wt f MONEY National Agents wanted rives Write tmr and take ntax of than wholesale price Williams Co- Limited Canadas Outstanding Pawnbrokers Church St Toronto 2 Receives While on vacation recently fialeenian from Toronto a had hiking accident Ducking his head to avoid a branch of a tree he brushed into another branch that severely damaged his left eye He complete of fight in that optic The Confederation life Policy which he carries has an Accidental Dismember Benefit As a result he received for the loss of eight of his eye The only policy of its kind in Accidental Death Dismemberment Benefit on a pays natural It you Air Un If sou 51ft In vehicle an tit lf this At Toronto One hundred and fifty York County Club members and their leaders were the luncheon guests of ih Toronto Downtown club on Wednesday Nov 17 The luncheon which is an annual event for most of the Countys Clubs is held at the Royal York hotel in Toronto This year the special guest speaker was Ryder who coached and inspired MarUyh Bell as well as many other swim ming champions His least her alded but most noteworthy work is that at the Swim ming Club particularly with crip pled children Following the luncheon the President and presented the Short Course scholarships to the winners in the various clubs and also awards of merit to top stand ing members not eligible for the scholarship through age or pre vious winnings The following were the awards Sutton Calf Club merit Dick scholarship Philip Clark Calf Club merit Den ton Brum well scholarship Ron Gee Calf Club merit Gerald Livingston scholar ship Torrance Baby Beef Club scholarship Verne Wilton Tractor Club scholarship Denton Following the presentation of awards the club members attend ed the Royal Winter Fair as guests of the Club This event ends the Club season for but It is hoped that many more farm boys and girls will plan to be mem bers in The age limits are 12 by May to 21 by Nov and interested boys and girls should contact Ed Pearson Department of Agriculture Newmarket or any of the various club leaders OTEisiUiiiLuXffi cash j for ASSOCUIIOM j SS6- TV JLWl The East Toronto Salvation Army Band was in Newmarket for the services at the remodelled Salvation Army Citadel recently Captain and Mrs Newmarket are seated at the table in the centre of the front row above Major the Divisional Commander from was present and headed the gatherings The band also played at York Manor St the county home for the aged and at York County hospital The band also played at the Chris tian Baptist church Photo by Everett Holland Marsh Beats FreezeUp Hydro Pumps Clear Flooded Area In Record Time a r fl- SI WALL Holland Marsh farmers hard hit by flood waters following Hurricane Hazel are now back on the land planting their crop The immense job of pumping out the inundated marshland involving between si and eight billion gallons of water has been completed in the record time of 24 days The time was days earlier than origin ally estimated Ontario Hydro Chairman Robert Saunders said last Friday On October 20 the first emergency pumps were placed in operation Mr Saunders said it was hoped that the flood water from the eastern section of the Marsh would be removed within days Not only has this been accomplished in days less than the anticipated time but it has also been possible to reclaim the 2000acre section lying west of The chairman said the success In constant dollars Canadas gross national product was percent higher in 1953 than In 11946 the increase in the US in the same period amounted to percent V PAY it ffXV POUNDS AT WEANING WITH 5HURGAIN BOOSTER ners Make Money MANY to market far less fed I so make f more money jests at Farm on Pig Boosters prove it pro w duces pound from 10 days to 10 weeks time on RECORD LOW feed Booster Phone 7 AM Phone 5620 rT of the emergency pumping oper ation due ha large measure to the very dry weather in re cent weeks combined with the efficiency of Hydro staffs and the high degree of cooperation and assistance rendered by the people of the Holland Marsh members of the Bradford Public Utilities Commission and the various organizations which loaned pumps Already hundreds of the Marsh fanners have returned to their land upon which their en tire livelihood depends to plant the vital 1955 crop I cannot praise too highly the Holland Marsh Pumping Com mittee and its chairman Peter Verkaik for their untiring unselfish efforts in tlis emerg ency Mr U was originally decision to proceed with task in an effort at least part of their farmland Although Hydro able to supply a total of pumps the chairman continued it would not have been possible to com plete the operation in record time without the generous help of Steep Rock Iron Minos which supplied three of the largest pumps Howard Smith Ltd City of and in Construction any Hydro has stopped pumping operations and is now in Hit process of equip ment because the amount surface remaining can be easily by the permanent pumping station The water level at pump near No is pvv Tower than- luring lions in order to ricb ares a total of pumps on the dykes at the end of two- unit permanent pumping sta tion With a total combined pumping capacity of 210000 gal lons of water per minute the pumps operated and night for more than three weeks Hardly had the flood waters stopped rising in the Marsh than Chairman Saunders placed the resources of the Commission at the disposal of the hardhit far mers The first pumps were in operation only five days after Hurricane Hazel struck with terrifying devastation Flood waters had turned the Marsh into two enormous separated by Highway No In a race to save at least of the farmland before the win ter freeze- up it was decided to pump out the larger area tying to the east of the highway anil under an average of two to six of water To operate the pumps Hydro construction crews erected two emergency substations on dyke Here again a record was established In less than hours the first station was ready to receive initial power In ad dition two miles of distribution line extension were installed from Bradford substations mak ing available more than horsepower of electrical energy to drive the battery of pumps Aided by unusually dry wea ther for this time of he year the pumps lowered the water level at a record rote of he rapid progress in eastern section it was decided to open the culvert under High way and pump out the flood waters from the west end of the Marsh acres of land were under feet of water Dean to the fact this enormous pumping task is now complete families whose home were sev erely damaged will be unable to return to them this winter To people Hydro sup plied prefabricated buildings as temporary el tors These were erected and for oc cupancy by end of the first week November Wo are extremely proud to have been called upon to help in the emergency at Holland Marsh Mr Saunders stated sincerely hope that the ef forts of the past month will en- able these folk who suffered so terribly from the storm to re habilitate their land and homes so that the Marsh will once again become one of Canadas greatest vegetable producing areas Birthday Club Birthday wishes are extended this week to Martha Isabel Newmarket years old on Fri day Nov 19 Wayne Stephen Hill Pottage- ville years old on Sunday old on Sunday Nov Nancy Ruth Park Newmarket years on Sunday Nov Gary Dion Aurora years old on Sunday Nov Ellen Susan Lewis Holland Landing years old on Tuesday Nov 23 Virginia Lois Arnold Cedar Brae years old on Tuesday Nov Kenneth Melbourne Haines Newmarket years old on Thurs day Nov Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club -V- One Phone One Pickup One Del Anywhere in the Be Safe and Save tea i3 ml ittetyBlT AN DP Y i