Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Feb 1955, p. 2

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S 1- i t I- re IKS Newmarket Era and Express Mount Albert News Mrs Altrud And Mrs Alien Dixon the Hobby and the rural districts of North York Saturday a Era The Express Herald each in aid of every at Main St Newmarket by Harmon Newmarket and Express Limited Subscription for two two the yew for one year in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly News papers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Author ised as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN Managing Editor Caroline Ion Womens Editor George Sports Editor Lawrence Racine Job Printing and Production Phones In Newmarket More telephones were in The Bell Telephone Company of Canadas Ontario Quebec terri tory last year the companys year in business than in previous year according to the companys annual report for issued today During the J months the in crease in telephones was bringing the total in service to 2294453 A million of these have been added in the past seven years alone Expansion in telephone service locally has paralleled this over all growth Bell manager here said today in com menting on report During 172 telephones were added in Newmarket for a total of telephones In service at the end of the year Although more telephones were added than ever before new demand for service contin ued at a high rate At the years end there were still orders for main service unfilled and unfilled orders for indi vidual service in place of party lines In view of the high level of unfilled orders for service large construction programs previously projected for and will be Increased considerably the re port states Expenditure on new construction last year was almost more than in any previous year Sutton Calf Club Organization Meeting Monday February 28 the are Form boys and girls in north end of York County once again looking forward to the formation of the Sutton Calf Club The organization meeting will be held at Sutton High school on Monday Feb at and all Interested boys no girls are to attend years club was successful and in spite of the fact that the at the Institute party last week were accidentally left out of the news report Mount Albert has a fine Public Library but the librarian Miss says TV has affected it The Boy Scouts meet on Mon day evenings at at the church Mr is the leader Robertson the assistant The Cubs meet at on Thurs day evenings at the church Rice is the leader assisted by Ken Mrs has returned from Oshawa hospital The A of the United church met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs- Ethel Harmon Seventeen ladies were present Mrs Stiver was soloist for the program which was in the charge of Mrs and Mrs Rate Miss Beth has com pleted her music course and has her ARCT The Cheerio Group is earning project at the United Jackie were Mr and Mrs Alex Mrs William Card and Carol and Bruce Miss Audrey and Mr Tor onto Mrs and Jackie attended a miscellaneous shower for her daughter Audrey in Toronto on Tuesday and Mrs Roy Carr visited Mr and Mrs Dudley White Richmond Hill on Sunday after noon GORMLEY Mr ami Mrs Jack Bosworth Mount Pleasant and Mrs Wit- Hum Watson Port Sydney were USA Kef mug Trai Thursday On Aurora Two men were rushed to York County hospital by ambulance Thursday after their hit a CNR northbound freight train on the Aurora sldeorad just cast of he Don Mills Road Richard If a passenger suffered a broken jaw and a left hip- The driver Richard Greenwood New Toronto re ceived heat cuts The men were returning from a fishing trip on Lake Provincial Constable Warren said the car was driven into the side of the train It OBITUARIES club has been organized for modernize and enlarge two seasons two boys Robert kitchen The ladies of the For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE Aurora Telephone PA and Richard stood j in the provincial dairy judging competition of teams from all over Ontario The motto of work is to do by doing and in calf clubs this is practised by the club member taking complete charge of the raising fitting and training of the calf Monthly club meetings are held during the summer and records are kept on the cost of raising the calf Special features of the club year are the summer bus trips for all members the luncheon and the showing of the calf at the fair United church on Friday Feb i 5 1 at 230 pm The leaders are and Mrs Brayce visited Mr and Mrs Herb and family Mr and Mrs Bob and baby son are stav ing with the Russell for awhile A group of ladies members of the Womens Institute are try to raise funds to purchase suitable book for their Tweeds- material so are sponsoring Hobo Teas in the community If you have a of hobo ladies drop in on you unexpectedly be conductor and Jory engineer both of Allendale were In charge of the train group have provided the funds lca but a number of men have been doing work on the The junior choir made its de but at the church on Sunday Mrs Bone is the leader of the choir The firemen were called to Zephyr on Friday to Mr Ivan Clarks house The fire damage was not serious The entertainment in the Hall on Thursday evening when the Goodwood Merry Makers put on a light drama Dont Darken My Door was well done The Chee rio Group sponsored the play The Womens World Day of Prayer be observed in the United church which they will each pay you cents You are also Invited to make up a group and drop in on someone eligibility are as follows None of these are so difficult to meet as to prevent any farm boy or girl of the proper age from joining the club but they must be rigidly enforced Club mem bers must be years of age by May I and must not have reached their 21st birthdays by Nov Each club member must have a heifer calf born between Nov and March which he must care for during season Calves may be grades or purebred but must be sired by a registered bull and out of a of the same breed as the sire Calves must be owned on the farm where the boy resides Boys and girls wishing to join the club or wanting more presidents of the the the Cheerio Group and the of The Horticultural Society will hold a general meeting at the home of Mrs S Harper on Thursday March at pm Mrs Frank Watts was taken to St Michaels Hospital on Satur day The Cheerio Group will meet on Saturday Feb 26 at at home of Mrs Gordon Young Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert and mation are invited to contact Ed Pearson Associate Agricultural Representative Newmarket or Eric Club Leader Mrs had Sun PLEASANTVILLE The Willing Workers of Pine Orchard Union church will meet Wednesday March 2 at the home of Mrs Earl Toole assisted by Mrs F McCIure Current church news is to be by Mrs Starr study book chapter to be taken by Mrs Roy Cody On Feb the Club meeting was held at the home of Mr and Mrs William Walker This was the first home meeting of the club in the past few meetings have been held at the school The next meeting will be at the home of Mr and Mrs A Penrose Mar Sunday being such a warm day the detour on the Don Mills Road by farm be came at times Dozens of motorists were forced to turn back from the north and south A guest of Mr and Mrs Roy for several days was their cousin Mrs J Hamilton Mr and Mrs Sheridan had Sunday night tea with their Mr Doug Sheridan and family Newmarket- Mr and Mrs Murray Wanda and Stoutfvllle ELIMINATED Elmer Lions representing the North York League in the bantam put up a gallant scrap against Dodgers before being ousted from the OMHA playoffs The Lions dropped a home decision as fired three- goal third period explosion They came back to hold the wellbal anced Dodgers on ice Thursday The Lions thus lost the round by a margin had elim inated Elmvale in the first OM lest Bill Brown was the Lions goal sniping hero scoring all five goals in the scries Stewart Davison shining in a lesser light claimed two assists Jones with five goals and Tran with pace setters in series Robert Jewctt Miss Verna spent most of Saturday with Rev and Mrs Huston and daughter Betty at Victoria Square Last Saturday Mr William Walker noticed a large deer with his herd of cows south of the barn Hector William Olson I lector son d suddenly at his home Newmarket on Feb after a short illness He was born at in the son of the late Mr and Mrs Olson In he married Krock Mr Olson a construction worker was retired He attend ed the Anglican church His chief interest was in gardening and he belonged to the Canadian Order of Forresters Surviving are his wife a son Cardiff A Olson Calgary a daughter Betty Mrs New York City a Fred Olson Niagara Falls two sisters Mrs Jennie Austin Tor onto and Mrs Noil Currle De troit Mich three granddaugh ters and two great grandchild ren The funeral service was on Thursday- 17 conducted by Rev Rhodes Newmarket Pallbearers were Messrs Proctor Cross- land J Luke Lyons and A Boyd CATTLE OWNERS CONSIDER BYLAW With the Brucellosis bylaw for the vaccination of all calves now in effect in neighboring townships of East Gwillimbury the Whitchurch Federation of Agriculture has arranged to hold a meeting of all cattle owners in the township hall at on Wednesday March 2 at The question of a bylaw for Whitchurch will be discussed Through the cooperation of Agricultural Representative Cockbnrn the Federation has secured R Graham Assistant Livestock Commissioner for Ont ario as speaker to outline the provisions of this legislation for the control of Bangs Disease in herds President Arthur and his directors hope that all the Whitchurch farmers will make an effort to attend Miriam Jane Cain Miriam Jane Cain Mount Al bert died at number Memorial hospital Weston on Monday Feb after several weeks ill ness She was bom hi the daughter of the late Miriam and Albert Cain Miss Cains chief interest was in her home She attended the United church Surviving are two sisters Mrs Samuel May Bethany and Mrs Clarence Brown Edna also several nieces and nephews Rev Brown conducted the fun eral service at the chapel on Thursday Feb Pallbearers were Messrs Ross Johnson Mil ton Best Horace Ktdd and Frank Brown Interment was In Sand ford cemetery J The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded 1879 St Aurora Telephone PA Make It A Meet Your Friend At The O HESS Store Two Graduate St Aaron Tel PA Emergency Calls Telephone PA AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE MISSES WOOD St Aurora ALAN MILLS Canadas popular singer of Folk Songs and DOROTHY WELD0N harpist in person High School Auditorium I TOMORROW NIGHT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 AT PM Tickets the door 150 rq IK I day night tea at the home of Mr S MEMO TO ADVERTISERS it f KIV Coalby the ton too lumber by foot w the I- 1 What a fix wed all be In without those standards measurement for the goods you buy and sell- the confusion waste and doubt in business transac tions if we didnt have accepted standards of weight and measures known values We it is just as necessary for us to tell you what you get for your advertising dollars in terms of known circulation value as it is for you to do ness with customers on basis of recognized standards Thats why this newspaper is member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations WHAT IS THE AnC Bureau a and nonprofit association of publishers adver tising agencies and advertisers in the United Slates and Canada Organized in 1914 A BC brought order out of advertising chaos by establishing a definition for paid circulation rules and standards for measur ing auditing and reporting the circulations of news papers and periodicals WHAT DORS FOR VOW At regular inter- vals one of the Bureaus largo stall of experienced Circulation auditors comes to our office and makes a thorough audit of our circulation records He lias ac cess to all of our Looks and records to obtain FACTS that tell you what you for your money when you advertise in this newspaper WHAT ABC REPORTS TELL YOU The circula tion PACTS obtained by the ABC auditor are con- to read ABC reports which tell you we have where the circula tion goes how it was sold and many other FACTS about the audience we provide for your sales messages Make your adver tising investment the bask of this audited information for a copy of our ABC report ws Birthday wishes are extended this week to Carol Cherry- wood years old on Friday Fein Kenneth Ash 9 Newmar ket years old on Friday Feb Plane Newmar ket years old on Saturday Feb Clarke Smith Newmarket years old on Sun- lay Feb Michael Harry Lavender years old on Sunday Feb Shirley Haskell Newmarket years old on Tuesday Feb David John Keswirk years old on Tuesday Feb Mary Elizabeth Service New market years old on Tuesday Feb John Lehman KR New market years old on Wednes day Feb Bobbie Pearson Holland Laud- UK years old on Wednesday Feb Lowndes Keswick years old on Wednesday Feb Wayne Francis Craig Newmar ket years old on Wednesday Feb Raiuiie Watson Aurora years old on Thursday Feb Ingram Newmarket year old on Thursday Feb Held from last week Doris Brandon Newmarket 13 years old on Fri day Feb If Robert Arnold Johnson Cedar Valley year old on Friday Feb Johnny years old on Friday Feb Judith Mary Ann Racine New market years old on Friday Feb Marie King Wilcox 12 years old on Friday Feb Sandra Judith White Newmarket years old on Sat urday Feb Dike Mount Albert 15 years old on Saturday Feb Virginia Boyd Newmarket years old on Saturday Feb 12 Wayne Pickering Zephyr years old on Saturday Feb Bradley Vanant 8 years old on Saturday Feb Ronnie Lyons Sutton Wesl years uld on Saturday Feb James Raymond SomervUle years old on day Feb Danny Ross New market years old an Sunday Feb Billy King Lake years old on Monday Feb Heroic Chapman 3 New market years on Tuesday Feb Betty Lou Henderson Lake Wilcox years old on Tuesday Feb David New market years old on Wednes day Feb 18 Keith Brown Newmarket years c Wednesday If Mary Ellen Smith Newmarket yean d WedneNUy Fob Larry Wotto year m Send In your name ago and become a of the Era and Tun Mi birthday club kid in all consumer surveys Newmarket Furniture Electric MAIN ST NEWMARKET are all the features you ever wanted In an am azing new Automatic Washer Now you can do a complete wash in only 32 minutes cleaner brighter than ever without even bending over Just press the button on the Time- Line and every wash rinse and action is completed automatic ally with PHONE And with the lowed level and the highest drying actions the Automatic clothes faster safer just the way you them Even starch things dry perfectly fai For unmatched performance the volutionary Nor MAIDS every laundering task r t Prt tS A RACKFUL jUBqHNHIiJn Wc AIL Housecoats to clear at 25 percent and percent off Mens fine dress shirts Reg INCH FLANNELETTE AT iss RUGS PERCENT AND SO luxurious Blankets subs WW Flannelette Blankets to dear mm v I vj- PTi Jv K- 1 H and Roys Mens Station Wagon coats fof11833 WE HAVE THESE rt Vil TOO tea- I- V MAIN ST i I i iVLi- X

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