Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Mar 1955, p. 6

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a i- vir fc ivi Holland Land ing it house adjoining on large lot suitable for more houses hydro in centre of village Phone Newmarket in Sharon village good well and down payment Apply Bell Sharon rlwll f i A stucco house at St newly decorated new oil burners hardwood floors In living room Immediate pos session Apply Stan Stephens Andrew St phone New market DOWN New bungalow inside conveniences South of Keswick Write Era and Express box frame bungalow on lovely landscaped Jot West Eagle St Oil heated floors garages 1 heated Im- mediate possession A down frame bungalow new on choice corner lot end Oil heated hardwood through out modem kitchen Possession April down Call Murray Baker Eagle St Newmarket phone NEW bungalow bath modern kitchen oil heat ing Phone Newmarket V 5ROOM cottage with bath on highway between Davis Dr and Holland Landing No highway Phone 51 Newmar after M fourroom frame home 5 miles from Newmarket miles from Bradford most beautiful view on 5 acres of good garden land for the low price of Mortgage of is available Live out In the country and make the land pay for the cost of living Many extras Included real estate broker market phone Bradford HOUSE RENT L- mile south of on highway Immediate possession Apply Dave phone 37 FARMS WANTED WANTED CALL da JOSEPH REALTOR Main St Newmarket Telephone Days Nights 211w4 LOT bury 100 acres good pasture land acres fall wheat to ac res w r k a b 1 e acres bush abundance of water Good easy terms 100 acres on highway Will sell acres or more to suit purch aser Good brick house city conveniences good barn Implement shed Early posses sion Easy terms OLIVER PHONE QUEENSVILLE Representing J Ave East Toronto 1141 ALEX DOAK REALTOR m Main and Davis Drive NEWMARKET HOMES on easy terms the maxi mum in appearance Quality and modern convenience Let us pre sent this lovely bungalow for your consideration oil heated split level high dry basement with laundry tubs Two bright tastefully decorated bedrooms with additional room upstairs if required Attractive landscap ing cement walks side drive and garage terms arranged two bedroom bungalow one year in select locality of all new homes Large living room two bedrooms with closets very mo dern kitchen and bathroom nice seeded lawn and completed drive way in stablished residential area close to stores churches factories very central Seven rooms with sunporch siJe drive deep lot and garage Older type bath and kitchen new coal furnace All very clean and in excellent repair 3room upper apartment now fetching 500 yearly revenue Terms arranged Seven rooms and bath location without equal As an investment proposition this one has many attractive possibilities and will earn 15 percent Talk it over with us Terms arranged Working mans home very central A small comfort able home With 3piece bath hot water tank coal furnace and at tractive kitchen Can arrange terms Large square older type home In select residential loca tion Frame construction con sists of seven familysized rooms upper and lower hall and bathroom large bright base ment with hot air heating Half cash required Homes Lots Farms Acreages or Cottages Buying or selling whatever your real estate prob lem let us assist you t FURNISHED Room for one or two friends Board if desired Phone Newmarket 1977w OR ROOMS bathroom cup boards sink in kitchen hot wa ter oil heat Apply 37 Gorham St Newmarket UNFURNISHED rooms just south of Newmarket on the Phone 174w3 New market ROOMS and outside balcony suitable for middleaged or busi ness couple Phone New market clwll equipment Phone Mr John ston Newmarket after phone SERVICE AVAILABLE BOARDERS WANTED TWO boarders to share large bedroom Separate beds gentle men preferred Apply 83 St N Aurora lwll ROOM AND BOARD FURNISHED room board op tional Phone 17E6j Newmar ket WILL give day care to en be tween 2 and 5 years Write P O box Newmarket ROOM and board excellent meals Phone Newmar ket TO RBIT GIRLS bicycle in good condi tion Phone 205 Newmarket AUTOMATIC sump pump new has not been used capacity 300 gallons per hour Phone New market DUTCH couple with one child re quire small house or apartment on ground floor in Newmarket or vicinity Apply de Jong Niagara Street or phone Newmarket ANTENNAE Toronto and Buffalo 15 Also childs kiddie car freshly painted Apply Lowell Ave Newmarket LARGE size space heater in good condition Reasonable Ap ply 29 Niagara St or phone Newmarket ICE cream freezer holes J Keswick phone Point CHINA cabinet Apply Tim othy St Newmarket GIRLS spring coat and hat navy blue in good con dition Mans singlebreasted blue stripe suit size Phone Newmarket KITCHEN small size in good condition- Kitchen cab inet Reasonably priced for quick sale Phone PA or apply Aurora KITCHEN table 2 chairs and cabinet Will sell separately or as a suite grey Broom closet and two Phone Newmarket CEDAR STREET Phone Res PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds ACTUAL Jobs in Canada So Am- Europe To 15000 Tra vel paid Write Employment Info Center Room C210 Green St Boston 14 COOK for small rest home live in must speak English Phone Aurora PA 74091 QUANTITY of Alfalfa hay baled Apply Percy Walker Mount Albert phone SlrS s- ffis V USED CARS APARTMENT FOR RBIT SMALL selfcontained furnished heated apartment 1 or adults Possession Phone ket clwll 3 LARGE rooms and kitchenette Apply Anion Ave Newmarket lwll 2 ROOMS all conveniences Pro pane gas stove and heater sep arate entrance available April Phone Newmarket clwll WALNUT bedroom suite as new complete with springs and mat tress Phone Newmarket or apply Gibbons Moving and Storage c3wll BABYS stroller and large si2e crib like oak mattress and springs Phone 785 Newmarket I WE have definite buyers for farms in this area Contact our farm representative ME HOPKINS Mount Albert 3014 DOAK REALTOR Phone Newmarket Office Newmarket 189 or Residence REAL ESTATE WANTED HOMES and farms Your list- are invited Our Aurora office sold a large percentage of the properties listed In If you want prompt service please call Aurora GORDON STOUTT LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS St Aurora FARM FOR IT LOTS FOR SALE ACRES farm all workable miles north of Newmarket Howard phone Newmarket 100 ACRES of clay loam good buildings lots of water high school bus goes by the gate or would sell 50 acres to build on Lot Con East James J Milton Ont m TATE FOR SALE A FOR SALE DISTRICT PRICES FROM to PO Phone Everett Kelly fate Long Branch Real CHOICE lots in nice new sub division reasonable Phone Newmarket BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOULD you like to supplement your present income by weekly Must be willing to de vote or 4 evenings a week Write box Newmarket Era and Express c2wl0 MORTGAGES FOR SALE IF you have a wellkept home in town and want mortgage mo ney confidential write Box Era and Express clwll ROOMS FOR RENT Converted to two selfcontained apartments handy to everything Good in come proposition Cash room furnish ed or Apply Timothy St W Newmarket FRONT furnished con- with or with out grill privileges Phone mi land fronting two roads one of which is subdivision possibilities attractively exclusive resi- area overlooking miles country In- and roads In and Priced from and OUTTU BROKERS FURNISHED lady pre- hot water use of kitchen Mrs Morrison phono Newmarket Main St side door entrance LARGE room central comfort ably furnished oilheated homo Phone evenings or apply 200 Main Street Nmar- ARTICLES FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or apply Harold Craddock Ont ario St Newmarket KITCHEN units also custom built In furniture Estimates free Phone or write Geo Lamont Jacksons Point tf6 DOUBLE bed with springs Walnut finish In good con- Very reasonable for quick sale Phone or apply 5 Grace St Newmarket sttfO AT Mens all wool army work socks Reg price or pairs Special value for regular custom ers only Dont rush dont push tfO AT Boys black rub- raincoats sizes 28 Regular Sale once No refunds No exchanges PIANO in good condition Phone Newmarket after pm PIANO In good con dition Apply Ontario St Newmarket all metal bed walnut finish springs and springfilled mattress fibre hoard wardrobe pair of portieres heavy velotir brown and blue telephone set table and chair one storm and one screen door Phone New market SINGER Portable sewing ma chine sewing pine chest of drawers walnut chest of drawers maple hook shelves walnut shadow box mo ther of pearl settee Chinese fig ured armchair feathered maho gany shaped table hand carved oak board room table grand fathers clock burl walnut oval top table maple table propane gas range washing ma chine chrome bar stools pair chairs pair Icecream parlor chairs double office desk typist desk swivel chairs office chairs Several other articles Fred Hirst RED chesterfield and chair good condition cheap walnut bed room suite complete with springs and new inner spring mattress combination wardrobe dresser babys bath tub small Quebec heater washing machine Phono i WORK WANTED MAN desires work anywhere in general contracting blocklaying masonry Estimates John Nielsen Roches Point phono sitting day or evening Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday Ironing any day Phone Newmarket YOUNG girl desires steady em ployment office and sales ex perience White PO box Aurora YOUNG lady requires position j in office typing and general of fice work experience Write Era and Express box EXPERIENCED truck driver with best of reference accident free Phone Aurora PA 74021 2wl0 MALE cook Experienced in cooking and baking Can start at once Write Post Of fice box 111 Aurora Ontario General housework by the day young lady Apply Queen St Newmarket 2wl0 WASHING MACHINE All makes by qualified factory trained servic man STEWART BEAMS DEADSTOCK your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket or Toronto 1037 DODGE Tudor sedan in good condition Phone New market SLASH GO OUR PRICES ON GOOD USED CARS Ford Coach special Ford Coach special 1017 Pontiac Coach special Coupe special 425 1048 Sedan special Sedan special Sedan special Chev Sedan special Ford Sedan special 1950 Sedan special Pontiac Coach special 1950 Monarch Sedan spcial 995 Coach special Sedan special Pontiac Coach special 1200 Three ways to buy GMAC No trade discount Layaway Plan Open every evening until nine oclock except Saturday Look over the cars above for good transportation we can give low monthly payments to suit every pocket hook MORTON BROS LTD Eagle St- Main St INTERNATIONAL Harvester cultivator practically new Set of drag harrows two electric Gas tank about 250 gallons Phone Mount Albert T TON mixed grain Phone Aurora MIKED hay per ton Farm phone 202J1 New market International tractor plow skimmers trailer with stock rack cedar fence posts dry soft wood in in lengths Apply William Queensville PAIR Of market Phono mi fe Jos Cedar fit FARM ITEMS WANTED Posf alterations market FERTILIZER attachment A No drill Harry Phone Mount Albert P phone 2 New market FURNACE in first class condition Phone Newmar ket clwll PRODUCE RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket NEWMARKET Phone ALBERT Phone ABOUT fifty bags of medium- sized potatoes all freshly graded good for eating or planting Phone Mount Albert 409 WANTED TO BUY MOTOR attachment for No Harris cream separator Phone 2300 Mount Albert clwll WOODEN butter bowl single spool bed corner cuplxjard or detached kitchen cupboard Phone Newmarket clwll CAR radio for Meteor York phone New market MERCHANDISE SALE at MAGNA HARDWARE Phone Wc Deliver See our ad page AT Young mens pants clearing Regular value tip to Sale price Waist and only NO MORE THAN ONE PAIR per customer AT Boys plain shade broadcloth sport shirts long sleeve blues grey sand ami green Ages 0 to years Reg Sale price Only one shirt per customer tfll AT Mens blue drill work pants with pencil stripe Size to only Regular Sale Price or two pairs 500 For regular customers only Tills is not clerical error Guaran teed not to wear out tor We deliver Phone wywFi room house Phone business girt mm 2 hydro heat private entrance Business couple preferred No Abttafner Phone ROOMS furnished and bedsitting room Apply St Newmarket SMALL with oil bur ncrs TYPEWRITER Underwood This has had many years isapc and yet Is In good ELECTRIC washing nressure cooker and other house hold utensils Phone ma SPRING showing of boats and Pace- ships See our motors now on display Morrisons Snorting Goods ft St phone c3w0 AT Half price Childrens ami navy blue nylon and wool raincoats Ages two and three years Sale price AT Mpis doeskin shirts Regular and clearing each Only size left MACNAn HARDWARE our PRACTICAL nurse will do house calls or part time nursing Phone Newmarket ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make dally visits Excellent ref erences Phone WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket U CHESTERFIELD suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING and repairing Apply P Graham Lake Avenue Oak Ridges or phone Turner tf2 WE are prepared to do complete septic tank jobs and custom drain at lowest poss ible prices Murray Baker Eagle St Newmarket phone 651 ROTOVATING your garden makes perfect seed bed for grass seed or vegetable sod Apply John Maple St Aur ora phone PA HELP WANTED CHEVROLET Phone Newmarket PONTIAC deluxe In good condition Reasonable Phone Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED red shorthorn bull months old Tamworth hog Walter Warren Mount Al bert WEANED pigs Phone 211 Newmarket MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE NORTON 500 single mot orcycle In Al condition Phone Newmarket ROAT AND MOTOR OWNERS We rage or painter KISWICK Well J Queensville Phone COMPANY has opening for saleslady selling stainless stool kitchen equipment Car requir ed has holidays with pay plan Write Box Newmarket Era and Express YOUNG woman as mothers helper for general duties Must be fond of children All mod ern appliances Private room Live In Write Era and Express box CASH crop growers for oats and barley contract growing with Toronto Elevators Ltd Supply through Smiths Feed and Seed Ltd phone TEACHER WANTED teacher for East Gwllllmbury Modern conveniences duties to com mence September Apply stating age experience sal ary to Garfield Wright It Newmarket lQOwl2 MAN or woman to service cust omers on established Wntklns In Novvmarkot No soil ing experience necessary Noth ing to Invent Steady Income Apply In writing to P Granger S Mont FREE Information about Canadian USA and Foreign Job opportunities paying highest salaries Write Immediately National Info Newark HOUSEKEEPER full time Good home residential district Business man Write Era and Express box 111 New- TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO Toronto Arriving am Queen Bay vicinity leaving pm Phone Newmar ket TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket am Aurora to downtown Toron to Hours to 445 pm days Phone Newmarket PASSENGERS to and from Tor onto dally Leaving Newmarket am returning from North Toronto pm Phone 18tHv TO Leasidc via St leav ing Newmarket return ing at 445 pm Phone Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket am Returning from Toronto pm Phone Newmarket TO Toronto 5 days weekly Lea ving 030 am returning pm Phone Newmarket 21 PIGS weeks old Apply Allan Sutton West REGISTERED Yorkshire boar months old Apply J A Campbell RR Newmarket phone PA 74384 Aurora Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch support Lumbago belts Best Drug Newmarket COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and A prompt mid effective Newmarket Drug Store i -V- AllHarbal muscular pains Store phone GOOD work horse about or years old Phone 310 New market CALVES for vealing J Den phonc Newmar ket or apply RR Newmarket MUCOUS THROAT TRAVfL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines C etc Our Information reliable Come and talk over your proposed trip with Chester The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Phone PERSONAL 1 MATURE general housework in nurses residence York County Hospital Phone the of Hospital MEN WOMEN OLD AT CO Want to feel peppy years younger Tonic Tablets pep up bodies weak old because lacking Iron Introductory getncquniuteil size only wc All druggists MACHINERY FOR SALE ulredr WE NEED ambitious dealers food vacant territories Dealers Interested communicate with us ripht now to Good products Guaranteed Details St Hubert NEW and milking machines pumps Also used lube units at to W Woolley Surge Service Oak or phono Tumor Richmond Hilt ATTENTION FARMERS This Is your Inst chance to buy New Holland at win ter prices See the new Super 77 PTA Hie economical WJ New RunkFceder on the Spreader Also a of Rood lined P MWUIC and New Holland Corner and Don Mills WANTED ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket tfl LIVE poultry Any Quantity Bring them In or wilt call on re quest Highest prices paid W- Applet on Oak Ridges or phone Turner HIGHEST prices paid for good quality live or dressed poultry phone 40J1 CHICKS FOR SALE ORDER your chicks now Bray has wide choice of breeds and crosses Ask us for complete list Including Ames InCross Canadian Approved Chicks to produce on nil markets Some started pullets Agent Ed Whu field phone COOP CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Columbia Rock Barred Rock White Leghorn Sussex Rock and Red Rock Hatching weekly Phone orders now for delivery Newmarket Coop Hatchery New market Phone Tw Pink Tablets for nose and throat for the A Itir of on of the lump Smmt xijii CEDAR posts to 40c each in truck load lots Ap ply J Carl Glover Sutton phone Mou Albert IN THE ESTATE OF GERTRUDE JOHNSON DECEASED ALL persons having claim against the Estate of Gertrude Johnson late of the Township of East in the County of York widow who died on or about the day of August ore hereby fled to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the day of April which date the estate will distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of March Alfred Robert Johnson Sole Executor Ontario TOWNSHIP OF i BREEDER HATCHERY ALL selected breeders on our own farms Barred Racks Col White Leg horn Rock Columbian New Poultry Farms Ont phono WOOD FOR VI REPLACE logs hardwood limbs body hnnlwool soft and hardwood slabs All wood clean and dry cut to desired length Free delivery Taylors Sawmill phone TENDERS FOR TON TRUCK SEALED tenders clearly to contents will be by the up until noon Friday April 1st ALL tenders MUST use ship tender forms forms must be secured from undersigned- LOWEST or any tender will necessarily be Wfe Winch ClcrkTncasurer A Rye Road Superintendent Ontario HARDWOOD for sale Phone Mount Albert J A bulbs choice mix- a wide color range Large per cow GOOD selection of African Vio lets available Green house Holland Landing Phone Newmarket 51 w4 We deliver ply Everett M wit I phone Bradford PEKINESE puppy A Alio beautiful old pedigreed TOWNSHIP OF NORTH NOTICE Is hereby given that regular monthly council meetings will be held on first Monday in the stead of the formerly Next held on Monday Apri clerk TENDERS TENDERS Sealed tenders clearly marked will be received by the undersigned Up noon APRIL lit All tenders must use Township tender Specifications must Low Clerk t- Q

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