NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EAST BURY THE Court of Revision will be field In the township chambers on December at pm section of the assess ment roll J clerk Emits Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone 5731 NEWMARKET sler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE 45JZ NOTICE i NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Chapter THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO hereby gives notice that It has under Section of the Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and In the Registry Office for the Reg istry Division of the North Rifl ing of the County of York at Newmarket Ontario a descrip tion of the site and the plan of a submarine power cable proposed to be laid on the bed of Lake from a point in the orig inal shore line in front Lot 29 in Concession III of the Town ship of North in he County of York in the Prov ince of Ontario to a point in the high water mark on the South erly shore of Snake Island AND take that the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication this notice THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMIS SION OF ONTARIO will under Section 7 of the said Act to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plan at Toronto Ontario this day of November Secretary Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY til Main St Newmarket Plume I THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO TENDERS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Township School Board hereby submits for tender Transportation Route in ina Township for transporting pupils- to and from various schools in said Township for bal ance of current term beginning January and ending June 1955 ROUTE From No 2 Vir ginia No 3 Egypt No Black River S3 No Cedar Brae to new Morning Glory School on Highway No and return for approximately pupils more or less Type of or vehicles to be used must conform with regulations set out by the Department of Education under date of August 1954 Duties to commence on the first day of opening of new school TENDERS to be in by Wednes day Dec LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted APPLY George Secret rcasurer Township School FOR SALE BY TENDER THE trustees of the Sharon- Hope United church will accept tenders uniil noon Thursday nee for the following PARCEL A The frame build ing formerly the Hope United Church ARCEL B The contents of At York County hospital Thursday Dec 1954 to Mr and Mrs Mit chell Newmarket a son Baby died later York County hospital Saturday Dec to Mr and Mrs Hugh King a son Robertson At York County hos pital Sunday Dee 1954 to Mr and Mrs Ian Robertson Newmarket a daughter SCOTT At St Catharines Gen eral hospital Saturday Dec to Mr and Mrs John P Scott a daughter Mary Arm A for Mrs Nelson Scott VINE At York County hospital Friday Dec to Mr- and Mrs Charles Vine New market a son WHITESIDE At York County hospital Tuesday Dec to Mr and Mrs Ronald White side Kettlcby a son DEATHS Community Bazaar Shows Work Of 16 Organizations Once again the Community the collection Bazaar proved a successful event both for the participating indi viduals and organizations and the hundreds of local residents who visited it during the after noon and evening of Dec at Newmarket town hall There were booths in this years ba zaar Mrs A Mitchell officially opened the Community Bazaar which is sponsored by the New market Handcraft group in the Some heirloom bedspreads were displayed at this booth They had been handed down from generation to generation in the family of Mrs A Aurora a member of the Handcraft group and were loaned for the occasion One was hand loom woven and the other was the work of a loom Jr Ladies Aid This group has had a booth in afternoon Prior to the opening the community bazaar every all the booths which had been year since it was started Once decorated in green white and again it was a success with silver were judged by members aprons baking fancy work and Opens Real Estate Office In Newmarket Alex real estate broker with offices in Keswick and Jacksons Point has opened a branch office in Newmarket on the north side of Davis Drive a short distance east of Main St Staff members who will work out of the Newmarket office are Mrs Dorothy Mrs Stephenson and Alex Hop kins The firm handles farms busi ness properties homes and cot tages At on Friday Dec 3 Milton Morgan husband of of me Newmarket Art club Mrs Ruby Williams Parsons and Robert Chadwick During the afternoon and ev ening there were demonstrations of various crafts They includ ed Mrs Clifton block printing Rudy silver work Mrs Herbert Goodhoofd rug making Mrs Lawrence rs cocking Mrs Mitchell looms IN MEMORIAM he above building comprising of seats piano organ etc I loving memory of a The lot of land on I Mother Beatrice which the above building stands away Dec- THE afore mentioned Parcels TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TENDERS are situated on the fifth conces sion of East one and onehalf mites south of the Mount Albert Road THE above may be inspected by appointment and can he arrang ed by phoning the Rev Mr Fos- at Ten ders must specify what the above Parcels arc to bo used for High- est or any tender not necessur- accepted TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon on Saturday Dee for the position of caretaker for the municipal building and com munity hall at duties to commence on Monday Dec Winch clerk era service was held on day Dec Interment Queens- WP Children cemetery j The Newmarket and District association for Retarded Child won the prize for the most attractive booth It was their first entry in the bazaar The decorating was done by Mr R Craig assisted by Mrs William Warden Home made chocolates and a few novelties were sold at their booths The draw on a water less cookery set was won by Mr Too far away for sight of speech But not too far for thought to reach Ever remembered and Bill Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNnAY 2 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Ministry of Music am White Gift Service The Sunday School co operate God Love and Gave THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am Senior SchooJ am Beginners and Primary am Nursery pm Evening Worship Whore None Shall Thirst A beautiful sound motion picture showing life in India Taken by the United Church TENDERS for all or part should he addressed to Mr D GUI Sec Sharon Hope United Church Sharon Ontario c2w49 ANDREWS At York County hospital Wednesday Dec to Mr and Mrs Bruce An drews Mount Albert a son ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Mr Rudolph Organist Sunday school orship Knox Col- Toronto Morning service only during Ist Churches Located just south of Prince Charles School on Muriel St in am Sunday Sen Worship pm Evangelistic Service pm Prayer and BROWN At York County hospi- tal Thursday Dec to Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Newmarket a son BENSON At York County hos pital Monday Dec to Mr and Mrs Sydney Benson Toronto a son LUNDY- fa loving dear husband and father Lundy who passed away Dec They say time heals all sorrows And helps one to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss hfm Fondly remembered by Edith and daughters loving memory of our beloved mother Matilda Stephens who passed away Home and School Deep in our hearts lies a picture Of a beloved one laid to In memorys frame we it Because she was one of best Ever remembered by Frank Alma and family Legion Half Aura Jpfo and afflicted prayed for CHURCH feK Haw Pastor SUNDAY am Sunday School Varney Divine worship Every Wednesday vices at a pm PM You are welcome I BUM CHURCH MORNING WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE music and singing at both Tues 8 pm Prayer and Bible Friday pm Young People service Always WELCOME FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Minister Mrs Gerald Organist School Morning EVANGELISTIC service pm Prayer scrvl pm Class Mcetin Friday pm Wed Dec gram YOU ARE CHURCH Newmarket ficv ft reckon Minister Morning worship pm Sunday school 3 pm Annual Christmas Carol by Senior Choir ALL WEICOME FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for worship Burton Hill unci family of Gait are expected to be with us for this service Come and let us worship together All welcome To live in the spirit of Christ to love and care more the happiness of other we STEPHENS In loving memory of our dear mother Matilda Stephens who passed on Dec Iff SX5 Gone dear mother gone How we miss your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place A happy home We once enjoyed How sweet the memory still At York County lnvW a w At York County hospital lltursday Dec island to Mr and Mrs Albert and sadly missed Bessie ion Keswick a I lf8Sp home made candy drawing the attention of the patrons General convener was Mrs William Robinson She was as sisted by Mrs Adams Mrs Ralph Adams Mrs Bernard Lee Mrs Godson Mrs R J Shipley and Mrs Clifford Terry Legion Ladies The draw of the Legion La dies auxiliary for a panda bear was won by Diane Ingram Aprons and dolls were the spe cialty of this booth which was operated under the convener- ship of Mrs Ross She was assisted by Mrs Robert Bunn and Mrs Roy Stickwood York Manor Residents of York Manor un der the direction of the matron Mrs Wilde and her assistant Mrs James Watt entered an booth Stuffed animals made of felt and needlework were on safe The work drew the praise of many of those in at tendance and the decorations of I admired as well represent the little old school Hospital Auxiliary ax was under directioa of Mrs Womens auxiliary held a draw Howard Morton Corsages and lheir table Centres convened by Mrs Winners were evening candy and cookies Al Yoik Count v hospital Friday Dee to Mr and Mrs William Oak a son At York County hospital Thursday Dec to and Mrs Kenneth Aurora a son you think and say If you only knew the changes wen called away Looking back whit ten denies Along the road we trod treasure the years I had with you And leave the rest to God Always by At York County Stanley Thursday l to Mr and Mrs William Janes Newmarket a daughter LAMB At York County hospi tal Thursday Dec 2 to Mr and Mrs Norman Lamb Oak Ridges a son son TONY day sweaters and cardi gans in all the new shades were the Homo and School spe cialties Mrs Bert Morrison Mrs Jack Luesby and Mrs Atkinson were in charge of the booth- The association extends its appreciation to the parents of the public school who contributed so generously to Oils The draw a taBle centre was won by Mrs Ross Catholic League Aprons baking and candy were included at the booth oper ated by the CaUolie Womens leagues was staffed by mem bers of the group the di rection of Mrs Bernard As all the participating groups the CWL considered thfi years bazaar to be the most suc cessful They thought the uni fied color scheme a great Im provement Mrs Nelson Garrett wag the convener of the OptiMrs They had handcrafts baking and a draw on a doll The proceeds from the doll are being donated to the association for retarded children The doll had a com plete wardrobe the work of Mrs Victor It was won by Mrs William Warden Handcraft Group Mrs Richard Hammond won the hand woven baby blanket which was offered in a draw by Newmarket Handcraft group The proceeds from the draw of are for the York County Hospital building- fund At this booth there was a great assortment of beautiful crafts Smocked dresses knit ted goods handwoven stoles place mats- scarves and yard goods rugs aprons costume jewelrv leathercrafts and CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all cur friends neighbors and Mount Albert for the lovely gifts given to us before moving in We CARD OF THANKS would also like to thank iny i We wish to express inn deep in any way the time of latitude to our our sale and in helping us with friends and Mrs Pocver silver bracelet Terry Girl Guides Newmarket Girl Guide company had a booth in the ba zaar They had doll clothes and novelty items at their table The guides made their bazaar articles and decorated their booth under direction of their leader Miss Heather Johnston Booths Womens Institute had a bake sale as did the New market Mrs George exhibited variety of fancy work and her attractive The booth held an ex celled display of arts and There were examples the Christmas dee used by lp Sweden and jewelry the work of Rudy Dave Hood had his wicker ware entered in bazaar there were trays of various sizes and other True Blue For the first time True and Orange Lodge had a booth in the bazaar It was converted by Mrs W Marrow assisted by Mrs Winter in their display were aprons homo baking and candy The N En and Express Thursday Dee Page Christmas In The Market Place Opens At Crest Dec About Henri well- known French author and play- founded a small acting group called Rehearsing in the evenings and playing mostly at weekends the company per formed mainly religious plays Their acting was simple and in tensely sincere amateur in the best sense of word using the theatre as an extension of their Christian faith Since they played in church halls as well as in Paris theatres their scenery and effects were simple and their plays too had something of that simplicity himself wrote one of the most famous of these Christmas in the Market Place The play is the Nativity story acted out by a group of roving gypsy players on a cold Christmas eve and its modern setting and idiomatic language make the story live anew whilst maintaining the balance between the racy simplicity of the gypsy family and their personal inter pretation of their great subject At the Crest Theatre under direction of Basil Coleman is promised an imaginative pro duction with a Toronto street- scene as its setting and carol- singing in which the audience will be invited to join A cast headed by Barbara Chilcott Donald Davis Amelia Hall and Eric House will include David Sniderman who has recently been highly praised for his radio and tele vision work The play opens on Tuesday Dec and there will be performances on both Christmas Eve and Christmas night On December 28 Frances and Murray Davis who has been in England for some weeks rejoin the company to Beauty and the Beast in Ni cholas Stuart Grays gay version of the old fairy tale Erie Christmas Here i Eric Christmas wellknown radio stage and TV star will be featured in on evening of song and comedy routines when he brings his Christmas Party to the Newmarket town hall to- 1 morrow night Dec under the sponsorship of the Mrs Williams spent Monday in Toronto Mrs T Graham and daughter attended the Santa Claus par ade at Aurora on Saturday Mrs was in Toronto Saturday attending the wedd ing her grandaughter Joan The ladies of United church held their bazaar in the Institute rooms here on we nave a number on the sick list They Include Mrs Dix on Robert Matson William and Hastings We Wish them a speedy recovery We wish to express our thy to Mr Walter McLean whose mother Mrs lean Tottenham passed away Sunday morning at hos pital Mr William era spent the and Mrs Win The annual turkey in the United church A was hud meo home of Mrs- on William Dyer Local Furniture Business Mr William Bill Dyer has recently opened a large new store adjoining his premises at Main street North Seven years Mr Dyer pur chased the property and opened an upholstering service and la ter branched out into selling new furniture Last year he save up his upholster business in order to concentrate on now furniture Mr Dyer has been engaged in the furniture business for years and at one time served as an instructor in manu facturing plant at Montreal lie also operated an upholstering shop at Toronto and at Keswick In his youth lie attended Jersey school near Keswick and New market high school Bill is mar ried and has two children San dra and Gary SHARON RESIDENT Continued from page wrote 1 write on behalf of the Prime Minister to thank you for your good wishes which he was happy to receive and for your thought in sending him the inter esting copy of the letter written in 199Q Era Express SUPERIOR ting other were inchulwl in Business and Professional Wo mens club Mr Christmas will bo assist ed the Canadian actress An na During the interims- for their cards and by Mis are foe LTD A no for our own SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Newmarket and Mrs am Holiness meeting m Sunday school Salvation meeting AM BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages AM PM THE PASTOR 00BIBLB STUDY frSl Treat Grace KROEHL Featuring the newest fabrics a seen See them today The Christmas gift that PLATE GLASS MIRROR rrn- r I It I jF liiL V1 Beveled edges and rfi f -fv- Try beat these 28 24 I w 1 V LB 4 IYQUR DEALER iUV