until oclock I conjunction with National Op- noon Saturday Nov IS 1954 to Week have arranged a NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THE HON OURABLE WILLIAM PATE DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estate of The Hon ourable William Pate Mulock late of the Township of King in County of York one of Her Majestys Counsel deceased who died on or about the day August are hereby noti fied to send in to The Canada Permanent Trust Company Bay Street Toronto on or before the day of November full particulars of their claims Immediately after the said last mentioned date the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the said Company shall then have notice at Toronto this 26th day of October Clark and Red man Dominion Bank Building Toronto Solicitors for Thomas Horn an and The Canada Perma nent Trust Company Executors of the last will and testament of lie Honourable William Pate deceased c3w43 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is given that I have complied with section subsections 5 and of the Assessment Act and that the first sitting of the Court of Revision will be held at the Com- Hall at the hour of 10 oclock in the fore noon of Wednesday Nov to hear the appeals against the assessment roll for the year upon which the levy will be based ALL ate requested to attend to present their case and anyone unable to do so notice Is hereby given that the court will proceed with the appeals Winch clerk Keswick NOTICE TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN- Wilmot King will not be re sponsible for any debts h in my name by my wife Flor ence King from this date on Nov supply and haul to stock piles at various places in the town ship as designated by the road superintendent approximately 500 yards more or less of sand treated with lbs of salt yard TENDERS to state price per yard LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road c2w44 NOTICE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned uo until pm Monday Nov- 22 To supply the Township of with one 15 five ton heavy duty truck with combina- dump box Snow plow and wing SPECIFICATIONS may be ob tained from the undersigned LOWEST or any tender net necessarily accepted George Foster Road Supt Virginia Ontario BIRTHS At York hospi tal Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Jack New a daughter At York County hospital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs William a son- BUTLER At York County hos pital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Ralph Butler Oak Ridges a son A m At day Nov Mr and Mrs Fred Coates Queensville a dauLhier program for the week of to Sunday there was a church parage from the Memorial Arena to Keswick United church Optimists and Scouts and Cubs which are spon sored by these Optimists Thirty- five out of in Keswic Cub Pack attended The theme of Optimist Week with nearly 1000 Optimist clubs in the western hemisphere par is Every Boy Needs a Mans Helping Hand and this ears with the Optimists Friend of the Boy The activities continue all week and on Friday evening this week moving pictures will disown by Conservation Offi cer Harold of a De of Lands and Forests entitled Wild Life VETERANS NIGHT The last regular dinner meet ing of the Newmarket Lions club on Monday Nov was the an nual Veterans night and the club paid tribute to veterans of both wars members wore poppies the from the Legion Vet erans Association and Air Force Association The guest speaker was Rev J Aiken minister of Trinity United church Rev Aiken showed slides of the war and gave a commentary on them A Sunday November Gary Myron son of Mr and Mrs Myron and brother of Linda Mae Davis Drive New market Interment cemetery on November 9 movie will be shown in the Memorial Arena Keswick at 9 pm This fine picture of the outdoors should interest the young and old alike and all urged to attend Admission is free winds up the program Cubs and Scouts handing copies of the Optimist Creed to people on the Keswick streets This information has been re leased by Keswick Optimists President Tommy Johnston and the Clubs Optimist Week Chair man Jack Cudworth The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov NEW MAIL SERVICE A system of mail delivery which took Sutton district mail on Tuesday Thursdays and Saturdays truck and into by train from outside area on Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days has been changed after 3d years on this schedule A daily mail delivery into entirely by truck haj commenced and this service will in effect from now on North Gwillfmbury Passes ByLaws And Garbage Contract At a special council meeting held in North township offices in Keswick on Monday evening Nov two bylaws were given their final reading and passed Bylaw No imposing a special drainage rate upon part of lot in the third concession belonging to Thomas Lowndes was passed This covers a loan by the township of with interest It is to be repaid the rate of a year for years ana me club was host to Bylaw No the other Fbstest Cutting Easiest Handling Chain Saw Built BURR0WES COMBINATION WINDOWS are AMAZING King Keswick VVV A TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR RENTAL OF TRUCK FOR SNOW REMOVAL tenders marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon Saturday Nov lor the hiring of a heavy duty truck and driver for the season of and Township to hydraulic operated snow plow and front mounted levell ing wing Snow plow to be mounted on truck by Deo 15 and to remain on truck until March TENDERS will state size of make model year and horse power rating of truck PRICE per hour while plowing also price per day stand by time TOWNSHIP to supply wing man LOWEST or any tender not nee- accepted Ernest Davis Road Straskr Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE At York County hos pital Thursday Nov 104 to Mr and Mrs Fred a daughter CONSTABLE At York County hospital Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Frederick Con stable RR Woodbridge a son EVANS At York County Monday Nov to Mr and Mis Fred Evans Newmar ket a daughter Margaret Louise At York County Hospital Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Kyle Keswick a son At York County hos pital Friday Nov to Mr ana Mrs Carl Codlin Newmar ket a daughter JOHNSTONE At York County hospital Tuesday Nov Mr and Mrs John- stone Oak Ridges a daughter KENWOOD At York County Tuesday Nov to Air and Mrs Fred Holland Landing a son KERR At York Coonty hospi tal Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Cecil Kerr Aurora a daughter MALCOLM At York County hospital Wednesday Nov 1 to Mr and Mrs Harvey Malcolm King City a daughter At York County hospital Thursday Nov To Mr and Mrs John P 1 QueensviUe a daughter At York County hospital Friday Nov 5 to Mr end Mrs David McCormicV Oak Ridges a son At York County hospi tal Sunday Nov to Mr awl Mrs Alexander Wilcox a daughter At York County hos pital Saturday Nov Mr am- Mrs Paul Bra ford a daughter I York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Murray Stick- Holland Landing a daugh ter WILSON At York County hos pital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs- Douglas Wilson Auiora a daughter DEATHS Suddenly it the Wei hospital Toronto or Thursday Nov wife of the late William mother of the late Marg aret sister of James For- nan Ottawa Mrs W J Qui on and Mrs Holt Julia Toronto Edward and Leo of Newmarket Rest- in at the Roadhous and Rose Home Funeral on Sat urday lo Church of St John for Requiem Mass at am Interment St Johns cemcteiy CAWTHRA At York County hospital on Tuesday Nov Samuel brother of Mis Preston Toronto uncle Ethel Toronto and Mabel King Detroit Mich Resting at the chap- of Road- house and Rose Funeral ser vice on Friday at It am Inter ment Newmarket cemetery ROSS- At the home of his son Lot Con King on Tuesday Nov William Arthur Ross husband of the late Mary and lather of Flossie Mrs Bruce and Clara Mrs J Hamilton of Tor onto and Hugh of King in his year at Thompson funeral 29 Vic toria St Aurora Service Fri day Nov at pm Inter- King cemetery At the Hospital for Children Toronto on KRUGER Suddenly on Tues day Nov at Toronto Dr William Cecil Kfuger husband of Blanche father of V Doris Ann Resting at Trull Properly at the price home Toronto Seryict one to be passed is for the sale of that portion of the unused road allowance between lots 20 and in the sixth concession At this time a contract was completed with Messrs Roger and Harold Smith for the collection of garbage In the township at a price of per resident and for commercial places annually The conditions contained in this contract included the stipu lation that a be pur chased immediately and put in to operation At an earlier meeting Councillor James Clark declared that the job could not No oneman Chnin Saw for sale today can match the Tremendous power Weighs only pounds Heres the saw everyones been looking for Tireless and effortless to operate We have so much in this well let you try it in your own timber Buy the best and save Combination Windows are Tailor Made to the exact specifications of yuur home For free demonstration contact our representative in chapel Thuisday after noon at 2 oclock interment Mount Pleasant cemetery IN In ever loving mem ory of my dear brother Walter raider who passed away Nov 13153 He was so suddenly taken from He had no time to bid mo fare well Sadly missed by his lonely sis for Colder CARD OF THANKS am homo and can thank and Individually each every Wood donor and one and all who offered only say from the bottom of my thanks Jim Murray Queens Hotel CARD OF THANKS We to express our heartfelt to relatives neighbors mends for the acts of kind ness and lovely floral tributes extended to us at this time of cur sudden bereavement Again say thank you Mr and Mrs Rose and family Mount Albert PLAN CHRISTMAS TEA AND BAZAAR Plans were made for the as sociations first tea and bazaar at the Nov 2 meeting of the Evening Womans association Trinity United church Newmar ket The date for the Christmas tea has been set for Thursday Dec The Evening met in the church hall Mrs Fred Leach presided The devotional period was conducted by Mrs Charles Boyd The election and instal lation of officers will be held at the January meeting At the close of the business session a social halfhour was spent Tailor Made Every Unit Registered Fingertip Rustp oof lifetime aluminum mm 3638 Main SL Newmarket Phone i Area Aurora Phone PA Windows Ltd Head Of Dave sport Road Si 1 Mr CARD OF THANKS Mid Mrs express their grati- for the kind- and flowors re during their recent loss of a and grandmother CARD OF THANKS Mrs J Stanley Osborne wishes- to thank relatives friends and neighbors for the kindness to her for the beautiful Mowers and the lovely art also Rev M Aiken for words and Rose Funeral Directors their kind consideration ami the Sharon Womens Institute taking over and managing the home the day of the funeral gratitude is very deep ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Max wish to the en gagement of their daughter Donna Jean to Mr Donald Davis son of Mr and Mrs Harold Davis Toronto the marr to take place on Nov lift In tiiltel church at pm Mr and Mrs Alfrel J King R 1 Mount Albert announce the engagement of their daugh ter Mario to Mr Clay ton Harris Twitch son of Mr Mrs Benjamin Leitch the wedding to on Nov at Mi raid Mrs Walter A Nichols announce the engage- miiit of their daughter Von a ton to Mr son of Mr and Mrs The marriage will take place in St James Episcopal church Pullman Washington early in December BELHAVEN Mr and Mrs Ralph have moved to their now home at Beach The community is sorv to hear that Mrs Win Win h is ill and wishes speedy recovery- Mr arid Mrs Murray Steven son Toronto had dinner on Mr Stevensons parents Mr and Mrs Stevenson Mr and Mrs Perry spent Sunday evening with Mr Jtxd Mrs James Wight KeswicI Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd visited Mrs Kins Mr Phillips and her aunt Masters at on Sunday Mrs Stevenson Virginia had dinner on Sunday with her Mrs- Henry Kay Messrs J A Nelson Andrew Mainprise and Pollock are among those who have gone north deer hunting Miss Kay is spending a couple of weeks at Coboconk on the Bell Telephone staff there to STATE FARM MEMBERS of driver at extremely low cause it aims to insure drivers only GIT YOURS Made of Scotchlito to buropec for your fr Phones STATE FARM 1NSUR Farn Mutual Automobile Insurance Company late Farm Insurance Company State Farm and Casualty Insurance Company Home Off i I Mr end Mrs Frank J Park Newmarket wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter Alma Fern to Mr George Zogalo son of Mr and Mrs Newmarket the wedd ing to take place on Nov at pm at Christ ian Baptist church parsonage GOLDEN WEDDING Mi Mrs Ike Kes wick will be at home to their friends and on Satur day Nov from to and lo pm upon the occasion of their wedding anniversary si r i3 and youngsters alike are of these Sturdy cotton denim jeans with plaid cotton flat lining and matching Mothers like their vannUi of ihe cosy oun asters style SAM aw runs The Only Store For Younj un iLr

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