Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Feb 1955, p. 16

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fa If Newmarket Era Expre SI King City And District Snow And Ice Figures Show Childrens Skill At Ridges The winter Carnival went by bus to fans from by Oak Ridges Community on Feb- 19 to see the and King City and I centre Association scheduled for Flyers defeat the Dundas team others along the route at Lake Wilcox was Private cars also motored one being Henry Davie Nichols chieftain The bus gathered that your juration if it reviewed recently by an exper ienced underwriter A change of mortfe protection or lew We ence more for retirement Let me review your you will be mo LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA I Hume lee St Rev official on the extension work West Toronto Presbytery is address ing Kirk sessions and managing hoards of Strange and Ninth Line Presbyterian church es tonight at St Andrews church Strange Mrs- Cora entertained at a luncheon on Monday for her mother Mrs Ward Rice Wsterford Mrs Arthur and Mrs Laura Rolling who celebrated birthdays Mrs John Laxkin also was a guest The burial of Miss Mabel Bry- Hope daugh ter of the late John Hope was made in King City cemetery on Monday Feb 21 She was the sister of Mrs William Perry Maple and aunt of John Perry CRAFT HOBBY CRAFT Full Line of Quality Sporting Goods and toys KEITH DAVIS Main St Newmarket Opposite Brices Store postponed until February 26 be cause of poor ice Outdoor lawn figures made by district children were judged last Saturday Mrs Bob Roy teacher at Oak Ridges school and Mrs Shirley Hind were the judges with Mrs Jean Baron acting as secretary It took nearly three hours to complete the adjudica tions and decide upon the win ners- Albert Young Morley Ave Lake Wilcox had the best snow man His was a carved figure of a soldier of ancient vintage carrying a gun and draped with flags Best any other figure was a fully equipped car complete with license spare tire and radio aerial It was carved by Edward Docherty a grade six pupil of Wilcox Ave Oak Ridges nit Chief Seeks Support Of Institute When Fire Chief Dave Glass addressed King City Womens Institute this month he asked The funniest kind of figure patronage at the was the product of a year old Association bingo Friday night girl Shirley Butt Auiora Masonic hall and it was a sad scene A cold Firemen ball at Hall March The Chief also sought some financial aid in building up the equipment of the King City fire department In order to get fire fighting equipment which will give the department the right to serve the communities outside the village the Firemens Association is stri ving to raise funds to lessen the taxpayers burden this year Realizing that many WI mem bers and their homes could bene fit from an area fire agreement Mrs Rumble the president was sympathetic toward the project The branch will consider a mon etary donation at March meeting Mr and Mrs Jarrcs Hunter snowice tombstone bore the in scription Woo She Dkd Shir- Icy Butt Beside the marker a small carved figure of a mother sitting on a chair keep ing a lonely vigil I got the idea out of my head said Shirley Apparently she had never been in a ceme tery but had passed by She said she had no special reason in assembling a graveyard scene except she wanted to make some thing unusual started the modelling on Friday night She was up early on Saturday finishing in time for the appearance of the judges A fourth class of animal fig ures was won by zle of Aubrey Ave Oak Ridges He made a model of a lively tophat rabbit Runnerup was a model of a beaver by Michael Oak Ridges Celebrate Golden Wedding OATMEAL- BASE s CHICKS Oatmeal builds bone and flesh not fat Thats why OatmealBaa FolOPep is beet for ducks Then too oatmeal is higher in energy value than any grain used in feed With the many otter vala- able ingredients in FulOPep Chick Starter Crumbles a combination is provided that is not only high in energy hot is per fectly balanced for greatest possible feed efficiency chicks get away to the fast est heal start A sister Ida also survives Harris King town ship farmer on the eighth con cession died suddenly at his home lot on Feb and was buried in King City cemetery the following Monday His wife was the former Bessie Kirkpat- rick The children are Allan of Kettleby Cecil of Weston Mrs Florence and Mrs Rose both of of Toronto Irene and Audrey at home Mrs Chris Mrs Ar thur Eversley and Mrs Duncan McDonald Aurora at tended a musical entertainment in Richmond Hill United church last Friday night given by the Junior Choir and assisted by the String Quartette John Oak Ridges plays the viola with the string quartette Miss Marion Baron Toronto fiancee of Rev A Johnston was chairman of the program Miss Baron will graduate in March from the Toronto Training school She will re turn to her home at Manitoba Mr Johnston who is taking post graduate work at Knox College intends to return to the west this spring Mr and Mrs E Ross left last week for a months holiday at St Petersburg Florida At a party held for Mr and Mrs Donald of King City were present at hall on Friday evening Feb 18 The who were married last October were presented with a walnut desk Jack Walk- who was the groomsman made the presentation and acted SMITHS III ANosra Qwcnsvlk Ont USING ALL TO WKGMSRIRS Large selection from Badge terms if desired Repairing Cold Storage Cleaning REASONABLE PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AWI as master of ceremonies He was assisted in making arrange ments by Jack Monknfan and Fergus The evening was spent in dancing to the music of the Arbuckle orchestra Before she left King City just recently to live In Brampton Mrs James Rock was honored by an afternoon tea given by her neighbor Mrs Harry Edwards and her daughter Mrs George Chapman Parents Night Miss Nora Scott who has girl guide experience is acting as an assistant with Stanley Root to George L Harvey These leaders and scoutmaster Douglas are preparing the cubs and scouts for the an nual Parents Night at King United church Monday Feb 28 at The scout committee has set Saturday March for a dis trict waste paper collection Scout Financial Drive Commencing this weekend and during the first week In March a boy scouts financial drive will be held the first in threv years Local funds are low It is report ed and advance donations may he forwarded to the secretary Mrs A McLennan Mrs F Hood Stanley Root and Nora Scott attended the fin al sessions of the course held at Thornhlll last week World Day Of Prayer Mrs George A Hart wife of the now Baptist minister will be the guest speaker at the World Day of Prayer at King City United church on Friday Feb 24 at 230 pm Held under the auspices of the United groups of ladies of the Baptist Anglican and Presbyterian local churches and St Johns Anglican Oak Ridges will join in the mutual Mrs Arnold Pete and Mrs Adam Davidson will sing a duet At United church the of that congregation and Strange Presbyterian Society will continue when Mrs King City will the gathering Sing ers will be Lila Anne Forester Linda Calms Nora Jane and Grace Glass Hiss fred Boys and Mrs Far- rcn will preside Missionary To Speak Rev Leslie a mission ary from behind the Iron Curtain will relate his experiences as a KINS SCHOOL LEVY SET AT SIX MILLS The levy struck by the trustee board of SS No 2 King Is mills which is paid by ratepay ers to meet the school requisition of 682904 Last year the bud get sent to township council was 538500 The focal assessment of the section is The twomill increase is caus ed by the increased general costs of education the increase of the teaching staff and the addition al cost of maintaining the en larged building The assessment of each classroom unit is approx imately This figure places the provincial grant in the percent category- Nonresi dent pupils from Strange and Temperaneeville pay fees from their school sections They also increase the average daily at tendance at the end of this was The board antici pates an enrolment of nearly by next September In June there will be leaving the school and others coming in by fall prisoner of the Chinese Commu nists at All Saints Anglican par ish room King City on Thurs day evening Feb 24 He was a missionary in China for years and spent years as a prisoner of the Japanese in the last war After his escape and return to China he was held by the Communists for two years On Wednesday morning Ash Wednesday Feb a service was held at All Saints Anglican church On Saturday afternoon and evening Mr and Mrs James Hunter held a reception at the home of their son Marvin Hun ter and his wife of Laskay There were who congratulated them on their wedding an niversary Assisting the couple were the bridesmaid Mrs James Watson Mary Clarkson the brides sis ter and William Hunter a bro ther who was groomsman when the wedding was solemnized at the home of the brides parents on Feb 1905 Last weekend was chosen for the At Home as a more convenient time for the celebration On Tuesday evening a family dinner was held at the Hunter farm home Mrs Hunter was attired in dus ty blue crepe black hat beige gloves and pink corsage They were surrounded by their four daughters Mrs John Hill of dal Bank Mrs Scott Vera and Helen Hunter Marvin and his wife received the guests at the door Their 14 grandchildren twelve of whom are the children of their daughter Mrs Scott and the two children of Marvin Hunter were present There were about immediate relatives seven of whom had attended the wedding years ago They were William Fred and Miss Florence Hunter and Mrs Jesse Walton the grooms brothers and sister Mrs Watson her sisters Mrs Louis Hadwen and brother Wesley Clarkson They saw the late Rev Walter Amos perform the mar riage ceremony when Ada son daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Clarkson concession of King become the bride of James Hunter whose family lived near Kettleby The younger grandchildren were all attracted to the study where a television set the gift of the family to Mr and Mrs Hun ter provided entertainment The reception rooms were beautiful bouquets of flowers There was a display of fine wedding anniversary gifts and cards of congratulations There were flowers from the MS of United church 5 golden roses from Charles Murphy a cousin of Mrs Hunter a display of yellow chrysanthe mums from Reeve and Mrs Elton Armstrong others from Dr and Mrs R A Maple the families of Laskay the Charles family and Mrs GD Patton Mr and Mrs Cham bers seventh concession and ros es from Mrs J Glass and family The tea table was set with a lace cloth old gold tapers in sil ver and the gold and white wedding cake Pouring tea throughout the day were Mrs Scott Mrs Walton Mrs John Hill and Mrs Louis Had Assisting were the grand daughters Mrs Bill Jamieson Aileen Scott Mary Betty and Judy Scott Beverley Hunter and nieces Mary Walton and Enid Clarkson Guests were from Aurora Toronto Rich mond Hill King City the local neighborhood and Schomberg The minister of the church Rev R Jen- kinson and his wife were present REV JOHN MILLS TO SPEAK AT KINS In 2 King Education week will be recognized by Open House at King City school on Friday evening March All ratepayers and friends and the parents of the nonresident stud ents at the school are invited to attend Rev John Mills secretary of the Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers Association will be the principal speaker The occas ionwill provide an opportunity to see the two new classrooms and other features added to the building last fall Three Dimensional Project On Conservation At Schools Three dimensional classroom dels of figures and outdoor con- I pace ft J A I n i conservation projects for pupils of King township schools were outlined and demonstrated at a meeting of teachers at Oak Rid ges school Feb The purpose of the work is to stimulate an interest in a pro posed long term plan to develop a King Forest as a wild life sanc tuary and recreational park In spector Maynard intro duced the speakers and others supporting the movement Encouragement was given by G Bartman secretary of the Ontario Federation of Naturalists which has launched the idea as an educational project Last year said Mr Bartman the conserva tion album contest by the schools was introduction to more in- study The Federation is anxious to assist teachers with material and facts to produce a visual concept of conservation he stated Specialists who have explained projects in the schools are Don ald science master of Ontario Teachers College Tor onto Miss Eugenia Berlin a sculptor who teaches Saturday morning classes on three dimen sional illustrations at the Ontario Museum and Russell Tilt fores ter with the Lands and Forests department Mr presented a list of suggestions for class activities on conservation He used black board sketches and models Miss Berlin told how to do the work by quick demonstrations with various media She brought mo- tour scenes Building models a student takes a greater interest in con servation Mr Farewell said When he builds bird houses and feeding stations he is interested in observing birds habits He described various types of conservation models which can be made in the schools including farm models showing contour cultivation strip cropping re forestation hedgerows and farm ponds Miss Berlin gave a talk on the types and uses of materials in making models Mr Tilt exhibit ed a threedimensional map of the River Volley made at the University of Toronto to show the Hurricane Flood effect As a result of the demonstra tions a committee was appointed to work with Mr and Mr to select projects to be taken up before actual entry into the whole enterprise They are Miss Evelyn Courtney Kinghorn teacher Miss Marion ONeill of the Oak Ridges staff and Miss L Dennis principal of the King school To these were added Roy and a repre sentative of Sacred Heart separ ate school The committee meets today at King City school Some others Who were repre sented at the meeting were Mrs Norman Brown of Royal Ont ario Museum Mrs Peter Addison both- on the Federation commit tee and Mrs Edwin Meredith The Oak Ridges teaching staff served refreshments to the ga thering WHAT THEY ARE SAYING from Page would reallybe hard to say Mark Got Lost Young Mark Smith 3yearold son of Mr and Mrs Smith of Tyler St got himself lost on Friday afternoon last but was unaware of the anxiety he was causing Chief Dunham and later the Aurora Fire brigade whom the Chief summoned to complete the search for his recovery Mark was safe and happy eat ing a hamburger in Knowtcs butchers shop having been brought to that sanctuary by a lady who found he was lost The Chief wants a word of thanks expressed to the firemen and we are very happy to obey such a request Mark should start a with this clipping of his early happy adventure in a good stote STRAW IN THE WIND from Page Why should the taxpayers of Aurora be called on to foot such an unnecessary expense Excel lent work can be done with the right men and good materials No better proof of this is needed than the construction of side walks which has been so effi ciently carried out by town fore man Jim and his staff in past years It may be that the Banner is a balloon to bolster council proposals behind the scenes and for that reason only its presence is worth noting AURORA SOCIALS from Page Hotel Among other ladies present at the Guides and Brownies ban quet at Trinity Anglican parish hall last week were Mrs retired Commis sioner and Miss Lemon hon orary member of the Ladies Au xiliary Mr and Mrs P Moffat have returned from a weeks visiting in the Pembroke district and among their weekend guests were Peter Williams and Allan Montreal Opportunity FOR A CARIIR IN FREEDOM In end cour age of CanaaVi If a of for tmt with ami to mok a Army art Itot As a modtm organization Army quipped to offer top rate schooling and training to career soldiers There is a In the CantMfian Army tor young men who can meet the challenge The Army hot continuing for good men men like who want to moke a career of freedom and your own In the Army be Atk you mutt fee 17 to to birth or ether proof I I or Witt Army Cf notl your homo fell TbMno40T I ri Dt OH Mrto ST- Classified Phone King 8 -1- CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS I A W0 AT RCYieW IN Vi premise give you speedier service Modern machine help bank staff keep up with greater use of services by more and more customer U2L v t ftt i J fiv il v I v fA fcFV I 7 Xa Canadians have deposit accounts in the chartered banks 3800000 fT mm in thejpasttel ITi-iV- iE s the to to more its methods of operation kecpinff tne and improving Canadian i IHO is S -K- we my in cur home GAY LIQUID OTTERGENT wlui u k CTpenrire toot find one of Gee doee filty more thm any two bailor powder detergent jot more for thin other detergent too I Creeesveultlaf power it is mild end genua on my hinds Yon efaould my thie new liquid detergent Iooeew egg in tough on pole and panel A today tor Gey only for but nylon other fine Ma i I ana here ii3 toi fighter Force stationed US your r A ChOd Crjimg t of hinds tow Poor chipped badly from biting wind Pidud up drovo her and Mother to put ItaliQ Balm en your Thai vttl fa There nothing famous Campanas ITALIAN BALM for keeping hands bands that are in and out of water or keeping the Italian Buy the SPECIAL rinkaaid Mi IU how tbin9 need of reedy The prepared to help Homo Improvement MONTREAL ia

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