WEDDING OLIVER Albert United church the of the Mb of Kalftlwn Elizabeth of Mr Mr Mount Albert and Ralph Carl Smith of Mr ftjLrjd Smith Mount A were married by V Wilton Mm Lyon and the Mr Ofven In marriage by her bride a gown of over Her fingertip yell caught in a beaded tiara and ahe carried a bouquet red in white plum The bridesmaids sister of the Mils They dressed alike in net over taffeta with matching pic hats carried baskets of spring flowers Mrs Armstrong sister of he bride was matron of honor and wore shrimp net over taff eta with a matching picture hat and carried a basket of flowers Flower girls were Miss Lynda Robertson and Miss Carol Ann- strong nieces of the bride They wore pale green nPt over taffeta and carried baskets of col spring flowers best man was Lloyd Smith brother of the groom and the ushers were Lloyd Robertson and Donald Smith- The reception was held in the church hail where the bride mother received in a dress of mushroom pink crepe with matching hat white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses assisted by the grooms in blue crepe white acces sories and a corsage of pink ros es For a honeymoon trip to ITS A Womans World Women in all corners of the world now are beginning to take part in the public affairs of their nations the International Feder ation of Business and Profession- Mi Women were told when they met In Montreal earlier this month Mis 1 Woods chief of the United Nations Stat us of Women Section said until now It has been a man- made world Women only now are emanci pated and Inking part in public affairs she told a United Na tions seminar It was the first east bride chose a beige lin en coat dress with green acces sories and a corsage of talisman roses On their return they will live in NEW TELEPHONE BOOK Will BE WEDDINGS Page The V i vi mi Ml J fflfl v I WW e re J- III TWOS it r v- i I i j At i vi IN MlSINISSUe listings to other firm names for your to your name and telephone number with your firm name or to afterhour number for you and your AT I Other members of the family and relative roomera or boarders would from having their name listed in the telephone directory be tufa to thick your right For additions In tho white pat taction or the VfltOW N our OHico without delay f X -r- item on a five day agenda of the international organization sev enth congrew Also addressing the seminar was Frieda Miller former direc tor of the Womens Bureau of the US Department of Labor Approximately delegates and observers from 23 countries were present for the congress which was held for the first time in Canada The Canadian Fed eration held its annual meeting at the conclusion of the interna tional sessions Mrs said countries have accepted the con vention of political rights for wo men and countries have rati fied or to the convention Continued studies of political rights equal pay for equal work the nationality of married wom en and family law are receiving top priority by the commission she said A new study of educational op portunities ani corresponding ec onomic advantages been started by the Status of Women Commission She said this is an important field of study which will collect information from governments UN specialized agencies and from nongovernmental organizations Nongovernmental organiza tions are an integral part of de mocratic society which promote an interchange of ideas and con tribute valuable information through their participation in UN work Mr said Miss Miller who recently as sisted with a UN study of chang es in the status of women in nine eastern countries said she found changes that were visible aud ible and electric but not yet com- to fruition Women would play an import ant part in determining the ration of these changes in turning from feudalism and a subsidiary position for women to democracy Miss Miller said the patriarchal system was beginning to lose its potency but changes would take time and persuasion In areas of Pakistan there is still prejudice women working in public and learning that would take thorn from their homes to work with and for others she said In other areas the principle of pay was taken only as a chance for a job training and be ing selected for work Shu had great respect she said for the courage maturity and te nacity of women leaders in the East taking part in a many sided evolution where change were necessarily politi cal economic and social Chairman of the seminar and discussion period was Ruth Tom- of president of the Federation and Inter national UN committee chair man In a doublering ceremony on July at William Street Bap tist church Lindsay Dorothy Mae Lindsay became the bride of William Clare son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Eves The Rev Gordon performed the ceremony against a background of roses lit lies and delphiniums The soloist was the Rev Mcintosh who sang The Lords Prayer and Together with Him accompanied by Mrs Sea He Given in by her brother Albert Toronto the bride wore a gown of nylon lace and net over sat in with fitted bodice and a full skirt Her fingertip veil was coronet lace with seed pearls and she carried a cascade of red sweetheart roses The matron of honor Esther Brock and the brides maids Gregg Marlon Eves and Peggy Mcintosh were gowned alike in waltz length dresses of pink with a boat neckline puffed sleeves full skirls and matching ban deaus The flower girl Nancy Robinson wore a dress of blue dotted They carried nose gays of deep pink carnations Rest man was Raymond Glass brotherinlaw of the groom and the ushers were Angus Morton and Bruce Buckle and Teddy Negus Lindsay Receiving for the bride at the reception at Melbourne St- Lindsay was Mrs R Mcin tosh in a dress of organza with tan accessor ies and a corsage of white car nations assisted by the grooms mother in a dress of printed turquoise nylon with white ac cessories and a corsage of white carnations For a honeymoon trip through the eastern states and ma ti ll met the bride wore a shrimp cotton dress with white acces sories On their return they plan live in Queensville has been named chairman of the educa tion committee of the Newmar ket and District association for Retarded Children Hie associ ation operates a school for months of the year at the Friends Meeting House New market Other members of the commit tee are Public School Inspector Mr K Dunn A Hurst Mrs J Bowman Mrs Hor ace Miis and Jack Malcolm Mrs Nelson loll was appointed publicity chair man At Keswick United church July Evelyn Elsie Link daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil liam Link Point be came the bride of John Clark Gable son of Mr and Mrs John Cable Keswick Rev Cordon Winch officiated at the double- ring ceremony assisted by Rev Donald McLean Miss Joan Link sister of the bride was soloist accompanied by Mrs Angus at the organ Given in marriage by her fath er the bride wore a gown of lace featuring match ing bolero and bouffant skirt of while net Her fingertip veil of white illusion was caught to a headdress trimmed with seed pearls She carried a white Bible adorned with sweetheart roses and white carnations Her attendant was her sister Miss Shirley Link gowned In waltzlength blue with matching bolero and head piece She carried a cascade of carnations and rosebuds Little Miss Donna Link sister of the bride was flowergirl She wore a shall pink dress with an accordion pleated skirt and matching headpiece and car ried a basket of carnations and rosebuds The best man was Jack Newmarket At the reception held at the brides home the brides mother received wearing a turquoise dress white and a corsage of white carnations The grooms mother assisted in a dress of blue nylon and a corsage of sweetheart roses For travelling to Ontario the bride wore a two- piece aqua suit with white ac cessories and a corsage of white carnations On their return they are residing in Keswick when the physician fought to bring a patient through a siege of pneumonia there was little he could do but help conserve the patient strength make him comfortable and hup for the lxt In fact the doctor sadly signed death certificate for out of every pneumonia patient he treated For those who survived recovery was slow and expenses were high The cost of an avenge erne was about including three or week tunc lost away work Happily this grim picture has changed Under the onslaught of sulfa drugs and pneumonia has steadily lost ground Now uncomplicated case clear up in four to live days And instead of losing out of every cases doctor save all but a very few Just a striking a the rut In death and disability Is the cut In the cost pneumonia More and more patient can now be cared for at home As a result the average of pneumonia may cost no more than including Jos of Income the doctor visit and the expensive new medicines Today more than ever an investment in prompt and proper medical care may well represent one of the bargain of your life pubtiihtdhj Par it Company Toronto Ontario Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Main St PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PK n Outstanding Value i KLtA j f Ar- 1LJ zL ik- illil iT lK4- I T I e S i iii A tH SisJ j- fur mi WILL ON WORTH SLAVE HAU i I SOON WE MUST PASS TO THE SOUTH A I I lh lie in June MM hi home drcauit of right tea In May out ACCEPT ARTICLES FOR HOSPITAL SHOP York a i y I hospital Womens auxiliary will open a Shop at the hospital this fall The hospital board of has allotted a suitable tpace for the sliop A wide assortment of merchan dise will be stocked with addi tions tbc need The Gift Shop will be ft service to patients visitors and staff Donations of suitable hand made nit teles ate needed for the fall opening Mrs Chester Way ft and Means will receive any contributions Such items as infants knitted a in a flannelette articles and adults bed jackets bed rocks and pajamas will he acceptable who want Hive their lime and tat tint only and other will be provided by the auxil iary They are from Wis Best phone Friday and Saturday Vacation Specials for f MAY lit THIS BOOK CANADA j J mm I vT on fit on ihroiivh dflK in ill of Hit iloriiont itUtn where hid aw in Large Clearance of Belter Quality An exceptional group fea turing a wide choice of smart colorful stripes Siei to fit TWO ONLY j jbVMueit I ATI r lint lip sai rwjtl nl44i lh Mut at j Hi Jody m lb jo in lionXMHdi tahi U Nor jm ill v jfM for fund in ftM S Know ftl our branch You will find friendly A si He bet his horse against the lumber to build a Church in the wilderness and won UK Luke of Linen HOBBY PANTS loijiKj Sum- toed washable xi back tan V two rot 550 SHIRTS Memorized cot- loo washable co lor fast Fancy in of colors Also a few in Seersucker TWO FOR J R O NEWMARKET Broken Ranges of Faded Srtrtfwiztxl M Sires TWO rot