Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Dec 1954, p. 5

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1 Mount Albert News Bruce Davison Davidson and Gary spent Christmas in Toronto with his Brother Mrs Davidson at the home of his brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Allen where a family party was held Miss Oldham To ronto was at her home in town for Christmas Mrs Gordon Wagg Linda and Jim Belleville were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Stewart over the Christmas holi day Mr and Mrs W Draper spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Lyons and family Scar- Miss Daisy Watts Belleville is at her home for the holidays Mr and Mrs Clinton Ieach and family Toronto and Allan Wilson Toronto were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Wil son- Mr and Mrs- Geo Snyder en tertained at a family party on Christmas day when relatives came from Kitchener and Ki rn Miss Ruth Toronto spent the holiday weekend with her cousin Miss Harmon The of the church and Womens Institute sent cards and Christmas boxes to the sick and shutins Mr and Mrs Geo Price visit ed in Kingston on the Christmas weekend with relatives Mr Thompson Cuyler Sask visited his aunt Mrs W Gib bons last week The girls went sing ing carols on Wednesday night to the shutins Later they had a Christmas party at the home of their leader Mrs Bruce Rolling Dr and Mrs Carruthers spent Christmas relatives in Hamilton Mr and Mrs and family and Mr and Mrs Hen Sinclair and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Archer and Mr Beverly Sinclair Mr and Mrs Ronald Draper and children were Christmas visitors of Mr and Mrs Draper School Concert Mount Albert school concert was an exceptionally good one on Monday evening when a large filled the hall The program included a number of choruses by the school a pa geant by the primary room a play by the intermediate room and a boys choir The primary room impersonated the women of tomorrow There were folk dances by the senior room and a play How the Story Grew Mr and Mrs Ross Thompson and family and Mr and Mrs Jack Greig and family Second St wcr Christmas visi tors at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas Thompson Many around town have been putting out feed for the birds and different kinds have come to help themselves We saw a red cardinal here Mrs Dixon Is spending the winter with her sister Mrs Ed Watts Pine Orchard News Mrs and family spent Christmas day with relatives at On Christmas Sunday Dec Siiecial services were held at Union church White gifts were for the Fred Victor fission at the morning service Jjtey George Dix delivered a Christmas message George Murray sang a solo A carol service was conducted jit- the evening service by Mr Jfatries Carter Mr Roy Cody read the Christmas lesson Mr and Mrs George Murray Miss and Mr James Car- sang The church was with lighted Christmas frees and evergreens Mr and Mrs Fred Leach and John Newmarket spent Christ inas day at the Armitago home Mr and Mrs Robert Middle- ton Aurora Mr arid Mrs Ron ald and Wayne Holt spent Christmas day at the home of Mr and Mrs John Systema Mrs P Wood spent Christ mas day with Mr and Mrs Wal ter Stouffville Mrs W Miss Helen Messrs Sam Gibney and spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Harvey Holt Mr and Mrs James Sheridan Linda and Newmarket and Mr and Mrs Douglas Hope and family spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs James Hope Mr and Mrs R Chapman Mr and Mrs and family Aurora were Christmas day guests of Mr and Mrs Wal ter Johnston Mr and Mrs R Allen and Miss Aleta were Christmas day guests of Mr and Mrs Colin Widdifield Newmar ket Misses Joan and Barbara spent the Christmas holi days with relatives at Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Allan Cody and Mr and Mrs Roy Cody on the pass ing of Dr Morley Cody Calgary Alfa ZEPHYR Mr Harold spent Christmas- day with friends here The of the United church will hold the January meeting in the Sunday school room on Tuesday Jan at All the ladies are wel come A review of the years work will be given and reports of the various departments will be read A New Years pro gram is being prepared Mrs A spent Christmas with Dr and Mrs Harold Hunt Port Credit Miss Laura Harrison teacher at S No Scott held a Christmas concert on Tuesday Dec 21 Mr Harold visited friends here on Christmas day Mr Gordon Toronto spent a few days with his par ents Mr and Mrs Golden Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bibby who celebrated their golden wedding annivers ary on Tuesday Dee On Sunday the family gathered at their home and presented each of them with a beautiful engrav ed gold watch On Tuesday Mr and Mrs Bibby received their guests at the home of their daughter Mrs Lloyd Profit Those who assisted with the tea were Mrs Bar ton Mrs E Toronto Mrs Pearl Pickering and Mrs J Rynard The house was decorated with mums On Sunday the grandchildren presented their grandparents with golden chrysanthemums Many friends and neighbors visit ed on Tuesday afternoon and evening Mrs Galbraith visited her mother Mrs last week We are sorry to hear that Mrs has been ill The Sunday evening service of the United church took the form of a carol service The group performed two numbers during the service Many attended the candle light service held in the Presby terian church on Friday even ing The congregation sang a number of carols and Charles Ford Toronto showed lantern slides on the Nativity The senior room of Zephyr public school under the leader ship of the teacher Miss Irwin held an enjoyable Christmas concert in the community hall on Wednesday afternoon King City And District In the first nine months of Canadian production of pig iron and steel castings and ingots was down nearly a quarter from the same period of last year Canadian highways measured 512795 mites at the e of The WI euchre will be held at the school on Friday Jan at pm Co The Advent of Christ as represented by His invasion of mens hearts was the text by Rev to his United church congregations on White Gift Sunday The contri butions of White Gifts at King and Teston were sent to the Fred Victor mission Toron to Christmas Party More than attended the pot luck supper for the staff and classes of Laskay United church Sunday school It was followed by the Christmas entertainment in the church auditorium Marvin Hunter superintend ent was chairman A dialogue about a mysterious hat was en acted by Linda and Margaret Cairns Anne and Frances Forester Grace Glass and Nora Jane Nora Jane played a piano solo and Allan Glass gave a recitation J Agar Nash ville showed sound movies Santa Clius distributed presents for the children Wins Quilt Mrs Harold Millard held the lucky draw ticket on a quilt Road to California made and donated by Laskay WI Other winners in the draw were Mrs H Bell lace tablecloth Mrs Scott bath towel set Mrs Lawrle Boys lemon juicer At the euchre were eight tables The winners were Mrs Clyde Cairns and Mrs For ester with Mrs Murdoch tak ing the consolation Charles and Clyde Cairns and Glass for consolation The travelling prizes were won by Mrs Walter Monkman and Ross The next euchre is set for Thursday Jan in the I hall Visit Toronto A ride on Torontos subway a visit to Toyland in the depart mental stores and window sight seeing was the outing taken by the pupils of Kinfihorn school be fore the midterm ended The party dined at a Toronto hotel before returning home Miss Evelyn Courtney Mrs Davis and Mr Albert Collins pro vided the transportation and acted as chape rones Present Awards The annual presentation of attendance prizes at King City United church Sunday school was made by Superintendent Laurence Scott on Pec With percent attendance wore Peter Donna and Paul Rumble Those with percent credit were Douglas Abrahams Jane Abrahams Beth Carol and Brian Gel ally Beverley Parker I lit Kins I and Carolyn Parker Sing Carols A large quantity of canned goods and some cash donations were received by King scouts and cubs on the evening of Dec 20 when they made a house-to- house carol singing canvass They wcre appealing for supplies for the Scott Institute mission Tor onto Honor Bride When the staff of the King phone exchange held a pre- Christmas party Mrs John j was presented with Cornflower crystal ware She is the former Betty Bice and has been on the staff for over eight years Family Reunion A family reunion of spent Christmas day at the home of Mr and Mrs James Hunter On Sunday Mr and Mrs Bill Aileen Scott left for Bank near Bruce Mines accompanied by their aunt Miss Vera Hunter They will visit Mr New Houses Represent 50 Percent Of Building Permits In King Twp In King township building inspector C Ross issued building permits which included those for new houses Twen tyfour houses were built in King City with Nobleton Oak Ridges and ranking next in order The total number of the permits included houses addi tions and alterations to buildings and garages Five stores includ ed three at Oak Ridges one in King City and a hardware and electrical store at Nobleton and one at King City Two service stations were one at Schomberg and the Harry McBride site near King City A Separate school was built at Oak Ridges also a church of the Brethren in Christ A bank was built at Oak Ridges two rooms were added to King City school and an addition to Oak Ridges school came into use in the spring From January 1st to De cember 1954 Mr Ross reports permits issued Of these 519 were for new houses The King township assessment has reached a new high in more than 6 million This is an increase of 250000 The population of the township exceeds According to old records the population years ago was with a total of families In it was but years later it was about and Mrs John Hill Mr and Mrs Jock Thompson and daughter Gail were holiday visitors of Mr and Mrs Tinline Toronto on Christmas Day Lions Activities Roses in December the focal point in an address by Rev George Hart Baptist minister to King City Lions stressed remem bering the good things of the year at He was intro duced by Lion Clarke Archibald A report from Jock Thompson and J showed that had been made on the table lamp draw There is now in the Hurricane Flood Relief Fund Fergus is chairman of the annual oyster supper in Feb ruary Lion Jack Parson will head the committee for Ladies Night Jan A token gift was given to Lion on the birth of a son the first infant in the Lions circles since the club was organized three years ago A letter of appreciation was re ceived by the trustees of King City village from Rev Smalley Binbrook He thanked them for their acknowledgment of his activity in the community life during his sixyear pastorate at King as a Baptist preacher Tn all our travels wrote Mr it is the first time we ever had a formal expression of appreciation from a municipal ity Mr and Mrs Smalley left the pastorate in September Post Office Busy King City post office handled almost twice the volume of Christmas mail this year post mistress Mrs McDonald reported Four steady workers as well as three couriers were required to do the work Gerry OBrien carrier on R 3 having the largest number of was hard pressed For several days she was from two to three hours late return ing from her route In addi tion to sorting and stamping out going mail the postmistress is required by the government pos tal department to examine un sealed letters bearing two cent postage Discrepancies in the number of words used in the Christmas greeting are checked Improve Phone Services King Telephone Centre has been a continuous round of ac tivity for the past weeks as the Bell Tetephone Co is increasing facilities on rural party lines Next year the King exchange is scheduled for third position on the switch board The Christmas service on Dec 26 was marred at Teston United church because of trouble with the heating unit Service was held in the chilly basement The dedication of a pulpit drape giv en by the Lewis family and the Fellowship I group was made by Rev Jen- The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Dec Page Reviews King Townships Progress Of Past Year An outstanding achievement in Kins township during was the construction of the sixth concession road from south of the north by the Ont ario department of highways This is the opinion of Reeve El ton Armstrong who says the in memory of the late Bruce Fire King City fire truck reached the J Kerr farm third conces sion minutes after the call a s received on Christmas morning It was a minor chim ney fire Mr and Mrs Bob were Christmas day guests of her brother and family Mr and Mrs Norman Toronto With Mr and Mrs- Chris Lar- Eaton Hall Farm for the Christmas season was their son- inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wm and daugh ter Mama Kitchener Mr ley has been transferred to Syr acuse At the home of their son Mr Douglas Scott Toronto were his parents Mr and Mrs Irving Scott on Christmas day Mr and Mrs Ted Wallas and Jackie were Christmas guests of her sister Mrs Cliff Aiken and family Lansing Dr K Heder and son Fred spent the Christmas weekend with Mrs and two daugh ters Toronto Mrs Arthur Wellesley was the guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Douglas for Christmas day at their Farm Evcrsley Mr and Mrs A J Gordon and Donald leave on Saturday for a three months holiday in Florida Mr and Mrs Aubrey Camp bell took their first air flight early Christmas morning when they left Malton airport at 4 am for Brandon Man From there they motored to Rivers where they joined Mrs Campbells par ents Mr and Mrs Alexander in a 32mcmbcr family gathering Mrs and her nephew Donald had Christmas dinner with Mrs Johnston Egan and Miss Eliza beth Miss Gerry McDonald Winni peg is spending her Christmas vacation with her mother Mrs W McDonald- Mrs Harvey and her grandchildren Bruce Ronald and Carolyn Parker spent Christmas day and Sunday at the guests of Mr and Mrs Donald Air Folliolt is a patient in the Elizabeth hospital Toronto With Mr and Mrs Bell and family for Christmas were her father Mr C Allan and his son Jack Janet 11ycarold daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Laskay fractured tier ankle white tobogganing Mr and Mrs Charles Ross and Helen were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Melville McCallum Archie and his sister Mrs Wm Welt her husband and daughter municipality will not take over the highway until the contractor has made sure the fill withstands the spring set tling As yet the project is not com pleted The bridge over the river is still under contract This highway will pro vide greater development in the township lands and open up new Interests Though Kins Township coun cil docs not yet know what the municipality will be called upon to pay in reparation nor what the government will pay in con nection with Hurricane Hazel nam ages the reeve feels that in the long run things will work out satisfactorily The Holland Marsh has made a re- he states and the people have measure up to the blow The provincial department of public works has now withdrawn its help For over three weeks the Men- sect of Kitchener and dis trict have given free labor and provided their own transporta tion to rebuild destroyed homes As soon as a house is ready for occupancy a family in the trail er camp moves in Mot one family in the whole went for over the Christmas season The Neth erlands government sent in quantities of cheese to those who had been washed out of their homes Turkeys and chickens Christmas gifts came from various sources Already some of the land on the cast side of the Marsh has been disced By next spring the Marsh will bo ready for seeding Reeve Arm strong says Elaine Toronto were with their parents and brother Gordon Latest polls show 55 percent of Canadians against lowering the voting age to 18 Of the six Great Lakes Lake Huron has the greatest area on the Canadian side of the interna tional boundary York County Hospital Heeds Your Donation

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