Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers to all parts of world ROWERS A SPECIALTY IIS Main St Newmarket Phone Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Over the 5 MAIN STREET Phone 573J NEWMARKET Funeral Directors MAIN STREET I Era and Express Get Results Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada This Sunday February 27 Special music and singing EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor Holly a STi Associated Gospel Churches raster A YIELDING Sunday School for all ages THE PASTOR The Gospel of Matthew PM THE PASTOR They who are Sanctified 211 MUSIC AT BOTH SERVICES ALWAYS A WELCOME AT GRACE 5E4SSi r A CMS WEEKEND YOUTH RALLY With Five College Students SIR JIM TAYLOR AND MR TED LOSCH MISS PAT WHEALY Soloist MISS NORMA BAKER AND MISS JOYCE RAYMER Piano Accordionists FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 8 PM SUNDAY Church Bible School 11 MORNING SERVICE EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sponsored by Young Peoples Society is- PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH DARCY STREET Rector Rev J T Rhodes FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT AM HOLY COMMUNION MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON Lent Helpful or Hindrance SPECIAL SERVICE OF DISTRIBUTION OF LENTEN BOXES TO THE CHILDREN OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL PM EVENING PRAYER What the Church Teaches EVERYBODY WELCOME CHURCH J AIKEN Minister Ministry of Music AM DEDICATION OF THE NEW ORGAN REV PROF KENNETH COUSLAND SLA of Emmanuel College THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Senior School I am The primary Departments 00 Nursery Class A FESTIVAL OF PRAISE EMMANUEL COLLEGE CHAPEL CHOIR Directed by be cordially welcome P Classifieds Continued spreader Fertilize drill new side delivery rake Surge Milker portable milk cooler ap proximately bales of wire tied hay bus good mixed grain ensilage at lot con Pickering township the proper ty of Lome Bath sold No reserve- Terms cash Note This Is one of the finest Hoi- stein herds to be found any where Faulkner clerk Sale starts Cattle sale at oclock Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers SATURDAY MARCH Auc tion sale of farm and imple ments of Lyman Watson Sutton West lots and concession North between and Sutton on Caterin Road Time pm TUESDAY MAR Auction sale of 35 head of registered and fully accredited cattle consisting of fresh cows spring- and heifers horses and hogs tractor good threshing machine Geo White 24x42 with grain thrower and shredder near new full line of power im plements Surge milking ma chine unit hay and ensilage furniture at lots and con Whitchurch at the property of Walter Gray No reserve as farm sold Terms cash Sale at 12 sharp Lloyd Turner clerk A Farmer and Atkinson auctioneers Sam on pedigrees York County Sales Agent PO phone Agin 30w2 Womens Institute will serve lunch on the grounds WEDNESDAY MARCH Ex tensive auction sale of cattle heifers new tractor with loader and live power takeoff Cockshutt tractor new pickup baler near new Mount Forest thresh ing machine new side rake new Coby bushel spreader milking machine farm stock im plements hay grain furniture etc on lot concession Pickering at Green River on No highway Property of Roy Carter Sale at noon Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers Ralph Faulkner clerk WEDNESDAY MAR- sale of fully accredited Ayrshire Herd Imple tractors houses pigs and furni ture lot con East mile north of Mount Albert the property of Roy Stewart Farm sold re serve Terms cash Farm sale at pm Cattle sale at pm clerk A Farmer auctioneer c3w7 THURSDAY MAR 17 Exten sive auction sale of head of imported and registered red poll cattle show quality grades brood sows Implements 2 wagon trailers for a forage harvester hammer mill 3 fertilizer seed drill hay grain straw etc at lot 12 con township at property of Earl Sel lers Sale at Cattle sale pm Farm sold No re serve Terms cash Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers phone TUESDAY MARCH Auction sale of 41 head of and grade including fresh cows fall springers cal ves tractor 1 Ford tractor new Clipper combine cut including full line farm implements milking machine Surge new milk cooler Scan straw ensilage bus seed oats at lot con 2 mile north of No highway on Ave The property of J- P No re serve as farm sold cash Sale at noon sharp Jim Smith clerks A Farmer auctioneer WEDNESDAY MAR Auc tion sale of head of register ed and grade cattle in cluding fresh cows springers and heifers horses hogs Farm- all Tractor threshing machine 22x38 and grain thrower milking machine Wood tcan milk cool er baled hay and grain furni ture at lot con King 12 miles north of Temperance- The property of Scott Terms cash Sale at sharp A Wilson Ed clerks A Farrier auc tioneer Gormley phone WEDNESDAY MAR Ex tensive auction sale of dairy herd consisting of and Jersey cows fresh and springers 10 Hereford baby beef pigs Cockshutt tractor new July 1954 Automa tic Baler No new I power mower new fertilizer drill like new hay straw grain ensilage and furniture at lot Con Reach Township at on and the property of Earl Anderson Note If you are In the market for cattle or new implements dont miss this sale Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Howard McMillan clerk The Fidelas club Green- bank will have a refreshment booth on the grounds Sale starts Cattle sale 3 oclock Sel lers and Atkinson auctioneers c4w7 THURSDAY MAR 24 Auction sale of 50 head of registered cattle vaccinated ac credited and blood tested Model Case factor threshing machine en rubber power drill on rubber including full line of power implements Aerofia Cooler new grain and ensilage at Lot 8 con 3 mile south of No highway The property of No reserve as farm sold Catalogues of cattle at sale Terms cash Sale at am sharp Lunch will be served by the Womens Institute Lloyd Turner clerk Sam ken PO will handle pedigrees Phone S Farmer auctioneer phone SATURDAY FEB AND EVERY SATURDAY Extensive auction sales at Stouffviile Sales Pavilion this is the big sale of the month All types of live stock and poultry bought and sold Vegetables furniture mis cellaneous goods clothing foot wear also cheese in the ladles auction rings the fairest and fastest place to turn mer chandise into cash Everybody welcome Come and see the latest in auction sales Your friends are there why dont you meet them here Special baking sale by the ladies of the Cherry- wood church Special invitation to the ladies for this end of the month sale Sale pm Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers TUESDAY MAR Auction sale of head cattle consisting of fresh springers calve Ford tractor tractor Implements manure loader mill nearly new milking machine and motor single units steel stone boat power cream separator pigs hay grain furn iture etc the property of Find- ley Thompson 1 mile east of Goodwood on Hy No farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale pm Lloyd Turner Clerk Sellers and Atkinson auction eers WEDNESDAY MAR tion sale of head cattle tractors Hike new Cockshutt No 137 combine cut one No Baler nearly new power mow er 70 side delivery rake on rub ber with PTO new IHC spring tooth cultivator PL and depth control tractor manure spreader 3F plow on rubber one way disc new ISM Fertilizer drill the proper ty of Campbell Anthony at lot con Pickering at White- vale Note Most implements new within the last years Farm sold No reserve Terms cash 2 auction rings Sale starts at Cattle at 3 oclock Lloyd Turner clerk Sellers and Atkinson auction eers c6w7 WEDNESDAY MAR 30 The undersigned will sell by public auction at lot St con East miles north of Newmarket The prop erty of Neil Faris consisting of a full line of modern farm machinery Leicester breed ing ewes 50 tons baled hay bushels oats and other miscell aneous articles Sale Terms cash Smith auc tioneer TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION NOTICE TO TRUCKERS HALF LOADING REGULATIONS 1055 ON and after Tuesday March the HALF LOAD RE STRICTION will be enforced without exception on all roads in the York County Highway System under the jurisdiction of this Commission A J Chief Engineer Toronto and York Roads Commission Newmarket C Toole Chairman NOTICE To CREDITORS TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TENDERS will be received for the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon Saturday March 1955 to supply and deliver to town ship offices of bags of lb each of warble fly spray 5 percent retonone also price on lb packages and 12 lb packages LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Winch clerk c2wS The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb 8 Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY FEB I GARDENS Fellowship off Baptist Located just south of Charles School on Muriel St in Pastor am Sunday School ajn Worship Service pm Evangelistic Service Rev Peer guest speaker Wed pm Prayer and Bible study meeting A warn welcome awaits CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Wain Street Newmarket Rev Fred Minister am Morning worship The Guest of Royalty 230 pm Sunday school pm Evening Gospel service Is Mans Greatest Power the Bomb ALL WELCOME FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev J Daw Pastor SUNDAY am Sunday School Murray Varney Siipt 730 pjn Evening worship Wed pm- Midweek service You are welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev R Minister Mrs Gerald Organist Sunday School a Morning worship pm EVANGELISTIC service Tues pm Prayer service pm YPMS Friday pm CYC for the boys and girls ALL WELCOME THE SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen St and Mrs a Holiness meeting pm Sunday school Salvation pm Prayer meeting Wed pm Home League Everyone Welcome METHODIST CHURCH MILLARD AVE AT NIAGARA ST REV R G MINISTER EVANGaisnc 13 1955 SPEAKER K SMITH Norwich Ontario jS at MOANING A EVENING a Wfc ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Mr Rudolph Organist 950 Sunday school am Divine worship Prof Wade of Knox College March Anniversary services Guest preacher The Very Rev Dr J Skene former modera tor of General Assembly Friday Feb World Day of Prayer 3 pm FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for worship Come and join us in worship All welcome Thurs March 8 pm Monthly meeting work with God means to be interested in people in order to introduce them to Christ who can redeem them PETER ALEKNO ESTATE ALL persons having claims against the late of Newmarket who died on or about January are hereby required to send particu lars thereof to the under named Executor before March Immediately thereafter the assets of the deceased will be distributed having regard only to the claims then known DATED at Toronto February Arthur Kelly Richmond Street West Toronto Ontario NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET COYLE Into of the City of Toronto in the County of York widow de ceased CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the City of Toronto in the County of York on or about the day of November arc hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of March after which date the assets of Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which undersigned will then notice DATED at Newmarket this day of February AD William Joseph and J Gordon Cock Executors by their solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Newmarket Ontario c3wG 1 1 Special Sinking and a Gospel message helpful to each on Dont miss this opportunity within your reach CHURCH OF THE Cor Main and Queen Sts Rev A Collins Miss June Haines Organist am CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL am Morning worship Evening service Rev Jack to South TOWNSHIP OF SCOn WARBLE FLY CONTROL SEALED applications are Invit ed till March for the position of inspector at the hourly rate of and per mile necessar ily travelled Also the operator of sprayer at the hourly rate of O Webster Cleric Uxbrldge TOWNSHIP OF SCOn WEED CONTROL SEALED tenders for the supply of lbs or more of Warble Fly Powder also for Gallons of Weed spray delivered in the Township of Scott are Invited till March Webster Clerk TENDERS WANTED SEALED tenders plainly mark ed will be received under- signed until March noon for the following mater ials lbs d err Is powder for war ble fly spray in lb bags gallons In 5 gallon contain ers of and 245T mixed for brush spray 60 gallons of 24D for weed spray INFORMATION regarding this tender may be procured from the undersigned LOWEST or any tender may not be necessarily accepted Cle TOWNSHIP OF te TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TENDERS will be received by the undersigned on or oclock noon Saturday March to supply and deliver to the township office of one truck chassis and cab as per specifications which may be ob tained from clerks office Erwin Winch clerk BYLAW NUMBER a Bylaw to provide for the removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks in the Police Vill age of BE IT ENACTED as a of the Trustees of the Police Vill age of as follows The occupants of all resi dential or commercial buildings within the limits of the Police Village of shall clear away and remove the snow and ice from the sidewalks on the highways in front of along side of at the rear of such build ings within four hours of all snow and ice falling or accumu lation on such sidewalks In case the occupant of residential or commercial build ing fails or neglects remove the snow or ice as provided in paragraph one hereof such snow and ice shall be forthwith removed by the proper officers or servants of the Police Vill age at the expense of the own ers of such buildings or vacant lands and the expense incurred in so doing shall be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes In the case of all residential or commercial buildings or vacant lands which ore unoc cupied the snow and ice shall be removed by the proper offi cers or servants of the Police Village of at the ex pense of the owners of such buildings or vacant land and the expense incurred in so doing shall be recovered in like man ner as municipal taxes Notwithstanding anything herein contained the maximum length or distance of sidewalks adjoining land occupied or used as farm lands for which the occupant or owner thereof is re quired to clear away and re move snow and ice or be charg ed with the expense of such cleaning away and removal shall be limited to two hundred lineal feet notwithstanding that the greater length or distance of sidewalks may adjoin such land and the clearing away and removal snow and ice from such greater length or distance shall be by the trust ers at the expense of the Police Village of Any person convicted of a broach of the provisions of this Bylaw shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceed ing the sum of Fifty Dollars for each event exclusive of costs PASSED this day of Feb ruary Morley Andrews Alfred Oliver Robert Wilson Trustees of Police Vill age of NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MIRIAM JANE CAIN DECEASED ALL persons having claims against Miriam Jane Calu late of the Village of Mount Albert in the County of York spinster deceased who died on or about the day of February are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March full particulars of their claims After the said date the Execu tor will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the claims which he shall then have notice DATED Newmarket Ontario this 2lst day of February Allan Mills Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GUY EM MERSON COLE DECEASED ALL persons having claims Guy Cole late of the Township of North in the County of York farmer deceased who died on or about the first day of Sept ember are hereby notified to send to the under signed on or before the of March full particulars of their claims After the said date the Administrat rix will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the claims of which shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket Ont ario this day of February AD Allan Mills Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for Admlnls- tratrix SNAPSHOTS NEWMARKET OtfT PO BOX FILMS any size roil except MM developed printed thirtyfive cents double size seventy single prints five cents En largements twenty cents forty cents Return ME of household furniture and household effects SATURDAY FEB the property of MR A WESLEY Queen St Newmarket chesterfield suite electric range refrigerator Chromesteel table and chairs Radios Record player Vacuum cleaner bed outfits springfilled mattresses dressers Desk Telephone bench Trilight floor lamp Table lamp Rocking chairs Number of dishes and miscell aneous articles Sale at 1 pm Terms cash Fred Smith auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Jersey Cattle Tractor and Grain Hogs Furniture etc The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 26 Con Whitchurch Twp mile south of Cedar Valley SATURDAY MARCH The following property belonging to HARRY BRANDON CATTLE GRADE Freshened Dee 14 Freshened Feb Bred Nov Bred Aug Bred January 23 Bred Dec Freshened Nov Bred November Bred October Bred May Jersey cow due to freshen Feb Jersey cow supposed to be In calf heifer bred Nov heifer born Dec 24 heifer born Aug Holstein heifer bom Dee heifer born Feb Jersey heifer born Mar Jersey heifer bom June HORSES At York County hos pital Thursday Feb to Mr and Mrs Anthony Arkell 2 Aurora a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Waiter Bax Keswick a son BELL At York County hospital Saturday to Mr and Mrs Roy Bell Brad- ford a daughter BLAXLEY At York County has- pital Wednesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Ronald Blaxley Newmarket a daughter At York hospital Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs William a daughter York County hos pital Thursday Feb to and Mrs Phillip Collins a son CROSSLANDAt York County hospital Sunday Feb 20 to Mr and Mrs Ernest Cropland 2 Newmarket a daughter York County hos pital Tuesday Feb 22 1955 to Mr and Mrs Christopher a son DALY At York County hospital Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Frank Daly Newmar ket a son DOWNEYAt York County hos- Monday Feb 21 to Mr and Mrs Jack Downey It 3 Newmarket a son FISHER At York County has- Friday Feb to Mr and Mrs Jack Fisher R Newmarket a son FOSTER At York County hospi tal Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Albert Foster Maple a son HOWARD At York County hos pital Thursday Feb to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Howard R 1 Newmarket a son HARRISON At York County hospital Friday Feb 18 1955 to Mr and Mrs Donald Mount Albert a son HOBBS At York County tal Friday Feb to Mr and Mrs Edgar Kettleby a son At York County HORSES hospital Tuesday Feb Cray mare rising 9 1 Mr Mrs Fred years Keltleby a daughter Gray mare rising years supposed to be tn foal Filly months old FURNITURE Sideboard Easy chairs Tables Bureau Secret desk Odd dishes Brood sows HOGS 19 Shoots IMPLEMENTS Super tractor plow Double discs Floury Seed drill Roller Mower 5 ft cut Manure spreader No 3 Cock Dump rake binder ft Springtooth cultivator 2 Com cultivators Planet Jr wooden harrows plow Oliver 2furrow plow No Floury walking plow Hay rack Floury walking plow Rubber tired wagon Set Sloop sleighs Wagon box with spring seal Cutter Buggies Democrat Set discs Set discs Frost and Wood HAY AND GRAIN Quantity of Quantity of hay Quantity of turnips Quantity of mangolds Quantity of ensilage MISCELLANEOUS Woods fican cooler Universal milker chopper Root Fanning mill screens Set electric clippers Sickle grinder Grindstone Chop box Bagger Set Renfrew scales Number of canvases Bag cart Draw rope Hay fork liny knife Corn hoes Corn planters Snow fence Renfrew separator Separator Barrel molasses Dasher churn Brooder stove oil Gat Crook Number of barrels Number of steel Sap buckets Egg crates No of chains Number of belts Belt ft Turkey pen Some snow No cedar posts No steel posts Belt ft long Set of sling ropes 2 Chains for slings Tractor chain Forks hoes and shovels Set of skidding tongs Cant Hook Set of breeching harness near new Set of breeching harness Other articles too numerous to mention ft No reserve farm Sale at A At York County hospital Sunday Feb to Mr and Mrs Herbert kell Virginia a son PETERS At York County hos pital Feb to Mr and Mrs James William Pe ters Lake Wilcox a daughter At York County hospital Monday Feb 21 to Mr and Mrs Ernest RJL a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Elgin Sim- Lake Wilcox a daughter THOMPSON At York County hospital Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Robert Thomp son Willow Beach a daughter WANNER At York County hos pital Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Gordon Wanner Newmarket a daughter WEBERAt York County hospi tal Tuesday Feb 22 to Mr and Mrs Mathew Weber Bradford a son WRIGHT At York County hos pital Monday Feb 21 1955 to Mr and Mrs Maurice Wright Richmond Hill a son DEATHS DUCKWORTH On Tuesday Feb at his homo Ave Charles David Duckworth husband of Edna father of June Mrs Mclaughlin Margaret Mrs Wilson brother of Rita Mrs Paget Gladys Mrs Armour and Harry Toronto Gordon Aurora Past Master of Unity lodge No- GOG AF and AM past principal of St Clair chapter No and Past Monarch of Rant Ghar Grotto Service was held Fri day Feb Interment St James cemetery EDGAR In the Gener al hospital Wednesday Feb 16 Mary Elizabeth Millard wife of late Duggnn Edgar in her year Service was held Friday Feb Inter ment Briar Hill cemetery Sut ton HOPE Suddenly at her late residence Ave on Saturday Feb Mab el Brydon Hope In her year daughter of the late John Hope and Mary and sis ter of Helen deceased Ethel Mrs William Perry and Ida Service was held Monday Feb Interment King City ceme tery PATTERSON At Newmarket on Saturday Feb Ham John Patterson PhmR husband of Florence McManua and father of Dr Margaret Campbell London Dr Jones Mr Harold Garrett Irene Dr J A and Donald Tor onto way To