Newmarket Era and Express, 10 May 1956, p. 2

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r a- tors Notebook 1 The area of flat land near Holland Marsh north west Holland Landing for a Ion time hns impressed us being ideal for industry The Office Specialty Mfg Co thought so and chose a site there for ex- Among the features are he railway and No highway which run parallel land which requires little levelling and water Being little above the level of Lake the land offers good wells On the weekend we were talking to a local resident who hopes to develop a subdivision In the area He also believes that there a future for that particular district A new street has been surveyed be hind the new Specialty plant and if it were needed a spur line from the railway could serve plants which might lo cate there The completion of the St Lawrence Seaway stimulates a vision with the whole Lake district being a back door to Metropolitan Toronto and great industrialization tak ing place The levels of Lake and Georgian Bay do not prohibit the two bodies of water being joined by a ship canal Ships could bring raw materials from the Upper Lakes regions to be processed in a MetroLake Simcoe area Such a vision is not too far fetched a brief study of the map will show that Someday the south shore of may become a builtup exten sion of Metro Toronto with in dustrial frontage on the lake within easy reach of communi cations transport ami other im portant services concentrated In the Toronto area These possibilities will be come more and more apparent and the present expanding in terests may bo drawn to this area as a result within the immediate future From our favored area on the Holland LandingBradford flats we can see other develop ment down the valley of the upper Holland to the outskirts of Newmarket and Aurora We see Newmarket not so much as a centre of industry as a second centre for commun ications services and central offices There are early indi cations of this already The town is port of entry for customs purposes and millions of dollars in customs business for a large part of York Coun ty is handled every year While we do not indulge in crystal ball gazing we believe that it might be welt for some municipal leaders in this dis trict to try and take longer looks into the future than they have been doing There is a difference between dreaming and accepting what already is taking place around as an in dication of the type of future development we might expect from the Files of and 50 Years Ago J I years ago May tiny crocus and belt like snowdrops are the first messen gers of Spring in our gardens Then the sweet scented hyaetn- ths and tulips are our next visitors They are all so easily grown and should planted in the fall and so be In every garden Saturdays market Suckers were selling for per apples for basket butter for 26C lb eggs to do- chickens to potatoes were a large basket The many friends of Briga dier Burton of the Salvation Army will pleased to know that he has received orders to proceed to Newfoundland to take charge of the work there The Brigadier left the Corps some years ago to be come a Salvation Army Officer and has made steady progress in its ranks The appointment being another evidence of his capabilities and of the confi dence of the leaders of the Sal vation Army In him Mrs Morris Greer Huron St has returned pending the Ktrnv Mr George several went fishing Saturday and a very trout Mi A Mr and Wei London end with pyrenU Mr and A Mr- Mrs Arthur spent Sunday with Mr- sinter Mrs v Mr and Mr Sydney Morn Mrs Mornings aunt 5 on Monday Lest Sunday the following were- among the Newmarket attended he King sixtieth Mr Mrs Will Mr- and Mrs- Hart and Miss Hart and Mr arid Mrs Smart and Mrs A of Toronto visitors of Mr Mrs Stokes on Sun- day Mrs Stephen Terry of Mill ard to town on for the summer after the winter in yi -v- years ago May 11 1906 Mrs Walter Wilson and daughter arrived in Newmar ket last week from California where they spent the winter They hud only been gone from San Francisco two days when the earthquake occurred and although miles away the earth trembled like a leaf shaken by the wind Mrs and Mrs Alex Millard Toronto were here on Friday and Saturday Inst also Miss Miss Millard spent the weekend at the Avon- more Word has been received from San Francisco that Mr and Mrs Morrison and their daughter Miss Mercedes Morr ison are safe but lost their house and everything in it fire Mrs who has been with her daughter Mrs Niagara St re turned home at the close of last week hur of Toronto a of days last week with Mrs- John Mrs A of Tor onto visiting Mrs Lew is St Lyons of San Mateo formerly of Newmarket sends some on- wining the- earthquake in part of the state She says they all injury but got a scare and shaking up- Jlie loss at San Mateo is etimat at All the brick structures were damaged a number beyond repair Hie front fell out of historic Church and the Inter ior filled with debris The of the Catholic fell and the structure was badly Chimneys of all over town tumbled down exceptions and those- that remain standing were cracked tendered use- leSB Mr In on Monday and he reports the doing to accommo date the travelling public Feed- trough placed in the church and private yards have been farmers The hotels no of till into I A S A IF l s -J- fj AM AND BETTER v ABLER Secretary i WW Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York MEMBER Off ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger A LITTLE NOW AND THEN J The Newmarket Era Express Herald every 1 Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription years for one year In advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN MenagfitO CAROLINE ION LAWRENCE RACINE Joh Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE IMURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSIX WHAT DOES DO with substandard qualities even be fore they are completed can be found inhabited in the town of Newmarket according to a report this week Nil A houses ill the Street area five feet of water had to be pumped out of one basement before the structure was built lee chopped out of the basements was found piled outside houses when the owners moved in Substandard features and delays in completion are described in a news report in the Era and Express about these houses They are A homes This fact being so what do Nil A standards moan The people who bought the houses before they were completed thought that they were protected by the Nil A so it is not fair to say that they should have looked before they leaped According to statements made by the home owners one inspector visited the subdivision and apparent ly did nothing This leads one to wonder if all in spectors are the same and if a warning should be given to all home owners that these same problems may be According to local residents in the new area north of Eagle Street rules do not take effect until a builder presents his claim for final payment on a house Then he is given GO days to make changes to with standards In the time the ho owner is stuck apparently Subdivisions may going up all over the country where the owners are expecting certain protection from which they will not receive In our opinion the should be offering protection for the home owner first and the or builder second HOW THE COSTS GO UP COMPARISONS OF current municipal costs in Newmarket with those of and 1047 published in last weeks issue of this paper should prompt a few in quiries In fact this newspaper is surprised that it has not already received a few strong comments in letters from citizens But possibly the real rub will come later when they receive their tax notices and must pay up the bills to keep the town going no doubt there will be plenty of expression of opinion when the are hit We can think of no logical answer to the fact that the number of town employees has increased almost percent 25 since We vaguely recall some law of diminishing productivity the study of econ omics but since it is in our minds we have not been able to apply it to the towns municipal payroll is a way out of proportion lo the increase in pop ulation and to its physical growth for that matter If an in crease in municipal employees is required by a population increase of or at the most then it is time we started looking for drastic means of stopping a trend which seems to have gone beyond the bounds of logic Although reasons for increases in police salaries were well illustrated by the local arbitration hearings last fall the total increases in police costs indicate that a serious review of police requirements should be made We have no axe to grind with the members of the police department There are few citizens who could honestly deny that they have not joked about the number of em ploy used on local work projects in full public view When six men are required to cut down a tree on or streets it is one of the most discussed subjects of the fay The average citizen may be quite Wrong because he is only a sidewalk superintendent If so there a great number of citizens who are wrong THE MASTODON AND THE MOUSE Christian Science Monitor THE GOVERNMENT of the United States of America is one at least of the biggest and most power ful organizations on earth A lone bureaucrat even a rather important a pretty small mouse compared to this mastodon Nevertheless when the law and regulations were framed that put the federal security program in effect a lot of people seemed to think that bureaucratic mouse could be mighty big and fierce For the law has required among other things that if a federal employee is investigated not convict ed mind you on charges not necessarily evidence that he is a security risk he must be suspended forth with without pay If he is cleared he is reimbursed and possibly bankrupt If he is not cleared he is not reimbursed And he is almost certainly bankrupt For in either case he has had to provide the funds to carry on his own de fense Meanwhile Ins absence from his desk and his unusual presence at his home during working hours are almost sure to brand him for his fellow workers and neighbors as one under suspicion And the rumour mill can do the rest Now the administration through the Department of Justice is asking Congress to amend the law so that suspension is not mandatory to permit the accused em ployee to continue at his own work or at work less sen sitive And congressmen of both parties have volun teered to introduce legislation to that effect So an other step seems in prospect to a situation sev eral years out of rational equilibrium to restore a counterweight of some consequence to the side of the mouse OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by Harvey THE ROOTS OF THE RACE PROBLEM a suburb of other a mob of five hun dred attack the of a family that had Just moved into the district The had done nothing wrong had not been in contact with any of their neighbors were suspected of being negroes Ion that all men brother Is a mark of moral Insight to see that may he muter the skin physically the Swede ami the negro are quilt obviously not They even cousins sands of years after Asians and North had Indians will displace us wo haw Hut we arc that the would displace us Hostility rams one of the problems of our It Is con trary to the and Hie of democracy Mini it hardly exists is at Us worst in some commie like the United Slate and the Union of South Africa racialism Is a mod era docs no seem have existed In ancient or mediaeval times Scientists are unanimous in con demning Why sliould it he so common in an thai on scientific Hie race Is essoin- lally a of ancient fact and modern fallacy the ancient fact of racial differen ces and tin modern fallacy of racial superiority merely form of that oilier modern madness chau vinistic nationalism Hitlers nationalism was mostly racism Hie root of both racism anil nationalism Is the undeniable fact of differences The difference a blue eyed Swede and a West African nero obvious and undeniable The lliese tiff lain racism hi democratic and Prat cstaiH where just si happens that the me io dark as tite average Arab or Hie average may feel the same contrast and the as does the average while man in Alabama Absence of race feeling in some countries may tie doe to fact race mixture had he come mod era fallacy of race superiority developed Inferences hi or In Hie feel thai from The Africans who were to tills as slaves bad a very different culture from that of owners And when Indeed in terms of our standards the only standards we have for It was lower culture It has remained lower facilities even if theor etically equal In ninny have not been differences explain the of race Ho- cause ho negroes not do vftloiHvl in it Is assumed that the are an Inferior nice Wo to ho that our ances tors wore barbarians for of do not produce ds ami hostility unions another factor Is That factor In tea r If of the alien race are tan weak or too few constitute a threat a 1 does not iisually In ancient societies the num ber of persons of alien race was never eunuch cause alarm to anyone likewise In societies in which the- cant lines of division are class lilies race does arise Where there is a class safely entrenched In post lions of privilege It Is not con cerned with differences of race Hie suhlccls The class structure of leva l and early modern society accounts for tin absence of racialism Similarly if of a class think that all the evils of the world are due Kit existence of Ibe class they are loss likely lo feel hostility toward other races That the explanation the of racism from communist These principles seem to borne out by almost total absence of prejudice or race against North Indians Why should there bo moro against Hum Tito answer Is We not afraid that the The peculiarly modern factor In the race problem is new way of ihitikUii has be- wmu since Par win Too many people now think hi terms of groups and of a for hot groups- personifies nation and sees history as a nations hi which each nation must either com paM or die the race as the Important reality and history as a stmev pile faces Ills fear if he I lives in place like or Africa Is Increased the knowledge I hat he Is jHMiplos of other races who vastly out number the whites peoples who have rates and lower standards of living knows that and unrest Intermarriage would wry shortly make Aus tralia an Asian country w Idle Soul A rtca real that equality of for and intermarriage Whites and would soon convert South Africa into a negro country Thus race hostility Is soon to ho a of fear and fall To combat race discrim ination wo must understand fears that oppress the whiles white wo expose the fallacies that permit them to oppress the negroes The state is the servant not the master of the people the state i heir guarantee against infringement on their their agent in international and national issues it is not the function of the state to the M km THE WISEST MEN ANON Corners council pass ed the mill at a meeting held Monday night Mayor made an official state ment and called upon the tax payers to bear up in these times of stress and high taxes reporter Slim Bliggons reports that the mayor and council claim that all causes for higher taxes are not there of the local elected This here council would would kept taxes at a standstill if it werent for school county tax rate the provincial government pros- Parity and quotes Mayor in Corners weelc CorhrrenU re or responded quite what the meant ernrrer hut I figure that fistuie on the other aide the through in hinder the pmvlhciai Then them health regulators down in the county town said it was against health to have em So now have gotta have and us into debenture debt concluded Councillor Bust 4 then they trotted out the old chestnut report Reeve Holland Rivers gave a half hour address about the lo cal council losing control of thing What he meant was that other legislative bodies taken control of things away from government on the municipal level Who spends the Not local elected Slim quotes Iti mostly the school hoards council big govern merit for simple flo in w money fi or a SIwt Quotes hy on tn mill ispl Bus is fecfc hers more a in i ylfiie Iflcat SiX Vlj w-Sri- that Corners jrrtephdor I ffiv and mKs st the V is part this here if frirt of ills Why wsa In 3 when Cuttin Ccraers Then people go to mind that skeptic tanks the tiling he tt WOW he- eon r yiefwted that Whether it should mm or on firs It ant the he front SC by Dairy Farmer m The Top Six Inches We attended two dispersal sales within the last 10 days held in the same place and for the same breed of cattle One averaged on head all ani mals calves included about 238 and the other on a like number more than 100 less Now the peculiar part of the situation is that this time of the year is not as a rule a time when people buy for milk Nor is it especially early for pas ture to buy young stuff but whatever the ease is the two herds were sold under pretty well identical conditions There was only one differ ence and that was the condi tion of the animals at the sale and the care given to them es pecially the young cattle In other words the management angle Proper feeding proper care and a bit of showing was worth about for six or seven years effort Furthermore it would bo quite reasonable argue that this very same factor would have been worth at least much to the owner while he owned the animals proper calving intervals reduced losses sale of extra stock etc There is ltd money in this business of dairying while raising replacements the job is well done and there was in the years when the men owned those cattle an extra to he had for the asking So it happens that in both cases the men who owned eattle used hired labor This also meant that either the hired was not the same quality or else the super vision of the labor was very different It appears that it would have paid the one man to pay more because he still would have hail move when he had to cash in However to us the example of the man is important because it represents something for voting farmers to s at We have always maintained that there is money in the pure- bred business provided the care and management is Whats more there is in farming yield as return as the livestock be cause the teos necessary pure rev can nave Of acquired by studying and applicators In ether wcrds there other farm iee initiative nd desrc to pay off as and capita cat be maae better than in fcevv pure- bred y These are the readers why calf club work are so important pec tally when accompanied the good wilt and encourage ment of parents Nor is there any part of farming where ions social and chance of making a phi for oneself are as good as breeding raising and taki care of purebred livestock m FOR YOUR PROTECTION The Stoves of emergency for Proscriptions and other requirements Sundays and holidays by having- otic Please note the and keep for reference There will bo a on each Drug Store the name and telephone number of the person givmj If necessary phone York County Hospital for name and telephone number of i- Jm

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