I K I I from the Editors Nate Until this were nev er sure of the date when the name of this newspaper was changed from The New Era to the Newmarket Era It was in that the paper was founded by William Porter who a few years later sold the business to Jackson Mrs Ethel Newmarket is at present en gaged in writing a history of Newmarket at the request of the town council Recently she was reading material in the pro vincial archives in Toronto and came across the issue of the newspaper which announced the change in the name It was July when the name The New Era was chang ed to The Newmarket Era The papers masthead continued to carry that name until when there was an amalgamation with the Express Herald Since then the paper has been called the Newmarket Era Ex press In the issue of July 19 other editors wrote messages of congratulations to the editor the late Jackson said Mrs Mr Jackson introduced full site pages the same size as used today Tor onto editors expressed that the Newmarket Era was best paper in North York and that Jackson was fear less and about the issues of that time Mrs also has some interesting information about the formation of the town band in Newmarket a story on the front page of this issue tells about it We vill be anxious to read the town history when it is com- From the Files of 91910 k a am We have kept in touch with Mrs on the pro gress of her town history and we know that it will be interest ing many humorous happenings in the past will be recorded We also hope that the history will be published before the anniversary of the incor poration of Newmarket as a village which wilt be in Serving Newmarkar Aurora and the rural district of North York the Newmarket Era The Express Herald NEWSPAPER Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Published ever Thursday a Mam St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription for two 250 for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau of Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa E Managing Editor CAROLINE ION Womens GEORGE HA5XETT Sports Editor Newmarkets Santa parade last Saturday was not up to the standard of other years There were fewer floats and we suppose that the reason is the high cost of constructing a float Probably there are plenty of community organizations which would wish to enter floats but which lack the necessary funds The cost of an adequate float would be about Prizes of fered for floats were and But if an organisation does not win a prize the it has invested makes quite a dent in the bank account The other reason is that people are too busy The Chamber Commerce parade suggests that smaller prized fie for floats next year and that part of the prize usually spent by the its floats She floats could be stored arid used were friierested in the band in Sat urdays prirae in the fine work by fel low editor Ken Walls of the Mr Walls is no Strang Newmarket In the old clays he played in an orchestra Mr Art West on many occasions in Newmar ket LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production i PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE NINTH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR and 50 Years Ago DEC The town hall was filled Fri day night when the play The Road Back was presented by the Newmarket Christian church dramatic club The comedy in three acts held the audience in rapt attention for over two hours and each char acter was well given Perhaps the outstanding actors were Miss Nora and Mrs The Sunday school orchestra furnished music be fore and between the acts which was also greatly appre ciated Mr Luke Gibbons of King brought to this office an apple from his orchard measuring IS inches in circumference and Inches around the other way It Is of the improved Alexander variety Mr Gibbons has im proved he Alexander by graft ing it the Northern Spy It partaken consid erably of the parent stock that it ha- become from a dry apple a solid juicy wellflavored specimen Us claims that if he lives a few years longer and grafts it twice more into the Spy he will have Ihe in the country Mr and Mrs Chapman and daughter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr Chapman at organ both services on Sunday In Trinity United church Miss Pearson of Toronto Mrs Kir by for a days last week Mr George Morning is home Halifax on a vacation DEC Miss of was a guest at the Cedars over Sunday and sang in the Metho dist church at the evening ser vice On Monday Miss accompanied her to Toronto to hear Mclba in Hall Mr Julius Rogers of lias moved to Newmarket The Christmas handkerchief display at A this season Is certainly well worth seeing The prices range from 3c to 1 each The met on Mon day night and found a balance in the treasury The following officers were elected Honorary president presi dent Brown John McCaf frey committee George Driv er Ernie Doyle Walter and John Kennedy manager Bos- worth The following are on the Grand Jury in Toronto this week Messrs Taylor of Sutton of B Irwin of Sharon Lehman New market and Wells Au rora Mis Brown daughter of Mr William Brown of this town left on Wednesday to visit her fatherinlaw of the Crown Lands Toronto and also Mr and Mrs Lance Mr and Mrs Brims on Mr ItusMcll Brim son Mr and Mr J and Miss Clarice attended Miss wedding in Toronto on Wednesday REDS TO RELEASE PRISONER I I ft l i coidun Christmas ever hart by Mrs Joyce MacKemle hit from the news taal A It be by the North Koreans time it- from que was ho lmfliiolrfn over Manchuria during the Korean war iaWROAl of the p W has been receivioi many a fe THE PEOPLE What do they go to the polls is not the first consideration that comes to mind following elec tions on Monday- It would seem that the primary con cern should be about how to get them there Only 27 percent of the electorate voted in Newmarket Here we have an occasion when Newmarket can look to a fine example in Aurora where GO percent of the electorate voted and in the village of two thirds of the electorate voted It cannot be said honestly that an election was held by the people when little more than one quarter of the persons who have the right to vote went to the polls We did hear that the majority of new Canadians living in Newmarket did vote Per haps they could tell us why we should use the franchise The chief interest in Newmarket was in the reeve- ship this year and the two candidates Mrs ton and Air Dales worked diligently to get out the vote Probably we should give them credit for pushing the percentage up to Three offices on the Newmar ket public school board were the only other concern of the electorate this year Again making comparison with Aurora there were candidates in that town for public offices on the school board hydro commission and town council In Newmarket the mayor deputyreeve hydro com missioner and separate school trustees were elected by acclamation Apathy was shown fry the electorate in not providing a healthy number of candidates and second by not turning up at the polls We feel that this apathy mocked the contest between the two candidates for the Newmarket We congratulate both these candidates for their efforts- We hope that we will see Mrs MacNaughton serving again We heard someone suggest that the answer to this election business would be to hold elections every two years rather than once a year- it would be easier to judge the merits of our representatives or it would give the representatives more rope to hang themselves was the way he put it Persons holding public office would not be required to face an election every months and A member of council wouldnt have to go around with Ms ear to the ground all the time which is a very un comfortable position to bo in he said That may or may not be the answer We could write more and more on this subject but we usually arrive at a point where we ask ourselves Is this just whistling in the dark After all we can only make final conclusion and that is that the elec torate gets exactly what it deserves And we think this conclusion will cause far greater concern among new Canadians from some European countries than it will among Canadian born citizens CERTIFICATES We heard that Sea has found a way to curb some of the beef about the local government and its policies It is simple Every person who goes to the polls and marks his ballot is given a certificate which states that he has done so When a member of the ad- ministration faces an irate citizen fuming about what the council or the school hoaxd has done he asks the citizen whether he voted or not he gives an an- The person who does not possess a voting certify ale inapt to forget all about his In addition lie probably will see that he has a certificate next year The voting certificate is an excellent idea LETTERS ELECTION Letters to the editor of newspaper are welcomed at timet The editor often hears opinions of others by telephone in and we always wish that hi opinions would By tires in hi- the M fftftte v of WUng him editor -Infnvi- Wtif Mir on to a wini 11 r before election day the fallowing We felt that it unfair to allow letters to deal with per sonalities at that time when a candidate had little op- to defend himself publicly We can refuse to publish a letter but it is policy to print all letters provided that they are not libellous obscene or simply not worthy of the publics interest We hope that the writers of certain ones of las weeks letters will agree with our decision to them a week Were all letters of a political nature allowed to be published in the last issue before election we could expect that anyone might take advantage of the oppor tunity to make a lastminute at an opponent who in such a case would be defenseless We think it is the editors duty to act against the possibility of the news columns being used in such an unfair manner- We hasten to add that we did not believe that writers of last weeks tetters had thought of being unfair Had this newspaper been taking a stand against any one candidate or more criticisms last week would have been voiced in editorials where the full responsibil ity would have been taken by the editor Had amy letter contained information which was vital to the electorate which coidd not have been revealed previously or at a nomination meeting it would have been pub lished NOT FAIR TO ALL CANDIDATES A letter in this weeks issue from Mr Horace Brown comments on the length of the public address given by one of the Newmarket candidates at the nomination meeting We feel that the fault wns that of the chair man of the meeting who allowed the candidate to speak so long This year the chairman of the meeting was Mayor Herbert who a few moments before he took over the chair had been elected by acclamation The chairman did not set a lime limit for each speaker The candidates who spoke early in the even ing took up so much time that there was little left for the others Council candidates spoke first and by the time candidates for the public school board took floor most of the people in the audience had gone home It has been suggested tliat the mayor reeve and deputyreeve should have more time than others We disagree this again would be unfair to other candi dates It has been suggested t h a a second meeting should be held on the following evening Tins too not be the answer because few or no one would attend a second meeting The only fair way to set a time limit for each candidate On the other hand it was not unfair to some candi dates for they were absent We feel that a candidates is to be present at noinitiation day But again we may be merely whistling in the dark for there were so many acclamations was so much apathy and there was so little for all candidates to apeak our preaching sounds a bit hollow WHEN QUARTERS ARE CRAMPEO Fit Hit and a baby are lining find their little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men Anon Mayor Corners was for the year in a sizzling election contest in this East Thimble- berry township centre last It was a good contest be tween and former sewage chairman B Lowe Terra but had a clear- cut victory with ballots over file former sewage chairman The chief election issue this year was sewage In fact the whole campaign was fought sewage Electors have been reading the reports all year long in the Cuttin Corner Marion Blast and WO- Ham sup ported Lowe Terra in his sit tight policy Mayor definitely hedged on subject nignt when ho de clared his statttf Said May 1 am definitely favor of sewage From this the electors took it that the mayor was all in favor of a disposal plant proposed as a project vacant lot east of the pickle works A usually reliable generally close to the Corners political scene our special correspondent Slim says however that the mayor used a ruse on ihe electorate leading them to believe he was in favor of large expenditure on a sewage disposal plant while really be is not Examine that there of on night where he said am in favor of sewage That there remark is as empty as the municipal reservoir in the middle of August This here electorate up here took it that meant he was lor a disposal plant when all of the time he craftily and and aint all the time writes In this weeks intelligence from the East Thimbleberry centre of trade and commerce Councillor Colin Hoggs got clearcm support from the this year in spite of the fact that that there candidate from the east ward accused him a fakeoff onto commission for the sale of parkin Bust eUaliniJriaiority lie lost lot votes because strings u that milk for hi t around at time could think our reporter rest of the rear everything is smooth as Ho til election eveiwbodv id unit seasoned correspondent iUe where all the dirt tomes is dug up Thexs thin political time they a win t i Whos getto all out the arunkiptt nuciUiu Xou a- kinds of loaded you ever politician the Nope he the question ayes of eSsXmtfi for them to- use this on with infinite Its a real subtle up here in Comers political and the richest town ship in the district East now that the election is over hack and we no more next year at this time eludes can ex pect good govern unless you hear all fifccleis unconfirmed political rum ors of and dirt up here in Corners Of course you never do hear about the real by Ftp Six After a lev year- a bit put Up feho heavy down payment usually older and lacgot houses many of fave to Over the or build extra The arc usually even when carefully planned well built vary seldom adds to the it may thy general balance mid also the rooms into which a made with lh building is value of what in 9 BlfattW but thorns matter of aw than usually about fcwiee much per square foot PfOiit vijaomU wotlht turn the mailer in cat and in are latynianU la iwiftiiut of die aid woulii ffft jiiiali thai the kipei in lioUsd r in ldiinii id We heard the other day of a family in England with an un usual To earn their living the mem bora of family travel around the country pinch bitting for far mers who want a holiday are ill just a rest The system apparently is very They arrive at the farm and take over as much of the chore and duties as axe quirecL They milk the tows feed the look after the chickens and do ah the other farm Or if not required to do farm they come to look after the children and house For ibis work they receive the cus tomary wages and board the district family considers this a good business- say that they can save all their wages while living fiee ft seems so simple that we ttmder som retired or retired whose own children are grown and away home hasnt thought of Mot only would this he a gift from tor who to go away off has to have a rat and has no to leave on his farm hat be on variei job for the family doing A- that a man at be told by his qui before has a proper termta tarn say other may not have been so bad the days befow cars the distance a trawl hi two weeks was But while the mass es of cars on the toad emU i the papers and the tact way with pay have accepted part of life this The helps feel trap ped and In the days when every ivivant has his holidays and very bur union worth its salt holiday written io its contut- die way the fermar must sevms old and But this of and free time an mm ft years ad vance havv had fionH know to they re tire Wany the idea of ones when fur a farmer to a ht man broken wfetttii ha fc secure ha a It is to thai Ihfeiinti had found new would ha mare We haw swn 9 ftlma whth to el fflfflWpl B n t an otter land was a fflwaOTSfd r stage it nuaW fism J ina earned lo wrrJii waters buildings and real and Jr enough of stow Fund Collects servant not of the statu their against on their their agent in international iucf it not the unit on of the the direction of thane activities whUh tost on individual choice lu Children la I I ami Kure