UM The Bound WHAT MAKES A TOWN Oh I know that a town is a body of people with a town council an adequate police force good fire protection and ade quate light and water facilities Also there will be churches with clergymen to speak for and from them doctors lawyers dentists and shops to cater to every need while schools pub lic secondary and private are filled to capacity by eager seek ers after knowledge Take New market for example AH these things are true of this growing town They are its body and pari of its brain but what of the other part of the brain and the spirit It is a true saying that Man does not live by bread alone The churches seek to feed the souls of those who attend them but many do not and even those who do crave nourishment for their cultural needs- Nov New market is fortunate in having op portunities for the children and young people to develop There is band fancy skating ballet and folk dancing hockey and boll playing- All these are In themselves excellent but there arc other things like our church choirs where organists and choir masters struggle to give the con gregations real leadership and beautiful music with the disad vantage of insufficient numbers and against unnumbered oppos ing duties and pleasures Then here is the Dramatic Club strug gling to keep that art alive with always the fear of financial fail ure At this time the Canadian Concert Association of Newmar ket are striving to reach their objective and so to bring right to our doors the best of our Can adian talent What n oppor tunity this is for Newmarket to lend a hand to keeping tills tal ent in Canada and not letting it flit off across the border as so many of our artists have to to make a living Your editor wrote a very fine editorial on this a few weeks ago and stress ed our need for just such activi ties in our town Then there is the Coronation Symphony Orchestra which struggling into being and needs all the support the town can give it Owing to Mr rons illness the large orchestra for a short time has had to give place to a smaller group which is working away faithfully pend ing the return to full strength Think what a Symphony orches tra which in addition to con certs could accompany oper ettas and add to the enjoyment and musical education of every one concerned Newmarket with Its growing population has an almost unlimited opportunity to stretch out a helping hand to all the cultural efforts within its limits Think what it would mean if the town put on a concert of its own young artists Co to the teachers and find out their most promising pupils and let us hear them piano violin voice or any other instrument they may play It would delight the children and all who heard them and Im sure the town would turn out en masse are to hear the alcers on the 28th and that is a group brought together in a small town which is making a name for Itself Music is the language common to all the world It can reflect every mood and it can If love it lift us out of ourselves into a nobler view of life for with it we can express joy sorrow triumph and worship Its the voice of the universe BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Vanant Newmarket I year old on Thursday Oct Kathleen Newmarket years old on Sunday Oct Carol Pollock Newmarket years old on Monday Oct Dorothy Irene New market yeas old on Monday Oct John Hale Newmarket years old on Monday Oct 17 Calgary IS Oeilt Newmarket yean old on Tuesday Oct Cedar Brae IS years old on Wednes day Oct Mae years old on Wednesday Oct Send in your name address age and become a member of the Era and birthday club In Canada in there were agricultural workers for every seven employed in manufactur ing today there are manufac turing workers for every eight employed in agriculture Our Write Newmarket Oct Dear Mr Editor Sorry I did not see the article on a trip to Tort Churchill before it was sent in- The name should have been Churchill Manitoba Should a deep Churchillian see that article and no doubt he will as I have read the Era and Express up there the repercussion will be not unlike what would follow should an unthinking tourist re fer to Aurora as a suburb of Newmarket or vice versa Churchill Manitoba and Churchill are entirely differ places five apart with absolutely nothing In common except the weather and the wide expanses of tundra rock sen and sky Rev Willis fa the Angli can missionary at Churchill Manitoba he Is also pa dre at the navy radar Motion which is half way between Churchill Man and Fort Churchill- Captain Johnston re cently home from Korea Is the Protestant padre at Fort Church ill Sincerely Morning by pm SKATE EXCHANGE AT ALEXANDER A skate ft held In the basement the- school on Oct turn to Mm Itoso general convener She will be by Mm A Cameron arid Mrs Wester to bo tagged with the owners name of and price All sales Una with the Home and re taining cents from each Unsold skates must be picked up cHy seven fmboY6 setlevel is above geefew to to COUNTRY nit ok and for and airline Mr tot Information and folders Mala Newmarket Ont NewMsifcet library Today they are putting the roof on the Newmarket Public Library building At this stage of development we are aware of the need for more concentrated planning for the Librarys fu ture Many are your requests and suggestions and whether or not they are all used they are all It is your money which supplying this much needed service to you and your children At present there are bor rowers using the books of are boys and girls Books circulated in September were adults children In September 1D55 books circu lated were adults and chil dren As of November fines on adult hooks will be three cents per day In of one cent per day Library Hoard made this change to encourage readers to be prompt in return ing new books thus giving them greater circulation Monday October has been proclaimed United Nations Day It is the tenth anniversary year of the founding of the Unit ed Nations Next Monday may we all reaffirm our hope and faith in the ultimate attainment of freedom and world peace which are the- alms ot the United Nations Librarian of the most recent Bo women cro ss the police forces of Here now the new flight Styled FIRST with pushbutton automatic gear selecting New beauty gives wings to the Forward look your Plymouth dealer you to see for yourself Now Plymouth finest oar in low- price field you thrilling now fllghtetyled bounty The Plymouth greater power too and revolutionary pushbutton automatic gear selecting Forward- thrusting Trout low eloping hood enhance the ream- lined Forward yon better vision too Newest styling innovation la upwardsweeping line of rear quarter panels slock as tail of a jet smooth as a jot flight 1 YesPlymouth for is brilliantly now inside and out Its styled to make your spirits soar powered to give yon performance in Canada by Chrysler Cor ration Canada NOW JUST PUSH A BUTTON AND AWAY YOU GO I Pushbutton driving is here I Thats right you now control Plymouth 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