MOUNT The Young People of the church went to on Monday night with their pro gram A furnace has been purchased for the basement of the church and installed Miss Ida is at home with measles Several of the school children have had meas les too On Friday night March Mrs Win Large will be the guest speaker at a meet ing in the church She will show pictures of work in South America Mr and Mrs King and Mrs Cole visited relatives in Use- bridge on Monday i I Wi fc DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD ya JT- If you plan on remodelling youll do a better Job of low cost The panels are easy to to paint ant it a versatSe material can for walls cupboard valances subflooring or underlay In fact whole job con be with J I Cupboard shotting and other kitchen improvement projects I Cost less to wth selfframing or 7 ply thicknesses Syfropfy sows as clean other woods with power tow or hand sow close to the edge without splitting No ofnery either simple glued and nailed ore possible Syfyaptyivst another reason why popular home remodelling material A 4 Mr Youll do a belter job get full voice for lime end money you invest in home improvements when you use easytowork Sylvoply you get all advantages of wood and more Big square feet panels of crockproof speed your work moke any job you do mote pro fessional looking Get a free folder on basement or attic remodelling from your deoJer in addition regular feet by feet panels you can now buy handy sizes for hose smalt Jobs repairs moles yourself easier than ever fate panels available at your lumber dealers in sizes from J by Inches up Carry them home or slip them in your car trunk s I I- FIR Serving lumber Dealers Coast to Coast LIMITED eses ic J n s i Newmarket Phone S am abut JSX7 ACCIDENT RATES J ir SI i -M- i fcsp fcj t WSIcWtf minus ro TO STOP ivv- o i i Aim TO SAmySHC rj- tAi rv The Newmarket Era and Thursday Feb Page IS MAPLE HILL Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Phil Collins on the birth of their son on Fob Miss Hill Toronto will speak at the Young peoples meeting on Friday night M Kennedy and family bridge will provide special music- The ladles double trio sang two numbers at the service Sunday Mrs Lnrgo spoke at the monthly meeting at Mrs Kennedys home last week 4 il J Tl ir Vi 7- J WW itf St Johns Bingo IN THE NEWMARKET TOWN HALL Saturday Feb 26 AT PM JACKPOT 12500 ADMISSION 25c Era and Express Classifieds Get Results With highway death and accident rates soaring in all provinces authorities are considering new traffic regu lations to decrease the appalling toll One agency a committee from the Ontario legislature after examining and studying traffic control in Canada and the US has made sweeping recommend- CanadJin some of which may be adopted by many provinces Most radical of the suggestions is that persons under be issued only probationary licenses and that persons over be required to take new driving teste from time to time Some of the other recom mendations are shown on this illustration Keswick Optimists Meet International President Keswick district Optimists had the opportunity of meeting In ternational President of Opti mists Maurice Perkins and his wife of Louisville Kentucky when they arrived in Canada on Mon Feb to spend part of the week visiting zones one to five in southern and eastern Ontario The reeve of North Roy Pollock who is lieut enantgovernor of zone 5 district was on hand to greet the visi tors when they arrived by plane at Malton airport He was accompanied by Mrs Pollock and together they attended a lunch eon at the Granite Club Toron to honoring the visitors During the afternoon the par ty journeyed to Welland where a banquet and meeting took place Ail members of zones one and two were invited to and a half a dozen Keswick members attended President of the Keswick club Tommy Johnston and members Jack Dr S Clark Sid Arthur and were present PINE ORCHARD The February meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs Johnston The pro- pram was in charge of Agricul ture and Canadian Industries committee Mrs A Baxter pre sided in the absence of the pres ident Roll was A Canad ian industry I would like to visit I Mrs Carl Link was chairman for the program Miss Till- of Stephens Newmarket gave a talk on drap eries and interior decoration The Willing Workers of the Union church hold their meeting on Wednesday after noon March 2 at pm at the home of Mrs Earl The school children enjoyed an oldfashioned sleigh ride to celebrate St Valentines day Congratulations to Myron Clure who passed her grade one piano exams with first class honors- Mvrna Is a pupil of Mrs P Wood News Miss Elsie Huntley recently was in a car accident which re sulted in a foot injury We hope for a speedy recovery The Queensville I held a successful euchre in Sharon hall on Tuesday of last week Prizes were awarded to Mrs Harold Fair Mrs Thomas Mr Johnston and Mr Lyman KESWICK Mrs Perry Winch Mrs P Ma- and Mrs AE Agar attend ed the executive meeting and luncheon of the Toronto Centre held in Manor United church Miss Ruth Till man a missionary on furlough from Presbytery New foundland was guest speaker Mrs Vera Herring left Tues day to visit friends in Toronto and attend the Kiwanis Festival The evening auxiliary of the Mr and Mrs Art Alexander Mr and Mrs Eric Denham and Mrs Angus Smith attended the GawlikGoreski wedding in Tor onto and the reception at This- on Saturday Sunday morning featured an impressive church ceremony when a number of men were of ficially installed into their var ious offices in the United church ARMITAGE On Friday night Feb 25 the Armitage Club is sponsoring an other oldtime dance at Bluebird Inn with music under the dir ection of Al Smith Last Tuesday afternoon the ladies of the Yonge St Serving Circle surprised Miss Moody and Mrs Bertha at their new home in New market and presented them with a bedlamp and cup and saucer each Mr and Mrs Walter Terry who have moved to Aurora were guests of honor at a party held at the Cook homestead on Friday evening Feb when they were presented with a Slight floor lamp Mr and Mrs William Porter wore Saturday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Thornton Bales in Sutton Mr and Mrs Clayton and family were visiting Mrs mother in Toronto for Sunday Mrs Johnstone has been hospi talized for the past few months but is making good progress York County Hospital Heeds Your Donation wrw w- s United church met Tuesday in Mrs Jack home in Beverley Hills Plans were made for spring activities A lilac tea is planned for May 18 when there will he a sale of baking plants and aprons Mrs Harry Kerr led the devotional assisted by Mrs Garwood The study chapter was on India discussed by Mrs Ted assisted by Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Joel Hopkins Mrs Kerr closed the meeting which was followed by a social hour Each member is urged to attend the World Day of Prayer to be held in Christian church Friday Feb 25 at pm The WA will meet on March 3 at pm in the Sunday School room Mrs P will lead the worship period The guest speaker will be Mrs Rob ertson of Ainslee Hill Farm Sut ton There will be a shower of aprons for the bazaar Mr William Andrews is now convalescing and has returned to Toronto with his daughter Ada Mr Fred Smith has taken to York County hospital Miss Ha Pearce and sister Mrs Paton and children visited Mr and Mrs on Sunday Mrs E Cratchley Toronto and Mrs Drake Texas were guests of Mrs By ron one day last week Miss Pearl Gwynne and Mr Moore had dinner last week with his sister Mrs Stanton in Tor onto Mr and Mrs Fred Mr and Pearl had dinner with Mr and Mrs A Tenny son recently Sympathy is extended to Mrs John Pinder whose sister Mrs Oscar Morris Sandford died on Saturday Be sure to attend the Commu nity night and carnival on Fri day Feb sponsored by the Queensville Park Board Miss Emma Doane Tor onto was at her mothers home for the weekend Miss Lorn a Allen Toronto vis ited her friend Miss Jean Lewis over the weekend BELHAVEN Mr and Mrs Perry and family had tea Thursday ev ening with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Mr Donald Winch returned home recently from his duties in Fort Churchill Man Rev and Mrs A B Moffat Newmarket had tea Friday ev ening with Mr and Mrs John Spence Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Selby were Mr and Mrs Frank Kydd and Ronnie Mr and Mrs Ray mond and David all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Emery by called on Mr and Mrs Skinner Sutton line on Sunday Mr and Mrs Gordon Elliott and family Burlington are spen ding a few days with Mr and Mrs David Elliott Miss Evelyn Lee Newmarket had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs George Mr and Mrs Carl Morton and Jean had tea on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Horner Mr and Mrs Albert had dinner on Monday with Mrs Henry Kay Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd had dinner on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Angus King SsvrjSHfcft V WARNING FARMERS Presto fire extinguishers art charged with new wonder chemical Dow chemical product No recharging i ft A m 2 Periodic inspection 3 Wont freeze Canadian Government uses this chemical si mm MS J Newmarket Less toxic than carbon tetrachloride GUARANTEED for YEARS Phone write or wire STOP FIRE AND PRESTO FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO Central Avenue London Out Phone 6 For all fires including electric fires Newmarket District CoOp is for Presto Fire Extin- ran zf i gFifg A MOUNT PLEASANT Tlie Womens meeting held at the home of Mrs Ross Stiles last Tuesday was well at tended Mrs Evans Port Credit spent a few days with Mrs Bert Ste phens Master John Hopkins celebra ted his third birthday on Sunday by entertaining his little friends Miss Betty Hamilton had Sun day supper at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Some of the Guild ladies are taking part in the World Day of Prayer in Sutton on Friday Feb 25 Mr and Mrs Bernard David son George and Miss Iva Stiles motored to on Sun day evening lo the home of Mr and Mm Mason Stiles Mr and Mrs Harry Morton and Angus also Mr and Jack spent Thursday ev ening with Mr and Mrs Bernard Mrs has pur chased a new home is Keswick If you have dealt with The Bank of Toronto or The Dominion Bank in the past you already know how much their efficient personal type of banking service can mean to in the operation of If you are selecting a bank The Toronto- DominionBank would like the opportunity of providing that same service for you a r- Dominion pleased to discus Our amalgamation has placed at your disposal a networj Canada l l Whether it be credit information business do for eager tot m v