Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Sep 1955, p. 2

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IB IMS ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger f of North York NEWSPAPERS Over the past several years Don Mills Road has been ex tending farther and farther north from the city of Toronto We do not refer to the road it self but rather to the name that is being given the county high way which comes up from Tor onto through Victoria Square Buttonville Vandorf Bogart- town and continues on through Sharon and to Lake Some Newmarket people call it the back road to Toronto Some call it The Third north of because it is on the third concession of Whit church and TheFourth below because it curves over to the fourth concession Toronto newspapers have found it convenient to call the highway the Don Mills Road because it extends northward from a street by that name in the city The name is familiar as far north as Vandorf and Wesley Corners where the Au rora crosses the high way Now and again we have heard the same highway as far north as Newmarket and Shar on referred to as the Don Mills Road Not having been reared in this district we were not aware until recently that the highway really has two names where it follows the third concession north of its name is Queen Street and below Bogarttown on the fourth con cession it is Union Street Old er residentsin the district know this Some are not happy about references to the Don Mills Road and add that we already have enough of the citys en croachments The road through Sharon and was called Queen Street in In the Society of Friends started a meeting in the district and called it the East Meeting In the name was changed to Queen Street Meet ing Since that the road was called Queen Street It is believed that the name was given by the S b family which came from Queens Coun ty Northern Ireland and took up crown land at Sharon about that time Squire Selby took an active part in the War of and his brother Robert Selby was the victim in Newmarkets first murder On horseback he happened to be passing a hotel on Eagle Street Newmarket which stood on the corner where the Chopin residence is now He was shot and another man was wounded by the hotel proprietor a Mr Cummings during a wild charivari at the hotel But to get back to the naming of that road it was and should be called Queen Street It was named before David formed a separate religious group among the Quakers call ed the Children of Peace and built the Sharon Temple Below the road on the fourth concession was called Union Street because of another Quaker meeting The Union Street Meeting was form ed in and probably was named for the Act of Union passed after the Rebellion of That Act united Upper Canada and Lower Canada Reporters and editors have been calling the highway the Don Mills Road for the sake of convenience and possibly be cause they have not heard any other names Most of the older residents in the district would like to see the old names stay From the Files of and 50 Years Ago September Homecoming of Friends It will be a long time before the Meetings held at the Friends church last Sunday will be for gotten It was a splendid day for the homecoming and the spirit of the occasion was deep ly manifested by the large at tendance of young and old Over sat down to dinner It was a joy to meet so many of the old Quakers and to lis ten to their experiences and work of the past Surely such a day cannot but help stimulate the work of the present The Meeting House was beautifully decorated with flowers Niagara Foils Sixteen cows owned by Harry Brown Mont rose swam down the Hydro canal Saturday afternoon and were rescued with none injur ed from the at the Queenslon powerhouse The cattle were peacefully browsing at the side of the Creek when a swarm of hoes appeared and becoming dis- chased the cows The herd one by one fled into the water and soon got into the current at the Hydro intake and were carried for miles down the canal Their plight was noted but nothing could be done until the big forebay was reached where Hydro derricks were swung over and the cows lifted to dry land on scoops af ter men on rafts and boats had fastened them there AH the cattle soon were back on their pasture field apparently un mindfully of their escape from watery grave Mr Hinds daughter and brother of Barrio motored to town on Monday afternoon calling on Mr Clark and September 1905 New Vehicle North York in ventive genius is always in the foreground Mr Henry of Pine Orchard has for the past few years been experi menting with a vehicle built on the style of a bicycle with runners in place of wheels for transportation over snow Last year machine attained such perfection that he used it con tinually to convey himself from place to place at a speed of to miles per hour The Canadian Government has of fered 40000 for a practical in vention of such a character Mr Major of Mr and Mrs Moore and daughter of Pickering Mr and Mrs John Burke and daughter and Miss of ancevilje attended the CroncBurkc wedding Miss and Miss I Riddle of spent a few days with their aunt Mrs M Homer Whitchurch Mrs Edward Caldwell and son Edward of York New York were visiting at during the past week Miss who has been spending the past month In vicinity returned to the city last Friday has returned af ter a couple of months holidays at Orillia and other places Miss Mary McCaffrey return ed to Ottawa yesterday after a two weeks holiday Miss Stella Taylor and Mrs Collins and son of Winnipeg ore visiting with Mrs Hunter Mr and Mrs Briar of Sault Marie who are on their honeymoon were visiting friends in Aurora and Newmar ket this week JUST AS IT HAPPENED IN 1927 1 Kv of St Newfoundland are having a of year famous Spirit of St in re- pile over The Spirit in which fall first transatlantic flight In flying again for a motion on tht life of Lindbergh the Newmarket Era Herald Published every Thursday of Main St by Newmarket Era and Subscription for years for on year In Singh ore eocft Member of Class A of Canada Canadian Newspapers Association and me of Authorized as Second Mail Past Off lea Ottawa JOHN Managing Ufa CAROLINE Womens Sports Job and T THE FIFTEENTH PAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THE EDITORIAL PAGE INDUSTRIES ON THE MOVE From the Fergus NeivsRecord AT A TIME when most Ontario towns are striving to get new industries some neighbors are alarmed about industries which they have lost or are afraid of losing This paper has recently published extracts from stories from Newmarket about an industry in that town which moved away closing down the Newmarket factory The and equipment were offered for sale by auction as in the case of Elora Industries and nobody bought the building Fergus is interested because the Canadian Hoffman Machinery Co has arranged with Beatty Bros Limited to manufacture the machinery for dry cleaning and laundry work in Fergus That is why the Newmarket factory was closed Elsewhere in this paper is a clipping from the Acton Free Press about a rumor that the Baxter Labor atories may move to a town farther north The town is not Fergus The firm has operated in Acton for years With so many new houses going up in Acton that town needs more industries not less to balance the assessment a bit The Waterloo Chronicle is also disturbed about rumors that a number of industries plan to move out of Waterloo because they lack space for expansion Editor Smith comments New industry is almost as hard to attract to a centre as it is to grow a new thatch of hair Yet seemingly with little opposition we are letting industry that has been established here for years slip right through our fingers A plant that must have room to expand is a healthy plant the very kind that ail cities are constantly on the lookout for Then why are these industries being allow ed to move for the sake of some inducement or to keep them here Once located in another city the possibility of luring them back again is almost non existent Sounds more than a little like locking the barn after the horse has gone STRONG COMPETITION IN THE PRECEDING article from Fergus it is stated that the type of industry c a community needs is that which will require more room for expan sion Newmarket has such a healthy industry in the Office Specialty Mfg Co It was announced last week that the Specialty will be expanding its plant facilities but not in Newmarket A few years ago the company built an additional plant of square feet at Hol land Landing four miles north of town The new addi tion to be completed by April will add another square feet of floor space It is another example of industry slipping from Newmarkets grasp The Hoffman Machinery plant has closed down and now the Office Specialtys expan sion program is taking place outside of Newmarket According to information given at a meeting of East township council the Office Specialtys building permit was for new construction at Holland Landing valued at 300000 In value that expansion program is comparable with the former Hoffman plant Meanwhile Newmarkets hopes that the former Hoff man plant might be used for other manufacturing pur poses grow dim the Hoffman plant is to he used for the lime being at least for the storage of onions pro duced on the Holland Marsh What could Newmarket have done to contain the Office Specialtys expansion program within its cor porate limits It is probable that nothing but low taxes could have induced the company to expand here There is no land in Newmarket as suitable for a modern in dustrial plant as the area north of Holland Landing In fact the land between Bradford Holland Landing has all the advantages lo produce a good sized centre of industry It has a railway with easy access for sid ings good highway for truck transport a good water supply at nearby Lake and many acres of level land It is strong competition for Newmarket WHAT HAS NEWMARKET TO OFFER WHO WOULD HAVE thought a few years ago that Holland Landing would be offering competition for industrial sites Now wo are wondering what New market has to offer The truth is that there are few pieces of property available or suitable for industrial plants What is worse town officials have little to offer and little to say to visiting industrial representa tives There is hardly a program for industrial expan sion and no planning A member of the Chamber of Commerce made the comment aside during a recent interview with visiting industrial representatives that if he knew as little about the products he sells in his own business as the town knows about its industrial potentialities he would soon be out of business It cannot be said that town officials are respons ible for the situation They cannot sell something they do not have Instead of pounding heads against walla it would be belter if community leaders turned their energies toward a plan so that useful effort will not be wasted in the wrong direction Newmarket should be assisting neighboring townships in an industrial pro motion program so that at least the development could be kept as close to Newmarket as possible If Newmar ket cannot attract industry then maybe East Gwillim Whitchurch and King townships can We would rather see a new plant built at Holland Landing than miles from here Except for tax revenue Newmarket is not losing too much in the Office Specialtys expansion program outside the town limits After all most workers these days drive cars and four miles is not far for a place of employment Industrial plants within a four mile radius would be providing local employment At the same time neighboring municipalities can take an addi tional share of the housing burden Housing produces the high taxes which Newmarket is now experiencing and without industry the town has stopped ail resi dential development The net result from this logic one will gather is that Newmarkets development for the time being must stop That is the point exactly The surrounding areas must be developed before this 1 can do anything more Planning should take in the area around New market and the only way it can be done is through co operation with the neighboring municipalities What is needed is one planning and industrial board for the whole area surrounding Newmarket WORK TOGETHER IS NEWMARKET GOING to sit back and do noth ing a bout planning for a greater Newmarket and a better district The question is a good for discus sion at the next nomination meeting in the town hall which is not far away The question must be faced soon Certainly there will be development whether New market civic leaders plan or not but what kind of de velopment Look at our Main Street business section all crowded into a little saucer below the hill said a new businessman who came to town last year His answer easily said but not so easily done is to move the centre of business to the north Far fetched as a proposal like this may seem it shows I hat some people are thinking about the future As it must work and plan for development of in dustry outside its own- boundaries hardly thought of five years ago so it must a now look at its com mercial development A neighboring shopping centre cut local trade on Main Street by half or more There are many such possibilities which people do not like to think about but again they must be faced Tho fate of present businesses hangs on the typo of develop ment future will bring all the more reason why the Chamber of Commerce and the town council should co operate NEW CHALLENGE A NURSE WITH over years experience told us that in a Toronto hospital where she works three babies born last week will live but that years ago they would not have lived All thrco babies had their blood changed at Hospital for Sick Children a common remedy these days to correct situation whore parents blood types do not match properly Twentyfive years ago the solution to tho problem was not known Science has accomplished many things among which is to keep more babies alive to up more of worlds food supply Some authorities say that tho increase in population also can with this problem by finding now ways to produce food But population grows so grows rate of increase in population every year its like compound interest Figure out tho math ematical results of this over a period of a couple of cen turies People used to say that wars and accidents will keep the population down Woll Avars are now ruled out if civilization is going to exist Will the prospects of world famino be matched by mans wisdom and in genuity The state is the servant not the master of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national issues it is not the function of the state to assume the dine- of A Utile nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men Anon Slim our editorial adviser is a great bird watcher He spends hours along the river valley among the flora and the fauna and hes particu larly happy that the town has to Improve Fairy Lake started a project and beautify our Newmarket Sunday he was so happy about everything that he walk ed down to the banks of Fairy Lake and composed some verse which he insists on being pub lished conservation An beautys sake Theyre the mud Outa Fairy Lake Earthworm tractors Will help restore a Natural setting Of fauna and flora With a subsidy on the Preservation of beauty Municipal fathers Axe their duty Theyve real good reason To fix up the pond Of natural beauty They are very fond Dont give a thought To tax bin twice Everythings fixed At a contract price Four thousand dollars Or more if we wish Provides a home fowl an fish The call comes over The noisy din Of a front end loader I raise my sevenpower Glasses to see on the uppermost Branch of a tree To his natural habitat Back Ill The Thrimble Breasted Mongolian Crumb Snatcher by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Every occupation and profes sion has its unsung heroes At least there arc those who do their jobs day in and day out criticized and disliked because of what they represent or what they have become to mean to farmers and yet we couldnt get along without them For example there are the inspectors They travel the country arrive at their des tination and stay for a day The purpose of the inspectors visit is to test the cows in their or dinary everyday activities Then they go on to the next place There are few jobs that are more thankless and open to hostilities We have been on for a number of years We cannot think of anytime when we didnt feel like saying Could you please come back again It isnt very suitable to test today Yet we didnt do it because the next time it would have been just as inconvenient Naturally the inspector is looking to see if we follow- all the rules and regulations as land down by the Board He has to identify the cattle weigh their milk test it for and listen to the num erous reasons why Betsy had SO pounds of milk everyday ex cept when the inspector is there He must hear all the stories about all the neighbors then try to forget it before he gels to the next place He must listen to the breed gossip tin municipal gossip and the just plain gossip If the cows didnt milk it was his fault be cause he upset them and if tho test wasnt high it was his fault ho is told that the other In spectors test was higher Occasionally he is threatened with violence abused told that he will be sued He sleeps in the spare bed room if there is one and in the wintertime that isnt always warm He eats at a different table every day and if he has nt got a cast iron stomach he doesnt last Yet these men are kind and helpful They are known to have changed the babies at night helped to milk by hand when the farmer or the hired man is ill helped to wash the dishes and do a lot of the paper work the farmers are supposed to do Their work is essential to a breeder because out of the records the inspector super vises comes the progress of the breed and the inspectors pres tige and integrity is what give the records its value There are few people in the dairy business whose activity so scon translated into dollars and cents as the inspectors When the test is over he gets into the farmers car and is left on the doorstep of the man on test The may be lock and the folks may be away and when they come home they wont be too surpris ed In the meantime in spector can sit around the milk house or on the front Yet these men keep en do ing their jobs year in and year out following the regulations laid down by men in a away office and fairly caught be tween the head men in Ottawa and the farmers out in the country It is too bad that the power that be have made in many cases suspicion the basic thought in this job After all warm and friendly human re lations should not corrupt a man J ONE LEG BETTER THAN THREE i- l 1 Woodford beyond doubt to milk two of them an who hoi mild tht an of four on a Jinwn tU op titwound I along with Mrvftt la cat bow to tor fk

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