Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Feb 1955, p. 1

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I 3 i YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO I- I NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY SINGLE COPIES CENTS i 1 SX I James For ha Killed Instantly At Davis Drive Level Crossing J James 30 of Queen 10 years The wigwag at the St East Newmarket was killed crossing was tested after the when hi3 car ctdent occurred and it was found was struck by a northbound to be in working order flyer at the level crossing j is survived by his wife on Davis Drive about am Phyllis daughter Shirley Ann yesterday morning IS father Edward two brothers was alone in his car Michael and John both of no one saw the crash which market and three sisters Mrs happened a few yards north of Phyllis Toronto and the Newmarket station The car Mrs Katharine Armstrong and was dragged over feet up the Mrs June Raymond both of tracks coming to rest near the Newmarket Davis Leather plant Members of the tram crew said they did not see the dent The conductor was pier Toronto and the engineer was C Barrie Coroner Dr Williams Aurora attended Constable Jack Gwilliams of the Newmar ket police investigated Police have no record of a fatality at Local Roun District Up GUESTS AT QUEENS YORK RANGERS NIGHT Guests the Queens York Hangers at county held attended Newmarket ArmoricSi high school and he served in the w M navy during the second world Reeve j O Dales and was a member of St Johns I Roman Catholic church New- market The funeral service will be held on Saturday for re quiem mass at St Johns Chry- church Newmarket at 10 Interment will be at the crossing for at least the past Newmarket cemetery s SHARONMT ALBERT ROAD CULVERT NOW COMPLETED Jp Harrison this at the roar part of his farm west Mount last week The wolf weighed pounds He also fox fount last Saturday for foxes he shot in East township He received for each fox He will also ive an Ontario government bounty for the wolf Photo by Budd of Newmarket Traffic on the York County ad between Sharon and Mount Albert has been back to normal for days Previously travell ers had a long detour while a large steel culvert was assem bled and grades filled over the Black River tributary where a Bailey bridge has borne the traf fic ever since Hurricane Hazel struck in October While the Bailey bridge was being lifted and the new culvert being placed road traffic east and west from Mount Albert and Holt was was forced to detour southward to the town line east Three Lake Homes Burned Three disastrous in the ike district on days of last in homes of prompt in each Fortunately all in the ise so was no lives Each the fires to overhearing the weather First on Thursday evening home of Mr and Mrs Pat Island was despite diseosetel by door neighbors who let out Santo family dog saved the Friday another Island re Mrs and as The loss of the ter home particularly feeaue father of the family work- in the Yukon after having tried to find work in the trie The third fire was on Satur day out the tome of Const and Mrs Charles Taylor of Polite Both Mrs Taylor were in the home when a blast occurred in their oil- in the Sutton home They were able to salvage only the refrigerator and a cloth es before the raging fire made further salvage The Taylors garage almost beside the horn also caught fire from the main fire was exting uished by firemen The last trip male by Mrs Taylor into blazing home resulted in her fur coat catching fire In terms of loss by the fires the Santo home is a heart break The handsome furnish ings of the fullsize permanent home wore lost Ths building was aflame by the time Sutton firemen had raced to the scene They had to chop a hole in the lake Ice to get a supply of water Resent Folk Singer Arid Harpist Next Concert At High School Mills widely recognized foremost interpreter folk and frothy Wei- harpist will be presented the Canadian Concert ition of Newmarket at the high Feb rickets will be available at the or they may be obtained any member of the organ s executive- Kenneth in Newmarket is presi- is known to Canadian families his weekly radio Songs For Young a network feature and Songs an popular In 1S62 be Dorothy first harpist with the Montreal Symphony and numerous CBC radio and TV orchestras commenced her musical studies on the piano at auditorium on Friday j the age of five By the time she was seven she came to the no tice of Dr Wilfred Pelletler not ed conductor who subsequently interested himself in her pro gress When the Quebec Provincial Conservatory opened in she began the study of the harp under the worldfamous harpist Marcel graduating in with first prize In she won the Sarah Fischer scholarship and made her public debut in Montreal Recently Miss Weldon toured Quebec and Northern Ontario giving recitals once the 500galiuns carried by the truck had been exhausted Mr and Mrs Santo were at their restaurant propyl in Sutton at the time smoke was spotted in their home by neigh bors Mr and Mrs Littleton Mr Lit on in out the dog and had to shout at people using the to gel off the line when he called the firemen A new bungalow on the fourth concession belonging to Eugene was totally destroyed by fire which swept through the frame building at noon Thurs day Feb It is believed that an over- j heated ignited the ceiling and walls of the house during the subzero weather while Mrs was a few hundred yards down the road collecting her mail The only occupant of the house at the PLAN NEW BRIDGE ON QUEEN STREET Plans for a new bridge on Queen St will be obtained by Newmarket town council There has been no through traffic on Queen St between Main St and Prospect since the flood last Oc tober damaged a small steel truss and girder type bridge over the Holland River Councillor Robert sug gested that a temporary bridge be erected until a permanent structure is completed Town Engineer Denne said that a temporary bridge would have to be removed at the start of construction and construction could be started as early as the end of March Councillor Wright man chair man of the roads and bridges is to obtain an estimate of costs Warden of York County Ralph- Comer and the county commis sioners inspected the troops and the Rangers presented a drill and demonstration Other coun cil members of the district at tended LIABILITY INDEFINITE Newmarket Police Leads To Arrest At Lake With the arrest of three men Checked On Rounds and a woman by Newmarket and district police this a gang which is believed responsible for On Sunday evening when Deputy Chief James was making his routine rounds he Gang forces and the cottage was raid ed The which was found concealed in the inner tube of a tire by Sgt William Hill was considered by police to be so dangerous that it was de stroyed Immediately upon discovery of the nitroglycerine police con tacted experts in Toronto Sgt Johnston and Const J Roller of the CIB took the explosive from the cottage wrapped it in paper then burled it in snow in the middle of the field and det onated it a series of breakins in the area had noticed the group all has been broken st i- to question them He made A quantity of nitroglycerine thal detonator caps lengths of fuses driving a Cadillac with Alberta J Among the stolen articles ro und stolen property was recover- licence plates covered were some which have Newmarket police began the been identified by Stouffville scorch for the gang following a breakin at the office of by police in their raid on a cottage at Glenwood Park beach south of Keswick The men Kenneth Eves Co early Monday morning Toronto James Budd Cal gary and Boyd Mason White A night watchman in the area notified police that he had seen It has been reported that the British Columbia were a group of men near the build- collapse of a wall on Main St Newmarket was not caused dir ectly by the operation of a power shovel Part of the east of Light- mans Bargain Centra collapsed and fell intoan excavation which was being made at the site of a new building on the west side of Main St near Water St police as missing from the store there when the safe was blown recently Over in bonds electrical appliances cigarettes tot cameras and variety other articles retained in custody when they But before the police were found in the raid were remanded from Tuesday rived the men made their until Feb on charges of cape The watchman identified break and enter illegal posses sion explosives theft and re ceiving Bail was set at for Mrs Dorothy Budd 33 wife of James She was charg ed with receiving and remanded until Feb vision Predict Bogarttown Would Mean New Public School public school board appeared before Whit church township council on which is being promoted by To ronto interests six acres would also be laid out for a cemetery the car as the same one checked earlier by the police The local police suspected that the gang was In the Lake Simcoc area and following this hunch Chief Byron Hail Wasting Papers They were wellorganized gang the police commented One of the cameras was wired and they apparently used the batteries from it to set off the charge when they blew open a accompanied by OPP Constable safe There was an eiderdown Warren I tube detach- cover which they would wrap meat who was off duty the around the safe to muffle the Thursday evening and Earl ground and additional acreage Toole spokesman declared that for a church Committee Again To Hew Library A committee of town council and the Newmarket Public Lib rary hoard will again try to com plete arrangements for the con struction of a new public library The board had been granted 40000 for a new building last year but tenders for construction were several thousand dollars higher than that figure At a meeting Monday it was decided that the board and the committee consult the architect consider revision of plans call new tenders and then meet with planned council when new estimates on the sanctioning of a new subdi vision of new homes in that cation would mean either an addition or a new school build- Im not in sympathy with subdivisions out in the centre of a township said Mr Toole We have enough school prob lems now He added that there would definitely be a ratepayers meet ing called to ascertain their re action The new subdivision which is being planned is part of lot 31 con 3 Whitchurch 33 lots Rep resentatives of the Greek Ortho dox church on whose land the proposed subdivision is being were also present at the meeting time and in civilian clothes be- a systematic search of the resort area at the lake Finally the car was located near a cottage at Beach park Constable visited the cottage on the pre text of looking for the game warden He talked to them for awhile and they suggested he quire at the store So as not to arouse their he did church group purchased j lhat the cottage Beckett farm of n noise and all the other tools of- the trade were found in their possession One man had his blasting papers The the former to a Mr and Mrs acres some ago and made who planned to leave the area the end of this week Found construction are available I In addition to the subdivision COMING EVENTS application for the opening of a burying ground which was turn ed down by council at that time since it was feared the cemetery might become a public charge at a later date The homes which the subdi vide proposes to erect are six- room brick bungalows to sell at 13500 to Councillor Cliff Wallwork made the comment that the taxes on such homes would not bear the costs of education How ever I P Evans chairman of the township Planning Board stated that an offer of per lot for educational purposes had been made Reeve McLaughlin slated that he believed council should es tablish some policy of subdivi sion control lie said that coun- wore request ed from neighboring police the past year UNLOCKED DOORS NUMBER FOR YEAR In an annua report by Aurora police it was stated that officers had found doors unlocked hi the business section dux the year According to Robert Saunders Newmarket police clerk the night patrol found 501 store doors unlocked on Main St Humber Trails Residents May Move To Higher Land Thirtytwo families living in the low lying area of Trails King township will have an opportunity to evacuate their properties and move to locations on high land not subject to flooding if the Ontario v meat offers terms equal to their was not prepared to give a needs FRIDAY FEB Opening dance at Memorial hall Music by the Manhattans time was Mitzi the cat which SATURDAY FEB Johns perished in the flames bingo in Newmarket town hall Mrs was returning Admission home and stopped to chat with pm SATURDAY FEB The Valentine carnival an- in Mr John Warner a neighbor C arena at pm from the front doorway of her J home Other neighbors the Ross J fancy dress comic Drapers telephoned for the national hard times largest ton fire brigade and Mrs attempted to get the cat from the house The Sutton firemen managed to save a shed on the premises and the rest of the be longings went up in smoke The two younger child ren Ursula and Fred were at school at the time and the dog was outside Mr is un der contract to a mining com pany and is working in the Yu kon until next January and an older boy Eugene works in To ronto The have been in this country after coming from Ger many for nearly three years and have resided in North since purchasing their pro per over a year ago Their en tire savings were in the house They had purchased new elec trical appliances recently and these too were The Sutton District Red Cross family skating oldest skater youngest skater also a lucky spot prize The evening will open with a figure skating dis play by the members of the New market Club Judging costumes at pm followed by public skating Doors open pm Refreshments Admission adults children MONDAY FEB Scout- Guide Mothers auxiliary will present color film Welcome the Queen Scout Hall oclock children oclock adults TUESDAY FEB Color film Welcome the Queen present ed under auspices of Evening at Trinity United church pm Silver collection TUESDAY FEB Queens- vllle euchre Sharon hall at pm Good prizes Every body welcome Admission WEDNESDAY FEB Bingo In Newmarket Town hall at pm Special and other charitable Attendance prize are seeing to the familys jackpot Admission Immediate needs and will do so cards until money sent from the north THURSDAY FEB 17 Euchre by Mr arrives fit school sponsored For the present the three j e Community club Good are living in a cottage near Admfe their old location THURSDAY FEB Bingo in Constable and Mrs Taylor lost Aurora hall sponsored their home and almost all pos- Ladles Auxiliary of the sessions in the flames but are Canadian Legion prizes fortunate in one respect in that they have a newlybuilt home in Sutton almost completed which they had built for j purposes during recent months They will be able to use it for themselves- The small cottage which was destroyed in the fire also had been built fay the labor of the Taylor couple for themselves and their At pm Admission 35c FRIDAY FEB Valentine bake sale and Daffcdil tea at the Fire Hall Newmarket from to under auspices of Catholic Womens League FRIDAY FEB IS Charivari presentation and dance for Thehna and Donald win be held in the Everyone welcome Ladies please provide FEB 18 Dance in Sharon hall sponsored by Sharon Home and School club orchestra Cafeteria Heaps of fun Every one welcome FRIDAY FEB 25 At pm community night and carnival at arena sponsored by Park Board Ad- mission adults Public school children free THURSDAY MAR 3- From to pm St Pa trick tea and sale of baking by the Evang eline Auxiliary of Trinity United church Supervised nursery WEDNESDAY MARCH Fourth annual spring fashion show 230 pra and pm New market town hall auspices of Newmarket Business and Pro fessional Womens club Admis sion Tickets may be ob tained from any club member THURSDAY MARCH St Pauls Parochial Guild are hold ing a bake sale and candy afternoon tea from to 5 pm at Parish hall Newmarket Ten 35c FRIDAY MARCH Annual Irish Night social Town Hall Newmarket pm sponsored by St Johns church APR Spring tea and bake sale sponsored by the York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary In the Newmarket Fire hall 3 to pm TUESDAY APR to SATUR DAY APR Newmarket Lions annual minstrel show In Newmarket Town halt WESTERN show every Satur day night Round and square dancing to Adams and the Country In Mem orial hall at pm sion adults children clwfi BINGO Saturday night at pm Euchre every Thursday night at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission tfl DANCING every Saturday night in Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burling and Modern and old Ad mission OPEN bowling at Lake Bowling Alley from f p midnight on Thursdays Fri days and Saturdays decision on the proposed new subdivision that night Clerk Jack Crawford told council that he had been ap proached by the representative of a real estate firm who wished to plan for subdividing a farm on the outskirts of Newmarket Mr Crawford staled that he had told the representative that if smaller than sq ft lots were desired either water or sewage facilities would be nec essary from Newmarket DeputyReeve said that he understood 800 new homes were being planned for East this year There is nothing compulsory in the proposal by the Ontario government Reeve Elton Arm strong states This part of the Trails had its worst experience of all flood seasons in the can flood last October Reeve Armstrong and town ship clerk Harold Rose enum erated the assessment on lots and buildings when the government made inquiries about residential areas in the township most af fected by floods Enough damage was done to homes by Hurricane Hazel to warrant an opportunity for the property owners to move out if they desire the reeve says Some of the homes were wash ed off their foundations and it is not uncommon for the river to overflow in spring Ice Jams rising above the first floor of homes Rebuilding is no assur ance against further onslaughts by flood waters it is said A realtor has appraised the properties and the Ontario gov ernment will also make ap praisals No decision has been made but a survey shows pro perty owners all agree their best plan is to move if terms can be agreed upon The river land is over old subdivision property where the never completed the roads to the satisfaction or the township Trails in this section was the site of suml homes When shortage of housing became acute the homes were winterized with the result that floods and bad road condi tions are a problem The Trails are forested trees in spring often block the fast moving river as the ice moves down stream Members of York County Council were entertained last Thursday afternoon following the days session by the town of Newmarket At the Newmarket Bowling Academy Eagle St the county officials relaxed for a couple of hours bowled and enjoyed refreshments As Deputyreeve Victor Jones Tires a ball down the alley chatting or looking on are some of the council members above left to right Reeve Armstrong Reeve J Dales Newmarket Reeve Murray Aurora Deputyreeve Norman Hodgson Kins township Reeve township and County Solicitor J Lucas tie

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