Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Feb 1955, p. 4

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i S J ROOMERS WANTED all Apply Ross mm- i ir SB Newmarket or vicinity repair Good cash pay ment for right buy Write Era nd Express box MIAMI Full- price for cosy com pact bungalow with every conveniences owner oc cupied years close to highway school church and stores this Is a very good buy at this price with terms T HOUSE FOR SALE ROOMED house all conven iences on corner Jot Central Back Jot large enough to build small bungalow- Freshly paint ed last spring Will sell fori cash New market or write PO box t brick house centrally located rental monthly cash full price Write Newmarket Era and Express HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE in Sutton possession Feb Apply Robert Smith Market St Sutton ROOMERS wanted private room If desired Board option al On Main St Phone Rates HELP WANTED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms unfurnished heat ed hydro two piece bath room Available March Apply Kennedy St Aurora phone PA BEVERLEY HILLS m Beautiful outlook overlooking Lake Simcoe two very nice bung alows on ft lots these well in sulated permanent homes have all conveniences and recently built will accept 1500 down or consider your cash offer SUTTON Very attractive bedroom 2 storey home with lovely living COMFORTABLE furnished lied- room dining room and room Concession St POULTRY WANTED Prospect HOUSEKEEPING room cent- ral oil heated continuous hot- water suit business people Phone Newmarket- flat No children Phone Newmarket clwG v FOR OR RENT fi ROOM storey and a half good location immediate possession Apply Lome Ave Newmar ket- BUROINGS FOR SAIE SINGLE car garage with roller in excellent condition deliver within mile radius Phone PA 4102 Aurora FARMS SMALL dairy farm wanted to Write Era and Express box WE have definite buyers for farms in this area Contact our farm representative MB HOPKINS r Mount Albert ALEX DOAK REALTOR T Phone Newmarket Mr family size kitchen has every convenience tnd full basement with hot air furnace this entire home is in spotless condition and merits your inspection if locating in this area very handy to church school and shopping NEWMARKET We have a selection of very nice homes in this area with reason able down payments call us and let us know what youre looking for and if youre thinking of sell ing then let us assist you you are under no obligation to dis cuss the matter with us ALEX DOAK REALTOR Newmarket NEWMARKET Built one year in residential loca tion two bedroom bungalow with living room Kitchen with cupboards and stainless steel sink floors first grade hardwood and linoleum tile All interior walls and ceilings plast ered full cement block basement with heating and electric water hearer Priced at and mortgage now arranged to carry at monthly CALL DOROTHY Newmarket ALEX REALTOR or phone Newmarket EDSITTING room light house facilities suit business girl Phone or Newmar ket tH ROOMS Phone New market rlw3 BOARDERS WANTED FARM FOR ACRES of clay good buildings lots of water high school bus goes by the gate or would sell acres to build on Lot Cor East J STOUTT REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET DOWN Attractive bedroom large shaped living room open fireplace hardwood floors etc good corner location handy to everything NEWMARKET house in good condi tion furnace bath upstairs converted to room selfcontained apartment Large lot close to school and shopping Cash preferred BRIGHT room to share twin beds good food business girls or 2 gentlemen Monday to Fri day inclusive preferable Phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT all conveniences Apply Main St Newmarket apartment all con veniences separate entrance Apply Prospect St Newmar ket Two a word minimum of cents for each advertise meat Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement Is paid within week of publication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum 50 cents Sale Registers SI for the first week cents for each success ive week Card of Thanks Wedding Engagement and Death announce ments cents for each announcement less cents if paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion plus 5 cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at The Misses Wood Store St Aurora or Aurora office uSl make good in a new field we can make you a fine offer to join our organization where top men are paid up to in a year Middleaged men and particularly qualified for our typo of business where earn ings start at once Bert began on parttime basis when he started fulltime with us aver aged 78131 per month his first three months John Christensen averaged earnings per month bis first seven months A Holland new man starting Smith auctioneer pm Terms cash P WEDNESDAY auction sale PA Aurora at Mrs L Rolling phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall where name of sender and address Is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into nearly homes In North York ARTICLES FOR SALE refrigerator cot tage size good working order Apply St Newmar ket MASON and plane good tone and action Phone PA 7- Aurora ASTRAL refrigerator good con dition motor in guarantee terms arranged Phone HUMIDIFIER for sale Phone Newmarket clwG SERVICE AVAILABLE poultry quantity Bring them in or call on re- quest Highest prices paid Apple ton Oak or phone Turner head dairy arm stock implements roots furniture Concession S Itf noon Terms No tttVrf sold Ken Prentice auctioneers BREEDER HATCHERY ALL selected breeders cattle farm stock pigs etc on DRESSMAKING REMODELLING and altera tions Drapes Phone New market WORK carriage Playpen Small crib Good condition Mrs Ivan Sharon or phone HEAT oil space burner large size in No condition with a number of 0 pipes Phone 21308 Queonsvilie APPROXIMATELY used bricks- All cleaned each CHILDREN welcome Phone semifinished ground floor apartment including 2 entranc es stove refrigerator washing machine laundry room three- piece bathroom close to six schools oil heat and light Phone Newmarket after pm IN village of Holland Landing two apartments and bathroom street floor all con veniences builtin cupboards self fed oil eaters Me- phone Newmar ket KESWICK New room apart- and bath per month Selfcontained Immediate pos session Stout Real Estate Ltd phone PA 74278 Aurora PAIR of skis and ft 4250 Aurora poles PA WINE chesterfield Reasonable Phone Newmarket after six oclock KITCHEN units Kitchen cup- hoards also custom built in furniture Estimates free Phono or wriie Geo Lament Jacksons Point WANTED TO BUY carriage Phone Newmarket WANTED TO RENT REDROOM house by May Responsible party Reference required Write press box and Ex- MODERN condition bungalow in SMALL house In Newmarket by Dutch family Phone market FAR FOR RENT throughout furnished bawrnent with small apartment by adults J rooms office possible recreation loom Apply St phone furnace tubs etc large attractively with ornament- FOR on shares wriudc MAJJ acres acres capable crop- ltd rhrubE fend gardens ping Must be able to handle garage Good TYPEWRITER wanted Poll- able with case preferred Phone description- and price to New market or FT toboggan Phone 110 Newmarket FURNITURE French polished Cigarette burns repaired etc Phone Roches Point WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BEARS RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket PRACTICAL nurse will do house calls or part time nursing Phone Newmarket ENGLISH trained nurse by the week or day or will make daily visits Excellent ref erences Phono WANT your repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket til UPHOLSTERING CI suites chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave phone Newmarket Ill ROCK to in diameter to be delivered to Bradford Apply Era and Express box MERCHANDISE AT Last days for suits Extra FREE- and repairing Apply F Graham Avenue Oak Ridges or phone Turner SAWS SHARPENED CIRCULAR and crosscut saws jointed summed set and sharp ened Scissors ground Lawn- mowers repaired and sharpened Work guaranteed Pickup and delivered Adams phone Newmarket WATCHMAN or guard duties Boiler and maintenance exper ience Can weld Host of refer ence Abstainer Ago Can adian Phone Aurora PA over per month Paul new man earned his very first working day Those are unusual earnings of top men Like earnings avail able to you because we do not put a ceiling on your income In spite of shortages In other businesses our volume is expand ing at a terrific rate We have an opening in the Newmarket area for a man over The man we want must be high grade not high am bitious and sincere Earnings are paid in advance no invest ment Is needed no collections no deliveries Excellent home office cooperation Write a personal letter to our Vice President PO Box Station J Tor onto Ontario REAL Estate salesman for the Newmarket Sharon and Quccns- vitlo district The man selected must have a good car and will ing to work full time Our office offers full advertising support protected area to sell real estate high com mission paid The right man should put himself in the higher Income bracket Phone write or drop in to see GORDON LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS Call Aurora USED CARS 1910 CHEVROLET sedan like new miles Phone Or- chard 1155 Toronto Mr Clarke collect Original ear as down nay balance a month Full price FORD coach spotless miles Terms as low as percent down Apply Howard Roa Newm in good running or der new battery Phone lvvC5 FONT AC Deluxe In good Phone Newmar ket Hampshire Michel Poultry I- arms PUNTS FOR SALE A GOOD selection violets at Davys Greenhouse Holland Landing Newmarket WOOD FOR SATURDAY HARDWOOD for sale Phone Mount Albert tf3 15 CORD of Elm at S3 per Apply Horner Walker phone Mount Albert PETS ae it CANARIES Choice fancy singers and hen yellow and buffs Raich 161 Main St or phone New- pups Make LOST jAtxmson i SUM of money Reward Newmarket or a Joseph St Baler No 10 on hound black white one disc and brown and white take milking milk hay Con and brown 2nd con of Kins j milk northwest of Aurora A straw nUn Hall phone Baldwin IS12 Ave BEAGLE female hound black white and tan OCA right ear left ear Leo Cult phone Newm CHILDS ski and harness be- Edwards Hostel and Poplar Ave Newmar ket en Sunday Feb Phone Newmarket acres of Will suu- and lor but land must be tilled ler my orders SI you want a real good imposition where you am make some and me money please write Bo A Era and Express New market MORTGAGES FOR SALE pays of on quarterly Interest W1I take discount Write Era and Ex press 78 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DOWN winteriz ed cottage vAth acre of good garden soil close to 500 DOWN new Furnish- I Include new television with aerial chrome When suite etc aluminum windows and doors throughout full price for DOWN Newmarket room frame house square plan tastefully decorated fully Insulated hot water oil heating central residential possibilities full rice terms HEAL ESTATE BROKERS tenant re- unfurnished GORDON I TD Newmarket Aurora or VWVIN LIU Reference If required REAL ESTATE J lot 70 Call Aurora Kinje con Aur ora or phone OX Local c4w4 REAL WE have two sincere clients for Kood houses in Aur ora Also a cash buyer for brick bungalow Apart from the above customers we have daily inquiries for all types of homes farms building lots and small acreages in the Aur ora King Newmarket area LIST with an active firm We have a chain of salesmen to help find the right buyer or your property GORDON STOUTT LTD ARTICLES FOR SALE Estate Jlrokers Call Aurora FA 74278 LIST your farm with us we have clients wanting to buy Also houses REALTOR Main St Newmarket Fhone Evenings V LAUESEN Ave Toronto BUNGALOWS V9 offer vo real with lovely lit In tile floor very rfeiTi bathroom full high unfinished recreation room new oil air con very nicely lurch school and easy terms NEW Sroom bungalow tees Holland landing village so to stores school and as Reasonable terms Rhone RASSINET in excellent condi tion Phone Newmarket combination range electric and coal heat er milium size in perfect condi tion Rhone Newmarket HEARING aid Cost Vacuum clean nearly Reasonable Phone PA 7 Aurora ONE used excellent Phone New- market VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Kirsch rape drape arms and pin hooks etc Free mil Installations Phono or Harold Ont ario St New BILLS SHOE REPAIR SKATE EXCHANGE WE buy Fell and exchange used skates Main Street New market phone THE Famous sawing machine with maple brain Life time guarantee CLEARANCE sale of ladies allocs Airstep and KiMv Kelly A A to width to percent luff An 48 Main Si Newmarket AT Eiderdown Mens rejr Sale price Roys Sale price 407 Childrens to Sale price for Wo deliver Phone SERVICE AVAILABLE T is a Delicate mechanism When it is on I of whack it the same firm care you would your mother in law or your ice box EVERETT RADIO REPAIR Main St Phone Newmarkel cook experienced in cook- inn null hakim desires steady position In restaurant hospital or Write Post Office box I II Aurora TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO arriving am leaving pm Plume PA Aurora TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE MISCELLANEOUS position heller than average sal ary by cap able of handling full set of books and position exper In public and Express box bibUvnt adults Phone iii4 Apply fit Cotter Newmarket CUJllj HELP WANTED Toronto daily Leaving Newmarket am pm Phone TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS FOR OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and In valid chairs and Drew phone Mount Albert mm Lumbago bolts Best Ston phono Newmarket w Terms cash Farm sold No Sale is an herd filers and Atkinson auctioneers hordes Sura faMetw fan One of M Sk wn Wilt of coin Cedar Valiow a f O lessons Complete Embroidery automat bedroom home A BOOKKEEPER stenograph er Conod- Ian correspondence Courses Bay S Toronto J EAR II chain reactlo particulars gifts bonuses Wholesalers r- or Information or In yrxir homo at no your part Mrs Tula Ontario si or phono after pm market your RIna New LARGE Coleman oil apnea heat er in good Apply A Van Kleyn New- Bradford PEASE furnace hew used three AHENTION BOAT AND Moron Wo in repairs and call for on MORRISONS fiorvloo and short- band riiilvd Bra and box HO it lit or married woman for four a Bra and wanted for New- mnrkiil and Prefer live married man work no layoffs iosl with earnings and bonus Previous exper- not as you will be by factory essential Idk and box fit man over prof- Advortlfied business In Established Musi and sailHfled with of a week Annly In t St Koch SI reel MAN sumo sales to Join or- nanlaflnn for pro- work Must own Into car ami In passant on all Atlantic t Infuvmntion and Is in ami talk over vmir trip with Ileal The BEST DRUG STORE naxalU FARM MACHINERY duly farm wagon Suitable for work Don Schroder phone Queens- villi imCVNOHIAI COUGH Par coughs and brunch is A prompt and effective fur the relief of or chesty coughs and eohb cents The West Drug Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best phone Newmar IN THROAT Pink Tablets for nose and throat for the of mucous dlselt lion of the lump In the throat and disturbances The are the same reliable pink tab lets that have used many years by adults and child rcn with ood results The He phone suitable for Mil town- Properly of B m yulmi Sheridan Farm sold No pm Turner clerk Terms cash Set- leu and Atkinson Auction sale of cattle MACHINERY FOR SALE for Woods milk er Complete Win Smith Illt J and used Sorgo machines and pumps Also used loin at to Sales and Servfco Oak Turner Hill FARM ITEMS from promittly for illnpoHnl Telephone or plus I Newmarket 7fl or Toronto Km iw MODEMS WELDING Phono acetylene oar to man Ren WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN IN A YEAR are ono a few a salary was for a man to take care of his family buy a new ear salt soma away for the future If you are a who ttia J on your earnings ana now want for solo hales taken for new crop of maple ay nip John WANTED kinds of live poultry want- Any amount Wo will pay Toronto prices right at your door B fish tanks plants varieties Newmarket SALE REGISTERS auction sale this will Ik our next sale at the Livestock Pavilion on No highway Selling dairy cattle freah and springing calves Note we have developed a good market for calves with plenty of buyers pigs all sizes holies sheep etc the miscellaneous sale outside The clothing footwear department In Hie hall We am making changes rings with never a dull moment wel come Special invitation to the ladies to attend sale in the hall Sale starts pm Sellers Jackson Pollard auctioneers J WEDNESDAY FEB AU lion sale of head of cattle pigs some Implements of hoy grain Barred Hock puilets home the property of Clarence Oldham- lot con Brock Township 3 miles south east of Wilfrid Time pro No re serve as owner giving upjann- Terms cash Reg auctioneer SATURDAY AUf0 pale of household effects at phone MAR Extensive auction sale of cattle consisting of fresh and springer cows pigs implements consisting of tractor nearly new thresher ensilage cut- Binder cul tivator with power spreader Fertilizer drill new side rake Surge Milker milk cooler proximately bales of wire tied hay bus good mixed ensilage at lot con Pickering township the proper ly of Bath Bros Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Note Hi Is Is one of the finest Hob stein herds to be found any where Faulkner clerk Sale starts Cattle sale at 3 oclock Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers WEDNESDAY MARCH tensive auction sale of cattle heifers new Cockshutt tractor with loader and Jive power takeoff tractor new MH pickup baler near new Mount Forest thresh machine new side rake new bushel spreader milking farm stock hay grain furniture etc on lot concession Pickering Twp at Green River on No highway Property ox Roy Carter Sale at noon Terms No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers Ralph clerk w Nones annual of the County Hospital will ho the Agriculture day evening The public is attend ttilymeir S f mm

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