i i J THEY ARE SAYING i a- Was Below Aurora Record Alex Bells Hospital Tribute The weather is a neverfailing topic of conversa tion which is understandable for the reason that we have to live with it After writing our editorial Goodbye January some newspaper clippings came our way concerning Ontario weather One of these concerns the month of January and the clipping bears the caption Whew Bring Me A Fan On the ninth day of that month To ronto attained a record for Jan uary warmth with the mercury at while at St Catharines and Windsor the thermometer registered At North Bay the reading was and at White River All Ontario high recordings were shown Another clipping relates to February when two records of an opposite character were established in Toronto with the temperature 21 below zero ft was the coldest day on as late a day in February for the past years and it was the coldest day of the present win ter so states the report In Aurora But if it was cold in Toronto on February 15 it was nine degrees colder in Aurora for the official reading here was 30 below zero but not quite as cold as at Bancroft where the reading was below The report also states that the coldest day of all time in the city of Toronto was January when the mercury dropped to degrees below zero The first weather readings taken at the Toronto Observa tory were started in the year ExMayors Tribute At this writing Mr Alex Bell former mayor of Aurora Is mak ing satisfactory improvement on his return home from York County Hospital following his motoring accident His many friends wish him an early and complete recovery and wellwishers and his tele phone has been kept busy by kind enquiries For these num erous messages he is extremely grateful and he hopes at an early date to make his own per sonal response to them In the course of a talk we had with him Mr Bell paid tribute to a member of our own staff who was one of five who shared a room with him necessitated by the extreme pressure on space at the county hospital Newmar ket readers will be especially interested in former Mayor Bells tribute since it concerns the wellknown Kittastriffy who subbed for Slim in the Fairy Lake swim other wise Lome member of an esteemed family in the county town Life Of The Party Following an operation Lome was a very sick boy for two days said Mr Bell but when he was able to sit up and take notice he was the life of the party There were five of us in that room and we were all cheered by his presence I dont know what we would have done without him Mr Bell said that additional space is urgently needed at the hospital of which he spoke in the highest terms It appears the five were very cramped for bed space but when other ac commodation did become avail able they didnt want to part with Lome and they asked to stay where they were When Slim is fully fit again this tribute of stamina from a former mayor of Aurora may prove an inspiration to him should he make another try at Mr Bel has received a great j mastering the mud and scum of number of cards from friends Fairy Lake men In your thrill of hit Of Votofttlnt Gifts of them to crown you tmmmfrv as ARROW SHIRTS ARROW TIES CURRIE JEWELRY As seen in our windows NS Two stores Newmarket and Aurora IS Main SI rket Aurora Phone PA Office it i k f A TOUCH OP SPRING MM our subtly suit of woo P fH but eased for activity At only hr mm i ft f Orncr 9 ff I Mt IL J SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA OFFICE i TELEPHONE PA PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFIVE EDITORIALS NEW SUBDIVISIONS The appearance of many new homes being built in a community will often cause the remark to be made that it is going ahead But if new industries are not keeping pace with residential growth what is hap pening is not progress but its opposite The situation is satisfactory where approximately there is a sixty percent housing and a forty percent industrial and com mercial development The ideal is fiftyfifty In old communities such as Aurora it is unfair that citizens who have helped to build the town and have paid taxes over a great many years should have to pay the whack in the case of new subdivisions That in equality was taken care of in December 1953 when the present reeve Mr D J Murray a a majority of council gave third reading to a subdivided bylaw re quiring the to bear the cost of installing services on the opening up of subdivisions In Mr Murray twice made an effort to require subdivides to place a stipulated sum at the disposal of the town for municipal purposes on the sale of a lot as is the case with some other municipalities Although he was not successful on either occasion in getting the support of a majority of council for a bylaw to that effect we shall be surprised if he does not revive the matter during the present year A sudden large increase of new homes means among other things an addition to school costs and the proposed payment by on the opening tip and sale of lots was intended to help cover such costs LAGGING BEHIND Great in so much Canada yet lags behind so many other countries of the world both powerful and small in its supervised care of the national health The only means by which this urgently necessary need can be realized in the form of an overall national health in surance coverage is an unabated public demand for it That a great majority of Canadians favor it cannot be disputed Vested interests will stubbornly oppose a national health service in the interests of private profitmaking as was the case in Great Britain when national health insurance legislation was introduced there more than forty years ago Insurance companies feared a loss of business and fought relcntlessy in every constituency where candidates were committed to support national health insurance The medical profession fought it in Britain as it appears they are doing in Canada Employers of labor fought it but in the face of all opposition the government put through the necessary legislation When the tide of Canadian public opinion makes Itself sufficiently voluble the central government will bring in the necessary legislation Such public opinion can be channelled through members of parliament SCIENCE AND HAPPINESS The world of Unlay bristles with the inventions of science Still it Is a fair question whether mankind is happier today than in a past age when household gadgets and hydrogen bombs were unknown Does not the question answer itself when it is selfevident that man kind everywhere lives in constant Tear of total oblitera tion Britain could be out in hours declared a prominent statesman of that country recently What a change from the time when it was written Britain really ruled the waves in good King Georges noble days Not only Britain but the entire world could be wiped out in consequence of what Bernard Shaw des cribed as men monkeying with things they do not fully understand GOODBYE JANUARY Wo parted with the month of January lately de ceased with very great regret There were days when the cold hit ones nose and ears but there was a groat deal of beautiful sunshine and lovely sunset evenings In Aurora its precincts there was Just enough snow to provide an entrancing winter carpet and the weather was ideal for brisk walking Unfortunately few of our compatriots engage In walking which is more more becoming a lost art Most people wo know drive to and fro to business which is necessary over long distances But to enjoy a fine winter month audi as the whoso departure wo are lamenting must walk During that lovely month we have had to comfort with words a number of people known to us who have complained of the cold One man we know didnt know had boon much sun In January He was looking forward to the war mer Others wo know have gone to Florida to escape the scourge of cold of their native land which often causes to wonder if it takes an Englishman to appreciate the dry stimulating sereweather of a good Canadian winter However as wo write this we are already well into the month of February and the sun in still shining close down here in case wo too are allured into confessing to the warmer days COUNCIL REPORT Council Approves A Motion That Accounts Be Not Read At its regular meeting on Monday night February the t w council approved an astonishing motion which broke all accepted Aurora procedure ride marking that a lot of time could be saved by accepting the accounts as read the mayors comment was followed by a motion which endorsed it Councillor Keith moved Arena Floor and Councillor A J Child sec onded a motion that all the ac counts be taken as read Thus for the first time in the history of this reporters council experi ence expenditures were tabled but not disclosed and no discus sion took place on them Defective Sewer Mr William Case represented a delegation complaining of a Ave Town foreman J Goulding Ave Town foreman was also present and after an swering some questions it was agreed that the complaints of the delegation receive immediate at tention Planning Committee A report of the planning com mittee under the chairmanship of Councillor Child was approv ed by council on motion by Councillor Cfiild and seconded by Reeve Murray An account from the Aurora Building Company for the sum of 360283 for repairs to the arena floor arising out of dam ages caused by Hurricane Hazel was approved and council agreed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr John Bowser for the sav ing of money and an excellent job done Recreation Commission Mr Don Glass and Mr J Buchanan appeared before coun cil to present a full report on in come and expenditures concern ed with the recreation commis sion activities and this report will be published in next weeks issue of Aurora News Page Council adjourned at pm and then went into committee A detailed report with com ments on the above proceedings will be given in Council Side lights in our next issue Kdi- tor ANP THE PESSIMIST CALLS About To Do A Routine Our Visitor Told Us Things It had been some time since we last had a call from the Pessimist and we were beginning to wonder If he had passed us by We all know those people who blow hot and cold sometimes theyre for you and sometimes theyre against you It all depends on whether they want you to do a turn for them a KNOW YOUR MERCHANTS Resident Is Expert In Knowledge Of Furniture Restoring furniture requires craftsmanship and an expert at it is Eric Harris who resides at Mark St Aurora Mr Harris craftsmanship includes cabinetmaking and a wide knowledge of antique fur niture and its restoration where necessary Mr Harris is an Englishman the bestknown antique dealers an Englishman who served no less than six years as an apprenticed cabinet- maker at the fashionable holi day resort and prosperous city as a restorer In 1940 Mr Harris started his own business buying selling antiques and employing three of Bournemouth At that high- assistants in furniture restoring class English store every piece of furniture was made and many years of experience have given him an expert know by hand Completing his ledge of English antiques and long training he worked for he has as sharp an eye for de- number of years with some of Page Col It had not really occurred to us that our visitor whom we have styled the Pessimist was of the foregoing ilk Had we done so we would hatfe been mistaken In our judgment for our friend is not a bit like that He is in no sense a weathervane changing around according to which way the wind blows We gave him the title of Pes simist for other reason than because he is very different from the general run of people who take things for granted and sel dom have an opinion of their own He is a man who does his own thinking so that his opin ions are often original He is well informed on what goes on in the town having lived in Au rora for many years Some of his views would hard ly bear publishing but for all He lit up his cigarette while we told him that we had just been plodding along in our usual stodgy fashion When we asked after himself he said that went for him too but that he was still looking around and keeping on eye on the boys Asked to explain rather obscure remark he said there was a lot of fun around if one looked In the right places This explanation proving even more puzzling to our dumb intel ligence than his first remark we asked him to be a little more ex plicit What Has Happened Very well then you tell me what has happened to our coun cil Has the doc given them an anaesthetic They all seem so quiet Why I recall in recent years that council used to start that he has a kindly heart Some off with a bang but fizzled out of the Big Shots he has known at the approach of nomination from the time they started in night This year theres been no started in on a shoelace he bang at all Whats the matter will tell you with a gleam with them Havent they woke twinkling in his blue eyes up yet Now he says they want to We pointed out to the the town mist that council year was still A Call young and that the really big we had just sat down in front problems were still in the offing of our typewriter to do bit of To this we added our opinion routine work when our office that the new mayor had shown a door was flung open and there businesslike opacity in the before us stood our Pessimist chair and had not taken up the Beckoning him to a chair he time of council with personal In- stretched out his bony hand and They were also shaking ours with a friendly grip taking time to think over he exclaimed Well George Thats good he said Weve how everything Long time no been so used to that see Page Coif I J VALENTINE vy A you want to be sure of making For we fetl a a hit let us send your VaUarine our M tell us for whom you aim- Whether you sweetheart sage or a dote rot well J mother and well arrange flower f remembrance cant miss freshest and J IT- I- Aurora St Phone PA I NEW EQUIPMENT MAKES MILK COOLING FASTER EASIER i V A Sr Shown above is the run Bulk Milk Cooler that is on display at the Aurora Farm Supply Store St Aurora by Bulk handling Is nut now This programme of milk procurement was in operation In California as early However It is only in tho few year that interest in this system has increased Today bulk tanks art In operation In in and a sprinkling of thorn scattered across Canada There are many size and types of tanks with each manufacturer making certain claim about his particular tank In reality there are two main differences In tanks Those that are under vacuum and those that of the pour- in typo A vacuum tank must necessarily bo completely seated thereby eliminating dust odours In some eases vormln In open typo tank unless a pump is provided milk may have to be carried pail by pail from the burn into the milk house in many two ground levels This an arduous as well as particularly In summer months There are differences In types of used Attain there are two main types Ice to cool water which In turn cools milk Direct expansion as coolant Ono might ask which is the bettor type In survey of It lending states in USA 10 were iwlng largely direct expansion and ho Wisconsin wad largely Both types of cooling have their advantage disadvantages but at this no ultimate conclusion him been reached In Canada where In the winter smaller amounts of refrigeration are needed and to my knowledge no tank has been designed whore quantity of lee for cooling may bo controlled by farmer It fa true that on Ice reserve may ho built and provided it there during power failure nifty help to maintain lower temperature but If power failure occur after milking it is of little value In any event after the first milking temperature of tho milk will only rise slightly with no power available at all Again after a power fniluro with Sweetwater and power returns lee must bo purchased or wait hour for new build up of leal whereas Direct expansion Is available Immediately Of course are other factors that put two types of cooling on a basis point I would stress la that you should loo a number of typos of tanks compare them and then choose the type that will suit your own particular conditions bosh Service over a number of years Is a very important consideration when buying any new machine Bulk Coolers are no exception Do not buy from any company agent unless you get a written guarantee that a local available If and when you need him Your best arrangement la to buy a local dealer that la backed a known company- A Sis