I Pages from the Editors Notebook Sir Redress Butler and Sir were not wo separate individuals fought in the Boer War In fact there never was a Sir Red ress Butler Last week we tarried a story about Mrs wroth Sharon who has in her posses sion a letter written by Win ston Churchill in when he was in South Africa as a war correspondent We quoted the letter from the original handwritten copy and when it came out in print Sir was Sir Redress Butler Just one of those things that happen in a newspaper office Mr Robert Hall Newmarket telephoned us after the paper came out last week and was most interested in Sir Redress Butler especially because he remembered Sir during the Boer War- In Britain during that war school children wore lapel but tons bearing names of various generals taking part Lord Roberts General Gatacre Hec tor and others in cluding of course Sir not to be confused with Sir Redress Butler Mr Hall well remembers the name Sir on those lapel buttons Mr Hall is one of our valued critics and has checked us a number of times on detail par ticularly when it concerns Bri tish history He often calls us to say that a certain item he has read Is good or bad and we appreciate his interest We would like to appoint him his torical research editor or something like that as soon as this newspaper is able to af ford one Or perhaps it could be an honorary title Sir incident ally a withdrawn from South Africa when Britains in the war started to bog down Little incidents like this business are what makes newspaper work interesting now on we shall always remember Sir Redress But ler- It would be a good name to use in an historical novel about the Boer War flic fcpwss Niwrtlflfket Aurora North the Herald Published Thursday at Main t fro end for two for one fa advance Singh ore Chill A Canadian Association and iho Audit Bureau of toif Moil Ottawa JOHN ION Editor MASK Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger IAWRCNCC lab and ED IT OR I AL PAG PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE SlXTEEmH DAY OP HER PED AMD From the Files of 25 and 50 Years DEC- 13 Newmarket has lost another good hockey player Charlie Thorns has signed with Willys- Overland to play in the Mercan tile and also with the West Toronto Juniors Doug Marshall Fred Murray and Ames three former Newmarket Jr stars are play ing with the Toronto Univer sity Seniors Mrs Cook formerly of who has been visiting with Mr and Mrs Cook leaves for Florida this week accompanied by Mrs Clara Partridge of Toronto Ernie Doyle will this coach the Pans entries in the both junior and inter mediate One year Ernie coach ed the Kirkland Lake clubs in the The city man thinks himself better off than the farmer and the farmer thinks the city man conceited But on coming into a fortune they both move the farmer to the city the city man to the country Mr Melville Thorn- bury visited at Mr Charles home for a few- days last week Mrs Stephens supply teacher in the George school two or this week owing to of Miss Smith Mr a Lundy of holidays with nd vicinity Mrs Boyd itlnfi iaid a busy el n j The J thats ifiinping mother the olhej iioji But a before the wilt help present too not the cost but the olive which counts Dont try to boy you want oil olio shopping trip The second of church was held on Wednesday evening in school rooms and wan a great success The speaker of the evening Rev Geo secretary of the budget fund gave an interesting Music was supplied by the or- ted by Mr DEC The town hall is engaged for Friday and Saturday nights by a travelling company that promise an unique entertain ment comprising moving pic tures Torontos great fire Uncle Toms Cabin some laughable subjects and the and most gorgeous spec tacle A Voyage to the Moon including tableaux Only This week the United Fac tories installed a new machine in the stave mill It is a self- fed splitting machine for split ting the blocks that are con verted into pail and tub staves and works very satis factory saving the men a lot of heavy handling Our teachers in training completed their exams yester day afternoon and were enter tained last evening by Miss Nellie Forsyth at her on Timothy St It is expected ill will pass Most them jobs for The of Alderman ft A Smith will be pleased to that she is again at HUT the holiday Mr Cyrus spent Sunday at Toronto Mm J A Cody entertained a number ladies Tuesday Kelly returned Manitoba on Friday of last looking and feeling He things in the West as booming Mr- is home from Ottawa for the Christ mas holidays Miss Smith of the guest of Mrs two or three days this and was calling on old Mr and Mr St got back on night from a delightful visit in and at the Worlds Mrs- gave five tf clock tea to a number of young ladies on Tuesday Ma Cook of and Miss of Toronto spent few days I it week Mrs 1 oiling Mr Vrn fumble hack alter u ah of jitJis PORTRAIT OF SIR MUCH WASTING OF TIME i In reviewing activities it Unit most of tho of Newmarket council arisen from a common members over the need for new industry in the community Wo have heard over and over that have unbalanced assessment there is too great a proportion of residen tial assessment With the increasing numbers of homes and children there come in direct proportion at least higher costs for schools and for municipal services Simplifying it Newmarkets greatest need now from an administrative point of view is greater revenue at lower cost and the accepted answer to this need is industry From town councils point of view fac tories do not have children and so they do not cause increasing educational costs And the capital costs and maintenance costs for services are less than those for subdivisions While members of council have a common concern for the towns basic need circumstances throughout the year make it appear that some are pulling in opposite directions because of their different viewpoints The result has been that nothing has been done to make a significant change in the assessment situation nor has there been any appreciable effort made to encourage new industry to locate here In fact during many town council meetings much energy and lime has been wasted arguing over whether a service station is a light indus try or not and in wrangling over possible mistakes hav ing been made in the past It seems that the time and energy could have been spent more profitably in planning for the future in planning new areas outside the town where industry might locate for after all the arguing and worry about a small strip of land on St probably not suitable for most- planners of modern industrial plants there is practically no industrial land in town of New market Councillor A said at a meeting of coun cil Monday night that the planning and imluslri com mittee had done absolutely nothing this past year toward bringing in new industry Councillor remarks could directed at the entire council as well Councillor chief concern most year about l h unbalanced assessment and about light industry on a small strip of land being by a land speculator for light industry A great amount of time has been spent by council worry ing about what subdivide must not do Tin- divider was only one who may have been trying sell land to industry not the local administration Ac cording to municipal act the town council could spend roughly for industrial promotion It call bo appreciated that Councillor serves as a good critic on town council no against him concerned with what has or has been done with the small ship of land on SI there serins to lack of iioayfiuation on the part town council in general most the year the members of town council talked about what has up irk front of them but they have not looked beyond that to carry out any large scale planning NEED TO SPEND SOME MONEY According to lav the council may spend a certain amount of money for the purpose of industrial promotion Recording to asses incut statistics Newmarket could spend up to lor this purpose The which he why spend the- on industrial when there is little available land industry answer of course is that I here is land outside the muni and money which to will or Whitchurch would he in New markets interest Newmarket would supply water ami services and no would neces sarily follow It is hoped that next years town council will have the courage to spend some money lor promotional pur poses Certainly the individual members of council do not have the time to do an adequate job themselves An industrial commissioner on a part time or lull lime basis should he doinj the work that members of council are not able to do NEEQ COOPERATION OF NEIGHBORS Industrial expansion for Newmarket depends on suitable land for new industry casual observation would indicate that the natural direction for such development would be north or south To the north along the old canal banks and close to the railway are what would seem to be I he industrial lands Other vacant land is found south of town near the railway It is un derstood that the reeve Mr Dales has a proposal for planning now areas beyond the town limits The whole field of development from now on will be a problem too great for a committee of council The members of council are businessmen or professional men who have little or no experience in community planning Surely the time has come now when the town council will make use of professional people who are trained in the development fieijk Newmarkets development is not only the concern of the local town council There must be cooperation between the town and the townships of Whitchurch East GwilHmbury and King Each municipal council has been dealing with its own development problems not paying too much attention to what is happening across the border The time has come when the four municipalities should cooperate and consider the devel opment problems of the entire district under the guid ance of some planning authority Councils tend to be come so engrossed with problems within their own poli tical boundaries that they miss opportunities which could be found in cooperation with their neighbors ONE FOR THE ROAD The tea sales promotion people are using a slogan for this season If you drive drink tea It is sound advice as sound as the coffee sales promo tion people who suggest that proponents of the one for the mad idea substitute coffee for alcoholic bever ages We are not sure who had the idea first the tea people or the coffee people but in spite of the fact that both interests probably are more honestly concerned about sates than about traffic accidents their advice should be followed Hilling a month which most Canadians look for ward us one for celebration gaiety and goodwill thousands of people lose their lives or suffer serious injuries Most of these accidents safety experts agree are unnecessary caused not by ice or snow or mechani cal failures but by human particularly the tendency to overcelebrate But if you drink at all Ihe people just be safe drink a cup of shorn coffee as your one fur the road In Canada hist December people were killed by accidents all but most on streets or highways The best advice is if you drive dont drink and the next best is if you have hud a lake of coffee Of course just us well to stay at home OUTSELLS ALL OTHER BOOKS Year in Vein out the Holy liihle continues lo out sell all other booh and today in renter demand than ever before Mole than Mi million Testaments and were last year to people all over I he world To dale one or more books of the have translated into ami UP of the worlds people some portion of Scriptures in I heir Some Ian into which has I cell translated did nol in milieu form were educed into lug by au which the I Meed article calls wilhoul parallel of written The and founded in hud as one of lis projects the publication I gospel of St John Mohawk lor in the Jusi loo copies of I ran Nation were diippeil In near trout foul Iho branch of now disltibules the in a score of Indian and luring war over a of a given prisoners In No Hi hies outer these days Sul the has encountered closed and nearly ropier of Ihe in wailftug de livered find own time the Infringement on right agent In nation it fa not the function of the to the direction of theo which re i Mi A little now and then is relished by the wisest men Anon The following is intelligence from our Corners cor respondent Slim Alt the dickens hcoXe loose up there at East township council the other JtJtf place who was to l viewer fin St at or road superinteatfeot It started out to be of ordinary meet- where pas talk about an- mission on lite road grader last year arid miscellaneous expenses There 9 notice faKflcateii Bust Aims to into the miscellaneous con- items about room at Royal Gorge Arms hotel in Corners but come of it later it here may be a political football But when it came to votio on the fence viewers job and chaos broke loose- because has two cousins on council and the mayors daughter married sisters boy and hence you couldnt expect there not to be any political favoritism rampant When come to a vote was- four three for taken the fence viewers job at per annum with mileage The only trouble was that Councillor Colin de clined to and there a great argument over par lie- whether the fact that Councillor lie Hoggs to vote meant a negative vote or if he werent in his sent or not or like that Mayor made a tie remark that it no difference whether tie u in his scat or ltt the he had ii up asked the mayo to eat his words but he- wouldnt That is to the fiutyoi wouldnt his Deputy Reeve Holland Hi vers said that Council later called upon to prve that Hoggs was in his seat at data The mayor said the should called in to oft hut lieitor was a hunt in feeve up and said that was whether Col in hi his r ghost ir the ehot He said that If his cousin didnt get job he put e a etc into the the and new has band hits built a styled eUiiLii re Oil up in a very cold air lull hostilities I whieh it was thv job or hut tliLkt matter the least Ml see can tin A out nvxt week- by Dairy Farmer The Top Six We ate wandering what the aid and trades fascinated us as This not just a theoretical question by who is not nearly as young as he used to be It occurred to us first as we were with our face black ana our eyes as we wen ins to talk sense to a that refused to and kept filling the house with ft vagrant pungent odor One might think tti connection with the reat outdoors The trouble was thai this happened in the very restricted and f- the household threatened with a the cows started we the inanarroaityv a tec having ud vant noises about good obi tunes when there were chim ney sweeps fur such brought tittle warm response we buckled down pii member they have what will the smells and sounds and that they will Fust with live usual it- action feel ing but then we hat iiliy a or Own is a full such IhiUs a the 1 I there with the up cati are With crawling auvt the Sev the wonders of fctAttviv ySte4KS il lhl and ii VhiQms iie the yv off eb that t ropes with bags and made a mess of ev tut down we vincett thai we didnt ai the say smoked turkey is a at Christmas iht is a comfort But vhat to the old the right the Well J wo had as a horses oceaaionattv we were ie prnile chastu in with 1 lea iv the wooden wheel weie in old iv 01 iv wiih a like a when esl the mid wc ale id the we with wide the winders of a hi if we lo wonder what own will V a fc A- A sit v fell tooua Wu see e taw tote v mas be W X Im o laeket white lire ami Wv some of the the for that ate lankily a shop The all is one generation is getting on while ahead and if we only honest with ourselves have to admit that is really the WANTS CANADIAN GEOLOGISTS IN A Sir John KotelawaU prim Mr Si Laurent on his arrival la Ottawa to obtain from Canada of a hi oil and minora