Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Dec 1954, p. 1

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NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending March 31 Newmarket Trading Aurora Others 437 TOTAL PAID NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 1954 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS EACH RENOVATION PROJECTS AT TWO NEWMARKET CHURCHES jifW Renovation projects are being carried out on two Main Street churches in Newmarket at the Christian Baptist church at the top of Main Street hill and at Trinity United church at Main and Park Ave With work almost completed on the exterior the Christian Baptist church is shown at left The project that will cost over 15000 includes a new front and a new type of white finish on the brick The white finish covering the red bricks has a rubber and content which has a preservative value as well as beautifying the appearance of the building Inside there are new choir pews and carpeting Above new brick work can be seen at the rear of Trinity United church where a project is being carried out The interior of the church has been remodelled with all woodwork being in limed oak There is now a centre aisle in the church with a new chancel The pulpit is on one side a and baptismal font on the other side and a communion table in the centre A new organ will be installed in January and repair work has been done to the exterior Era and Express photo County Police Force To Continue Here And There Around Town The Christmas spirit manifests itself in many ways In one small community the police de partment decided to give a gift to all the motorists there They placed hoods over the parking meters for the holiday season No parking fees had to be paid and for once the absentminded shopper who habitually forgets to put his money in the meter didnt have a parking fine to pay In another town the local newspaper decided its best gift to its subscribers was to keep the front page attune to the true spirit of Christmas Unless the story was one of good will and peace it wasnt used on the front page Contrary to the views of some cynical observers they had no trouble in finding news that week The mayor is accustomed to receiving papers signed by a group of ratepayers Usually they are petitioning for new ser vices In their area or are com plaining about some ac tion Even here a change was made by Christmas The latest delivery to Mayor which bore a collection of names was for the sole purpose of wish ing him the compliments of the season Fellow patrons of one of the local coffee houses signed a card which was for warded to the mayor It was one time that the receipt of a collec tion of names didnt involve ex- work for the senior member of the municipal government as well as their factory They had the contract for sup plying the wood trim for the in teriors of many of Torontos fin est buildings Only last month an old house in St Catharines was in the news Architects were commenting on the excel lent workmanship exhibited in the interior workmanship which once again had Newmarket for its origin Alex N Belugin Stresses Value Of Yonge St Land Among the visitors in town for the holiday season were some whose appearance was not greeted with pleasure They were the cases of chicken pox and measles Many local youngsters and a few of their parents waited for Santas visit with a fair share of spots These diseases of childhood which are usually reserved for late winter and early spring have been making their appear ance these past few weeks the germs axe confused by our weather Other interesting facts from Newmarkets past include the item that the first Christmas parade of T Eaton Co Toronto had its beginnings at the Cane factory The log cabins and other scenery backdrops used in that first big parade were made at the local factory When com pleted the floats travelled from Newmarket to York Mills where they stayed the night Then the following morning they continu ed their trip to the big city for the first of the annual Santa parades People move to Newmarket for many reasons Most often it is the closest location to their work in Toronto at the price they can afford to pay But there is at least one family that decided on Newmarket as their new home for a different reason We had wanted to get away from the city for sometime the father explained So on week ends and holidays we had been visiting all the towns and villages within a to mile radius of Toronto When we saw New market we liked it This is a good town Were glad We set tled here he added Dear Mr Editor Permit me to express very briefly indeed my views regard ing your recent editorial on the subject of relative unimportance of the small Yonge Street frontage allegedly available to Newmarket for industrial de velopment To the best of my recollection and knowledge the Davis Leath er plant occupies a ground space of some or sq ft the Hoffman plant has sq ft Thus combin ed these two plants sq ft and could employ some men The Street frontage portion of it alone equals or 360000 ft Even allowing for 30 feet set back from the rightofway and for yard facilities in the rear at least sq ft or times as much as the two mentioned plants occupy should be available to erect a factory or factories to employ x or men Cut this last number in half can afford to be that generous under the circumstances and you still have enough new em ployment to balance your new residential additions Mr Editor I rest my case Sincerely yours A Belugin PASS BYLAW FOR REGISTRY OFFICE A bylaw authorizing the ex penditure of 80000 for an addi tion to the North York registry office at Newmarket was passed by county council yesterday Ted Adams Dies In Business Longest On Newmarkets Main St Edward Haitian Ted Adams who had been in business on Main St Newmarket longer than any ether person for years died last week December 20 He was He was the owner of Adams barber shop His first location was at the top of Main St hill in the old Royal Hotel building where the employment office is now located He bought the busi ness from a Shorty who had employed him previous to the purchase In 1917 he moved his business to the Wesley Block where the Dominion Bank branch is now located in moved again to larger premises across the street His death occurred at Toronto Western hospital after a lengthy illness The funeral service was held last Thursday Dec 23 at the chapel of and Rose Newmarket Interment was at Newmarket cemetery Surviving are his wife the for mer May two sons Ralph and Clyde both of New market a daughter Mrs Roy Sanderson Helen West Wick- ham Kent England and a sister Mrs Stevenson Brussels Ont He was a member of the Chris tian Baptist church a member of the Masonic order and a former member of the Newmarket Lions club Conscience Is Bothered Wants To Pay Fine After a delay of years a motorists wants to clear his con science by paying his court fine The man claimed he neglected to pay a fine imposed on him 18 years ago and wants to pay it now But whether his offer will be accepted is another question Magistrate said Tuesday the man had writ ten him saying that he had been fined 10 and costs for driving without a license Ho wants to settle the matter he said be cause his conscience is bother ing him The future of the York County police force was decided at a final meeting of county council held in Newmarket yesterday On a recommendation of the spe cial Administration of Justice committee chaired by Reeve J O Dales Newmarket council decided to continue the county force of 16 members in its present capacity until Dec 31 1955 The fate of the force has been under discussion for some time Last year a temporary arrange ment was made to continue the force during 1954 and since then the discontinuance of it has been considered seriously The full cost of maintaining force will be met by the At torney Generals department of Ontario with the exception of the costs involved in policing No record of the fine can be the magistrates court at New found market Hooker Sells Store After 44 Years In Business One of the oldest places of flying instructor with the Newmarket figured in a To ronto transaction which receiv ed some publicity recently The Confederation life association sold Its downtown head office building at Richmond and Sts for a figure reported to be in the neighborhood of 3000- Built more than years ago the Confederation building was long considered one of the finest office buildings in Toron to Work was begun on the building in and it was op ened in the fall of just a year after Torontos city hall was begun- The main structure of the building is French Gothic and six stories An eightstory annex was opened in What many local residents may not know is that all the in terior wood trim in both those came from time the Cane Ihe pen of D man we take the following New Years resolution which will re quire courage and determination to put into effect We must rally the forces of right for a great constructive ad vance The spirit that refuses to hate when men arc hateful The spirit that is just when others are unjust The spirit that is unselfish when others are selfish These are the men that can be used by the Prince of Peace to make peace Aurora Youngsters Learn To Swim At College Pool LIONS BASKET FUND A Friend 10000 Roy Sharpe Bobby Calf Finishes and Dyes Co SimpsonsSears Ltd This winter boys and girls from Aurora are receiving in struction in swimming at the indoor pool at St Andrews col lege The classes are sponsored by the Aurora Recreation Com mission through the courtesy of the college They range from five year olds to high stu dents The swimming instruction has been given for the past three years with at least 30 youngsters taking their Red Cross swim ming awards annually Each class period lasts onehalf hour The necessary introduction to swimming for beginners Red Cross swimming and water safe ty instruction and life Saving Society classes are held About 15 in ostrici have re ceived their Royal Life Saving certificates through these winter P classes The instructress Mrs teaches both and the girls She is assisted in instructing the CO boys by Tracy Lefty Phillips Au rora and Kenneth Pecveis Newmarket Rank Robertson looks after the dressing rooms on the boys night Assisting with the instruction of the girls are Miss Janice Carter and Mrs M Field Miss Edith Turp and Mrs George Baldwin are In charge of the dressing room fa cilities There has been considerable talk about a swimming pool for Newmarket but as yet no def inite action has been taken in the meantime local youngsters are missing an opportunity to learn swimming and water safe ty methods Juvenile And Family Court Expected To Be Moved To Newmarket The Juvenile and Family court of the County of York will be moved from Toronto to Newmar ket if suitable property can be found it was reported by the property committee chaired by Reeve Elton Armstrong King at a meeting of County Council yes terday Judge Douglas Webster spoke briefly at yesterdays closing sion of council He said that ho would like the matter of the court settled immediately but that the properties he had in spected so far in Newmarket were unsatisfactory Reeve Asa Cook Aurora con- sidered Aurora for the location of the juvenile and family court Reeve Armstrong said that the committee had looked in Aurora but had found nothing suitable The matter was referred to the property committee warden and commissioners Quarters will be obtained as soon as possible business in Newmarket changes hands this week Hookers La dies Wear and Dry Goods which has been operated for years by Mr and Mrs Hooker has been sold exclusively to Mr Sanders Newmarket former ly of Richvale Mr Sanders has been associ ated with Gordon Mackay and Co Wholesale Textiles for the past 13 years with the exception of a period spent in the during the last war Mr Sanders is a member of the Canadian Legion and is a SALVATION ARMY YOUNG PEOPLES LEADER TO BE HERE Captain Doris Fisher Di visional Young Peoples Secre tary for the Salvation Army Northern Ontario division will be visiting Newmarket this com ing weekend captain will conduct the service on Friday Dec in the Army Citadel commencing at 11 pm and will also lead the Sundays Jan 2 gatherings at 11 am pm and pm The captain A Active Reserve at airport and Gillies Flying Ser vice Buttonville Mrs Sanders the former Phyllis Ruddock is well known in Newmarket she will take an active part in the business The new owner plans to make a few changes but expects to carry the same line of merchan dise as carried by Hookers in the past For the present Mr and Mrs Hooker will reside in Newmar ket Before the Metropolitan area was established the county paid the full cost of operating the force When the county was split by Bill the Attorney Generals department asked that the county force be maintained to serve the courts of the Metro area municipalities as well as those of the continuing county In the province tempor arily bore the major portion of Die burden sunk definite line of action could be adopted by the continuing county It cost of to maintain the force in 1954 A pension plan for the present members of the force and for those who served prior to the division of the county is receiv ing further study by the county A resolution was passed today which requests the county treas urer to Invoice the Attorney Gen erals department for percent of the countys share of the police costs in connection with the Newmarket magistrates court This will bring a uniformity of cost distribution to all the areas served by the county force and last Army A spec youth to A spirit winter mo in the Wax the slogan main objective is an interesting speaker and was at the Salvation College Toronto is given to these gatherings paten for the be launched service with lor Souls as the HOLLAND LANDING HOME AND SCHOOL HOLDS CONCERT A concert was presented by all grades of the Holland Landing school at the annual Christmas meeting of the Home and School association There was a candy and mystery parcel sale The United church ladies choir led the audience in the singing of carols At the conclusion of a brief business session a social half- hour was spent Refreshments were served by the grade mo thers The meeting was well attended Basse has been appoint ed Manager of The Royal Bank of Canadas new branch in New market located temporarily at 129 Main Street next to Hands tire shop Mr Bassett is a native of Thorold where he first joined the Royal in Later he served at a number of other On tario branches Including St Ca tharines Fort Erie and Chatham He comes to his new post from Bruce Mines where he has been Manager for the past two years VISIT RELATIVES Mrs William Gouge the for mer Dorothy Link her husband and sons Freddie and Douglas New York City have been visit ing relatives in Toronto and spent a day with her parents Mr and Mrs George Link Island Grove While here Mrs Gouge also visited friends in the Keswick and Jersey River dis trict Their Christmas day was spent with her brother and his wife Mr- and Mr Lawrence link at tbehr Acre home hi the western Toronto A group of happy youngsters with their swimming instructors ate shown at the St Andrews College pool Instruction is sponsored by the Aurora Recreation the of the college In charge of the classes Mrs Aurora left Her tQ right are Phillips Aurora Ken Newmarket COMING FRIDAY DEC 31Ncw Years Frolic at Riverview Inn Bradford Dancing from clock Refreshments served u Dress optional none TUESDAY JAN Hobby euchre in Sharon hall at pm Prizes Refreshments welcome WEDNESDAY JAN Bingo sponsored by the Newmarket Veterans Assn in the town hall at Attendance prize Special Jackpot game Admtsion cards THURSDAY JAN regu lar monthly meeting of will he held at pm in the church hall Mrs Hamil ton and her group will he In charge the program There will be the Installation of off- THURSDAY JAN In Aurora Legion hall sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of Canadian Legion Door prizes At pm Admission FRIDAY JAN Charivari presentation and dance in Las- hall for Jack and Betty Monkman Everyone welcome Ladies please provide c2w52 FRIDAY JAN Euchre spon sored by Pine Orchard Womens Institute at school pm Prizes and lunch TUESDAY JAN Annual meeting election of officers York County Hospital Womens auxiliary Agricultural rooms Rots fori St Newmarket Light refreshments Public wel come BINGO every Saturday night at pm Euchre every Thursday night at In North limbury Memorial Centre Kes wick DANCING wry Saturday night Mount ttinmunfty hall Solicitor For Association Replies To Council Comment About Policemens Holidays The Editor Newmarket Era Express Dear Sir There appeared in your issue of Dec a report of a council meeting in Newmarket which dealt with certain payments to members of the Newmarket po lice force particularly in regard to statutory holidays It was reported that early in a full statement would be issued by the police commit Ice but in the interim the members of the force are left under the re ported stigma of In the mean time we are being taken for a ride The members of the York County Police Association feel that in fairness to the members of the Newmarket force who be long to the York County Police Association certain phases of the Issue should be made known to the public The members of the New market police force for some years now with the full concur rence of previous councils have been granted nine statutory holi days namely New Years Day Good Friday May July Civic holiday Labor Day Thanks- Riving Day Christmas Day and Day Most police forces in the Metropolitan area and in moot municipalities have a simi lar arrangement Most civil servants receive practically all of these holidays as a matter of right There has never been any secret about the and it must surely have been known to members of the Newmarket council over the years a The Newmarket polk ta of the force to enjoy these holidays as they are entitled to do The result is that the mem bers of force work these days or work double time previous to or immediately after these holi days The principle of being paid for these extra hours is recog nized in most municipalities The fact that the man works these holidays or extra hours in lieu of them surely does not mean that he is not entitled to pay If they are not to be paid what amounts to double time it will be necessary to add further mem bers to the force and am sure the general public would rather the situation as it is We believe the public in New market is well satisfied generally with the efficiency and esprit of the Newmarket police force By population standards in view of the heavy summer traffic the fact that Newmarket is the County Town the duties of the Newmarket force be come expanded and we can not think that in view of the present salaries paid and the fairminded reputation of the citizens of New market that the public con be the present system takes them for a ride Their position is to all intents and purposes the same insofar as this particular issue is concerned as the citizens of most other progressive pal ties The York County Police Asso has no wish to interfere with the internal Wnffl of Town of Newmarket but w thai the above facta be known to the public delay I

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