Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Feb 1955, p. 5

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JT7 X Era and result McCAFHtEYS Flowers FOB EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed AH Over the World MAIN STREET Phone NEWMARKET J- Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts Jj0 of the world flowers Classifieds Continued A SPECIALTY US Main St Newmarket Phone Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE SNAPSHOTS PO BOX FILMS any size roll except MM developed printed thirtylive cents double size seventy cents single prints five cents En largements twenty cents forty cents Return post age paid TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY CONTROL INSPECTOR APPLICATIONS will be receiv ed by the undersigned up until oclock noon Monday March for position of Warble Control Inspector for the Township of King Applicant must supply and operate his own car Duties to commence on or about April 1st for a per iod of approximately two months Applicant must state qualifications and salary expect ed same to be on an hourly and mileage basis Rose Clerk Ontario NOTICE Frank Graham has taken over the Texaco Service Station at Keswick All customers are welcome lw6 TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR RENTAL OF A POWER SPRAYER SEALED Tenders will be receiv ed by the undersigned up until oclock noon Monday March for the rental of a Power Sprayer on an hourly basis Sprayer must develop 500 lbs pressure and be equipped with a gal tank at least feet of hose a Warble Fly Con trol Type Gun and be mounted on a truck or trailer hauled by a tractor Tenderer to supply truck or tractor and furnish all fueland one Operator DUTIES to commence April and May 1st two per iods of approximately three weeks THE lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted G Rose Clerk Ontario clwS J Rose Funeral Directors STREET NEWMARKET SERVICE Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada mm THE TOWN HALL This Sunday February pm Special music and singing km EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor G Holly ft TRINITY UNITED CHURCH REV M J AIKEN Minister Ministry of 1100 am Morning Worship The Symbols of Our Faith Mr John Christian University I THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 945 am The Senior School The Primary Departments The Nursery Class 700 Worship Be Angry and Sin Not You Will Be Welcome At Trinity 52 ST Associated Gospel Churches Pastor REV A YIELDING 950 Sunday School for all ages AM THE PASTOR CHRIST THE KING in Matthews Gospel PM THE PASTOR CHRIST ABOVE ALL the Epistle to the Hebrews 830 YOUTH FIRESIDE with DIXIE DEAN ALV AYS A WELCOME AT GRACE l V ft Christian Baptist Church MAIN ST Minister Rev Fred Breekoo AM MORNING A Subject The Call For Worship Soloist Mm Betty Wuuyh Surma Out 230 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENING SERVICE Choral Heine Hill Quartet Mystery of Miracles ALL WELCOME NUMBER ONE ACCORDIONIST FEATURED ON AND THE If REV ROWAN Director of Youth For Christ WW The Fisher familys Christian answer to race prejudice S5f5i A w TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY POWDER SEALED Tenders will be receiv ed by the undersigned up until oclock Noon Monday March for the supply of ap proximately lbs of Warble Fiy Powder to be delivered to the Township as follows approximately 200 lb con tainers lbs approximately lb con tainers lbs THE lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted It Rose Clerk Ontario HODGSON At York County hospital Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs Arnold Hodgson Holland Landing a son At York County hospi tal Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Emil Bradford a son MEAKES At York County hos pital Feb to Mr Mrs Robert 2 a son PALMER At York County hos pital Sunday Feb to Mr and Mrs Albert Palmer New market a son At York County hospital Saturday Feb 5 to Mr and Mrs Eric Pallister Elgin Mills a daughter REEVES At York County hos pital Monday Feb to Mi and Mrs Edward Reeves a son SEDORE At York County hos pital Sunday Feb to Mr and Mrs Gordon Baldwin a son At York County hospital Monday Feb 1955 to Mr and Mrs Earl Holt a daughter At York County hospital Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Keith Steckley a son At York County hospital Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Alexand er 2 Newmar ket a son At York County hospital Friday Feb to Mr and Mrs Hans Stauffert Oak Ridges a daughter SMITH At York County hospi tal Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith Aurora a daughter At York County hos pital Saturday Feb to Frank Thomas Hannan husband of the late Ida Fleming and father of Mrs S Greer Hilda and Wallace Funeral ser vice was held on Saturday Feb 5 Interment Aurora cemetery At the Toronto West- hospital on Friday Feb Ellen Burrows in her year wife of the late William and mother of Maud Mrs H P Packard and Vera Mrs S W Day sister of Florence Mrs John Duluth Minn grandmother of Jennifer Gillian and Donna Funeral service was held on Monday Feb Interment St Johns cemetery Norway At the Toronto General hospital on Friday Feb Edward hus band of Frances Fountain and father of Evelyn Mrs Preston Patricia Mrs George Eric and Edward- in his year Funeral service was held on Monday Feb Inter ment Aurora cemetery PIPHER At York County hos pital on Thursday Feb Earl Melville husband of Mary Winterstein father of Mrs Fred Penrose Willow- dale Mrs Brown Dor othy North Bay and William deceased Funeral ser vice was held on Monday Feb Interment Newmarket ceme tery W1NDEYER At Madison Ave Toronto on Monday Feb Margaret French Wind- oyer daughter of the late Jessie and LtCol Windcyer and sister of Richard and John Windcyer Funeral ervice was held on Tuesday Feb Inter ment St Judcs cemetery Oak- vlllc One of famous paintings by centuryDutch masters coming to Art Gallery of Toronto Feb to March 25 this A Frozen River by van depicts winter sports familiar to Canadians Men in foreground are playing golf a combination of hockey and curling played with golf sticks others on the right are icefishing Skaters wear the front blades famed in Hans The Silver Skates This scene was likely at Amsterdam where van kept a wine shop IN CHADWICK In loving mem of Dad William Chadwiek NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET late of the City of Toronto In the County of York widow de ceased CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the City of Toronto in the County of York on or about the day of November are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of March after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of February William Joseph and J Gordon Cock Executors by their solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Newmarket Ontario BIRTHS At York County hospital Thursday Feb Mr and Mrs Charles Anto- Riverrirlive Park Holland landing son BOWTON York County hospital Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs Frank Keswick son At York County hos pital Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Edward Curran King son CHURCH At York County Mini Sunday Feb to Mr and Mrs Gordon Church Bradford a daughter FLAHERTY At York County hospital Saturday Feb to Mr Mrs John Flaherty a daughter man a son At home Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Ronald RR 1 King a daughter DEATHS Suddenly at Toron to General hospital on Friday Feb Joseph hus band of Jennie Depew Holly wood Ave father of J Raymond of Newmarket Jean Mrs A Jackson and Grace Mrs and brother of Wil liam of Toronto Funer al service was held on Tuesday Feb Interment Westminster Memorial Gardens at his home Sutton on Thursday Feb William Evans husband of Robina Tennyson and father of Dorothy Mrs Christ ian and Frances deceased Funeral service was held on Sat urday Feb Briar Hill Cemetery Sutton FLETCHER At Newmarket on Saturday Feb 5 Mary Ann Thompson wife of John Fletch er and mother of Mrs J Shier Maude Mrs Arthur Mrs William Stone Mrs Leonard Fish Ruth Lome Walter and Herb ert Fletcher Funeral service was held on Monday Feb In terment Newmarket cemetery Suddenly at New market on Wednesday Feb James Edward husband of Phyllis Lusted and father of Shirley Forhan son of Edward and the late Mrs brother of Mrs George Mrs James Raymond Mrs George Armstrong Mich ael and Jack Resting at the and Rose Funeral Home Newmarket Funeral on Saturday to Church of St John for requiem mass at am Interment St Johns cemetery HARM AN At York County bos on Thursday Feb 3 Mr and Mrs Carl Timbers away Feb a daughter tne Passed away Ever remembered by Rose Bob WATERMAN At YorK County and Bobby hospital Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs William Water- loving memory of a dear husband William Chadwiek who passed away Feb Till we meet again Ever remembered by wife Sarah Alice CHADWICK In loving memory of a dear fatherinlaw William who passed away Feb Always so good unselfish and kind Few on this earth equal we find Lovingly remembered by Norma COOK In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother Sarah Jane who passed away Feb Oft we think of you dear mother And our hearts are filled with pain Oh this earth would a heaven Could we hear your voice again One year has swiftly passed away But still we dont forget For in the hearts that loved you best Your memory lingers yet Lovingly remembered by daugh ter Eva and soninlaw Charlie COOK In loving memory of a dear grandmother Sarah Jane who passed away Feb Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod We bless the years we had with you And leave the rest with God remembered by grand children Carol Mary In Shirley Lome Lorraine and Howard BEARS WHIP GEORGETOWN With hattrick performances by Grant Edwards and Murray Chapman showing the way Jack Robinsons Aurora Bears thump ed Georgetown Cotton Kings at Georgetown Tuesday in on junior C game The win bolstered the Bears hold on second place Gerald Chapman and Earl Lothian scored two goals each to complete the Bears scoring Bears play Midland in the Au rora arena tonight It is the Bears final regular schedule gome Mr and Mrs John Allen were married at Zephyr United church on Saturday Jan The bride is Doris Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Howse The groom is the son of Mrs A Lockie and the late John H The couple will reside in Zephyr Photo by Budd 1 1 end One of These H RC H ES I GARDENS Fellowship of Baptist Located Just south of Charles School on in hall Pastor am Sunday School 11 am Worship Service I pm Evangelistic Service Wed pm Prayer and Bible study meeting A warm welcom awaits you FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Daw Pastor SUNDAY 1030 am Sunday School Murray Varney Supt pm Evening worship Wed pm Midweek service are welcome ST ANDEKWB CHURCH Mr Rudolph Heydens Organist am Sunday school am Divine worship guest speaker TUB SALVATION AMY Newatavkct Corps St Mm pm school OF THE Cor Main Queen Sts Rev A Collins Minister Miss June Haines Organist am CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL am Morning worship pm Evening service pm Rev Jack Armstrong missionary to Bolivia South America VISITORS Always WELCOME FREE METHODIST Rev Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday School am Morning worship Rev C Ball and a singing group from Lorno Park Col lege will he present pm EVANGELISTIC service pm Prayer wrvice Thurs ALL WELCOME FRIENDS MEETING Street 1100 am Meeting for worship Burton Hill and family of Gait are expected to be with for this service Come and meet with us Ail welcome Feb pm Monthly meeting God other blesftings when we put the kingdom first in our lives CURL In memory of our father mother Richard and Mary Ann Curl who passed away few short years ago God called them home It was his will Their memory is dear today As In the hours they passed away Sadly missed by Mary and Ronnie CURL In loving memory of a dear mother Mary Ann Curl who passed away Feb 1952 and dear father Richard Curl who passed Jan Sweet memories will linger for ever Time cannot change them its true Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of them Ever remembered daughter and soninlaw Fred family HARRISON In loving memory of a dear Charles Har rison who passed away Feb He Is gone hut not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him arc always near Ever THOMPSON In loving memory of our dear mother Mary Syd ney Thompson who passed away Feb Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave Ever remembered by Percy Beatrice Bruce TOMLlNSON In ever loving memory of our dear parents Mabel and Bill who wore accidentally drowned at Tampa Florida Feb 14 Wonderful parents out Mom and Pad Two that were better never could have Death leaves a that nothing can heal Love leaves a memory no one can steal God gave us courage strength to fight the blow nut what It meant to lose both Mom and Dad No one will ever know Sadly missed their children Billy and Betty In loving mem ory of our sister and law Mabel and Bill who passed away Feb Deep In our heart lie memories Of ones we shall never forget Always by George Merle and children CARD OF THANKS Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with flowers words or sympathy and deeds of Infinite kindness we can only say Thank you so much Wo es pecially thank Rev A Collins members and friends of the Church of the and Dr M John Fletcher and family WIN THIRD Three fast first period goals fired in Hun by Doug Dave Fines Wayne Spcncc two while Alliston were short- handed provided Bill Aurora Automotlves with a win over Alliston Wasps at the Aurora arena Tuesday The game was North York midget roundrobin series play off It was Auroras third straight win in the set Defeat eliminated Barry Cook on a Dave Inspired pass completed the Aurora scoring in the Third per iod Don Glover Dave Griffith shared the shutout CARD OF THANKS Randet and Vera Davy and fam ily wish to sincerely thank their friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy fluting their recent bereavement in the loss of their beloved mother grandma CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express my many thanks to doctors and staff of Shouldlce Surgery Bay- view for the kindness and good care I received during my opera Hon also to neighbors and friends for their kindness Huntley AT HOME Mr Mrs James Hunter King City will be at home to their relatives friends on the occasion of their wedding anniversary on Saturday February from to oclock in the ventug ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Kes wick announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Mao to Mr Newton Howard Steven son son of Mr and Mrs Peter Stevenson Baldwin The wedd ing will take place In Keswick on March CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to relative- friends and neighbor far their nets of kindness and floral tributes ex tended to us during our recent bereavement In the loss of a dear brother and uncle also thanking Rev The family Iron on BtoMomw in Gay Colors CARD OF THANKS The family of the Frank wish to extend their core appreciation to relatives friends and neighbor kind expressions of floral tributes extended them during a loss of a loving father and grandfather Stroke of your Iron presto Linens bloom with tea roses They look hnndpalnted on towels luncheon cloths aprons sheets pillowcases Dip em In suds the color stays Make gifts galore best sellers for your bazaar Pattern has Ironon cob combination of look at the scalloped shoulder i In loving memory of a dear husband Frederick James who passed away t God knows how much I miss him Never shall his memory fade living thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where he Is laid Ever by his wife Eveline LUSTED In loving memory of dear Dad who passed away Feb What would I give to clasp his hand Ills happy faco to see To hoar his voice and his smile That meant so much to me lovingly remembered Fred Ruth and grandchildren LUSTED In loving memory of a dear dad Frederick James who passed away February Upright and Just In all his ways Faithful and true to the end of his days In he suffered in pat ience he bore Till God called him home to extended to Case suffer no mora land Cock and the nursing staff CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my slncero thanks to all my friends neigh bars and members of the New market Era and for their many acta of kindness thnughtfulness In sending beauti ful cards and basket of fruit which my stay In hospital so pleasant My gratitude Is also Walk In wraparound the pret tiest sundress apron Jumper llM evcrl at the designs In a diagram Snappy styling op- orange Four to inches 34 Wash Size takes W coins yards 35Inch fabric ors lor their line No PMemJust i x to 3 of sympathy wran ant button Opens Hot to Jlffy ten extended iron Wear It in out around cannot be accepted to The New market Era and This pattern gives hold Arts Dcpt Newmarket perfect fit Complete illustrated NAME ADDRESS Sow Chart you every NUMBER Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS Wonderful la the word for in coins stamps cannot be our New Alice Brooks for this jpattem catalog for Exciting m ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER designs are all that Bend your order to MARIAN morel Send cents for your MARTIN car of the Era and copy of this teirifte Lome lit 1 iV

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