Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Dec 1954, p. 7

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vr Si serried with other ted in a deficit of This com surplus Belhaven News wired to all parts of the world FLOWERS A SPECIALTY ft every occasion Flowers Telegraphed Over the World MAIN STREET Phone NEWMARKET Twenty members of the family of Mr Angus King gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Norm an King on Friday evening Mr- Ralph formerly of St John Que now of Camp Borden spent the holiday week end with Mr and Mrs Freeman Stephens Mr and Mrs Lome and family had Christmas din ner with her parents Mr and Mrs Jos Clark Mr and Mrs Selby visited relatives in Toronto for the holiday Mr and Mrs by Muriel and Doris spent Christmas with Mr- and Mrs Norman and boys Toronto The community is pleased to learn that Mr Fred Thompson Is improving Mr and Mrs and family Mr and Mrs J Morgan and family all of Mr and Mrs M Philips and fam ily Locust Hill and Mrs Master and Mr John Phillips Christmas with Mr and Mrs Norman King Classified ads bring results YOU If On December the thirtyfirst nineteen fiftyfour after conducting a Indies Wear and Dry Goods Store thirty years we are retiring from business To you customers neighbors staff and friends from Newmarket country who have helped make this possible extend our sincere thanks We will always remember kindly understanding friendship and cooperation over years and with genuine gratitude we acknowledge the our association with you We trust the same cooperation will be extended to Mr and his wife and to Miss Stella Cook our faithful ye who has been with us for a quarter of a century Is remaining with the firm wish for you and yours a New Year filled with Good lh Happiness and Prosperity Mrs H Hooker WATCH NIGHT SERVICE NEW YEARS EVE at 11pm and en a happy time of Christian fellowship new i ri Com Orillia J SUND AY I E I IGIIT WITH GOD J appy i- J 2 Associated Churches YIELDING As we bid go thanks to wo wish lo express our Father for the wonder- way Ho has so richly bleat in every department of if church work We have enjoyed much advance in field of endeavour Ig Aft wo now enter it our earnest desire to be a blessing to you all Come and fellowship with us enjoy warm Christian friendship Pastor SPECIAL MUSIC AT DOTH SERVICES With OF PRAYER AND follows GOSPEL apt McEwcn OP THE NAZAttENE I UNITED CHURCH Rhodes JAN CHRISTIAN BAPTIST f CHURCH Speaker Rev A S invitation is extended to each and all to attend interdenominational services the New Year with Prayer Christmas visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Perry were Mr and Mrs George Fair- barn and Donald Mr and Mrs Gerald Griffith spent the long weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Winch Mr and Mrs John visited relatives in Toronto on Christmas day Christmas visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Gavin Morton were Mr and Mrs Carl Morton and Jean and Airs Horace Morton and family Kapuskas- The community is sorry to hear that Mrs Youngs Is in the hospital and wishes her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson spent Christmas in the community visiting relatives Mr and Mrs T and Patsy are spending Christmas with their soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Grand Rapids Mich Mr and Mrs J are spending Christmas holidays with their children Grand Ra pids Mich Mrs J Havinga and child ren are spending a few weeks at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Matthews went to Michi gan to spend her Christmas holi days at her home The community extends its sympathy to Mr A and family ir the loss of a beloved wife and mother who passed away Dec 15 Miss nurse-in- training at Western hospital is home with her mother Mrs for Christmas Several cases of German measles have been reported in the community MEM Newmarket Era 1 rural dlshdcfi of North York Express Morale Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by Era and Express limited Subscription for two years for one year in advance Singh copies ore 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies at Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN E Managing Editor CAROLINE ION Womans Editor GEORGE HASKETT Sport Editor LAWRENCE RACINE Job and Producton PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND Sharon Service at the United church on Jan 2 at am Sacrament will be observed at the close of the regular service Sunday school will be at 11 am The regular monthly meeting of the of the United church will be held at the hall on Jan at am to do a quilt pot luck dinner AH ladies are urged to come Mr and Mrs Donald Wood and children Whitby Mr and Mrs Donald Johnson and child ren Mr and M Carl Phillips and family Bond Head and Mr and Mrs Joseph Hall and Linda Sharon were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Hall Mrs Phillips spent the holiday weekend in Toronto Misses Moore Winni peg and Gertrude Moore To ronto spent Christmas day at the home of Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw Mr and Mrs Frank Thomp son nnd Miss Thompson spent Christmas day at Zephyr with Mr and girls Milton spent the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon and Robert Mr and Mrs Ramsay spent the Christmas holiday with Mr and Mrs G Stevens Mr and Mrs Jogger Oldham and Mr and Mrs Grand Orchard and daughter Toronto were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Moss Mrs Harry Vanstone enter tained her daughter and families on Christmas day Mr and Mrs Donald Kiteley and Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso and children Aurora were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs M Kiteley Mr and Mrs Houston spent the holiday weekend with their daughters Toronto I- Mrs Hopkins and Whitby spent the weekend with Mrs and Mr Ross Mitchel Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon and N LEAGUE STANDING Juvenile Newmarket fl Alliston amp Borden Midget 3 Bantam City 3 5 I 3 Pis 2 Newmarket Nobleton Aurora 2 3 Alliston 2 Woodbridge 0 0 JR LADIES AID ATXMAS PARTY HP Fortyeight members and guests were present for the an nual Christmas party of the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket It was held in the Sunday school room on Tuesday Dec The executive members took charge of the meeting Mrs Wm Robinson presided The Christ mas message was given by Mrs Fred Carols were sung and games were played Mrs Groves and Mrs Jack Stephen son each gave a reading and there was a vocal duet by Mrs Bernard Lee and Mrs W The report on the nomination committee was given by Mrs Stewart Andrews The installa tion of officers will be conducted at the January meeting Refreshments in the form of a pot hick supper were enjoyed by the members and their guests mom the DEC A number of neighbors and friends met at the home of Mr and Mrs S King on Tuesday evening and presented them with an address accomp anied by a beautiful cutglass fruit set A very pleasant was spent and Mr and rs congratulate icmselves on having such splendid neighbors Farmers are coming to town this week with the oldfash ioned sleighs and the music of the bells tingling on the back of the horses Last Friday afternoon the closing of the public schools was characterized by the real Christmas spirit Each of the teachers in the three public schools of the town had Christmas program in which the pupils of the different rooms participated and tint di version was greatly enjoyed by them as well as the distribu tion of candies at the close the gift of the several Miss Nellie of and Mr is of New York spent the Christmas holiday with in town Misses Mann who are on the public school teaching staff in Toronto are homo for Christmas vacation and Mr Ivan Mann and family were here for Chris mas day Mr and Mrs Muni Mr and Mrs Ceo Kyle and Mr run Mrs Jack Adams spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs and daughter from Indiana are spending Christmas holidays at the Friends parsonage Mr J Harvey principal of Lakcficld high school Is spending the holidays with his family Mr Colling wood of Detroit Mich Is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents in Newmarket Jessie of Keswick wo the guest of Mrs J Wilson over the holiday Mr A of Toronto spent the Christmas holiday with Mr and Mrs David Evans Mr and Mrs of To ronto Sunday with her Mr and Mrs DEC At a meeting the Board of Managers of the public library last Tuesday evening the treas urer reported sufficient funds on hand to meet all liabilities tfe year except The government grant for this year will be towards the reading room No books were bought this year The rink was well patroniz ed last Monday but the ab sence of the band music was a disappointment Nearly people attended a most inspiring and captivating at the home of Mr and Mrs Winans Prospect Ave on Wednesday evening given in honor of their guest Miss Richards of Cincinnati Ohio who Is spending holi days here with her sister Mrs Crane Mr from Buffalo Dental college and his brother from Pickering college spent Christmas holidays with their mother in Newmarket Mrs Charles Augustus and her two little daughters of Ihooklin spent Christinas with her sister Mrs Brown Miss Ethel Miss Mary McCaffrey and Mr are home from Ot tawa Mrs Archie Britain was visiting her cousin Mrs I last week Mrs and child ren are at her sisters Mrs J Cane until Mr can find a house They are moving back from Michigan Mr and Mrs Percy Forester of White Rose and Miss Eva Lloyd of Toronto spent with their brother Mr Free man Lloyd Mrs Cobbled ick of and Mr Hill of North Bay spent Christmas with their brother Mr A Hill Mr John Montgomery also Mr Chas Montgomery wife and child from Toronto visited at Mr Mr Pratt and daughter from Midland were at Mr Cyrus also his niece from Toronto Miss Gertie Pratt Dr Mr Earl Oliver and Miss Shaw of Toronto visited at Norino EVERY TOWN SEEKING INDUSTRIES In this weeks issue on the opposite page is an article which deals with the prospects of acquiring more industry for Newmarket Although a municipal ity is not likely to acquire more industry without effort it is also true that unalterable factors like geographical location natural resources at hand or the superior offers of other municipalities may prevent an industry from locating no matter how great an effort is made The following editorial in the Fergus NewsRecord ex plains how it can happen One town north of Fergus is jubilant these days but another is mourning a lost opportunity It con cerns a new industry the same one in both cases The Palmerston Observer has this opening paragraph at the top of the first column on the front page last week Rather saddening news reached this past week It was saddening to all citizens who are looking for an industry to locale here and particularly disheartening to that small group of men who have Spent considerable time interviewing officials of this company The letter writes finis to negotiations that started over a year ago between officials of the Yale Rubber Manufacturing Company of Sandusky Michi gan and citizens of Palmerston The decision really should not have come as a shock to Palmerston since it had been announced with big headlines in The Kincardine News several weeks earlier The company had also been negotiating with Owen Sound It will employ to men by Of and probably within two years Why did a firm from the United States pick KiiKardine rather thfln That is of interest to alt other towns the district seeking industries and what town isnt In this case some new reasons enter in and they might be important Kincardine had an empty factory which could be bought more cheaply than a new one could be built Alongside this factory and beside the CNR property close to the lake the town had bought an additional six acres for industrial sites Those are important but not unique The company will use much oil in its pro cesses and much of raw material will come from the Polymer plant at The parent company at Sand usky Michigan is almost directly across Lake Huron from Kincardine The company will use water trans port bringing raw materials by boat Kincardine has a fair harbor though the approach between two long piers isnt too easy in a storm We used to know Kin cardine in our youth and the arrival of a steamship was quite an event It is doubtful if anything larger than a fishing boat or launch has used the harbor recently This could be the first hint of a new trend A few of these old harbor towns have hopefully and opti mistically awaiting the completion of the St Lawrence Seaway Kincardine did not have to wait that long Its old harbor has helped to land an industry The lake at Kincardines front door was another factor The rubber company needs millions of gallons of water per month to cool the moulds couldnt supply that At Kincardine the company can build its own pumping station draw water from the lake and return it again Fergus has lost prospects to towns that were closer to the new Ford plant at Oak- ville or had some similar geographic advantage But Kincardine seems to be the first northern town to cap italize on its location on Lake Huron OH OH1 COME COME LOOK LOOK Public school children cant read because no one has ever shown them how consultant Dr Rudolph Flesch warns parents in the current issue of Macleans Magazine Our children dont read Andersons Fairy Tales any more he says or Mark Twain or the Ara bian Nights or Louisa May or anything interest ing or worthwhile because they cant claims that first and second graders in al most all US and most Canadian public schools are not taught to read at all as shown by the fact that there is scarcely a single book outside their classroom that they can manage to read by themselves Instead he says they are taught to memorize words in their readers Flesch contends that the schools could develop per fect readers at the end of second grade if they returned to the old system of teaching the child what each letter stands for instead of having him memorize complete words Under modern teaching technique he says children are given readers with an endless and senseless repetition of words presented in a sort of strungout prose with no resemblance to normal English He calls this an Oh oh Come come Look look language With the article also is presented the oppo site point of view expressed by two Toronto public school reading consultants Marian llarvie and Phyllis Todd They claim that the phonetic method advocated by has been discarded because it failed to do a good job of teaching children to read They claim that children now are reading more books than ever before and that they are reading more efficiently When it comes to teaching methods we are pre pared to let someone else tell us which are best but when the authorities cannot agree the average parent like ourselves is distressed The modern teaching technique employing tho Oh oh Come come Look look lan guage may be good but it is disturbing to find that many children including some of high school age cannot use such practical aids as the telephone directory or the dic tionary because they dont know the order of the bet Dairy Farmer Tit fop Six Inches A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men- Anon hold an nual Now Wats party at his box mansion the railway tracks last night and of any importance was There Oh it was a wonderful night the air was w6pM walked up path snow under our crunched and we looked up the long wisp of smoke going straight up from into the starry night Shins lack really looked cozy Slim had the usual good food nd but wait The same thing happened last week And these opening lines sound too familiar the campaigns and he told more before we could get him stopped Slim got up and made a speech in which he said Ya know about New ami friendships that makes you reflect on friends we are gathered up on this here occasion to welcome in the New Year with the fond and cherried hop that the bonds which holds hem friendships wont git split Heres to friendships espe cially among kindred spirits like the present company And everybody shouted hur ray am hear hear and here here Tears welted up in eyes of Maggie the bookkeeper and Well way last week it she said that in the new year she would gladly submit to an office expense account policy was Shuts annual Christmas ears par- and last night it was Stints annual New Yon see just once a year Christinas Slim always has the office bunch to a big party at his own place And just once a year before New Years Slim has the same bunch to another big parly The eats were up to usual standard and they included my favorites pickled herring in sauce raw ground beefsteak on bread with slice of Spanish onion and caviar paste Anybody of any importance was there from office staff which included everyone We nil had a grand time sing ing Old tangs Sign as Slim would spell it and we clasped hands in big circle and vow ed that old friendships would never die which reminded the printer of a story but mind us limited to cents a week But it was a grand ges ture on her part No doubt our little editorial continent last week had some thing to do with it The sports editor vowed that he would use only half as many cliches in his writeups in 1055 Slim made him prom that instead of saying that there was a rinklong safari to put the biscuit into the twine cottage rather ho would say that there was an incursion into Iroquois country during which foray a blow was struck at enemy by Smith who dis charged the btaclc rubber wad into twine vitals of the enemy assisted by Jones Except for the boss other people made various resolu tions and we sang old songs All In all it was best Slim New Come Saturday morning we will start our chores make speech to our cows the only living creatures these days who will listen to us without inter ruption something like this case you have forgotten being beasts of a different level of intellect we cannot hurt their feelings by calling them dumb today id New Yeara day As far as you are con cerned you are till brand new animals having just been taken Into inventory We have for gotten your past actions per- forma ami all your foibles allergies and idiosyncrasies these are big words but they mean is what you have left done and left undone You can start a new year and do your best We will forget those who kicked and those who hold their milk and ones who have been rather temperamental about getting in calf We will forgive those even who have come to this under false pretenses carrying beautiful pedigrees full of promises and udders empty of milk if only you mend your ways Instead of reading the sales catalogues and clippings from the farm you will your waking hours to con sumption of hay to roaring calves and chewing your cuds We would also like to point out to you the deep satisfaction that comes from a full pail of milk and wo must tell you that a full pail of milk is much nicer when observed in a container than when it Is seen spilled on the floor We wilt also promise wo will continue to treat you the way we expect you will be have Wo will be gentle in will hurry to take it off and we will not stop with a visiting neighbor to settle prob lems of world while the full pail keeps hanging on your tender teats We will promise to get to the feed mill in time always to have feed for you and we will not keep changing the tasto of your meals by listening to every Tom Dick or Harry of a feed salesman We will also promise to make a better job haying and will not ask you after next haying season to eat sticks of wood slightly green its hay or hay that has been soaked until It is coarse si raw We will as a matter of union contract give you good pas ture properly fertilized and lush if you will to eat it instead of wandering around in green gross that is long and luscious to us We will try to be In good humor we admit that some times wo have taken it out on you when people governments and farm organisations have made us despair and wo will come to you to be comforted when others who should know better and whose intellects are higher according to their press clippings are acting like no mean free martin of a stag would Thus you and we will be both happy living In comfort able quarters eating decent feed and raising nice families with reasonable frequency We will feed other people too and hope that when these other people distributors consumers ami others make their Year speeches to their dumb beasts they will remember with the same kindness am think of them And so New Year to ell he heard in Italy during one of party wo had had putting on milker and your Ion sufftfjnf boa

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