I The funeral service for the Herbert Webster district was held on Sunday af ternoon at Kettlehy United church with Interment in Ket- cemetery In his year Mr Webster died early Thursday morning Sept For the past three years since he retired from farming he had suffered a heart condition Surviving are his widow the former Geer and a daughter Betty who is Mrs William Gillham Brampton A brother Harry Webster and a sister Mrs Stanley fifth concession of King also survive The late Mr Webster was the son of Isaac Webster and was bom and lived on the homestead farm at all his life until Womans World By Carounc Ion The fashion keynote for our generation is Do it yourself Miss Helen told an au dience of local women last week when she spoke to them on Trends of the Season note of comfort and ease is seen in every phase of our living and is reflected in the casual clothes available today Miss celebrated her third anniversary this month as fashion coordinator for Davis Leather Co Miss is a graduate nurse She travelled across Canada from the New York office for Pat terns and worked in cosmetics his health forced his retirement for a short time before coming The Webster families were early I to Davis Leather where for the settlers and took out crown land first time she found herself at in the early days of King town ship He was a highly respected citizen He was an official of the Kettleby church and a member the tap roots of fashion In her talk Miss Lawson scribed the evolution of new styles the interdependence of of Union Masonic products and textiles lodge since A service was y SL spring will be white For the night at the Thompson funeral 1saSA home Aurora The service on Sunday was A rf very widely attended by a large circle of relatives neighbors and friends had known Mr Webster for many years Offi cials of King township council were among those present one full year ahead of the sea son The high fashion note for next spring be white For the woman who wore three years ago when it was high fa shion white will be the answer but for the volume trade it will be beige that will be wom by everyone Spring of so Miss Paving Estimate Up To In N Plans to pave the Metropolitan road in North township are still being dealt with A Municipal Board hear ing on Friday Sept held in chambers saw no iections raised when Mr Green wood member of the Ontario Municipal Board chaired the hearing After going over the plans for a approved road Mr Greenwood witheld approv al He declared that although no objections had been offered the expenditure advertised as 96- had been revised in engin eering estimates to 110000 Half the cost would be paid as subsidy by the province Board member Greenwood pointed out that the final deci sion must be reached by a quorum of two or more mem bers of the Municipal Board The figure of U0000 was reached after engineers had thoroughly gone over the roads to have a threedimensioned look be paved According to Reeve with world Brown was introduced as a high fashion color in That year it was seen in Bazaar Harper and Vogue and in the leading fashion centres of the world Gradually its populari ty spread until two years later the color was strong in the high price field It will continue un til it reaches the peak volume trade where it will be included in mail order catalogues and be come available in every price range There are a few exceptions to this trend But usually what the name designers are using in will be in the moderate price range by Miss said that the leather industry is influenced by the color and tex ture of the fabrics more than the actual styling of the clothes When textures became lumpy leathers were smooth and sleek Now that fabrics are being flat tened out shoes and handbags become textured Davis Leather Mrs Somerville entertained the Senior Ladies Aid of the Christian Baptist church New market at her home on Thurs day Sept It was the opening meeting of the fall season Mrs Fred Breckon gave a short talk Our Hands Re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Frank Hopper and Miss Irene Donald son CUBS MEET Friday night Cub Pack will hold its first meeting of this season in the Scout Hal New market at pm Era and Thursday Re LN TO MEET SEPT The Junior Evening Auxiliary of the Trinity United church will meet in the Sunday school room on Tuesday Sept at 8 oclock For FIGURE SKATERS Members of the Newmarket Figure Skating club are to pay heriudfcnee their fees at the Newmarket arena on Thursday and Friday from 3 to There are no vacancies in the club for private or semiprivate lessons but reg istrations for group lessons will be accepted The instructor Is interested in forming an adult waltz group- Anyone wanting further particu lars regarding the club and its activities is to contact Mrs Bruce Hunter phone Newmarket Hews Mr and Mrs Howard Hamil ton and Mrs Eleanor and Helen Toronto were guests of Mrs Phil Hamilton on Sunday Miss Pat Quinn has entered in St Michaels hospital school of nursing More than a third of Canadas national income is taken in taxes each year by the three levels of governments will have a lovely neutral look a look keyed to unbleached linen A strong Oriental influence be be seen In next springs styles colors and textures Miss showed samples of Davis calf leathers in the soft pastel shades associated with Oriental water colors Pinks will continue popular next spring with some pinks becoming mauvy Others are shown with rosy red and still others are influenced by yellow Miss said Returning briefly to the fash ion scene for this fall Miss Law- son said that blacks and browns were the basic colors in leath ers The combination of the two and the look re main fashion highlights All the warm autumn colors can be found in the fall clothes and brown of course is at its peak It will remain strong for three or four years before being re placed by another color fashion Miss traced the intro duction of a color to the fashion Co wanted a leather that would thoroughly gone over the roads to a threedimensioned look be paved According to Reeve lift a mat textured finish R Pollock only he wasnt suede They camel Reeve Clark Martin Road Su- with Velluto which has all j Alvin Rye and a these qualities plus an amazing couple of others were at the softness which permits elegant hearing styling with no sacrifice of com fort Tenders for the ditching shap- Soft shoes which go grading gravelling and cul- are an indication of this Do it yourself trend Women Metropolitan Road were called who must walk from the Saturday Sept Accord- subdivision into town to shop to Reeve Pollock the three must have comfortable shoes tendering wished an ex- More women are driving cars timc and so heels are definitely lower The midway heel which is no I higher than the regular Cuban Kl ANDREWS WA is this seasons high style OPENS SEASON WITH learners which look so good with the smooth fabrics but pamper spotlight As Miss corn- illusion heel steal the fashion active feet shoes styled with the men ted you can go without a hat or gloves but you cant go anywhere without shoes SKATE EXCHANGE The Newmarket Figure Skat ing clubs annual skate exchange will be held at the Newmarket Memorial Arena on Friday Sept from to pm Both skates are to be tagged with owners name size and price The club retains 25 cents from each sale and all sales are final Unsold skates must be collected by pm on Sept 30 SPECIAL PROGRAM A lour of the Holy Land and other Mediterranean countries by means of colored pictures will highlight the opening meeting of the fall season for the Womens Association of St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmar ket on Tuesday Sept The program of colored pic tures which is being provided through the courtesy of Miss Diana Park will begin at pm Members of the congrega tion are invited to attend The meeting will pre cede the program It will be held in the Sunday school room at FALL FAIR SALE QUANTITY USED CARS CHRYSLER 1950 Dodge Custom Sedan maroon custom radio 1951 Plymouth Sedan two toned new tires 1952 Plymouth Sedan model very clean 1195 1953 Plymouth Sedan two toned automatic solex glass Dodge Coronet Sedan automatic radio etc FORD 1951 Ford Sedan 1951 Meteor Coach new red and black paint job Ford Custom Tudor custom radio 1395 GENERAL MOTORS 1950 Oldsmobile Coach two tone green custom radio 825 Chevrolet Coach maroon custom radio 1952 Sedan new factory guaranteed motor 1195 A TO Mercury Panel Tiptop condition Harley Davidson Big 74 Series Nash Sedan Dependable Transportation Be sure to see CANADIAN FOOTBALL each weekend through the courtesy of CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA and MADGETTTHOMAS MOTORS MAIN ST NEWMARKET r A THREE DAYS ONLY and SAT September 15 17 M i Genuine Bargains on odd lines broken size ranges- First quality mens boys wear- Shop Early Quantities are Limited value sizes 28 to i 300 AH wool brown only sizes to 300 Reg to sizes and only 55 2 for Sole Sods Reg- Branded make for plittrftorts values sizes to for Mens Suits Brown Gabs sizes to Mens Trousers Most sizes pair only Mens Wool Trousers pair only Bus Drivers Shirts 1500 Rep and qualities 55 2 for 100 Hose 100 Wool and nylon Rep 160 all sizes Mens Overalls Real value sizes 46 to only 259 2 for 500 value Blue and beige only sizes to Work Smocks 100 Heavy Denim sizes and only r j Mens Dress Shirts 259 White and colors sizes and for Mens Sport Skirts Short and long sleeve limited quantity Mens Flannelette Pyjamas Broken sizes soiled only 200 Wool Work Socks Nylon reinforced extra good value at this low price Limited quant 2 for 100 Mens Surcoats ft Breakers Quilted lining only Mens Storm Coats Quilted lining 18 only Reg to values pair only Boy Wain Shade Skirts 1 Reg to sizes to only I a- Aft mm Chocks and plain shades sizes to 16 Wool and nylon All sizes Limited quantity tot at Winter Jackets Assorted sizes and styles These a real buy at this price S iiA J r HOURS -w- -p- It