Professional i JOHN lift and Casualty fl A V I DENTAL V W NOBLE DENTIST Over Office Office Residence ObtCi VanderVoort Main St Newmarket DR KELLY DENTIST 159 Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Today we arc measuring the book shelve here In the old lib rary room There are feet of Fiction which repre sents books Books aver age per foot of shelf space Next we mark on our blue print of Ihe new building where the Fiction will be placed and how much space will be allotted to it Thus we through the through the travel history biography literature poetry play useful arts flue arts the books for Young Mod ems and Boys and Girls These hours of detailed plan ning will reap their reward when moving arrives When Is that date yon ask Some day or days during the last week of this month of February NOTE The Newmarket Pub lic Library will bo closed Febru ary 22nd for approximately weeks In the meantime you may borrow as many books as wish and return them after we arc open in the new library When you stock tip on reading material vou are helping us In directly with the moving Regular library hours from now until February are Tuesday and Friday 3 to pm Monday Thursday and Friday to 9 pm and Saturday to am v rt Irene Librarian HIEROGLYPHICS by Isabel Colville Legion Ladies Auxiliary Reports Active Years Program Write LIFE ism PHONE PA mm- CORNER Solicitor and Notary Public Aaron Ontario Aurora PA AM BA Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA St ia BARRISTERS NOTARIES K STIVER JOSEPH J HA Com MAIN ST Newmarket Ont and Garden Equipment SALES SERVICE Richmond Hill EVANS FUB5 NEWMARKET Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phone Orders taken for travel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling FUELS Distributor In Newmarket tad District WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Phone 5 Sanitary Contractor i f AM MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary MAIN ST iwmarket Phono fi- VIOLET ROBINSON Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped 21Hour RICHMOND TURNER To the Editor Owing to the number of tele phone calls and letters the group attempting to inaugurate a rate payers association in East Gwil- takes this opportunity to thank one and alt The en thusiasm expressed was beyond anticipation To those who are reluctant to express their views negatively or affirmatively rest assured the inauguration of a ratepayers association in East Gwillimbury will be a reality in due course To coin an old say ing Rome was not built in a day The same applies to organizing the municipality of East Gwil limbury into a body of people who are determined to fight for their rights Incidentally it has been learned that similar organ izations north and south of us did not care to include the ag riculturalist Our group takes the opposite view Consequent ly every effort will be made to induce the farmer to affiliate himself with our proposed In the same if any attempt is made to bar the agricultural districts such efforts will meet with strong opposition It is reasonable to assume that the ratepayers in this munici pality are conversant with the survey being made by council in order to taxation To predict the outcome would be presumptuous However past experience has proven such me thods to obsolete in other words to shift the burden of ex cessive taxation from one group to another according to the value of property is not the an swer to the present day prob lems Different methods must he found in order to satisfy all ratepayers As a matter of fact different methods are under study and will lie presented at the proper time William Secretary treasurer If nature would be kind and provide a stone I might be able to translate the hiero glyphics which cover our lawn these winter mornings The writing that spells are easily recognizabto There are the small dainty prints of and Squirmy and the larger ones of unit and an enormous black and white creature who visits us each evening lifting tip his voice and ordering up his supper Then there are the larger pad marks of a friendly dog After reading this far one strikes a foreign language some words yon know some you dont This marks of the horseshoe rabbit I know then there arc the big thrusting marks of the Jack rabbits and the small marks of the little bunnies that skip about like animated toys in the moonlight Then there ore other marks that leave me guessing does a family of skunks visit us or a racoon or dread thought a lynx or a fox The prints here and there run parallel meet and divide even form circles as if in the ecstacy of moonlight and food for we always put out food at night they have to relieve their feelings with a dance Then there are the daintier tracks of the birds Our blue jays flash into view a heavenly blue against the snow Theirs is no selfeffacing nature They proclaim their presence with commanding voices Feed us or Else I went into the living room the other morning and there perched on the back of the chesterfield noses pressed to the pane and tails waving sat four cats Oh to be out and scatter those birds they imply while the jays scream and yell Whats a cat anyway To the pine trees come the busy little pine siskins and chickadees and once in a while a flock of starlings They leave such pretty writing on the snow each print so clear one feels that one should have a bird alphabet and read the lives of these little brave creatures that no bad weather seems to discourage Our cats have their winter coats so thick and shiny that one can almost see oneself reflected in the black ones I think cats were really meant to hibernate for in the winter they will sleep for hours utter oblivi ous of what goes on around them We have noticed one strange thing among these cats ours none of them know their names Always before our cats were eager to answer when spoken to Nov unless you just call Kitty Kitty they sit and stare into space as cats do and leave you thinking that after all cats dont know much Of course this is only for a minute for they know far too much put the name problem down to the fact thai these are all stray eats that come to us starving and looking for help And so while the kittens brought Conveyancing St Insurance lit Newmarket SOLICITOR PUBLIC Ebon ACCOUNTANT Builders Contractors Farmers Mo and No 2 Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber m Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by Write tot price Lumber Co Port Ontario VICTOR SHOE STORE US Mala St Pa If your feet trouble com to ua for free We cure or money back We have a full Una of to fit everyone including ORGAN AND PIANO TEACHER QUEEN ST NEWMARKET PHONE 1366 ID PHONE -7- Contractor Heirloom beauty In filet cro chet- Hose make magnificent bedspread table cloth one Inches In string makes a place mat Smaller too In No or No mercerized cotton Pat tern crochet chart direc tion Send CENTS coin for this pattern stamp cannot ho accepted to The New market Era and House mid Arts Newmarket Print plainly ADDRESS NUMBER Order our Alice Brooks Enjoy pages find pages of exciting new designs knitting crochet cm- hor toys and nov elties Send cents for your copy of wonderful book now Youll want to order every up in the house handled and talked to from Infancy they probably before they were de serted had names which we dont know Theres one thing have in common that delights us they love music When our string sextette meets the cats are in the midst They lean against the music stands they try to cap and who is the pianist simply climbs up pushes my hands off the piano lies down full length on the keys and pulls himself along to the end then rises and walks over them majestically making sounds like a Russian ballet They love each other this strangely cat family They wash each other sleep curled up together play ball leap frog and tug of war and never a snarl or a quarrel the mornings when I go out to feed the birds and get the mail I am surrounded by a of felines They climb trees to show me how clover they ore and escort me hither and yon Speaking of our cat that plays the piano Mrs Lou Stephens tells us that they have a dog equally gifted Her Dalmatian deliberately takes Almas hands off the keys and ploys his own melodies Well Ive wandered away from hieroglyphics but as cats were once worshipped in Egypt I fancy there is some con nection I had quite a struggle to get possession of a chair from which to write this and in the process had to eject an indig nant feline I think that all cats must be descended from those Egyptian cats who were worshipped for they expect so much attention and can put on an almost human expression of disgust if they are irked by human lack of under standing Cats and hieroglyphics go well together almost impos sible to understand but all the more fascinating for that Annual reports were presented by the Newmarket Legion La dies auxiliary at the January meeting They showed an active year for organisation During 1955 the Legion La dies auxiliary catered for a number of banquets and wed dings in the Legion hall The group catered for the North York Hunt club Farmers party at the high school In the spring a cooking school was sponsored The members and their friends enjoyed fa shion showing of furs in the fall Welfare work carried on the auxiliary included the helping of families of local needy vet erans and paying for xrays A number of baby blankets were given to members on becoming mothers Donations were made to the Canadian Legion Scholar ship fund the British Sailors fund and the York County Hos pital Building fund A wheel chair was donated to the hospi tal As usual donations were made to the Legion branch together with onethird of the profits from the catering projects This money is used in the extensive welfare program carried on by the Legion The auxiliary pro vided the annual banquet for the Legion this year Children of Auxiliary mem bers were entertained at the an- A film on India will be shown at the regular meeting of the Evangeline auxiliary of Trinity United church Newmar ket on Tuesday Feb The group will meet in the church halt at pm Mrs C Schofield will be the guest soloist Refreshments will be served picnic at Park and provided with treats Candy fox the Legion Christmas childrens party donated by Each resident of York Manor received a gift from the Legion Auxiliary when the group entertained them at a party New members are welcomed at the regular monthly meeting which are held in the Legion hall on the third Thursday of each month To be eligible for membership a woman must have served with the forces of the British Commonwealth be a wife widow mother sister or daughter of a man who has serv ed during wars with the Com- forces or those of its allies or who has served not less than three years with any of Her Majestys forces Announce New Way To Shrink Hemorrhoids Find Helling Toronto On SKcia For first lime science found now healing substance with the ttstouLdi- iog ability to shrink hemorrhoid to relieve pain relieved without resort to surgery In case while gently re lieving actual reduction shrink age too place amazing of all results were so thorough that Tenfa made astonishing like have icaed to be a problem The a new discovery of a famou4 you can this rev healing in suppository or continent form called for it at all dm store or money refunded H NORWEGIAN AIDS STOMACH medicine mm Vancouver BC Special The Norwegian medicine has proved during the past five years to he very beneficial to people suffering with stomach distress due to hyperacidity and acid indigestion Due to the Increased demand the Drug Co Ltd has ex- distribution of from coast to coast and has open ed up distribution facilities In the United States a medicine ia liquid VJJt form developed in No through the skill of modern pharmaceutical research brought prolonged relief excessive gastric acidity and indigestion to thousand of Can Letters on file prove success of this medicine for Sto mach sufferers is now available wit hoot at all leading drug stores across Canada 13 FURNISH ROOM A threebod semiprivate room will be furnished in the new wine of York County hospi tal by the Business and Profes sional club of Newmarket ANSNORVELD Mr and Mrs lings and sons are leaving for a months holidays in Florida Mr and Mrs J Van Luyk left for Florida this week Mrs has returned home after being a patient at Toronto hospital Mr and Mrs F Flack are vis iting friends in the USA for CASH FOR CLOTHES BILLS AND FAMILY ILLS and need it promptly for shopping to pay over due hill or any reason call HFC soon If you have a idy can v make regular Loans to usually wade in iiy- Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Main Street iceond floor Only Ford off en you and your family all the safety j FORDS NEW ABSORB IMPACT lU famous lifiuitrd rtlierin wheel with the huh iticluH Mow rim In of mi I ho mis us a cushion under impact driver iiml give hint striking the column wheel is slamlard on all of IK models FORDS SAFETY DOOR LATCHES KEEP DOORS UNDER STRESS I Foul is equipped with new safely- luihl door have a special plate that overlaps the rotor provide i fiiifu and if the il is to do in Fords salclyhold latches give protec tion gainst doors spring open help keep you the or the car FORD COMFORT AND SAFETY Of SEAT FOR BOTH FRONT AND REAR PASSENGERS Safety authorities that seat bells made and installed can ictluce accident juries new seal arc onethird than icquiretl for vial airliners and theyre oneluned to a fotcni of the structure They are tthle at small extra cost for I mill front and rear seats YOU CAN HAVE THE ADDED PRO- Of INSTRUMENT PANEL AND SUM VISORS IN FORD Many passenger injuries experts conclude are cause by contact with the instru ment panel or sun visors so lord e eloped a new ex plastic cushioning for instrument panel and visors that is fitv times than foam padding is available extra cost on all Ford models Five days out of Is the dress youll reach for Its easy to sew jiffy to ways looks crisp and even when the temperature soars way up in summer Make It all one color or have top and skirt con for a smart new separates effect Pattern Misses Slroa 20 31 Size 16 takes yards This pattern gives perfect fit Complete lllustrat sew chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Era and Express Pattern lie the car thats setting sates records Sale of the 56 have broken all previous Your Dealer is determined to keep up the so hes ready to give you really valuebuy THE IS FORD AT TOUR DEALERS