I Ladies W every on Hip field r once Ontario chain- played standout game en the would hit the on lev Playing with now in how Jubilant coach Style skill And confidence the Charlie Vanam witling local deflated Fori Eric fi2 on worker manager t3eotge Watt Saturday in Fort Eric to cop highlighted at Fort the Ontario championship The championship a twnfitu fort of the lathes team fe becoming plcannR In the four yrafi the Kmm VanXantrw ha annexed I crown four a record lhat every Lois the team roach he Van- fc manner Geo Walt Joyce Day car well be proud of There isnt a team Came the fateful sixth and anywhere in Ontario that can Dean bibs boast a finer record catcher singled to Mart the J Sarah frittering Before Barbara evenhit pitching Lois Walls home run put the finish- great running catch and touches the big chapter Barbara Wall big run Barbara Par- we fa He- if you Piston and Sarah had sprinkled the Held with Sarah pitching In her masterful fashion had trouble In only two chapter the third and ninth However in both ease when the Port thrratrncd the ml turned on the pitch ing knowhow to pitch skillfully out of trouble Barbara had shot Gracing the lineup in the P play downs were Helen Watt Wean Jeanne Win tec Barbara Watt Barbara Colleen Cain Lois Preston Sarah Footballers Win Again Newmarkets red and white foot ballers will go the second amo In the cup semi finals protecting a one goal ad vantage Saturday Arnold Nelson Stan and their soccer pais came up with a pleasing win over Lindsay Lindsay It was the first game In a two- game totalgoals series The sec ond game is scheduled for Pick ering Colleges north field this Saturday at pm Newmarket led Lindsay at time and both teams got a goal In the second half Norm Gibson scored two to lead the Newmarket charge while heel and toe expert Frank Phillips booted home the locals third and final goat AWARD Newmarket Era anil Express Thursday Sept George Haskett The Editor Sept Newmarket and Express Dear Jack There have been many times when I would have liked to express an opinion In favor of your Sports Editor Tonight feel perhaps I have a wee bit more of ft right to voice that opinion Newmarket has won a Lacrosse Championship George will hand out sincere congratulations to people more ostensibly connected with Minor lacrosse than he Is In the name of boys ami girls who played lacrosse this year wish you would pull your rank on him ami give him your Award and some special consideration for the yearout work he has done for the children of New market Thank you Matt Walsh Editors Note We welcome the suggestion by Matt Walsh and hereby pull rank to name George for the weekly award and Theatre passes for the Sports Editor and his HOWLING vet to Banning 554 Zona Met calfe Blair were high Scorers league standing is Vikings Comets and Meteors 12 Hurricanes Spit fires Jets GAMES SCHEDULED Beit Telephone and Grass Hop pers will play the third and de ciding game in their town league semifinal tonight at the fair grounds at pm Saturday at 5 pm Newmark et soccer club will meet Lindsay in a cup series at LAKE FINALS Puckering Collets north field Third game in the current ZephyrPine Orchard Lake finals will be If the scries requires a fourth and a fifth game they wilt be played at Mount Albert Sept played on Monday and at pm day of next week wife We Join in to pay tribute to a fellow who does a great deal of work for the youngsters He has a way of making all work seem like pleasure and because of his quiet manner his steady service to the community like the town clocks some times goes unnoticed I Lacrosse Tournament Tremendous Success Boy thai was a big day Suited were how tome invading la- Crosse mites felt about Saturdays den five tremendously successful tournament Legion Si Mickey Smith was more subdued Mom sri John but definitely just an iastic Plant Vis laL This was the greatest day Town- sports ever seen in Shift i thai ami district Mickey was think- ground till back over twentyfive years In cmifns play Sat- of Newmarket sport history tons four shooting paced Throughout the mowing to win over noon the Jacroe boro play went on apace The finals a trailed opal approximately it was a game with Brampton Mite Excels fiw Jewnwaaea after defeating Port the sponsored takliuf the well merited Canadian Mickey Smith Boo and Legion members on the local of Newmarket fans rode Willi two teams The teams went out early in the after 10011 lost to Port with Jerry Median minor executive in charge Jhis was a effort and the members and tiraham two for the James and Ted Hands viro Newmarket One with the poster of local colour interest in the two at the legion Hall over ailult were The official opening ceremonies were held the hour might lag Such was not the east with top Legion and it built op and up toe officials head table guests moved through the in guests were Walter Murphy president of Windsor Jack final and final rounds In initial round Dave Hal- four netted three Itoden Ail defeated Alder wood as hit our goals Aldervood shut- mt tistAinut Its defeated St on of Hill Viim and Jim Dalys two That concluded the activity and he other games involving Newmarket teams completed first round play in eond action Harry Harris Steele Fergus K Mc- Dennott Toronto kl Leila Matt Walsh Smith Hob Hen vide Mickey Smith Ed and Newmarket All the visiting poke highly of the effort of tin Canadian legion Malt Walsh Mickey Smith ett and the local minor lacrosse in niakiny the day an success I Grasshoppers Tie Bell In Town League Semis Mil Telephone and Hop- unrt three and lints ate even at game in to stall off Hell in j attempts Walks in ih Ji wck Star Hell Man I up eikhl mnnK Lvani ami -outnh- 11 apiunni a 1 LI win Jtflbl the av J with Joey Ivan pert toinel tin- ai they j f I an and Hon blow hi the winning licit to a thrilling lalhe the tai in i Aurora Wins Title tia lido the fee Hoppers f they III 1690116 in had lied the tfame and it a near Cowellt bunt in the Au- the ahead iMJ Motors ilffealid the eighth Tin Sepl to light hack knocking on the tin Until J in hen Sinn tut the Hot Mart pitching skillfully all the Keller triple and fei nit had fchUl out on- lot in put game III for a the Hell tun in fourth Don pachiiiKWise Jack and Keith by company added ffuiit run hi the sixth Mean- aid over going for two in tin- bird while in the ami I round eight for were piling up a com- I J iii on the twohit clubbing of lb Duf fy home ml hit Hell till hat 1 a home run while top luKKiiri for Hell Mm ray MacDonahl a homer Jerry and Huh Kelfer free Jack IfurM going the bad trouble getting his in the furrow Hop pers knew it Hell Wei- alnsnl The Hoppers in led the recovery movement three two fourth runs ind climaxed their come- i back with a for run seventh rally Joe hit a hm in the Hoppers Wg However it was a pair of walks given up by Bell reliefer d that gave the the tying and winning Mac- had succeeilrt man came up with ten solid base knocks off KHliebys Hon liuipd hit home with while the with baiting Harold Jon and Hob Jack and Hill through with tin shots mi die losing can Hob 1 1 in nun nod mm ptifniil with the Walter This town ban in- trophy relocated for competition I hi seaiop was laal Won by Case in To iif Nova rivotiu when he was granted territory in William Alexander founded Jin order of baronets of Nova in re for a barony of thirty vouoie mites and the title of Kit each baronet provided 1000 in the Jack ami men fully armed his wild streak in and equipped for two yea PROVING GROUNDS OF CHEVROLET POPULARITY East West across the land wherever cars are parked on every street and highway you see more Chevrolets than any other car because far more people drive Chevrolet than any other car And the preference for Chevrolet is growing ever greater Because more and more people are discovering Theres No Value like Chevrolet Value A MOTOR -PH- MOTORS LTD Botsford Street Phone 1400 NEWMARKET ONTARI k