Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Dec 1954, p. 1

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ft X 18 PAGES NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED 4800 NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending March 31 Newmarket 1865 Trading 1211 Aurora 520 Others TOTAL PAID I02ND YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Here and There Around Town By Local Observer With the true spirit of a vet eran of the theatre that the play must go on Scout Paul Blair son of Mr and Mrs Homer Blair took his place in the Scout Guide presentation of Ali and the Thieves even though his appearance ne cessitated him playing the role in a wheel chair Paul a mem ber of Lowell Wallers Optimist bantams cracked his ankle in a North York league game at Paul played the lead Ah He didnt let his troop down merely because he had a broken ankle He went on with the show and gave a fine perform ance Herb Cain present Newmar ket coach and former Boston Bruin hockey star was a Hot Stove league guest on television over Saturday night Herb appeared along with McKnight prominent To ronto sports announcer on the TV Hot Stove league a between- feature of weekly hockey games from Toronto They were guests of the Hot Stove league stoker Sy Domestic power is being sold to the people of Newmarket practically at cost reported Mayor at Monday nights council meeting Mr as the mayor is an member of the Hydro commission He gave a brief re port on hydro matters and said that the hydro rates to domes tic users were as low as it was possible to make them Two of Laura shawls found in an Aurora attic have been purchased by Laura Candy shops The shawls were first discovered by Esther King who bought them from Mrs Dorothy A Aurora They are more than years old For the first time at York County hospital Newmarket the baby in one year was born on Monday The parents are Mr and Mrs Bradford A ceremony was held on Tuesday morning at the hospital when the mother and baby girl were presented with a silver babys cup At the ceremony ore shown above left to right nurse Mrs Stella Rook Dr George Bradford Mrs little and Frank Courtney secretary- treasurer of the York County hospital board Since that time merchants in Newmarket and Brad ford have showered mother and baby with gifts Photo by Stefaniuk BOARD OF TRADE ORGANIZES AT OAK RIDGES A Board of Trade was organ ized at the growing community of Oak Ridges on Tuesday night A meeting of businessmen was held at the school and Ross Davis Oak Ridges druggist was chairman Speakers at the meeting were Donald M of the King 1000th Baby Of Year Born At York Hospital Contributions To Lions Christmas Basket Fund Donations are being received by any chartered bank in New market or any member of the Lions club for the Christmas basket fund- The provision of Christmas cheer for the needy families of Newmarket and dis trict is an annual project with the local club and to fulfil this years obligations 900 is need The Lions have families on their Christmas basket fund list who should receive gifts this year They include families in Newmarket and the surrounding distiict whose Christmas will be meagre and bleak unless assist ance is given in the form of groc eries sweaters socks and candy Those who have assisted the Lions to date with the Christmas basket fund include Frank Brian Cynthia and Susan Kicky A Friend A Gathers J Dr Noble Elgin Evans Frank Keats Karl by Thompson George Stephens Son Dyers Furniture Joseph Quinn Ben Harrison Chester Best Peter Gorman A A Osborne Grant Fulsom Anonymous Cecil Taylor Eves Co Anonymous Anonymous Dixon Pencil Co Ltd Frank 1000 500 1000 Council Meeting In Turmoil Over Light Industry Land The decision on a motion which Councillor said that technically carried in town I since the notice of motion had For the first lime in the his- rectors baby bouquet of York County hospital blowers baby bunting suit Jack babies have been born in one year Last year the record stood at infant but on Mon day Dec at am a five pound nine ounce girl arrived to bring The Newmarket Art club lost another of its veteran members with the death of Clayton Ever ett at To ronto on Saturday Dec Mr who was years old made picture frames sketch and other types of artists equipment He worked in charcoal and did a few pencil sketches but of the new Bank of making frames and art- Scotia branch at Oak supplies to painting Mr was a partner with Doug Cockburn in the Artists Equipment guild They had opened their shop on Water St earlier this year City Businessmens association the 054 lhe and Col J Picking editor of yetj Schreiber is Aurora Banner The now Board of Trade is- to hold an executive meeting early in January to be followed by a general meeting Elected presi dent Hi was James I Wall Vicepresident is Ross Davis secretary Gordon Howe and treasurer is Ellinn Ridges Directors arc Howard John and Alex Gaucher There are over places of business in Oak Ridge aware of all the commotion her arrival has caused and she re mains unconcerned that she is being showered with gifts by the local merchants the first child in her family is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bradford To date she has re ceived the following presents silver cup hospital board of di- Scouts Guides Cubs And Brownies Present TEACHERS HOLD PANEL DISCUSSION AT XMAS MEETING A panel discussion was and Jill nylon outfit and knitted wardrobe Kiddies panda bear Sports and Cycle slices Victors Shoes bottle warmers Smiths Hard ware cash Don Camerons baby book Campbells shoes Pollocks Shoes butler Newmarket Dairy flannelette for diapers Senecals crib blan ket Harrys Dry Goods pillow cases Silk and Linen creeping ball Keith Davis comb and brush set Junes drug baby jacket Wool Shop set Atkinsons drug box of babys supplies Peter Councillor Secret New Industry Causes Sparks To Fly Sparks flew momentarily at Monday nights council meeting after Councillor Edward Wright- man had announced that he plan ned to go to Hamilton this week to interview an industry that had indicated it might settle in New market Mr had said that the industry was comparable to Canadian Hoffman and would employ 100 to 125 men Why hasnt this matter been brought before the Industrial Planning committee asked council meeting on Monday night has been held in abeyance until a ruling is given by the town solicitor Kenneth Stiver The motion of Councillors Alex Belu and Edward call ed for councils refusal to per mit Products Ltd to erect a service station on land which had been reserved for light industrial purposes The firm was represented at a recent council meeting when per mission was sought to build a ser vice station on the south east corner of the intersection of Mill ard Ave and Yonge Sis- in the subdivision Mr Belu gins motion stated that the re quest should be refused on the grounds that the foot front age of St had been reserv ed for tight industrial purposes and that this service station must be considered as a store In speaking on the motion Era Publishing Dates The Era and Express will be published on Wednesday morn ing next week to ensure delivery in mails before Christmas Corr espondents and advertisers are requested to submit material as early as possible The deadline for display adver tising will be noon on Monday Classified advertising will be ac cepted until pm on Tuesday The New Years issue will be published on Thursday morning Dec Display advertising deadline for that week will be Tuesday noon classifieds Wed nesday 2 pm been introduced the solicitor had advised that council hadnt a leg to on if we refused There has been some misun derstanding to put it mildly continued Mr Belugin But about this I am certain and that is that the council wants that land as an industrial section Councillor was next to speak as the seconder of the motion He said Im not solicitor disagreed with this view prepared to define the service said that he were Councillors Hamilton and Three Reeve Dales and trie motion and Councillor Hands abstained from voting again Reeve Dales said that an abstain ing vote should be considered as a negative one and so the mayor should cast the deciding vote The thought that an vote was the same as were not station as an industry or a retail outlet I want the land reserv ed for light industrial purposes but if we cant procure industry for that location there are some advantages to having a service station there Visibility would be better than if a factory was v erected on that corner Mr told of ail in dustry that might be interested in coming to Newmarket He asked for the motion to be held C in fj was I thought that If vote it was disregarded he added The clerk Wesley Brooks in dicated that the reeves interpre tation was a ruling of the proced ure for the Newmarket council We have the solicitor Why he give us a ruling on this can see if he covering the situation as instructed to could find anything cither in in abeyance until ho could see if the industry was available- Councillors Robert Wonch and Jack Hamilton both said that Municipal Act or the towns they thought the service station Nothing was was definitely not a light indus- feel that we have too Mayor I many gas stations in town now that the motion ha so I will vote against it added Mr Hamilton This motion is not to give Publicity people are notorious for the extremes to which some of them will go to gain attention Show For Mothers I fail but catch the eye read lhc annua Here is a conservative CCF program which you will liberal ly enjoy The stood for Christmas Carol Festival See what we mean RAISE AT COMMUNITY BAZAAR FOR HOSPITAL WORK Approximately was rais ed by the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary at their booth itx the annual Community Baz aar The auxiliary had a white elephant sale and a draw on an evening bag and a bracelet The raised at the sale will be used in regular auxiliary work The proceeds from the draw of will go to the Hos pital Womens auxiliary building fund HOBBY CLUB The Optimist Hobby Craft club will be discontinued until Monday Jan ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary Christmas party was given by the scouts cubs guides and brownies before a capacity au dience The youngsters were introduced by their leaders Guide Captain Heather Johns ton Brown Owls Mrs Ray and Mrs Hayes Cub Masters Charles and Kirk Everett and Scout Master Ray Craig Members of the Friday night cub pack presented skit from the Wolf Cub book and the Tuesday night cubs presented in dividual and group vocal and in strumental numbers The Scouts and Guides joined forces to stage and the Forty Thieves A cere mony and enrolment were held by the brownies The new district guide com missioner Mrs Knoll Aur ora was Introduced by Mrs Sherrard Mr Robert Martin chairman of the Group commit tee spoke briefly At the conclusion of the excel lent program a social time was spent era Spillette Leads The Polls After Is Corrected Jack Main St mer chant In Newmarket led the Election polls as a candidate for Newmarket public school board total vote was that a subdivision in one of the wards had been omitted from the figures at the clerks office Last minute changes had been made on the election board the night the ballots were counted higher than the poll for and it was assumed that Spll any other candidate in the lottos lead announced on liens held for the and night had been changed school board ft tad been announced last that J I Bell had led polls The election summary papers from the town office had indicated that Ball had polled M3 and Bra and to mas it had when the clerks final papers were received later by the Era staff The final totals for school board candidates were as fol lows J Bell Arthur Lloyd Larry Sheffe and Jack Bell Lloyd and were elect ed association for York 1 and township which was held last week at the Jersey school Miss Kathleen Webster presided The school had been decorat ed for the Christmas season Af ter a sing song of carols the visitors were entertained by pupils of the Jersey school who presented several musical selec tions The panel was formed by lo cal conveners They discussed federation activities including public relations good will pro ject sick benefits superannua tion teacher education and cer tification and other topics A dainty lunch was served by the staff of the Jersey school A social halfhour was spent Low Rental Houses In Armitage Heights May Soon Be For Safe New tax arrangements be tween the town of Newmarket and Central Mortgage arid Hous ing Corporation concerning the Heights Subdivision here are expected to be made In the new year Hints of a new deal were made by Reeve J Dales and Mayor a meeting of town council Monday night Mr Dales that there will he a full scale discussion before the finance committee in the new year Mayor said that some of the low rental houses In the I vision may be sold to the tenants occupying them The subdivision was built a few years after the last war to meet the need for housing at low rents It was sponsored by the gov ernment corporation and part ially subsidized by I he town through tax arrangements Should houses be sold to private Individuals they will bring more tax revenues to the town Gorman play pen Dyers DeputyReeve Mrs Violet Mac- lure two five dollar vouchers As chairman of the from Junes Baby store Quality committee I heard store and Harrys Meat thing about it Surely Market Bradford and a bed if there Industry interested jacket for her mother Daw- J in coming to tCtWfb the chairman sons the committee concerned I should hi ftotiftea ifereeconunented Reeve Stenographer To Record Councillor Town Count Meetmas industry on of last week A stenographer is to take and Smm e li to tell down all words spoken at meet- Mr as soon as of town council in short- received definite In for- hand notes according to a resolu- passed by council Monday to reeves Here Belugin as Reeve J Dales sponsored the dfecussion As I the resolution to hire a sten- si meeting to keep and reports of meetings He pointed Planning committee hasnt done to one instance where a short- anything bring industry to the hand record would be useful He this past year If said that Councillor Hamilton or any of the town able to in terest industry in coming to Now- police matters would be given at an early meeting in January There is the point said the Reeve There will be nothing recorded about this tonight A promise has been made that a full scale report will be given and it is not being recorded in the minutes We should have a stenogra pher take down the minutes he said He added that the purpose of the shorthand reports had nothing to do with the press He said it would bo In the interest of accuracy but by that he was not making any reference to press reporting Mr Dales added There has been fine impartial reporting in the past few weeks and I would like to compliment the editor on that Police Officers Seek Raises In Salaries A request for raises in police salaries was submitted to town council Monday night A new salary schedule was submitted in a letter which was signed by William Hill president of the police association The letter stated that if the new salary schedule should not be accepted the police will take necessary action according to the police act The salaries in the proposed schedule arc as follows chief deputychief 4500 pa trol sargeant first con stable second constable 3600 third constable Councillor John Hamilton chairman of the police commit tee said that there will be a committee report at the next meeting Councillor A said is bargaining procedure Since we have no police board it must go before council as a whole The council will meet the police bargaining committee eventually Councillor VanZant said that it would be correct to refer the request to the police committee and that it may bring in a the Industrial ommendation to council The schedule was referred to the committee Councillor Hamilton said that the committee has had two pre vious meetings to discuss the schedule this land to some industry- said Councillor Belugin Its to keep the 1200 foot frontage for light industry If they take in engines and recondition them they man ufacturers They will have to have a manufacturers license explained Councillor Alex Hands I dont know whether the service station is an indus try or not and while Im I cant vote on the mat ter On the vote there in favor of for the service station They ruled But he added that until he had a rul ing from the solicitor no action would be taken on the motion and if he was advised that he had act ed incorrectely his decision the matter could be reintroduc ed at the next meeting of covin- Later the mayor told the press that he was wrong in stating that action could be held up for a solictors ruling Once a mo tion is recognized by the chair as carried it is ha force he said But it may be possible for a person to bring in a resolution to for a service station permit at the next meet ing t Wrightman Questions Police Double Pay On 9 Holidays Whether They Work Or Not market let him do it Mr also expressed his annoyance the reeves comment He asked Reeve Dales if hed bothered to notify the dep utyreeve before hed called a re cent meeting involving a subdiv ision south of the town Committee chairmen should bo notified Of any matter dealing with their committees responsi bilities replied Dales members of council were no tified of that meeting and invited to attend No decision was reached re garding the industry FIRST COUNCIL MEETING The first meeting of the Newmarket council will be Held on Monday January 3 COMING EVENTS Councillor Edward asked for a reason at Monday nights council meeting to explain why the officers of the police de partment receive double pay for nine statutory holidays in a year whether they work or not The question came when mem bers of council were reviewing paid accounts Under police committee accounts were listed the following items Bui- J Hill 0G43 J Williams A I coder and It is under- that the items were for part of the officers holiday pay during the year Councillor Hamilton chair man of the police committee said that the police officers re ceive double pay on statutory holidays- whether they work or lie said they paid ac cording to policy adopted before ho became a member of council Reeve Dates said he did nut think it was fair One man works and receives double pay Another man doesnt work but ho still gets double pay Mayor said that there Is to be a complete report on police matters early in the new yean Directing his question through the mayor to Chairman Hamil ton Councillor ask ed You arc making a full re port next year Yes replied Council Ham ilton Said Councillor In the meantime we being taken for a ride Councillor contin ued We fthe members of coun cil year and do ail this work on council The police chief gets 121 and he doesnt even have to work referring to the item in paid accounts COUNCiL CONFUSION Discuss Action Through ByLaw But No One Knows If ByLaw Exists THURSDAY DEC Christ- mas bingo Aurora Legion hall sponsored by the Ladles Auxiliary of the Canadian Lee- Ion Door prizes Prizes of fowl puddings and cakes At Admission FRIDAY DEC Dance will be held In Zephyr Hall DEC Christ- mas in Newmarket Town hall at pm Attendance prize 5 Jackpot Fowl mer chandise and cash cards Sponsored by the Newmarket Veterans FRIDAY DEC Special Christmas dance In Mount Al- by Committee In aid Cubs her t hall Norm or- and Scouts Draw for chest turkey and chicken Admission BINGO every Saturday night at pm Euchre every Thursday SATURDAY DEC 18 St Job nt in Newmarket town hall pm Jackpot Extra game for turkeys Ad mission 25c MONDAY DEC Sharon school concert at In the school An application to town council to permit the opening of a re habilitation home for patients discharged from mental hospitals caused considerable confusion at a meeting of town council Mon day night Council first assumed that an application was necessary be cause the mayor had indicated that there was a town bylaw concerning such institutions being located in residential areas Later it was staled by the solicitor that there was no bylaw The proprietors of the home want to use a house at the north west corner of Lome Ave and Park Ave There former pat ients in mental hospitals would be cared for until such times that they are able to live normal lives again Mayor Gladman said that he the process if rehabilitation They are people who have had nervous breakdowns If we con demn such people then we might be condemning half the people in Ontario Councillor said that he had planned to bring the sub ject up at a previous meeting but that he thought he should keep quiet because of advice ha re ceived from the solicitor He ad vised mo that we had no bylaw to cover it and that we might not know where it would lead said Councillor Having heard the mayor say that there was bylaw Councillor added l the solicitor supposed to tell the mayor or is he suppos ed to every member of coun cil correct information Councillor then asked if the information given by the had heard that the city of St j mayor was correct or if the night at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission DANCING every Saturday night In Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burling and his orches tra Modern and old Art- 50c i- iLtiAar Catharines had lost two cases when it tried to prevent hospital type institutions from locating on residential streets He said that the department of health already had given its approval on the proposed home in Newmarket He added that there would be female patients not sick but in information was correct No direct answer was given Mr said that some of the neighbors in the area are op posed to the establishment of the home It was pointed out that an application for a similar type of home to be on Park turned down by council recently fa A- 1 It is not known on what authority the application was turned down It was also pointed out by DeputyReeve Mrs MacNaugh- that two other homes of a similar typo already exist in Newmarket Wants ByLaw Kept To Date Councillor said that he told a number of prominent citizens at the nomination that the town bylaws should be kept up to date although he said bis speech was not re ported in the paper Mr Belugin referred to such situations as the application foe the rehabilitation as in dicating the need lor setting up bylaws properly Said Reeve Dale Either we should adhere to owe bylaws or leave them out Reeve Bates added Nawmar- seems to he a target for a lot of these home The matter of bylaw was left unsettled as the mat ter of the application Editor Note matters were settled at Monday nights meeting In ftict it was the roost confusing and ttn i

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