Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Dec 1954, p. 2

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J RESTAURANT MOTEL AND SERVICE STATION Open seven days a week Winter closing hours pan Era and Express Classifieds Results and Professional INSURANCE fire burglary auto and Life New and used ears financed Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET PHONE Til A of iciaxy life for Let me review your under SSURANCE DA ACCOUNTANT A A 5 Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET DENTAL W NEWMARKET Wood r Or DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone DR W DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone MISCELLANEOUS NEW YEAR TO The old year is on the way out The New Year Is on the way in You cant bring back one moment of the old year You cant recall one hasty word or careless action You cant undo one single act of All is going out into eternity and every act and word Is labelled with your name Turning over a new leaf will not help to erase blots and stains of other leaves throughout the year But I have a secret I know how to start so that the whole year will be one of joy and peace and contentment I know how to wipe out the past so that it will never be remembered against us forever I think I am old- fashioned- I am sure I am just as oldfashioned as the Bible it- If However I have found a in the dear old Book It says The Blood of Jesus Christ Gods Son us from all So as I go out into I depend on the cleansing Blood to take care of past and avail for the future In simple child- like trust in a loving Heavenly Father I can step out into knowing that my past is all for given and my future is safe in His Hands Laws Garten SALES SERVICE Richmond Hill ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING House Farm and Industrial Wiring Free Estimates DOUG RAIN Ontario St Phone Newmarket ER Solicitor Public PA A75WI Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc ONE PA St THEWS STIVER Solicitors Drains Cleaned ad Repaired Tanks RICHMOND HILL TURNER MAIN Builders Contractors or Farmers No and No 2 Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truck Write for prices on Lumber Co Ontario Will Ask Of Marketing Agency At Federation Annual Endorsatlon of the Ontario hog producers marketing agen cy by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture will be asked in a resolution to be discussed at the annual meeting of the Federa tion in Toronto early in January At present all hogs commer cially slaughtered in the prov- are marketed by an agency hired by the Ontario Hog Prod ucers Marketing Board The resolution asks the Ont- Federation to work with the hog producers marketing board and agency to improve the agencys methods so that agency marketing of hogs will become more efficient effective and satisfactory to all The resolution suggests that the outcome of this first experiment in agency marketing will in fluence the marketing of other farm products in the future The Ontario Federation of Ag riculture includes as member organizations 33 commodity co operative and educational groups in the province as well as county and district Federations of Agriculture Between and COO delegates from these organizations will meet in the King Edward Hotel in Toronto on January and to discuss and formulaic Fed- oration policy for coming year The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario and the women in the Federation will meet on January 4 The agenda makes provision for a full afternoons discussion January on farm marketing legislation and the meeting wilt be asked to endorse Federa tions request new legislation required by the Auction of the principle agency marketing Other resolutions to be discus- sod include requests tor a now provincial government port- folio to provide for a fulllime minister marketing and ration and greater coor dination between the existing farm organizations so that these organizations could more easily loin in promoting specific pro- feels Hold Final Council Meeting For1954lnNGwillimbury The final meeting of the 1954 North Gwillimbuxy township council was held in the new chambers at Belhaven on Wed nesday afternoon December with all present Reeve Doyle congratulated Mr Fred Peel on the supervision of the erection of the new municipal building and thanked him for a good job Reeve Charles Richard son said that he was pleased to have been a member of council when the new municipal building in was planned and completed He said he had spent the past 1 years working for the township in one way or another on the school board and the past five on council he thought he Would his own business year ClerkTreasurer said tnink ffiis Counter deserve credit long overdue quarters ate that is being mon th TC meeting concerriugVa courts buygrayffiMOh to a Mr Douglas Matfievvs It meet ing decisions on the Referable for febuy the gra vel at a field rather than per yard as presented by Mr Mathews when he gave the information to Reeve Doyle Councillor James Clark en quired about the possibilities of having the Road or i portion of it declared a park area so that the speed of vehicles could be controlled Clerk Winch had recorded in the November minutes that the Department stated that the law only applied to towns and police villages and that the township would be re quired to comply with the regu lations of a builtup area both sides of the road must have percent built on for a distance of feet or where only one side of the road is occupied percent must be built on for a distance of 600 feet Councillor Clark felt that the matter should be followed up A petition for two additional street lights to be installed on the end of Church Street in Keswick which had been pre sented to an earlier meeting was again discussed The clerk had received a letter from the area manager of the Division of the which it was stated A formal figiement between the Commis- siqn and the Corporation of the of North Gwillimbury be completed for the instal- of street lighting Doyle asked what was fedone people lights township was not gated to sign an agreement With the Commission Council members agreed that it was not fair that the township as a whole should pay for lights in one certain portion past persons wishing the addi tional lighting bore the expense of the installation Reeve Doyle instructed the clerk to obtain more information and said that the letter from the HEPC could come before the new council Councillor Clark pointed out that a survey order ed in the letter would be paid out of the townships pocket Clerk Winch insisted that It should have been done years ago Twentyfive FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE Th 10000 ranch house of To ronto realtor G was destroyed by fire early Mon day morning Dec The house located on Miami Drive two miles south of Keswick had been locked on Sunday after noon before th family left for Toronto A neighbor Don Schroder awakened to see the building a mass of flames Nothing was saved WINS BOND Mrs Ross Linton Aurora was the winner of the second draw on a government bond held by the York County Hospital Wo mens auxiliary The bond was for 50 Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Dec 154 Mount Albert News ress Local Horticu Set Air EL BUREAU ZEPI iYR The Sunday evening service of the United was well at- tended The choir under the leadership of Mrs Gordon contributed several num bers One of them was a vocal duel by Mrs and Mrs Pickering and there was a solo by Miss Marie ac companied by Keith Profit The Sunday school concert of the United church was held on Friday evening in the Sunday school room The program con of lantern slides songs choruses and recitations by the children There was a visit from Santa The superintendent Mr Profit and the teachers deserve great credit for their work with the children The attendance at the Sunday school is increasing It reached the 100 mark one Sunday Mr and Mrs George Parker and Peggy Weston called on Mrs Jos on Sunday and Mrs Galbraith returned home with them to spend the Christmas holidays She re side In Newmarket for the win ter month Mrs Meyers re Outstanding speakers November and December general meetings of the New market Horticultural society The first speaker Leslie is the director of th Hamilton Botanical gardens A graduate of who completed post graduate studies at the Royal Botanical gardens England Mr has contributed many articles to current popular pub lications He has a regular col umn in the magazine Canadian Homes and Gardens Fred who spoke at the December meeting is a hybrids of gladioli who introduces new varieties as a hobby first class who is well known as a lecturer glad and a grower of glads Me cornea item by His talk was on gladioli cut It covered the choosing tit bulbs soil preparation care including some interesting and valuable tips on true colors commercial editing techniques sprayings treatments and glad disease Mr lecture was accomp anied by colored slides showing many of the newer glad varie ties and a few of the old reli ables He recommended purchase their from recognized growers It was more expensive and better stock was obtained he explain Mr reviewed the his tory of the Botanical gardens Hamilton They cover acres and are maintained by grants from the city of Hamilton and the province Begun with volunteer labor in the gardens originally were the lo cation of a gravel pit The Botanical gardens are di vided into five sections best known of these is the garden which is 4Hi highway approach There is the fiftiMm iris and day ftrea with and MSI the fife showed slides on- fifc and sumWc lowering and trees ate to the local conditions the so- The the direc tion of Mrs lean Jay and re freshments were served under Mrs Soretopi HOPE KESWICK Mrs A and Miss Eva loft on Thursday to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr Mrs in Rev and Mrs at a family Christmas dinner enter Mr Sinclair and Mr and Mrs Murray Sinclair and children and Mr and Mrs Harry Kennwiy and four Toronto Miss Van Norman Tor onto was at home for the day week We are pleased to heat of the continued Improvement of Mrs Jack Wright who has been ill for some weeks Miss Terry spent Christmas with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs George White were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Fisher at ton Mr Mann was at home from Detroit for the Christmas season Mr and Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Vera Herring entertained at a Christmas tree party Christ mas eve The guests were Mrs and Mr Rig- Toronto Miss Van Nor man Miss Myrtle Lloyd Mr J Cameron and Miss Lynn Mar all of whom enjoyed Christ mas dinner at Miss Lynn Mar Hits Christmas day Miss Ruth Olvlerv teacher In the room of Keswick school has resigned and home lor the holiday before be Hope will inset the home Mrs- George on Jam 5 committee is Lowndes Mr Cecil hostesses are Mrs George Mttu Hall Mrs Smith and Mrs Edwards Mr atitf Mrs were guests of Mr and Mrs Arnold for Christmas Mr Mrs John Lang spent Christmas with Mr and Airs Elmer Oliver and family Barrio Miss Amy Gibson Mr and Mrs Newmar ket had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Don Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson Marion and Calm spent Christ mas with Mr and Mrs Marry Mortson Miss Amy Gibson spent weekend with Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson Mr and Mrs Charles Shield Queen were guests of Mr and Mrs Will Shields on Sun day Elizabeth Shields spent Mon day with Jeanne Canton Mr and Mrs Floyd and family Mrs Jean Davis and family Mrs Shields and Bruce Mr and Mrs Jack John and Dan and Fos ter Sharon and Mr and Mrs Sister King spent Christmas with Mr Mrs Longford Mrs I lone and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Art Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Clement Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Philip Ring spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Edgar Mrs Verne Smith who has been seriously 111 Is improving slowly Misses Smith Lawrence Johnny spent Christmas with their Mrs Am Keswick Beauty And The Beast At The Crest Theatre For Next Three Weeks Frances as Beauty Murray Davis as The Beast Eric House as an Old Wizard Joan Blackmail and Rose Mary Sowby as the a change beautiful sisters and Robert Jackson as a young dragon is the for the Crest Beauty and the which opened Tuesday ftC it run on Mount Pleasant Road Toronto The the first of a series of plays based OH nursery tales by Nicholas Stuart Gray which hay the past few years almost an institution in EnglancL Their rare quality of appealing alike almost equally to children and grownups best described perhaps by compari son with such classics as Alice in Wonderland The Young Visitors and the Beatrix Potter books have made them im mensely popular and they are regularly performed in London and in many English provincial cities Beauty and the Beast was the first and was first perform ed at the tiny Mercury theatre in London four Christmasses ago Its immediate success led to a long extension of its season a transfer to the West End and to the writing by Mr Gray of six or seven similar plays So enthusiastic was Frances about playing the part of Beauty that she cancelled an al- Christmas holi day appear in the play Mur- Davis recently returned London and Paris with an armful of new plays for the next year will make his first afiearance with the com pany season new faces at tho In production will be several wellknown Toronto radio and actors Harold Bur key Jackson Rose Mary Sowby and Joan Black- mam The rest of the Crest com pany however not be on holiday but will be hard at JworK rehearsing for the Crests first anniversary play their first Shakespeare Twelfth Night opens mid- January Preceding the opening of Beauty and the Beast on Tues day the Crest in association with the Rotary clubs of To ronto performed a special mat inee for underprivileged Children Too late for last week Santa arrived safely on Dec with a grand parade of floats bands and clowns and the wea ther cleared to let the usual large crowd attend Mrs Percy walker won the chair and the Womens Institute won first prize in the floats with Frosty the Snowman Harold Santas Workshop won sec ond Hicks Jack and Jill was third The grocery baskets went to Steve Isaac Mrs- Floyd Green Mrs Geo Green Mrs Glucky The firemen were presented with a Christmas cheque which they rightly de serve The Chamber of Com merce are to be congratulated and Santa was good to all the kiddies Mr Ron Young are getting along nicely with their new homes thy are build ing on the hill Mr Ralph has purchased the farm of Mr Bill Miss Hayes will spend NEWMARKET ART CLUB The Newmarket Art club will not meet during the Christmas holidays The next meeting the group will be on Thursday Jan pm in the basement of the town hall Bir Birthday wishes are extended this week to Linda Fletcher Newmarket years old on Friday Dec David Arthur Evans Newmar ket years old on Saturday Dec Howard Noel Dike Newmarket years old on Sat urday Dec Archibald Holland Lan ding 3 years old on Sunday Dec Paul Douglas Gibbons New market years old on Thurs day Dec Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club Christmas at the home of her brother Mr Ernest Hayes at Port Perry- Mr and Mrs Don and Miss Etta Stokes Toronto will be Christmas visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J Arnold Mr and Mrs J Arnold spent a few days with Dr and Mrs Lome Stokes Hanover Mr Arthur Kelt has purchased Mrs E house on Mill St and recently moved in Mount Albert firemen were called to the farm of Mrs Scott Crone on Tuesday morning where the house was on fire supposed to have caught from a chimney fire the previous day and had been smouldering be fore breaking out Considerable damage was done before it was put out Mrs Doug has re turned home from York County hospital Christmas services in the United church on Sunday were very well attended In the church school a Christmas pro gram was given by the pupils and they in turn were treated by their teachers At the church service the min ister Rev Shapter had a fine Christmas message and the choir sang beautiful Christmas an thems In the evening the choir sang a Christmas cantata Our congratulations go to Mrs- Bone contralto soloist Mr Price as an excellent leader and all the choir who did exceptionally welL SHARON Service at St- James Anglican church each Sunday at am Sunday school follows church service United church service each Sunday at hall at am Sunday school is at a Everyone welcome at all ser vices Mrs E Kidd and Miss May Stevens Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gor don Stevens- Mr and Mrs Fred and Miss Audrey Gartshore were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs- Percy in Toronto v York County SOIL CROP MEETING Town Hall Nawmarket Wednesday Jan 5th QUIZZ PANEL Making Grass Silagfc GUEST SPEAKERS Prof J C STECKLEY Experimental Farm CORN AS A CROP GEORGE Farms MANAGED PASTURES Free Lunch at noon s Lemon Stouffville President W ML Cockburn Newmarket Sec Starts PERIOD High EFFICIENCY feed is MOUNT Mr Charlie Ryes house has been remodelled and looks much improved The Sunday school children had their program on Saturday night arid while Rev and Mrs Chester at concert MM Si SHUR GAIN Chick St Higher in Protein 2 Higher in Vitamins 3 Higher in Minerals Higher in Energy POUNDS EQUALS START THEM GAIN CH RIDLER MILLS LTD CASE and

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