l J the En lid Extras FA- Dr and Allan Noble have returned home having spent a weeks vacation in Florida Congratulations to Miss Donna who took first class hon ors in grade two theory with marks The held a successful pancake supper on Friday night The World Day of Prayer will be held in the United on Friday evening at oclock- The guest speaker will be Mr John India The sponsored a Valentine tea on Monday afternoon in the Sunday school A large crowd attended A dance will be held in the Hall on Friday Feb 25 ANSNORVELDT Rev P conducted the services at the Christian Re form church in Sunday Mr and Mrs spent Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs P Turkstra in Hamilton Mr- and Mrs P VanDykens infant daughter has returned home from Sick Childrens Hos pital in Toronto Miss nurse in training at the Toronto Western hospital spent the weekend I home A THEATRE Ike Newest aid Modem Way in Showing Pktwts M CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEB 24 25 AND 26 i MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Creature from the Blade Lagoon RICHARD CARLSON JULIA ADAMS SECOND FEATURE The Actress SPENCER JEAN SIMMONS Tuesday night is night FIRST OFFER SECOND OFFER THIRD OFFER NEWMARKET Mod to FA CONTINUOUS FROM ONLY CONTINUOUS FROM 6M pm MATINEE SATURDAY AT fflWAY SATURDAY FEB 2526 PLUSi King MONDAY TUESDAY 28 MAR 1 I Ft- -ti- VAN JOHNSON WALTER DONNA REED i ADDED v Classifieds Continued IN EDWARDS In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Lil lian Edwards who departed this life February memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away Always remembered by her husband daughter Ruth and family In loving memory of our son Glenn Kenneth who passed away Feb 28 NOT DIVIDED Even for the dead I will not bind My soul to grief Death cannot long divide It is not as though the rose that Climbed my garden wall Had blossomed on the other side Death doth hide But not divide Thou art but on Christs other side Thou are with Christ Christ with me Him united still are we Ever remembered by mother and father In loving memory of a dear husband and father James A who passed away March His presence once our greatest pleasure His memory now our greatest treasure- Ever remembered by his wife and family In memory of a dear mother and grand mother Harriet who passed away Feb 21 Gone but not forgotten Sadly missed by Bert Enfa and family In loving mem ory of our dear husband and father Charles who passed away Feb Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all In vain To have to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of ones heart The years may wipe out many things Rut this they wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we were all together Sadly missed and ever remem bered by wife and family WALTERS In memory of mother who died March Lovingly remembered by daugh ter Lillian WESLEY In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Wesley who passed away March The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Lovingly remembered by her husband and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Aurora group for their parcel at Christ mas Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Stiles York County hospital friends neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness and floral tributes dur ing the illness and death of my wife Mr A C Adam CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbors friends and relatives for their beautiful flowers cards kindness and sympathy shown us In the loss of our dear sister Miriam Cain Sisters Ma and Edna CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank oil our filends and neighbors for their cards and thought fulness also Dr A Ritchie Newmarket and the staff of hospital and those who so kindly donated blood during my stay In hospi tal David Benton and fam CARD OF THANKS Mere words are Inadequate to express our gratitude To each everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow wilh words of and deeds of infinite kindness we can only say Thank you so much Mr Roy Stewart Marion and family ENGAGEMENTS New Parking Meter Hours Store Hours Law Confusion i Motorists will be required to Mr Davy the parking meters on Main Mount Albert wish to announce Newmarket the engagement of their ten Audrey Lorraine to Mr John Walter Warren son of Mr and Mrs Walter Warren Mount Albert The marriage will take place at the Free Meth odist Parsonage Newmarket on Saturday March SILVER WEDDING Mr and Mrs James will receive friends and relatives upon the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary their home DArcy St Newmarket on Saturday March from to and to pm c2w8 night the shopping night in New on Friday nights but not Saturday nights Wednesday afternoon parking will be free Town council is changing the parking bylaw after considerable delay since evening store hours were changed from Saturday nights to Friday nights a year and a half ago The explanation of changing store hours and delay in chang ing the parking bylaw is a com plicated one A year and a half ago merch ants decided to make Friday Our Readers Write Letters to the editor are always welcome tat the names the writers mast be known to the editor CARD OF THANKS I want to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors for remembering me during my stay In Western Mrs Alfred Park CARD OF THANKS wish to express heartfelt thanks to our friends neighbors and relatives for their sympathy expressed In the many beautiful floral tributes canto letters and numerous acts of kindness which wo received following the of our dear sister Miss Cath erine Ford A thanks to the nursing staff of York County hospital and nurses To Dr to Dr Aurora Tor his Inspir ing words and to and funeral home Mr and Mrs W Boyd and CARD OF THANKS Mrs If Olson ex- to every- one for their kindness flowers received during their bereavement OF We to our kin for of and not anil tributes eyfe at the time of our and Tenknoti far net At and words of The Editor Your column The Town Pulpit is very much appreciated at our place We look forward to it each week for the good spiri tual food it contains and we are never disappointed May it long continue its good work Yours sincerely Mrs A Knight Toronto Feb The Editor This letter is written to bring to the attention of yourself and the reading public of Newmarket the public service given and the contribution made toward civic pride by the local Horticultural Society This Society is supported by the government through a grant from the Department of Agricul ture This grant is based upon the amount of money spent by the society on civic improvement The results of this work of the society can be seen about various public buildings and institutions throughout town in spring sum mer and autumn of each year This year the society is under taking of the south side of the arena after erection of a retaining wall along the bank of the Holland River A further source of revenue is a yearly municipal grant from the Town of Newmarket It might be pointed out that dur ing on civic improvement alone the society spent 50 mor than the amount of the grant from the town This year as in the past the society is sponsoring the annual Trade Fair This has been a de cided success in the past and we will be so again this year Lastly the society has funds from the membership fees of in dividual members For the insig nificant sum of 1 per year you may become a member of the society In return for the dollar you obtain the privilege of pur chasing plants and shrubs from a reputable nursery at substan tial reduction in price also of buying gladioli bulbs and the opportunity of displaying your own personallygrown flowers in friendly competition with your neighbors at the annual spring and summer shows This is your chance at a bar- At Trinity March Miss Jeanne will be on the program at Trinity United church Thursday March with Or Charles organist who is giving a recital oil the new church organ Described as a brilliant Can adian soprano Miss whose annual recital at Eaton Auditorium is eagerly anticipat ed by Toronto music lovers has a reputation throughout Canada the United States for her outstanding performances She recently won acclaim for tier singing of Beethoven Ninth Symphony for the seventh time with Sir Ernest the Toronto Symphony Orchestra SEWING CONTEST CLASSES FILLED Enrolment In the sewing con test for girls seven to which has been organized by the Singer Sewing Machine Co Newmarket has been closed The response was so great to the notice in Inst weeks Era and Express that the course was begun immediately with girls registered It is impossible for us to han dle more at the present time the manager of Singers reported But In September or early we shall have another con test for the girls whom we were unable to Include in this one The girls In groups of eight will receive instruction In using a sewing machine as they moke a doll dress for their own dolls They do the sewing at the Singer shop and at the end of the a party will bo held dur ing the Easter holidays when the winner of the contest will receive a Singer After some years in service the Canadianbuilt steamship Royal William was nrfi sold to Spain became the Mm Class and family I first steam in history gain rate to improve your own grounds and at the same time take a small part in a genuine public service and to materially boost our civic pride Yours truly N Garrett The Editor That page one story announc ing the February meeting of East Federation of Agri culture has tempted this reader to send forward to the spotlight a few lines which should color the theme designated Cooper atives and Cooperation The following seems something of a classic ami reminded mo of the thought of one of Canadas greatest sons W King who just a decade ago looked at the international scene and the policy needed for general wel fare At the moment I cannot put my hand on the text but vividly recall its closing note Its aim is brotherhood its method co operation The quotation below is from John T Hull Winnipeg Cooperation has been and is a great spiritual factor in mans upward march It has meant mutual aid amity peace con cord It has united men not di vided them it has conserved life not destroyed it Its law is the law of love it has been the mainspring of justice and the bond of all soc iety It has promoted peace and goodwill among men It has a place in all religions and in every system of ethics It has been the handmaiden of every human activity which makes for a higher and nobler life It is a thing of which nobody Is asham ed and which everybody honors From the primitive horde through tribe class community nation we can measure hu man progress by the extent to which cooperation has been sub stituted for competition It is the yardstick by which we mea sure civilization History teaches us no surer thing than this that the increasing purpose in human life of which the poet sings finds its expression in human coop eration which having carried the race from savagery to civili zation will carry it on to uni versal A Former HERE AND THERE Continued from Page page of Inst weeks Em and Ex press The lead story read Call for new tenders expected for library Next to it was an article headed Retarded read- in for panel Tuesday it seemed significant to me that those two should have been placed together Mr said With this problem that we have of one In four children In the local public schools being judged as a retarded reader un less a solution Is found there may be no need of any library in town Rut If on the other hand we attack the situation and do something correct It we may find that need an even larger Mr in mentioning that one in four local children suffer ed from reading difficulties to the point that they could be classed as retarded readers was referring to figures which had been presented earlier on Tues day evening by A Jackson supervising principal of the towns public schools As long as children or adults dont read well they wont en joy reading And as long as rending not a pleasant fence for them they will not lie- come active members of a public library Councillor Robert of the special commit- on bylaws said that he was teaming much of the history of hi town as he and his commit tee began their work of check- the existing bylaws of the community J town made money on scales I wonder why rid of them he said In bylaw It states that the town to collect 15 cents for each of hay cents a load of straw and five for not describ ed in the lone cost schedule Of course In those days five cents was worth more in pur- basing power than it Is today Now it buy an Ice cone market and they closed Saturday nights A town bylaw governs the closing hours of certain busi nesses but no one took on the responsibility of petitioning store owners in various special cate gories and the bylaw never was changed In fact many store keepers remain open illegally Friday nights Council has been waiting a year and a half for the merchants to petition themselves so that the bylaw could be changed The merchants were not worried about the bylaw but council was council wanted to change its parking hours in order to collect more revenue from the meters on Friday nights Council didnt want to change its parking law if there were any possibility of merchants going back to Satur days Now council has given up wait ing and is passing the parking law begone with the store hours bylaw Reeve Dales says that council could go ahead and pass a store closing hours amendment without petitions from the merchants but others are not inclined to take the step Councillor McGuire further confused the whole issue Monday night In special committee work he has been going over old by laws so that council may throw out the ineffective ones He says that according to local law jew elry stores furniture stores and a number of others may stay open any time they please That should confound the local merchants EUCHRE AT SHARON Friends of Union Street from to below New market made up the crowd of more than 25 tables of euchre- players filling Sharon Hall Tues day last for an enjoyable night Prizewinners were ladies Mrs Hazel Mrs Frank Ram say and Mrs Norma Mitchell men O Smith Belhavcn Frank Ramsay and Bill Sweezie The lucky prize of a blanket went to Leslie Wright The crowd enjoyed the fun as a second and third draw was needed to determine the second prizewinner for men QUEENS SCOUTS Three boys received their bad ges at Queens Scouts at the an nual father and son banquet for cubs and scouts in Newmarket last night District Cubmaster Art Towns- ley Sutton presented the badges to Paul Blair Brian Allan and Murray Five days out of seven this is the dress youll reach for Its easy to sew jiffy to iron al ways looks crisp and fresh even when the temperature soars way up In summer Make it all one color or have top and skirt con trast for a smart new separates effect Pattern Misses Sizes 30 Size takes yards Inch This easytouse pattern gives fit Complete illustrated ew Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Era and Express Pattern Newmar ket Ont Jiffy Pinafore Sundressl Per fect for the sandbox set Buttons down the back opens flat for easy ironing That cute duck embroidery makes it partypretty Pattern Childs Sizes Tissue pattern em broidery transfer State size Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamp cannot be accepted to The New market Era and Express House hold Arts Newmarket Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Wonderful is the word for our New Alice Brcoks Needle- craft Catalog for 1955 Exciting enchanting irresistible our new designs are all that and more Send cent3 for your copy of this terrific catalog- right now Youll want to order every wonderful design in THERES MONEY GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs cele brated their wedding anni versary at the home of their daughter Mrs Lloyd Profit Ze phyr recently About 150 friends and neigh bors called to offer congratula tions best wishes They re ceived a number of lovely gifts telegrams and telephone calls also a basket of yellow mums from their sisterinlaw and families of Moose Jaw Snsk The following ladies poured tea Mrs Margaret Mrs Pearl Pickering Mrs Emma Ma- Ethel Harmon at the MY BANK Running short of feed Dont let stocks fall too low because you havent die ready cash Talk dungs over with your manager when you ask for a loan at the you do not ask a favour If you can plan repayment from your farm income theres money for you at My Bank And that goes for seed and fertilizer too Bank of Montreal Newmarket Branch CAMERON Manager KENNETH Manager WITH CANADIANS IN OF tiff SINCE x 1 A Heres the Proof I I J I Your Classified readers as far Math as KING CITY west as SCBOMBEBG I east as north SUTTON A II m OUR READERSHIP over explain why so many use WIDE AREA he i i fcV lv i it r r A s is L v a- j ltfitfeifil ri v