Kim i Express Feb FASHION SHOW BY B AND CLUB SET FOR MARCH Mrs McCaffrey To Head Advisory Committee Mrs A McCaffrey was named chairman of the Newmar ket and Advisory com mittee to the Canadian Nation al Institute for the Blind at the annual meeting on Wednesday Feb Reports on the years ac tivities were presorted Mrs McCaffrey succeeds Mrs J Morris who was chairman of the board since its organiza tion in Prior to that Mrs Morris had been active with Mrs- Frank Robinson and others in local work Tribute was paid to Mrs Morris for her con tributions through these years In the interest of the blind people NURSES HOLD EVENING OF CARDS A successful euchre and bridge party was held at the Newmarket Legion Hall under the auspices of Chapter Registered Nurses association of Ontario Mrs Wel lington MacKinnon was the gen eral convener The Nurses association wishes to thank the Legion for the use of the hail and the Legion Ladies auxiliary for assistance during the evening Refreshments were ser ved at the close of the card party Prize winners included bridge ladies Mrs George Snider Mount Albert second Mrs Clarke Bradford mans high Dr George Case second Douglas Brown both of Newmarket euchre first place Mrs John and Mrs Clarence Burl ing lone hand Miss Helen Se- all of Newmarket and Mrs A Fox Mount Albert of York County Edward Brown field secret ay told of the work which had been done this year for sightless residents of this area In his annual report Mr Brown outlined recent research projects in which the has been in terested and reported on the construction progress of the In stitutes new service centre He said that the steel work for the six buildings is com pletion The Institute plans to move to its new location by the end of this year Over 7000 was raised in this area for the CNIB building fund Mr Brown said Mrs C Gilbert welfare chairman reported on the activ ities of her committee during the year Gifts were distributed to the blind of the district Fin ancial assistance was given in several instances of need and help was provided for others who had to visit Toronto for examinations by specialists Those elected to office for include past chairman Mrs Mor ris chairman Mrs McCaffrey vice chairman Cody sect Mrs Campbell treas Alex McKay welfare convener Mrs Gilbert The fourth annual spring fash ion show presented under the auspices of the Business and Pro fessional Womens club Newmar ket will be held in the town hall on Wednesday March 9 There will be two showings of spring at 2S0 pm and second at 8 pm Merchandise from Newmarket stores will be modelled and dis played at the fashion show Mrs C Vandervoort is the general convener Irs a World By Caroline Ion WELLBABY CLINIC FOR IMMUNIZATION The wellbaby clinic will be held at the York County Health Unit Offices Newmarket on Friday Feb from to pjn The immunization pro gram will be continued at this clinic which is open to all child ren of preschool age The Newmarket Womens In stitute sponsors the clinics A second one is held on the second Fid ay of each month at which there Is no immunization CANCER DRESSINGS The Cancer Dressing Group will meet in the Agricultural Board Room on Street on Thursday afternoon March 3 A series of articles which are appearing on the Womens Pages of the Globe and Mail Toronto deal with Adventure in Adop tion They are by Florence Schill The articles have covered dif ficulties in adoption which fam ilies in Ontario have met suc cessfully has been differ ent and has required a special approach and understanding on the part of the adults who have welcomed a child into their home so that he came to feel thats just where he belonged The true stories have been told of adop tions of physically handicap infants of older children bear the emotional scars of their earlier experiences of children of mixed parentage and others One of the first of these articl es told the story of Lucie Marion Starr three year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Francis Starr who live on a farm near Newmarket It was told her by her mother and illustrates the true meaning of the brotherhood of man Mrs Starr told of how she and her husband had met in India in while as a nurse and trans port driver respectively they had been members of a mobile SUCCESSFUL BAKE SALE Over 75 was raised at the sale of home baking held under the auspices of the Business and Pro fessional Womens club New market earlier this month The club expresses its appreciation to those who patronized the sale General convenor was Mrs Har old Sanderson Newmarket Social News come to MY SHOP BOTSFORD ST NEWMARKET AND SEE THE MAGIC NYLON FANCY CREATED BY STYLED IN FINEST QUALITY N NYLON Tins REGULAR GARMENT IS YOURS FOR BUY NOW We are glad to announce that we now stock finest quality maternity lingerie our sales personnel be glad to assist you with any problems you may have without obligation 1128 Your lingerie specialists Mrs Harold Cox Severn Bridge spent a few days with her brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Reginald Hutchins Members of the Newmarket Book club and their guests char tered a bus on Wednesday after noon Feb to visit the Royal Alexandra theatre Toronto to attend Sunshine Town Moores adaptation of Stephen Sunshine Sketches A Valentine party was held at St Pauls Parish hall on Fri day evening for the junior and senior departments of the Sun day school An evening of games and singing was enjoyed by the boys and girls Refreshments were served Mr and Mrs Grant Sine spent the weekend in Detroit visi ting friends Mrs Sine remained there until yesterday William Donaldson is a pa tient at York County hospital where he was admitted on Fri day He has been ill at home since early December Edgar son of Mr and Mrs Cecil is a patient at the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Mr and Mrs Bert McCarn- an spent Sunday at the guests of Mr and Mrs Bud Mc- Carnan The ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary catered this week for the annual ScoutCub father and son banquet last night and the GuideBrownie mother and daughter banquet tonight The banquets mark the local observ ance of ScoutGuide week in Canada The infant son of Mr and Mrs Frank Dutton is a patient at the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Terry Carter son of Mr and Mrs Carter Is convales cing at home following an opera tion at York County hospital A group from the Newmarket Art club attended a lecture by A Y Jackson at the McKee school on Tuesday night as the guests of the Willowdale group of artists Mr and Mrs P Lucas Lefroy Mr and Mrs Dee Chant- Newton Robinson were recent guests at Armagh the home of Mr and Mrs J M Kenny Mr and Mrs Claude Web ster Toronto visited their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs A Webster the occasion of the birthday of their grandson Doug las Mr and Mrs Miller and family visited Mr and Mrs Everett Miller and Mr Millers sister Mrs A Webster over the weekend medical team After their mar riage the following year at La hore Pakistan they returned to Mrs Stars home community As they both wanted a large family and had only the two children the Starrs decided to adopt a child Many other coup- reach similar decisions but not often do they seek the solu tion which the Starrs chose Mr Starr had spent two years in China during the war ex plained Mrs Starr He learned a lot about the Chinese people acquiring a respect for their cul tural heritage and an admiration for their ability to maintain their own identity in the face of great adds In my years of social work I too learned to assess people on their individual merits As Quakers we share the Christian belief in the brother hood of man under the father- hood of God and we felt we should do a little more than talk about it All these factors seemed to point a finger in the same direc tion Why not adopt a Chinese child Living away from the city as we do it would give our children a firsthand opportunity I to find out that even though the Chinese people live on the other side of the world they are not essentially different After having reached this de cision the Starrs wrote to the Childrens Aid Society The so ciety selected a 17month old girl whose father was Chinese and whose mother was Canadian for them Up to this point it was pure theorizing continued Mrs Starr But the day we saw her dressed in a gorgeous yellow dress look ing up at us with big sad brown eyes theories fell by the way side Our hearts immediately be came involved The first few months were dif ficult as the little girl seemed afraid and insecure She de manded no attentions as if she felt she hadnt the right to live Gradually her natural selfassur ance began to develop and she was behaving normally crying when it was bedtime and assert ing herself more and more with the other children said Mrs Starr I think our older sons re action when I told him he was going to have a little brother or sister best illustrates the attitude of the other children to Lucie Christopher insisted he wanted a Chinese brother When we ex plained that it couldnt be Chi nese his reaction was Well why dont we give up the whole idea and go to the Childrens Aid where we got Lucie THEATRE PARTY The Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket will hold its annual theatre night on Monday March 21 when the group will charter a bus so that the members and their guests can attend the Crest theatre Tor onto Being presented that night will be James comedy Diary of Scoundrel As the tickets must be ordered weekend those wishing to attend must notify Miss Margaret Vard before Saturday morning bo GIRLS COMMITTEE PLANS CGIJ WORK Girls activities and interests In Camp were dis cussed at the meeting of the North York County Girls com mittee which was held at Union- ville United church on Friday Feb Plans were made for the annual spring council of leaders and the spring CGIT rally attendance were representa tives from various communities in North York They included the president Mrs Stanley De foe vice pros Mrs Bruce Rolling Mount Albert sec- Mrs L Clement Richmond Hill camp chairman Mrs A and camp business manager Miss Marion Unlonville The invitation of Trinity Uni ted church Newmarket to hold annual rally there this spring was accepted by the co mmittee The spring council for leaders will be hold in Mount Albert United church on Tuesday March 29 LOCAL WOMEN JOIN IN WORLD SERVICE DAY OF PRAYER Women In Newmarket will join in the annual interdenominational service of prayer which Is held throughout the world on the first Friday in Lent This years World Day of Prayer will be held In St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket on Friday Feb at 3 The speaker will be Mrs Salvation Army Rep resentatives from the various churches in the community will take part in the ceremony which lis open to The theme for I this year is Abide in iB -ft- i jut9 to t XT i Is ITEMS Soverelp Sockeye Salmon Crawford Tuna Fish Brunswick Chicken Haddii Millionnaires Sardines Heinz Tartar Sauce Spaghetti or Macaroni Libby Boons tomato 0 Baxter Beans with Fork SI Brunswick Sardines 3 EACH A PRODUCT Of TIN or no Special I Plain or Salted I Creamy Crackers oz i Louisiana Small Shrimp FROSTED FOODS Birds lye Orange Juice Birds lye Fancy Peas Eye Beans AVAIUSil IN MOST lAtOI FRUITS and VEGETABLES CRUMCHY OF Bunch Carrots 3 California sweet tender Urge solid beads HEAD LETTUCE 24S12E EACH 23c So good In so many ways Serve often Special Ontario grown No grade Cooking Onions Ho GRADE AMD JUICY Grapefruit SWEET CAUFOSNIA 5 Grape or TIN WO SHEET Boots Cat Pood i Shampoo PcpWenl Tooth Paste Deal 2 Si REFUND ON Oh STL I IGf ML Of Mil Mm SHOT Oft Wizard MM 20 Society Dog Food Blue Cheer Draft Princess Flakes pica lot IDE pica id 1 AND HIS ROY CANADIANS I a Toilet Blue bath size De 101 CHOICE LAMB CUTS SPECIAL MBAL VABIETIB8 IN ONE Basket rati cktj fli SPECIAL i Meaty Legs whole or WfsJwrt shank SPECIAL Double Chops SPECIAL Rib Lota Choice LENTON SUGGESTIONS SPECIAL GOLDENRUED Cooked fish Just cod nmmm Sole neb mm