King City and District Variety Of Booths Attractive Goods Promised For Kingcraft Sale Sept 19 Mrs Laura Rolling Phone King Canadian equestrian Team A deluge of on Aug failed to mar the attend ance at a buffet dinner given by MaUcn Churchill and Mrs Mann at Jokers Hill their palatial residence 3rd con cession of King They entertained over ffucst from Toronto Ottawa guest Montreal and Iocs districts at a to and Dorothy ON THE GRAND OPENING OF it KING SIRS and APPLIANCES 30 Keele St S King City Ont Fri and Sat Sept 14 15 BILL JENSEN Com rat lor and Plasterer RICE Concrete and V DONER Heating Sales and Service reception or the Canadian Equ estrian Team winners of the bronze medal at the 1956 three- day event held at Stockholm Sweden this season iArRlons busses were engag ed by General Maim to convey the guests from ihe house to the riding arena where he showed colored movies of the Stockholm event The mud gut so thick in the downpour that a bulldozed had to be used to haul the busses buck and forth through the worst parts Mrs Mann said the friend en tered into the spirit of the exper ience with enthusiasm although fine evening shoes worn by the ladies were a little the worse for mud ST PAULS Newmarket and Express Thursday Sent 19Sfi On Wednesday Sept pm wilt be the final meeting of in Kingcrafts House prior to the County sate of Hand icrafts at Maple community hall on September starting at 2 pm The purpose of the sale is to raise to help pay for the new building which was opened for use early this year The Rob ert Simpson Co Toronto has of fered to decorate Maple hall as it did two year ago Colors will be in the autumn shades Excellent and attractive handi crafts will be on sale in a variety of work produced by 125 Klng- A new feature this year is the lovely hand knitting booth Decorations arc convened by Mrs are Mrs James Baxter and Anniversary services will he where dolls in exquisite HARRY NOAKES KINGHOLM BUILDERS SUPPLIES LTD DEL Herniating Hid Painting GEORGE ROBSON and Deeoratinj OAK RIDGES BUILDING SUPPLIES OAK RIDGES GLASS AND MIRROR CO ARMA PRESS held on Sunday Sept at St Pauls Presbyterian church high way 27 north of when the present incumbent Rev J Shepherd King City will preach the morning service at am and Rev Dr McLelland Bol ton will take the evening ser vice Special music will be pro vided Services at and Strange churches part of this charge will not be held on Sept If Ross north St returned from York County hos pital Newmarket on Sunday where he spent six days for an operation a facial nerve Mrs A entertain ed last Friday evening Sept following the marriage rehearsal of her daughter Shirley Anne and Wayne Robinson Newmarket All Saints Anglican church King City The participants including the church choir were guests of Mr and Mrs Donald a brother will be or ganist and Roger Bawling also a brother of the future bride will be soloist at the Sept 14 wedd ing Rev rector of All Saints Anglican church King City resumed the pulpit for ser vices in his parish on Sept af ter two months spent In England on vacation costumes will be seen Baby and childrens knitted garments are ready General convener of the sale is Lady assisted by presi dent Mrs Barrett Partridge of Maple and the first vice presi dent Mrs James Baxter of King Bruce Davis assisted by Mrs Wei both of King Mrs A J Richmond Hill Is ticket convener and Mrs J Large Maple has raffle tickets Tea convener Is Mrs Har vey assisted by Mrs John Dew Mrs Glenn Sawyer and Mrs Don Hutchinson all of King Art convener Is Mrs of Ketllcby assisted by Mrs Miss Boys both of King and Mrs of Maple The home cooking booth is in charge of Mrs Henry Borden second vice president Mrs and Mrs Gam- hie King and Mrs Gordon Marl in Richmond Hill Knitting Is under Mrs Gage Love and Mrs John Baker smocking Miss Hel en Hunter assisted by Mrs Glenn Sawyer and Mrs Wallas King pottery Mrs anil Bruce Davis King Mrs Denton King hook ing Mrs Ronald assisted by Mrs Gordon Wells and Miss Blair Burrows King weaving Mrs Charles Johnston assisted by Mrs J Mrs and Mrs all of King Mrs Arn old Peter assisted by Mrs George Arrnltage King City art Mrs Peacock of Mrs Lamb Richmond Hill Seven lucky draws of home made crafts are on a leather tote bag a tiled table eight handwo ven table mats a hooked rug smocked dress oil painting an antique and a flower arrange ment At Kingcrafts House Sept from 130 to pm Miss Mrs Applcyard and Mrs John Pile will conduct a nur sery where children two years and up will be looked after while their mothers are at the sale at NORTH YORK DRIVEIN THEATRE LTD miles north or Newmarket on county road between Sharon and Holland Landing Plume Newmarket FRIDAY and SATURDAY 15 All Technicolor Show BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY SCOTT BRADY TOMAHAWK VAN CARLO MONDAY and TUESDAY SEPTEMBER IS Mark of Mau Tech DIRK DONALD TARGET EARTH RICHARD VIRGINIA GRAY liCs5 All Technicolor Show First District Showing THE OUTCAST JOHN JOAN RACING BLOOD BILL WILLIAMS IRAN Other departments and 1 Maple STEAM BATHS AT WILCOX RAIDED Patrons at the Lake Wilcox steam baths should anticipate un expected interruptions by Van- Provincial Police The baths as well as the house of the operator Mrs Doris Mar shall of Lake Wilcox were declared a public place by Magi strate S llollinrakc in New market court on Tuesday Mrs Marshall was convicted of keep ing liquor for sate and fined and costs or two months in jail PC C A St John of the Van- dor detachment testified police raided her house on Sept Six cases of beer empties and a small quantity of whisky were seized Public Hearing On Sept 28 For King City Area Zoning KING CITY FARMER WINS LIONS CAR Miss Julia Bell daughter of Mr and Mrs Matthew Bell ng at City enrolled in the training The Ontario Municipal Board has called a public hearing for Friday Sept at in King City Masonic halt when all par ties supporting or opposing King townships zoning bylaw No for the King City Area will be given an opportunity to voice opinions Five hundred copies of the by law restricting the use of land and the erection of buildings within the area have been for warded to residents Each copy has an attached document de scribing in meets and bound the locations and boundaries of the zones into which the area of a- bout square miles has been laid out Township council nave three i school of the Womens College Hospital Toronto last week Miss Carol who leaches at Strange school A completed a summer cour se and then flew to Newfound land to visit her uncle Mr Dou glas for the remainder of the vacation season Mr and Mrs Ray Butt King City observed their wedd ing anniversary on Sept by attending the Their latest grandchild born on Sept is called Stephen Raymond Cann ing son of Mr and Mrs Richard Canning of Toronto King City Chamber Of Commerce GENERAL MEETING Tuesday Sept 8 P AT MASONIC HALL DISCUSSION Village Incorporation Land Use ByLaw held the lucky ticket No oil the new twotone sedan car giv en by King City Lions club at the cue draw carnival in King City Memorial Park Sept Lion Jack king ton sold him the ticket on the grounds after he paid his admission fee Mr Burns said he always buys draw tickets whenever he is approached but never with any thought of being a winner His first car in was a Model Ford His fifth car is a mod el so therefore he says his sixth car in years best of care Reeve Win Hodgson who made PLANNING AHEAD FOR SCHOOL SITE Tin school board of King met with Smith King City village chairman and Leo Valentine a local subdivides to confer last week on the suitable location of the five percent Of his proposed subdivision plan which will be utilized for purposes It was tentatively agreed that seven lots would be held in the south west part of his property with priority for school purposes This portion combined with de- readings to the bylaw on Aug ust 7 before it was forwarded to the Municipal Board with cation for approval Not until it j is approved by the Municipal Board does It become law King township planning board the planning consultant the town ship council and various repre sentative bodies in the area were consulted on various occasion when the terms of bylaw were outlined and six zones were designed King City village trustees anil the school trustee board figured prominently in the discussion- being influenzal in determining the outcome Subdivides also were interested The zones are residential ur ban suburban and rural com mercial light industrial and con servation IS GOOD TIME to TRAVEL S3 King Gifts Appliances Opens At Noon Friday lots in the will receive subdivision might prove a suitable location as a future school site the draw congratulated prospective and Oak Ridges developments in the school Lions clubs for their contribution section affect school population to welfare work in the township the trustee board objected to Mr wished the local club the best J- of luck- The club under finance chair man Ray went over the top in the draw sales making a sub stantial profit Lion Love was heartily thanked by president lord as were his committee J Wilson Hill arid George Harvey Jack nearly worth of tickets While the weather was so chil ly crowded the lots If the land were not utilized for a municipal project it could be sold ami the proceeds applied to the capital school fund trust pointed out Or it a large number of are built by Village Developments Ltd on the former Stewart farm the lo cation of a school site could be altered accordingly trustees Jack stated Mention of new building lots in the school section was Everything is in order for the opening of King Gifts and store by Keith and his wife Dorothy on Sept 14 and at 30 Keele St south King City Starting at 12 noon on Friday a mobile show fill ed with home appliances will be on the lot for both days Assisting Mrs will be her mother Mrs Orvis of her sister Mrs June Wells King City and her grand father Mr J Garfield Visitor at the opening days will be C vice president of Con sumers Products who will fly from Montreal Arthur Boxer general manager of Toronto of and members of his staff II general manager of Variety Gifts Toron to and other representatives of appliance firms delightful mellow weather lot wrnmir and early fall for pleosanl travelling And this on idtol time for thai sightseeing trip to Interesting placet Canada and the United States A wider choice of accommodation is available when lh hubbub over Now is time to travel by National Railways Where go Picturesque of Bays Georgian Bay Bracing Ontario Distinguished laurentian Resorts Glamorous Vancouver Victoria Seattle Jasper National Park Fascinating California Historic Montreal Quebec Ottawa New York City Atlantic City Bustling Detroit Chicago Moo laf for tit tat la Coo Trove Wiie i to yourself a treat and go by from go Contact your Conation rValiojiaf representative for CANADIAN NATIONAL degree mark the carnival was a TOlatmg on the cess The Obis club of s winners of the pennant defeated KolUeby Girls winners of the South league by a score of to At of Vellore Wo mens Institute Vaughon Town- ship Miss Burrows repre sented the Kingcrafts organizat ion when she gave an address to ladies on the use of crafts in peoples lives Mrs Williams Receives Farewell Gifts Tired of dull plain walls So lire people why theyre adding patterned colour with And do you know today new arc you can keep that freshly decorated look for year Whats more Wallpapers arc pensive at at a roll Come in and sec the exciting new patterns Sunworihy WASHABLE WALLPAPER MEET US AT The TRADE FAIR Wallpapers Theres no pasting for you to You simply wet these new Propatted wall papers in the water tray and apply Ihcm to the vail And theyre you can decorate a room for as liiflc as Come in ami sec these exciting new palter See the Demonstration of the Prepsted papers We eonfiatift itnitr to our booth the to ate how it i tit Pre- The Studio wilt oho he on MAIN ST Phone WALLPAPER PAINT- LINOLEUM Newmarket Mrs P I Williams who vac ated her house on King St on Monday Sept 10 to take an ap artment on St west in Toronto was honored with purl ing Rifts from church and friciuls Presbyterian church presented her with a purse of money at a meeting of the at the home of Mrs Howard Cairns She also received a cup and saucer rem the Mrs Fred Curtis and Miss son leaders of the and WA groups made the presentat ions At the home of Mrs J King City on Sept ft Mrs Gordon and Mrs A Kelley en tertained neighbors and old of Mrs when she was presented with a walnut coffee table the gift of friends Kelley and Mrs J Will- made the presentation King Womens Institute also recognized the contribution of Mrs Williams in her membership by presenilis her with an en graved Stirling silver coffee spoon For more than thirty years Mr Williams has been active in Ihe work of Presbyter ian church as leader in the Womens Missionary ocleiy par hi the IVosbyterlal ex ecutive a rural vice pre sident lor many years as well president of the local organizat ion Toronto West made her an honorary member Mrs Williams also took her turn as of A In the work of King Womans institute ah was a devoted mem ber and has been a delegate In area conventions on more than one occasion She also has taken an active part in the Canadian Cancer work In the local district She was a former WI representative York County hospital womens auxiliary and participated in the i ladies auxiliary branch of the Robertson Masonle lodge A has more opportunities guilt an Insight into many different bun than almost any other man in community lie wont know as much business as you do but he may from his varied experience and his live viewpoint be to offer you quite apart from banking problems A Toronto- Dominion Bank Manager is a as well as a banker ami hes widely versed hi the business life of hi community All of experience is yours to use when you want it Dont wait for a problem to arise You can call on Urn Manager of your nearby TorontoDominion Hank any time you feel his knowledge can help you TORONTO DOMINION BANK THE BANKING SERVICE A Manager Main St Branch Mount Albert Branch SNYDER Manager