SALE MdWTOSHRBS How Any quantity from YONGE ST AT ARMITAGE PHONE NEWMARKET on sale for cash or by instalments at all branches of the Royal Bank CANADA SAVINGS- BONDS a sure way to save These bonds never drop in value can be cashed for their full face value accrued Interest at any time at any bank They bear Interest at the rate of a year Order your bonds today at our nearest branch Just telephone If you like THE ROYAL BANK Of CANADA J A SPECIALS WW IN LINED TOPCOATS Reg 2995 OVERCOATS Re to DOESKIN SHIRTS Reg 395 JEANS zipper fly sanforized Reg 395 WOOL WORK SOCKS Reg 59c POLO PAJAMAS SML Reg 395 IS COMBS Reg SHOES Loafers or ties Reg IMS for 1 STATION WAGON COATS to Reg PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS sanforized Reg wool and nylon Reg- TWEED PANTS to 16 Reg to LINED JEANS to Reg 395 PENMANS COMBS Reg 298 RUBBER K B red sole 15 Reg 359 BOYS CORVETTE COATS peg buttons to Reg MS 298 MS SOCKS Elastic cuff to It Reg WOOL KNEE SOCKS to Reg pr I to Reg cotton to 12 Reg PAJAMAS Reg TWO PIECE SUPPERS Reg CORDUROY OVERALLS to 6 Reg MS Ai Household DRESSES to Reg to HIGH HEELED SHOES bankrupt Reg to TOWELS candy stripe Reg 29c for WOOL Bouquet Iris Monarch balls for r IS- SUITS PARTY DRESSES BANKRUPT i STOCK ILL AT HALF PRICE Stress Serving Aurora and the rural districts of North York The Era Tho Exprsss every Thursday of Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Eta and Express tor two for one year in advance copies ere 5c each Member of Class A of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau of Authorised as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN managing CAJtOllNE ION Womens GEORGE Sports LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and THURSDAY THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFIVE Latest Appointments In Registry Office The bright interior of the new registry office in Newmarket is shown in the above photograph taken after its recent opening A complete wing was built behind the old building at the top of Main St hill and it provides sufficient space for all registry office requirements It is expected that the old building fronting on Main St will be ustd as a court probation office The new wing has the latest appointments provided by modern architecture and makes work easier for the staff and members of the legal profession who search deeds and titles Era and Express photo The York North registry office lost Tuesday moved into its new roomy quarters in the building the rear of the old Main St structure No fanfare attended the move but the expressions of relief at leaving the old dull and cramped quarters must have been heard at least by the Coun ty of York officials up on Davis Drive hill and maybe as far as the Inspector of Legal Offices at Queens Park The new registry office started out to be an addition to the old cutup office But the necessity of providing for future growth meant a building about double the space and size The result is a new office bright and airy in which the records are filed and kept by the most modern of file system The old building fronting Main Street is being cleared now and will It is under stood provide quarters for the County probation officer at tached to Newmarket police court Instead of the walls of small rooms being lined with abstract books and document files from floor to ceiling the new roomy office has a wall shelf the depth of the building carrying all the volumes while the registered documents of deeds and their filed copies are contained in tiers of shoulderhigh file cab inets Gone arc the times when Small file boxes of microfilmed the registry clerks would climb ladders and then peer Into file drawers a few inches from the ceiling to the new registry of fice is from a walk and porch at the south of the building Those doing business in the registry of fice are mostly lawyers and law clerks who need to read the documents Searchers of deeds must make notes or copy from the documents so the most prominent feature of the office is the provision of tables at which such work can be done About one third of the large oneroom new building is de voted to tables and the files of reference abstracts lining the south wall Across the middle of the room is a modern steel cab inet counter easily reached by the clerks Behind that are the tiers of file cabinets for the up right folded deed documents and mortgage instruments Up to last year second copies of deeds had to be kept In sepa rate indexed records but with the advent of microfilming to the registry office work space is be ing saved future copies are mode on small reels of film One reel three inches square con tains the photos of about 230 to 250 deeds of several pages each Wedding GORDON The wedding was held at Hamilton Saturday of a former Newmarket girl Donna Jean Gordon to Thomas Douglas The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs B G Gordon while her husband is a son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Goodbrand The wedding was at St Enochs Presbyterian church with the minister of St church Rev Bryan officiating The bride was given in mar riage by her father wearing a gown of lace over nylon and taf feta bouffant styled with hoop ed skirt a mandarin neckline and long sleeves A coronet headdress held in place a finger tip veil of illusion She carried a bouquet of a large white orchid I with stephanotis and backed by heather sent from Scotland for the ceremony Maid of honor and bridesmaid were Miss and Miss Margaret Godfrey white the flower girl was Jean Auds- ley Niagara Falls a niece of the groom All three wore styled gowns of avocado with drop waistlines and a full asit bouquet of bronze pompoms and ivy leaves Car Phages Over Embankment On Margaret Forrest Church St Toronto and her companion Martin Russell Hill Toronto were uninjured after the southbound car driven by Miss Forrest plunged down a 75foot embankment on highway south of the King City clover leaf early last Saturday night Police said the Forrest car went out of control after it was struck in the rear by a ear driven by Lome Handy 30 Toronto The car landed upright on four wheets in the gully after it left the highway Bond Lake PP detachment who investi gated said charges would be laid against the driver of the offending car Both vehicles were extensively damaged Han dy was uninjured The Forrest car was only two days old SOLICITOR notary Phone Sutton PLUMBER Yorit County Hospital Needs Your Donation ME ElECTROiUX Sales and Service CLEANERS TRIPLE BRUSH FLOOR POLISHERS HERB HILL MANAGER II Hamilton St Phone Newmarket District Office -ji- JiiA frjf copies will contain the records u rooms a land and title registry has grown can be seen from records show ing that 25 years ago in struments were registered while last year the total rose to instruments The regis trations of were handled by the Registrar and one clerk to days volume of business re quires the Registrar and a staff of five A considerable part of the work involving extra hands to day comes from the more num erous requests for title Informa tion as properties are changing hands more often A registration of the early years in York would be for a lot or partlot in a con cession Today that same may be a subdivision of 200 homes The new registry office while all in one room plus small of fices for the registrar and space for the copying photo machines is well illuminated across Its foot by foot area by fluoresj cent lights The best man was Mr Ken neth Goodbrand Burlington the grooms brother and ushers were Mr Paul and Mr Paul The reception following was at St church hall with the brides mother receiving in a sheath dress of bronze brocade trimmed with brown velvet se quin hat and yellow rose on her purse The grooms mother wore a costume of navy lace and crepe with a teal blue hat and corsage of pink roses The couple are on a honey moon trip through Northern On tario and are to reside in Mount Hamilton Maple Lions INGO MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE TUESDAY 8 Commencing Among the western countries Canada leads in the production of nickel and asbestos is second in aluminum gold zinc cadmi- urn and platinum third in silver and fourth in copper lead j and cobalt JAG EVERY NIGHT I v- SPECIALS ALSO All proceeds for benevolent work Bell Co Lineman Retires After 31 Years Service Mr Harold Doc construction line foreman for the Bell Telephone Company retired on pension on October His retirement climaxes a telephone career of 31 years With the exception of the past two years when he was posted to the Newmarket section Mr was attached to a tra velling gang and was located in many sections of Ontario He has been a line foreman since A farewell dinner was given at the Legion halt in honor of his retirement and friends and acquaintances wcrepresent from Toronto Brampton Windsor and Peterborough The traditional presidents wallet was presented by Nugent Area Plant Manager and a life membership certifi cate was presented by A Mr J Currie district con struction superintendent Wind sor Mr related some amusing incidents of the old days Mr Hannath plans to retire to his farm near Shel- burne which is being operated by his sons Hospital News September proved to be a record month for births at York County hospital Newmarket There were The following statistics also are interesting showing a great increase in the short period of four years total number of patients treated in was and in this figure increased to This year up to the end of Day who is well known jber patients have been in this district and was retired treated from the company last year A gift from fellow employees and friends was presented by HEAVY PRODUCING COW A pound certificate has been issued to the Jersey Fantan Flossie In eight lactations she produced pounds of milk and 4119 pounds of fat Flossie is already a winner of a silver and gold medal She was bred by Robinson and is owned by Mrs Clara Newmarket The will Its regu lar meeting at the home of Mrs S Armstrong on Wednesday Oct 26 at Mrs Bray and helpers will be in charge of the program entitled Newcom ers to Canada Mrs J Hamil ton will be on hand to receive renewals from all interest ed in the Missionary Monthly Mr J Money of Karri vis at the home of Mr and Mr I Rote Where does a dollar go in a hospital The approximate breakdown Is as follows Salaries and wages 58 drugs medical and surgical supplies 11 food and preparation 11 xrays 05 provision of accounts 02 housekeep ing laundry 02 administra tion 03 fuel light and water telephone postage and sun dries and building and equip ment UPSIDE DOWN SPECIALS Note Aurora wioo In our Newmarket store we have withdrawn from the in favour of a straight Meat Market the changeover our store will be disorganized for a few weeks but we will feature son LOW LOW SPECIALS to offset the inconvenience to our customers PRICES NOW WILL BE APPLICABLE TO BOTH STORES so take advantage of these UPSIDE DOWN SPECIALS and save dollars on your meat bill Fresh OX The latest reports on progress in the construction of the new hospital show that the plasterers now are on the job and the floor plastering will be completed this week All floors are completed The new kitchen fa cilities are progressing favorably and it is expected in operation Dec Glazing of windows is now in progress The installation of he new elevator to the third floor operating suite is being carried out now and is expected to be completed by Dec FOR HIGHLY NUTRITIONAL Choice lb 1st Grade BOTTER lb WITH MEAT ORDER RUMP ROAST Veal We specialize in quality re EVERYTHING