Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Feb 1955, p. 10

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VALENTINE TEA Mr Harry Hooker social con verier assisted by the members of the various groups will be in charge of the annual Valentine tea and bake sale being held in the Trinity United church hall Newmarket on Friday Feb the auspices of the Wo mans association Tea will be served from to pm There will be a white elephant table home baking and candy A supervised nursery will be op erated for he aged children More PROFIT PIGS IT TAKIS ABOUT PIGS TO EVEN ctfii I J Zephyr Man Suffers Complfcatfons From Logging Injury Canadian The young man with the horn here Is Prince Charles He is trying to blow the masters horn at the meet or the Norfolk foxhound which he attended with his mother and other members of lite royal family AM MONT PIGS The number of pig marketed per litter in fluences the profits you make It takes about pigs per litter to break even each additional pig is a profit pig Sow Ration is designed to help sows build big litters of large rigorous pigs- Pigs that are heavy and healthy it birth have greater chances to be come profit pigs Mrs Seldon Reports To On Toronto West Presbytery Sow Ration J SMITHS FEED AND SEED PHONE Mil A report on the Toronto West Presbytery was given at the regular meeting of the Womans association Trinity United church Newmarket by t h president Mrs M on Thursday Feb Mrs Campbell and her group were in charge of the program for the wellattended meeting Mrs McLaughlin continued her theme from the January meeting regarding New Years resolutions She conclud ed with a humorous reading The Ladies Aid Mrs Harry Hooker social convener arranged with the groups of the church to serve refreshments to the Leslie Bell singers and the church choir following the concert on Thurs day night Mrs Hooker gave the report of the parsonage com mittee in the absence of the chairman Mrs Elgin Evans who is holidaying in Florida The accepted the par sonage committees recommend ation for interior decorating at the parsonage The painting will begin immediately Mrs Frank Is con vening the flower fund It was decided thai the fund will be increased by a donation from each member at her birthday time The Toronto West Presbytery was held at United church A report of Mrs Sel- talk will be carried in next weeks paper The March meet ing of the will be under the direction of group 3 A Mrs Ernest Dobbic and Mrs ENLARGES OFFICE AT A business addition at villc has been made by Mr Rex Smith insurance agent with the completion last week of an at tractive foot by foot office plus an enclosed garage at his home on the county highway at the south entrance to Queens- villc The new addition is finished in white asbestos shingles to match the Smith residence An unusual accident Involving a Zephyr district man Malcolm Armstrong fourth concession of Scott township has turned out I to be more serious than first realized so that he was recently transferred from York County hospital to Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto Armstrong was struck on the lower leg by a heavy log being skidded along path through bush during a logging Job He was working with his brotherinlaw on Graham property third concession of Scott Ills log was cached when his team of horses were startled into moving before was clear of the log Surgeons at have now completed an in tricate surgical operation with nlatcst ami pins to hold the In jured together ft estim ated that Mr Armstrong will be of work for six months a real hardship for a young veteran with all his savings and service rehabilitation funds tied up in a herd of cattle and implements on a rented farm stream is always flowing and yet the well springs up as free as rich as full as ever Come believer and get all thy need supplied ask largely and thou receive largely for this fulness is Inexhaustible and Is treasured up where all the needy may reach It even In Jesus monuel with us WEEKLY PRIZES Since federal direct taxes on incomes have increased from billion to billion DR GEORGE CULNAN ADDRESSES NURSES Dr George Culnan medical staff member of the Memorial hospital addressed the February meeting of Chapter District Registered Nurses association of Ontario at St Johns school Newmarket Mrs George Mount Al bert presided Dr spoke on orthope dic surgery He illustrated his talk with a film and slides The Nurses association receiv ed an acknowledgement from the York County Hospital board for its recent donation of This money was the total pro ceeds from the Sharon Farmers Minstrel show which was pre sented under the auspices of the local chapter A social time concluded the meeting V And of His fulness have we all received The words tell us that there is a fulness in Christ There is a fulness of essential Deity for in Him all the fulness of the Godhead There is ful ness of perfect manhood for in Him bodily that Godhead was revealed There is a fulness of Atoning efficacy in His Blood I for the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son us from all sin There la fulness of just- righteousness in His life for there is therefore now no condemnation to thorn that be in Christ Jesus There is a fulness of divine prevalence in His plea for Ho is able to save to the aftermost them that come unto God by Him seeing He ever to make intercession for them There is a fulness of victory In His death for through death He destroyed him that had the power of death that is the devil There is a fulness of efficacy in His resurrection from the dead by it we are begotten again unto a lively hope There is a fulness of triumph in His for When He ascended up on high He led cap tivity captive and received gifts for men There is a fulness of blessing of every sort and kind a fulness of grace to pardon of grace to preserve and of grace to perfect There is fulness at all times a fulness of comfort in affliction a fulness of guidance in prosperity a fulness of every Divine attribute of wisdom of power of love a fulness which it were possible to survey much less to explore It pleased the Father that In Him should all fulness dwell Oh what a fulness must this be of which all receive Fulness indeed there must be when the Obituaries Miss Jeannle Murray Miss Jeannic Murray died at the Sutton Rest home where she lived the past two or three years at the age of She was born on the fourth concession of Scott township the daugntor of the late Mr and Mrs Murray She lived there for years un til the death of her mother Miss Murray then moved to where attended school and later learned to be seamstress sewed in To ronto Winnipeg Vancouver and BC returning after a number of years to build a home in Later on learning iter brother Tommy needed help she returned to the homestead Although unable to attend church Miss Murray liked to contribute to the support of the church and missionary The funeral service was con ducted by Rev Brown Zephyr at the Drawer and Fu neral parlors Mount Albert on Wednesday Feb Pallbearers were neighbors Messrs Howard Sellers Carl Meyers it t Thos Coin and Allan Lock to Interment was in Zephyr ceme tery AT The BOWLING ACADEMY High Triple Clothing Voucher High Singles Tickets PRIZES APPLY TO LEAGUE r AND OPEN BOWLING The Hank of Toronto unci The Dominion Bank have amalgamated to become The TorontoDominion Hunk Both strong independent institutions the two hunks have long piuf honourable histories in business Their combined strength will form an organization with assets of more than one billion dollars branches across Canada and office in New York anil London Thus The TorontoDominion Hank offers you the best in bunking service Depositor for example will find it easier if move to their account to a branch of the batik where they are known Businessmen will enjoy greater bunking facilities when they travel benefit from increased credit facilities and faster on business credit reports its greater new resources The Hank is prepared largest business at the same it reguli large and small will continue to receive he same custom friendly courteous service to which they have long been Our facilities arc greater our name is new our policy rem accustomed remains the sums Norman Blair died Tuesday Fob I in llass Memorial hospi tal Lindsay Ho was the son or the lute Charles and Mary Blair Albion township Mr spent his early days In around Newmarket Ho spent three yours with the It Gorman Africa during World War One Mr a sports enthusiast play ed and His hob was hontes For the past years ho lived in Lindsay Surviving are two Mri Newmarket Ed May Trenton Interment was In the Soldiers plot cemetery Mrs Mary Mrs Mary wife of at York County hospital on Jan after a llliuws Mrs was born at Ux- nidge was laugh tor of late J Cauflold and Margaret Is survived her Paxton one Mrs Frank Mtiffnit Kitchener Ivo brother Thou of Montreal of Cobalt John of da Patrlcknf Aurora Atin tin of Mm wan an of St Chryio turn pariah whore watt nuns a brother John A pastor of mowed Sacrament Nor- the J McCnbe Ca hill nd relative and Interment took place In the Catholic cemetery At on Thursday Jan f V 1 i D0UOAS FIR J How family ConvtrllnQ your to i quarter for can to your Iti worthwhile protect that can add greatly to he value of your home when you real wood panel of plain or decorative Sylvoply big of SyUoply cover foet of celling or floor at a lime you can do a quicker ob with fewer 5 I 9 I I I r 4z other power law or nana without And of glued and nailed bolt Joint ponible away with tokky joinery detail 4 w t you do I to pfOYemntproJatl wv ow 0 tall requlra only hy wpboarck or Ilka handy underbaHmenMlatri Kown regutar fcy far fcrnbaf dtai from fcyMfrttneiup m Dufei to ILIANSSLOID J I I I Mala

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