1 VANDORF The Wesley Assoc will meet at the home of Mrs Arthur Starr on Wednesday March at motto is Truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Me Hos tesses will be Mrs Richardson Mrs George and Mrs Foster Miss Ruth is a patient in York County hospital Congratulations to Mr and Mrs- George on the of their daughter also to Mr and Mrs Fred Pattenden on the arrival of their daughter Sympathy is extended to Mr William Barber en the loss of his sister Mrs John Atkins South Bolton Que Mr and Mrs Clare Powell are holidaying in Florida Miss Gail and Master Johnnie Irwin were guests at the Mount Sunday school last Sunday to give their Temperance prize topic Special Womens World Day of services will be held at Wesley United on Friday afternoon Mount and Oak Ridges womens groups haw been invited to join and all wo of the community will be welcomed Congratulations are extended to the Aurora High School Mixed Glee Club which placed first at the Kiwanls music festival Misses Laura Mae El sie Crawford Jackie Ransom and are four of the members in the Glee Club Sunday guests at the home of Mr- and Mrs were Mr and Mrs J Mitchell Marilyn and Jim Mr and Mrs Hayes and Marion and Mr all of Toronto From the Files of tit THE MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH of TORONTODOMINION BANK will observe SATURDAY CLOSING consenting February EXTENDED SERVICE will be given FRIDAY AFTERNOON fi FEBRUARY County Tax Rate Soars to Record of Mills York Countys tax rate will be ten mills the highest in its history and one mill higher than in Council upon the advice of the finance commit tee also raised the salaries of the county police force by weekly increased grant to the Childrens Aid Society by and granted to the County Good Roads Commis sion A very successful program was sponsored by the Newmar ket Musical and Literary Club in the Assembly Hall at Pick- College on Wednesday evening Hale a most prominent Canadian port- ess gave readings from mod em poets Her English poems from Edith and Sitwell were greatly enjoyed also the American and Canad ian poems Her last numbers were Fairy poems which she was heartily applauded Mrs presided at the piano At the Council meeting last Monday night the Water and Light Committee authorized to arrange for drilling another artesian well The committee has been investigating the mat ter with the engineer for some time and have practically de cided to drill on the west side of the Town which will be some distance removed from the other wells There were some people present at Mr J ShowRooms on Wednesday af ternoon and they were highly gratified with he knowledge they received regarding the use of power on the faim The address by Mr Hill was good and the Mechanical Ex pert explained many features of the Moving Pictures that were of value to any farmer A school lad named Norman Fortune years of age who had his shoulder broken by being run into by a motor car was able to be taken home on Sunday News of the FEBRUARY Street water main must be lowered next summer The main is frozen up again this winter to the great annoy ance of users The electric wires were attached to the main on Saturday and the cur rent kept up continuously till Monday afternoon without pro ducing the desired effect The cost of fuel and labor will be more than the return from watertakers for the whole year On Tuesday Mrs C Cook entertained at her home the young ladies who so faithfully helped her in the Bakery ami Restaurant during the three years of her sojourn in and all spent a very pleasant evening During luncheon Miss Mabel Thomp son on behalf of the pre sented the hostess with a beau tiful silver fruit spoon hostess then took occasion to spring another surprise and presented each of the young ladies with a book as a me mento of the occasion Master Cameron Allan was the young host at a very en joyable birthday party at last week Miss Millard has gone to the city to assist her uncle Mr Alex Millard Mr Ed who Is fitt ing up a factory and going into business for himself at Owen Sound spent Sunday with his family here Mr Goo Bowman former ly of Aurora has secured a sit uation at the Davis Tannery and will be a good addition to the Methodist choir Mr and Mrs Schmidt entertained a large company of ladies and gentlemen at euchre at their spacious home on Sat urday evening Miss Maud Wallace of Lind say is the guest of Mrs Manning for a week News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than reports and announcements will be printed separately A record attendance of la dies and children attended the branch meeting on Tuesday Feb at the home of Mrs A Colville Guest speakers were Mrs Abram of the York County Health Unit Mrs president of Centre York district Misses Preston and B Bain each played a piano solo The meeting March 3 will be at the home of Mrs Singer and on Mar members will be guests of the Newmarket branch Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs Archie Se- Thursday March at Motto Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together Roll call An Irish joke Sharon Institute members will be guests and will provide the program Hostesses will be mem bers of the south group The Vandorf branch meeting was held at the home of Mrs Stewart Burnett last Wednesday Feb Mrs George the president presided Mrs the district president gave a report on the activities of the district Mrs Cameron sang two solos accompanied by Mrs Slater Mrs McTaggart read a poem en titled Spud King from the Nor thland Mrs H White was in charge of a Valentine contest Mrs Van and Mrs were winners A delicious lunch was served by Miss Pearl Cale Miss Carroll and Mrs Van rand- ties The district president Mrs A was a welcome visitor and gave a short and interesting address A short course in cooking en titled Your moneys worth in food will be held on Wednesday March and Thursday March 24 in the United church rooms All members and friends are in vited to the three sessions Members of the will be guests at the next regular meeting on Thursday March 17 and will give a St Pat rick in the agricultural rooms on Botsford St members are asked to remember the penny sale for next meeting and bring gifts to make this a huge success The rest room needs financial support The Newmarket branch meet ing held last Thursday had a panel discussion on Community Needs by Mrs Mrs Arthur Boyd and Mrs Phil Hamilton The topic stirred up quite an interest in local by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches rY fc NEWMARKET SHOP PATRONS NEW HOURS FOR NEWMARKET BARBERSHOPS MONDAY AM TO PM TUESDAY 830 AM TO 6 PM WEDNESDAY CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY 830 AM TO PM FRIDAY AM TO 8 PM SATURDAY AM TO PM Effective Math 1955 Smith P Hossbaeh Ross R Bunn E Adams Occasionally it becomes diffi cult to write a column It Is one thing to comment on news to rejoice over it mock it or to thunder away at it It is ano ther thing to be faced with an accumulation of human which sometimes results in an attitude of what is the use Such was the case last week First we heard of the thunder about the highway scandal and the leaders vigorous defence of the government somewhat mar red by the amazing remark that this mess was inherited from the previous government Welt maybe it was but if it was the present government had a long time to clean it up After all if years werent long enough to clean up the thing then they have been at Queens Park under false pre tenses Next came one of the innumerable select committees report on highway safety with its recommendations and sug gestions of new regulations We were driving to Toronto that day it was slushy and snowing a bit Every time we were stuck behind a truck or passed by a car our windshield became plastered with mud Here we are poor suckers ex posed to the largest advertising balyhoo ever to face consumers concerning the 55 models and there isnt a make of car on the road we have ever seen which doesnt throw mud and with all the beautiful regulations about mud flaps the trucks are still a menace Who is fooling whom Is the trouble a Jack of regulations or is it an unwillingness or in ability to enforce them Nor It it just mud headlights are the same menace We think that some authority should look Into the trouble where the trouble starts in safety namely right at the manufacturers doorstep And to top it all off some fool started sounding off about the milk that Is too expensive and about a new instant dissolv ing milk powder that was about to come on the market We strongly suspect that bird was hired by an advertising agency for milk powder and that he was qualified for his job by letting up balloons when he was a child So the solution is to eliminate the differentials between manufacturing and fluid milk and give the consum er a cheaper product all reduc tions to be taken at the produc ing levels It is almost silly to argue about this but since our great producer organizations didnt deem it necessary to answer in the next days paper maybe we had better prove that wc arent all speechless Only the ones who get paid to do the talking for us are deaf and dumb First we hope that the new powder is better dissolving than the old one for the sake of the ones who are using it and fur thermore we hope that the manufacturers of powder wont lose too many sales to the new process because this product is liable to hurt only one branch of the industry namely powder Secondly may we state that fluid sales will not bo affected as long there is a good qual ity product on the market from clean cows and clean healthy farms Fast dissolving powder will no more replace fluid milk than instant coffee will replace the old fashioned coffee both have their places in the scheme of things And finally if the dairy in dustry at the distributor level wants to sell cheaper milk it knows the technological advan ces that will accomplish this Better merchandising and pack aging and more efficient handl ing is all within its orbit and When they clamor for cheaper milk they want to go their old ways at our expense King City Knowing how to provide heal thful eating for the family is the challenge to every homemaker who desires a happy home This was the thought stressed by Miss Grace Griffin teacher of home economics at Aurora district high school when she addressed King City The February meeting was held at the home of Mrs Ross Walker Mrs Norman Wade a former pupil of Miss Griffin and branch convenor of home and health prepared the program Mrs A was appoint ed convenor of the demonstration by King City branch at the York County picnic at Sharon June According to the roll call there was 490 worth of waistline measurements of the who an swered The delegates fund received 375 Mrs Frank gave current events Mrs- Bill explained why being pleasant until am is a guarantee of a happy day for everyone King City accepted an invita tion as guests of the Snowball branch on March 23 Schomberg and Maple Institutes will be in vited to visit the local branch on May when Carl Vaughan president of the Ont ario Junior Farmers will speak and show pictures of his trip to Singapore president Mrs Mrs Curtis reported on the recent annual meet ing held at High Park church Toronto Mrs NeHl took de votions Mrs Curtis and Mrs Williams took the prayers and Mrs James Ball gave a piano solo Mrs was chairman I Mrs Carl Luggers a new Canadian living at since last springy provided an inter view for Mrs Leslie Glass be fore the WI meeting held at the home of Mrs Pearson Smelt- Feb The young woman mother of twoyearold came from Germany to the US and has been in Canada for four years When she acquires her Canadian citizenship the branch hopes to make it a special occa sion for their new member She was married after coming to Canada A native of Hamburg Mrs Luggers was a prisoner of war in the Russian occupied zone During those years education and social life were greatly hampered she told her inter viewer Children after complet ing elementary education in Germany must take the courses decided upon by their parents Womens meetings sucn as an Institute are rare she said Churches do not encourage wo mens organizations Although her mother was strongly en trenched In the Lutheran faith she did not recall her taking part in womens work in the church Other subjects under question were food clothes and past times in Germany Mrs Roddick Centre York district president was the guest speaker She and Mrs Donald Barker were judges of The Era and A BIG MOMENT FOR A LITTLE rt y Thin it moment that win cherished always by this St of the Windward islands tents a bouquet to Princes daring to touring Princess appeared to of spent on Island called off the Caribbtu tod impressed with islands tropical siftUndor was also impressed with tt Seal to har by islanders the homemade valentine con- tost Miss Helen Hunter won first prize for the most decora tive product and Mrs Leslie Glass for the most original Mrs Glass and Mrs Scott con veners of citizenship and arranged the program Mrs Duncan McDonald Aur ora spent the weekend at the home of her brother Arthur Jr Major James Baxter Mrs Baxter and Mrs Denton a ie holidaying in Mexico Mr and Mrs Clifford King City and Mr and Mrs Nel son Bowes Maple have returned home after a months vacation at Tort Myers KING their study of the book Face to Face With India mem- hers of Eversley Presbyterian heard an outline of the chapter on Work given by Mrs Don The meet ing was held at the home of the ARCTIC LOCKERS 17 Timothy St Newmarket across from Market Square DUE TO A SPECIAL BUY OF CHOICE YOUNG GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF WE ARE PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS STEAK Round sirloin STEAK lb BLADE SHOULDER ROASTS v m Hamburg or Beef Stew lb T Bone Stab Salmon lb NO TELEPHONE ORDERS m a 1 J For York H With YOUR AVt USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK Write your classified ad in the apace below Put your address or phone number or both- in the ad J If you want a Box Number there will be an additional charge of cents to have replies forwarded to yoa or cent if replies are picked up at the Era and Express office The cost of your ad will be cents a word minimum of cents for each advertisement Half price if ad is repeated on successive week vv- CLASSIFICATION J v v f fan X A- J i CHARGE TO ADDRESS r A -1- cr a Mm GOB INTO HOWS this classified ad order to The Newmarket Era and t It r a a fMm vr pr MV I t