Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Mar 1955, p. 8

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a rite Star IMS Fourth Annual Fashion Show Presented By B And P Club The fourth annual spring fa- show was presented in the town hall on March under the auspices of the Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket It featured merch andise from local stores with an interesting glimpse of fashions of yesterday Mrs C E Vander- Voort was the general convener The commentator was Miss Helen fashion for Daws Leather Co Mrs Mews Replacing a planned program for a St Patricks party and var iety night on March branch held a small euchre in the WX hall By some miscal culation the gentlemen who were in charge of the planned evening did not carry through prescribed program The services of York County Health Unit costs each person in the county cents which is de rived after grants are given on per capita basis Miss Dor othy public health nurse in the unit explained to King City WI She spoke at the home of Mrs Gordon Home visiting schools arid clinics are in the program Upon request one of the nurses in the unit will visit and advise the prenatal mother and advise in the care of the baby after it arrives clinics start ed by the or organized groups are doing good work Miss covers the lower part of King township and ex pects a clinic will be set up at One at Oak Ridges had children last week The school health service is important we feel said Miss Any time spent in the school promotes proper habits for both home and school result ing in happier lives for children The department stresses per cent time given to schools but actually percent is given She advised parents to seek ad vice from the nurse in problems in communicable disease Im munization has been completed in King township The unit expects to immunize the whole county against polio in children of grades one and two in one week There are in King township to be done Centres will be set up at Oak Ridges and At the business session Miss Mrs Verdun Gordon and Mrs Berry were named Page Cot 2 John Chappel and Miss Florence Goldsmith provided the piano accompaniment for the model ling The program opened with a dance routine by Janet and Simmons Miss Peg gy did a solo tap dance These girls are members of the Betty Gordon Dancing school Two duets were sung by Dale and Peter Georgas Each person attending receiv ed a favor through the courtesy of of London Harvey A- There were a series of draws at both the afternoon and evening performances with the prizes having been donated by Best Drugs Atkinsons Drugs Newmarket Cleaners Doris La dies Wear Robert Yates Sene- Marianne Frocks Bert Morrison Campbell Har rys Dry Goods Budd Studios Ada Rose Charles Boyd and VanZant The stores taking part in the fashion show and their models included Jack and Jilt shoppe Karen Beare Cooper Au drey Jay Dale and Peters Kiddies Catherine Davis Brian Roger Debbie Gunn and Revill Eves Ladies Wear Faye Pearl White and Elsie Hockley Doris Ladies Wear Marjorie Harmon Mary and Margaret Ward Marianne Frocks Norma Mitchell and Mary Sanders Ladies Wear Eileen Watts and Alva Williams My Shop CarolAnn Brown and Harrys Dry Goods Marian Ruthven Eliza beth and Bernie Jack Fraser stores Jack Acke- and Peter Georgas and Bert Morrison Victor The club extended its appreci ation to all these people for their assistance in the show as well as to and Rose and Eves and Co JR LADIES AID HEARS TALK BY MRS R ARMITAGE The importance of friends was the theme of a talk given by Mrs Ross to the members the Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket when the group met in the Sun day school room on Tuesday March Mrs William Robin son and Mrs Smart pre sided The devotional period was ta ken by Mrs Ivo Music- was provided by three pupils of Mrs Wood Misses Margaret and Elaine Rose and Preston girl played a solo and they presented a piano trio At the close of the meeting re freshments were served and a social halfhour spent Hostesses were Mrs William Andrews Mrs Frank Hopper and Mrs Charles The York County Club held its Achievement Day at the Newmarket town hall last Saturday There were ex hibitions by clubs from the districts demonstrations and skits One of the demonstrations was called Lets Make Tea Biscuits presented by members of the Club above with Miss Cora left and Miss Jean Brumwell Photo by Stefaxiuk ITS A World By Caroline Ion FUN WITH MUSIC David will pre sent his special prvgram for school children on Saturday March at the Newmarket high school auditorium Spon sored by the Newmarket Home and School association the pro gram Tun With Music will begin at It was postponed from and is open to all school child ren of town Admission is by ticket or JO cents at the door CHOOSE NOW Penal reform for women has been a field of interest for many womens organizations in the past few years But it wasnt until the spring of when the Department of Reform Insti tutions of the Ontario govern ment requested recommenda tions on the care of female of fenders that a Penal Reform for Women Joint committee was es tablished This committee rep resenting nine womens associa tions met in Toronto They drew up a list of recom mendations for the improvement of services and institutions for women offenders in the prov ince Since then their recom mendationshave been ratified by many womens clubs but to pro mote this important work more organizations must be made aware of it To this purpose the local Busi ness and Professional Womens club is sponsoring a public meet ing when the aims of the Penal Reform for Women committee will he discussed and the need for in the care of fe male offenders outlined Women an assist in the work by re questing mermVr of the Ontario legislature to implement the recommendations and by having their organizations ratify them In their study this special committee chaired by Elsie i 1 GIRLS m NYLON CARDIGANS sixes to JEWEL NECKLINE fixes to 11 348 and NYLON SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS sixes to and L9S NECKLINE NYLON SWEATERS sixes to i I BOYS NYLON V NECK sixt to NYLON SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS to Jill Shoppe Of Port Office From High Chair to High School Newmarket Phone Editor of Guest Speaker For Hone and School Rev A Forest who has been appointed recently as the editor of the United Church periodical Observer will ad dress the Religious Education meeting of the Newmarket Home and School association on Tues day March The meeting wilt be held at the Prince Charles school beginning at pm Mr Forest has had many ar ticles published in leading Can adian magazines He is well- know for his radio talks Music for the evening will be provided by a chorus of school children under the direction of Bernard music supervi sor for the local schools There will be unison two three and four part singing of folk songs Refreshments will be served The public Is invited to attend with a special invitation being extended to parents and teachers of public school children BAKE SALE A sale of home baking and candy will held on Friday March pm under the aus pices of the Newmarket club The sale will he held at the Newmarket Sports and Cycle shop Main St Mrs Nel son Garrett is general convener MRS J HAMILTON HEADS OPTIMRS Mrs J Hamilton was acclaim ed president of the OptiMrs club when the group held its din ner meeting on Monday March at Country Acres Mrs Robt Birr ell presided A draw on a house plant was won by Mrs Arthur More Mrs Nick was in charge of the program Mrs Nelson Ion was the clubs guest and conducted the elec tions Those elected for the com ing year include past pres Mrs Mra Hamilton viccpres Mrs More see Mrs Donald Menard trees Mrs Nel son Garrett if- A V TEA The annual spring tea of the York County Hospital auxiliary will be held in the fireball audi torium Newmarket on Friday April 1 Tea will be served from to There will be a sale of home baking and a delicatessen table A draw on a bond will be Gregory Toronto dis covered that some women and girls years of age and over pass through the city county and district jails of On tario every year Of these ap proximately 1500 are first of fenders The remainder of them are repeaters A repeater may be an alco holic who drifts in and out of jail on charges of drunkenness She may be a bootlegger thief vagrant forger dope peddler but there was a time when she was a first offender and that was the time when she needed assistance and guidance It may be difficult to change her attitude and way of life af ter she has becomes a repeat er But the first time might have been the last time if she had been released on probation under the supervision of a well- trained woman probation officer if she had been studied as an in dividual and given treatment training and discipline geared to her needs at the reformatory if she had been helped on dis charge to reestablish herself in society She might have been released with the potentials of a good citizen to be happy useful and lawabiding The recommendations made by the Penal Reform for Women Joint Committee deal with phases of probation detention and rehabilitation The commit tee recommend that the number of female probation officers be increased from four to Since the first meeting of the commit tee an additional officer has been appointed for the adult courts in Ottawa and county There Is one female pro bation officer In Hamilton end three in Toronto The remain der of the province Is without such service The committee felt that if fe male probation officers trained for the work could be provided it would permit the courts to release women to them It woutd promote earlier rehabili tation of offenders and reduce institutional needs The largest reformatory for women in Ontario is the Andrew Mercer reformatory Toronto Women years of age and over are sent there to serve terms ranging from 30 days to under two years The committee found that the old Mercer reformatory with its cage doors barred windows and communal dining room and workshops was unsuitable for housing and treat of offenders who were considered capable of early re form The establishment of new institution planned on the cottage system was recommend ed It would include facilities for an enriched program along academic vocational and recre ational lines The committee suggested that a reception wing be established at the Mercer At this center newcomers would be studied and classified by an expert clinical team to determine treatment and training The classification would bo followed by segregation in groups to promote effective and efficient methods of rehabilita tion Alcoholics and drug ad dicts would be housed in a sep arate section equipped with treatment facilities similar to those existing at clinic Toronto Mentally defici ent and mentally retarded of fenders would he segregated They would receive vocational and other training geared to their capabilities Another recommendation by the committee was that a full- time trained female rehabilita tion officer he appointed for Mercer She would help inmates prepare and plan their future In addition they recommended that parolees be placed under the personal supervision of a trained female parole and re habilitation officer officer would undertake groundwork to promote the reception and ac ceptance of the paroles by her family employer and Miss Thomas Reports On Years Activities To Hospital Auxiliary The regular quarterly meeting of the York County Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary was addressed by Miss Lillian Thomas super intendent of nurses for the hos pital Mrs J C Edwards presided Miss Thomas reported on the activities of the hospital during She quoted the annual statistics which showed an in crease in all departments over previous years Miss Thomas thanked the aux iliary for its During the Hospital auxiliary had concentrated its efforts in re placing furnishings Chairs reupholstered and new drap eries were provided for many of the rooms She expressed her gratitude to the Womens Institutes in the county and the other organiza tions during the year It was decided that the general meeting will take the form of a luncheon It will be held at the Briars Jacksons on June j Social Mews Items for the Social and Personal column should reach the Era and Express office not later than am each Wednes day Send them by mail or telephone or Mr Bruce was a patient at York County hospital where he underwent an opera tion Mr and Mrs will sail from New York on Friday March for England where they will visit Mr mo ther Mr and Mrs Robert spent the weekend in Toronto the guests of Mrs sis ter and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs W White Constable and Mrs Robert Rose and son Rodney Beach spent last Thursday with their parents Mr and Mrs Robert Rose Sr Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs John Shier in cluded Mr and Mrs Leonard Fish Weston Mr and Mrs Lome Fletcher and Miss Yvonne Stone Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Clayton Cry- attended a shower in Mt Albert on Friday evening in honor of Miss Audrey Davey and Warren A reception was held for the members of the Canadian School of llaltet following their appear ance at the final concert of the Canadian Concert association on Tuesday night Mrs Jean Jny opened her home to the ballet corps and the executive members of the association Mr and Mrs Morley Hunter and John Lome Park Visited friends in town on Sunday Mr and Mis Stephen son moved to Richmond Hill on Monday where they will make their home Mr and Mrs Thomas Hill Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jos Gibson were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Roy Gib son The Newmarket Home and School association was repre sented at the organization meet ing of a Home and School asso ciation at Willow Bench school Mr and John Shier and Mr John Fletcher accom panied by their outoftown guests visited Mr and Mrs Ar thur Worvllle Mount Albert on Sunday Mrs Jack Kitchlng and children Holland Landing and Mrs Donald Meyers Toronto visited mother Mrs James on Sunday Mrs Anson Comer accomp anied by her daughter Miss Al ma Comer visited at home of her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Ross Comer and family Mr and Mrs Ernest Dews- bury and Wayno spent the week end in St Catharines the guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Fulton SUFFER A parish supper will be held at St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket on Monday March It will mark the official opening of the Memorial Room a recent addition to the pariah hall built in memory of the boys mho wire y K if it I SPC1AI J CLARKS WHOLE ROSE Mil i TT I J Oxo Fluid CUBE WG STL EACH FROSTED FOODS I Fancy J Green PUNCH CUT IN MOST I I IOA SSc Gordon Blea Heat Spreads EXCEPT 2 TINS jeui 2L Softs Stnmbtny Jain HUH mm I t MR MR irr 4rU Me FRUITS HI WNCHM Cross CtlSP MO I Ih FRESH FIRM RED RIPE Tomatoes ONTARIO GROWN No I GRAM Cooking Onions 3 JUICY t t- v sat a rot Dr Ballard HrJV ffcafMitnVaY til Ok Dr Ballard Dr Tins fc Ouix Stay 2 TINS IS 101 a- aa-i- w J I lV It in SO ma Hinds Lotion i fcvj I A ii tt Choc i Hind A- fl ON CHOICE VAIKTY CUTS I LAMBi SKCIAL -rf- SHANK tfk SPECIAL I LEAN AMIAUD COTT UNI J1- if SPECIAL I ARROW CodFIIUtm FROSTED SEA FOODS

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