NOSE COUNT irrlstcr Solicitor Notary Public Etc PA St i i A- J f SOLICITORS NOTARIES ft JOSEPH VALK J M MISCELLANEOUS and Garden Equipment SALES SERVICE Hill Drain Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped Service RICHMOND HILL TURNER one Newmarket Ont U J Solicitor and ST Ml i No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truck Lurobtf Co w Write for prices Port Ontario VICTOR j SHOE STORE Main St Newmarket Ph If your feet trouble you come to ua for free examination We cure or money back We have a full line of footwear to fit everyone Including babies TANKS Drain digging or complete septic tank work all workmanship guaranteed Prompt service Call Hurray Baker QO ST PHONE NEWMARKET Electrical Contractor DR H VETERINARIAN Eagle St Phone I OFFICE HOURS PM 9 PM ACCOUNTANT itV V- jT I V 1- il ft A A Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET Lambert Accredited Accountant Phonea Office Res Box Bradford J JACKSON C A PHONE 1959 COSSAR HARPER CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS i ftr INCOME TAX CONSULTANT year with Hie of Department THOMAS EMERSON mil If nuclear warfare ever comes to Canada the most permanent effects of evacuation of the large cities likely to be bombed will be felt by the smaller cities towns and villages and even the farm ers For the city resident can save himself from the destruction of hydrogen bomb only by fleeing to the country If his city were wiped out and made uninhabit able by the blast he would have to remain in the smaller centre- He could not go home again he would have no home to go to Under Canadas civil defence plan It is the responsibility of rural dwellers to be prepared to cope with the problems evacua tion of the cities would bring them- And these problems are and varied The Immediate demand the evacuees would make on the country folk would be lor shel ter not only from the elements and the weather but also from the threat of the blasts after math radioactive fallout Hie fallout of pulverized cities from one could contaminate areas more than miles long and 20 miles wide with radio active dust that might remain dangerous for hours up Where would a small town or Village shelter up to five times its normal population for 18 hours or more How would it feed them for that time Supply them with water These are only a few of the problems a local civil defence organization can work out in ad vance and it Is only by advance preparedness and training and practice that the tremendous de mands a emergency would make on rural dwellers could be met Since civil defence planners expect the whole country event ually to be divided Into evacua tion zones persons from predetermined sections of large cities going to predetermined sections of the rural areas any community no matter how small must be prepared to care for the injured almost certain to turn up among the evacuees There would be extra demands on a small towns water supply and sanitation capacity The town engineer who would know what these facilities take and haw best to expand them Is therefore an important part of any towns civil defence setup Civil defence volunteers might be needed to help him The evacuees might outnum ber the towns normal residents by as many as five to one That poses the problem of law en forcement No town police force can by llficlf provide the neces sary protection from the crimin al element that accompanies any such crowd With trained civil defence volunteers however It would have a better chance of doing no Besides the necessity of people who live In the country and the towns and cities to help their less fortunate dwellers In ViSnX nuclear war requires mass evacuation there Is the pos sibility that rural dwellers them- Birthday Club Birthday wishes extended this week to Helen Andrews ears en Saturday May Keltli Walker Newmar ket years old Saturday May Jack Fyke Albert 13 years on May years eld Sunday May Carole Ann Peter years eld Monday May Joseph Prank Evans Newmarket year old on Tues day May Donna Elizabeth Hope Newmarket yean old on Tues day May Patricia Anne 1 Ketlleby year old on Wed- May SO Wayne Burling Newmarket II years old on Wednesday May 30 Wayne Keabt Newmarket years old on Wednesday May IJnda Aurora years old on Thursday May SI Keith West Newmarket year old on Thursday May Send In your age ad drew and become a member of Era and Express Birthday club selves may have to evacuate Under certain circumstances the rural residents must be pre pared to move to safer territory themselves The cause of this would be fallout If the weather conditions were such that heavy concentrations of this dangerous and quite pos sibly deadly dust were likely to sift down on a town or village after a city had been blasted by an then the inhabitants would have to seek shelter else where How would such people know where to go Or when the dan ger was such that they must go That Is another of the many reasons why Canada seeks to organize civil defence In every community For it is the purpose of civil defence to work out these problems and allow every Indi vidual to learn and be trained If necessary in the surest and swiftest method of putting the solutions Into action Will Call Some Time During June Sometime during the month of June an Inquisitive man will be calling on the residents this district He wont be from the or the Department of National Revenue but will be one of the hundreds of people engaged in Canadas nose count when the first national fiveyear census gets under way In addition to ascertaining the population level the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Is going to count all the livestock in Can ada and ask farmers about the quantity of butter made on the farm and the production and sale of milk and eggs Each year the Bureau makes an estimate of numbers of live stock also estimates production for the year The annual esti mates are based on the census data and it is essential to have a census bench mark at tegu lar intervals to provide accurate annual figures Farmers who receive the regular June questionnaire may wonder at this apparent duplica tion The reason is that the in formation on crop acreages Is needed as soon as possible and the census figures will not be available until early in Farmers will save themselves a lot of time when the enumer ator calb if they have on hand information about the power equipment they own Manufac turers of farm equipment adver tisers and farm organizations want to know how many tors trucks combines engines and electric motors are on Canada farms It is expected that the census will show changes in the ratio of urban and rural populations At the time of our first census in they were four rural dwellers to every urban dweller In Ontario in percent of the population lived in towns or cities Newmarket Veterans The regular monthly meeting on the was most Interesting Preparations for the annual drumhead service and Memorial day parade were fully discussed We were especially glad to wel come Comrade H Gladman at the meeting It Is always heart wurming when a man as busy as Mr can find time to come down and be with us There is still room in the bus leaving the King George hotel at on the of June for the annual pilgrimage to Niagara but it is recommended that you contact Comrade Bone Timothy St as soon as possible Every now and then comrades fall sick We are sincerely in terested and hope that you will arrange to let us know Two comrades have been assigned to each ward to take care of this but even so some may bo missed We are glad to know that Comrade A Needier Is back from the Western hospital His sight has been considerably im proved Three of us dropped In to see Jimmy Lee at last Sunday and found four other comrades there on the same er rand We found him looking fine and hoping to get home soon y4y Thursday May Page Alberta ranks third behind Ontario and Quebec in mineral production Do As Thou Hast Said 2nd Samuel Gods promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper He never intended that they should be used Gods Is not misers money but minted to be traded with Noth ing pleases our Lord better than to see His promises put Into cir culation He laves to see Ills children bring them up to Him and say Lord do as Thou hast said We glorify God when we plead His promises Do you think that God will be any the poorer for giving you the riches that He has promised Do you dream that Ho will any the less holy be cause Ho grants His holiness to you Do you think for a moment that He will he any less pure for washing you from your sins Ho has said Though your sins be as scar let they shall be as white as snow Faith lays hold on the promise of pardon and It does not delay saying This Is a precious promise I wonder If It is true but it goes right to the Throne and pleads Lord here the promise Do as Thou hast said And our Lord will reply Be it unto thee even as thou wilt When a Christian grasps a promise if lie has to take it to God to make sure that it is good and dependable he dishonors God When he hastens to the Throne of Grace and cries Lord I have nothing to recom mend myself by except this Thou said it then his desire shall be granted Our heavenly hanker loves to cash Ills own notes Never let a promise rust Draw the word of promise out of its scabbard and it with holy violence Think not that will be troubled with your Importunity reminding Him of His promises He loves to hear the loud outcries of the needy soul It is His to bestow His favours He Is more ready to hear than you arc to ask The sun Is not weary of nor the fountain of flow ing It Is Gods nature to keep His promises therefore go at once to the Throne with Do as Thou hast said A r toe OH ft and tfw tub n ft liniment for other infection i1 4 keep ft Chevrolet ft ft If models the fcodrstc YOU wont Beautiful and Big new station wagons station with ike setter even new twalon treatments new Stilish secret Cos Cap undo end ft 4 If horsepower available better erf en engine pick a style Went the of en completion ratios power lifters longfife for engines Tin doors or any Chevrolet Look at those luxurious highstyle interiors And Chevrolet prices Its just as easy us that to see theres no value like Chevrolet value Hut dont judge on that alone Look at the startling TRUE comparisons in the list opposite See how Chevrolet puts the two competing lowpriced makes in the shade feature after feature after feature clear isnt it your dollar buys more beauty more performance more peace of mind more convenience when you buy a wonderful new Chevrolet So witch car so tittle money Drop by your nearest Chevrolet dealer now Open the doors of any Chevrolet admire compare DRIVE this exciting car see for yourself theres NO value like Chevrolet value I i Mewing Musing for monceatiCng steering Dd Control checks nosedive Outrigger springs for cornering security the cilslctj The of walls steel all you bow e1fo between front Safety tolory door latch to keep doors for protection in eniHointies Podded safety instrument ft KB no NO us NO no NO YES NO NO J till uut no MM J 1PF rfS t HAS THESE no no no toiler WW ftfhodtag a ftMytftfMftt for M ft I ft ft ft ft ft YES NO YIS YIS YIS a M YfS ftftM T ffl l i I f t It a mm I I I r IS- A r I I i a -ft- v 4 m LrMO ftt 3 c- ITho first golf club in North America the Royal treat founded in i 1 fig rl