Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1956, p. 5

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Oct IMS Pag WANTED TO Bradford leaving am Monday to Saturday Included Phone Newmar- TO Toronto leaving Newmarket am returning pm Phono Newmarket MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW and used Surge milking machined and pumps Also used loner units at to 35 W Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges or phone Turner 42578 Hill FARM removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect or Toronto EM CORDON YOUNG LIMITED LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE TURKEYS any quantity Phone 22913 or apply T Lownde Keswick TURKEYS and ducks for all eastern Ben Cox Sharon phone 23212 WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY of cedar fence posts ft long Apply A Holt DRY firewood all kinds free de livery Taylors Sawmill R Aurora phone Avenue MIXED wood hard and soft wood 22410 Mount Al bert BOB calves Phone Mount Albert collect DRY wood soft and hard 450 and per cord Delivered Walter Proctor phone Newmarket IUMBER FOR SALE SAVE money by using rough lumber All standard sizes Taylors Sawmill R rora phone Avenue LIVESTOCK SALE COWS I Shorthorn years old and Hereford 4 years old Duo in October right in every way bred to Hereford bull Ap ply Fred Walker Zephyr phone Moun Albert DUAL purpose dark red heif ers registered vaccinated ac credited one due Oct and two due Oct Roan bull calf months Apply A WEANED piss- J Den Oti- 2 Newmarket phone Newmarket between and p grado heifer both spring ing Also 2 grade heifers nine months old Apply Clarence phone Bradford PUREBRED English while York shire boar 10 months 40 Ap ply after to Jordan Mount Albert REGISTERED Shorthorn born Dec sure breeder Sire was second in beef Short horn test Phone Doug las Clarke 317M LOOK AHEAD WITH fast growing meattype hog Purebred and Land- race Yorkshire Hybrids Regu larly available Beat wood Kami RR Newmarket phone PUREBRED Yorkshire boars ready for service gilts of all ages Phone or apply Kes- PLANTS FOR SALE TULIP bulbs per Mix ed colors Phone New market VIKING raspberry canes Phone Newmarket STRAWBERRY plants 100 per and raspberry canes 200 per Mrs Bertha Deans Holland Landing phone New market No delivery AFRICAN VIOLETS BEAUTIFY your Thanksgiving table with a lovely African vio let Up to blooms a plant Closed Thanksgiving Day HUNDREDS of flowering violets large plants many varieties and Double pinks Potting soil fertilizer Open daily am to pm except Sun day Clarkes Violet Centre Bel fry off Davis Dr New market AFRICAN Violets select var ieties Potting sol peat moss and Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone Newmarket PETS TOY Pekingese years old male quiet Phone New market SALE REGISTER SATURDAY OCT sale of house and lot brick dwelling all conven iences large double lot on Wil son St in the village of Mark- ham Properly belonging to the estate of the late Thomson Terms made known on day of sale For further particulars apply to auctioneers Immediate possession Sale at 230 pm Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers WEDNESDAY OCT Auc tion sale of tractor baler elevator dairy eat tie horses grain hogs hens etc at lot ami con cession Vaughmi mile north of Maple Pro perty of Lome Sale at I pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of dairy beef cattle pigs hay farm stock imple ments furniture etc on lot 35 concession Pickering on No Highway at Green River Property of I Percy Terms cash No reserve Farm sold at 1 pm Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers THURSDAY OCT- Auction sale of stuck and imple ments including It head of and Shorthorn cattle 30 Yorkshire hogs model Case tractor full line of power imple ment bales of straw bales of hay and bushels of rain The properly belongs to Mel Oldham lots and con East miles south and east of Mount Albeit No reserve as farm sold Terms cash Sale at p Lloyd Turner clerk Farmer auctioneer phone TROPICAL fish imported stock Plants tanks and sup plies Goldfish Phone 128w Newmarket LOST wick LEICESTER breeding ewes Suffolk breeding ewes AH arc open ewe- Phone AVAILABLE SOON ORDER NOW TO provide space for our grow- herd of Registered Land- race we are disposing of our Yorkshire mows bred herd sir Lahmde Lad Get hybrid by ordering one of these sows phone J30JH Newmarket LOST Black and while Persian col Reward Phone New market KING tabby eat in this area It is a large male dark brown black stripes wide black stripe down back white throat and bread white front feet Name Reward Lost near Aurora and 5th con Peae phone Jill Yoke clw39 BLUE budgie on 30 Reward Phone New market FOUND GOOD quality Shorthorn bull acrvireablc age good color- sir- by Emblem fully accredited Phone Maple Farm Bradford FOK K turkeys for Thanksgiving Phone- 1 OueensVJlle phone LADYS wrist watch August on Mam St Phone Newmarket Police WANTED LIVE poultry Any quantity Bring thorn in or will call on re Jiuest Highest prices paid Appfeton Oak Ridge or phono Turner ALL kinds of live poultry want Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Newmarket If HEADY- MIXED CONCRETE for flours patio etc CONCRETE LTD surgical supports hosiery for those who suffer Horn varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago bells Rest Drug Store Phone Newmarket FOR SALE WHITE Rock pullets four months old each Waller Cu Sutton West NEW Hampshire Jala months old ready io lay each Allan Zephyr months old laying good Sid Morning R Newmarket t COLUMRIa i old Si each Don Mr- phono Newmarket TURKEYS tor Thanksgiving J phone New- ma am MO W id Phone 51w2 Newmarket THE REST COUGH SYRUP Fur roughs colds and bronchi- i a and effective for the relief of bronchitis light or chesty cough- and colds tore All Herbal tablets for modular arthritic and puns Price 125 Rest More phone ate delivery Raker con crete Products Newmarket THURSDAY OCT 18 Exten sive auction sale of registered and high grade dairy herd including number of fresh cows calves by side springers bred heifers vaccinat ed and tested also tractor good thresher load er Surge milker cabinet milk cooler baled hay baled straw mixed grain etc the properly of Austin Rumble at lot 2 con King township mile south of King City on the highway Note This is one of the good herds in the county and are extra big cattle will be sold under cover Cattle sold at pm standard time Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Wilson and clerks Sale starts noon standard time Refreshments on the grounds Sellers and Atkinson sales manager and auctioneers FRIDAY OCT Extensive auction sale of dairy cattle slockers pigs three tractors combine forage harves ter corn and hay attachment 2 forage complete au to steering forage blower trac tor cultivator an rubber double disc tractor spreader good P mower hydraulic plow lever harrows large quantity of poultry equipment Haled straw cut hay grain new pine lumber furniture etc the property of Wilbur Johnson at lot con Pickering township I miles of Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Faulkner and Johnson Refreshments on the grounds Sale I pm standard time Sellers and Atkinson sales man agers and auctioneers SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of head of fat cattle Shorthorns and Hereford mod ern farm machinery complete contents of household furniture electric range and refrigerator walnut furniture all near new On lot concession North York Township on St between Finches and Steele Ave property of Mcintosh Sale at noon Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auction 13W39 phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tabids for the nose and throat for the dropping mucous discharge sensation throat ami other disturbances These are he same reliable pink tablets hat have been used for many with good results Price The Rest Drug Store phone Newmarket Era and Express SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of farm garden implements tractor Chevrolet panel truck like new the properly of Landing Time 2 pm Terms cash Smith WEDNESDAY OCT Com plete dispersal by auction of the Farm Ayishire herd including fresh springer cows bred heifers and calves This herd on official ROI record which will be shown time of sale These cattle are fully accredited government bloodtest in November all negative The of Jos and will sell at the farm on lot I con King town ship I mile Temper- Farm sold No re serve Terms cash ley Cook clerk J on pedi grees Sale I pm tandard time Sells and Atkhltniinitfea managers THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of of and Shorthorn cattle and hog- model tractor and full hue of farm hay grain furniture etc at lot eon at Miami Reach on highway miles Keswick The properly of Fred Foster No reserve as giv ing up farming Sale at I sharp Terms ialt A Far mer auctioneer THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of Case tractor late model farm implement household furniture on lot Markham Si- fci-U- mile weal of Don Mills Road on John St property of Elmore Hill Sale at 1 pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of choice antiques cup- boards ornaments dishes glass ware household appliances and furniture of various styles and dales at Village on Highway Just cast of Ken nedy property of J antiques and Mrs Wilson Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Proprietors declin ing business Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers FUEL BOARD HEARING IN THE MATTER OF The Franchises Act Chapter RSO Section as amended and IN THE MATTER OF on appli cation by Consumers Gas Com pany of Toronto for approval of proposed bylaws of the under mentioned municipalities auth orizing the execution of agree ments between the municipali ties and the applicant granting to the applicant the right to ex tend its works and pipes into the municipalities and AND IN THE MATTER OF an application by Consumers Gas Company of Toronto for an Or der declaring and directing that the assent of the municipal elec tors of the respective munici palities Is not necessary to such bylaw Corporation of Ihe Township of King Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch NOTICE OF HEARING Ontario Fuel Board hereby Auction Sale Of Dairy Farm Acres House and Ram 220 Rod Frontage Flowing Wells and Streams 33 Head Cattle Fresh Cows with Calves at Side Leghorn Hens year lings Team of Horses Imple ments The undersigned has received in- to sell by public J appoints Tuesday the 16th day at Lot Con Whitchurch of October at oclock miles north of Ring- Jin the forenoon at Ihe offices of wood on the Board Suite Richmond Street East Toronto Ontario for the hearing of the above applica tions and all persons interested therein Copies of the Applications laws and franchise agreements may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the of- of the Clerks of the respec- live municipalities cant or the Solicitors for the ap plicant Messrs Zimmerman Haywood and Turville Ill Rich- Street West Toronto NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE that the above public hearing the Board will be asked to issue an Order declaring and directing that the assent of the respective municipal electors to the passing of the said Bylaw j a son is not necessary DATED at Toronto this of September ONTARIO FUEL BOARD A Chairman Simpson ViceChairman WEDNESDAY OCT 17 The following property belong ing to WALTER JACOB CATTLE cow due Oct cow fresh time of sale cow fresh time of sale cow fresh time Of sale cow springer cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow due time of sale cow due time of sale cow due time of sale cow due time of sale cow due in October cow springer cow springer cow springer cow springer cow duv in October cow in October cow due in October cow due in October cow fresh time of sale cow fresh time of sale cow due in October cow fresh time of sale cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side cow fresh calf by side 2yearold heifers This herd as described above is large and of extra good j IN THE MATTER OF The ty Dont miss seeing them FOWL About yearling Leghorn lions About coal brooder stoves HORSES Chestnut Belgian mare Black Percheron marc PIGS Lundrace and Yorkshire Cross good breeding slock IMPLEMENTS tractor with power takeoff John Deere Binder Horse rakes Rubber tired wagon Rubber tired wagon with rack spreader near new Manure spreader Cultivator Tractor Cultivator John Deere Mower near new Frost and Wood mower Set sloop sleighs Single plow Sect ion harrows Drum land rollers Set Upright scales 2Wheel car trailer Onehorse democrat plow Large quantity of scrap iron milking machine A units and outlets complete Thursday Sept to Mr and Mrs Gerald Oak Ridges a daughter DAVIS Saturday Sept to Mr and Mrs Harry Davis Keswick a son Tuesday Sept to Mr and Mrs Ronald Oak Ridges a son HEWITT Saturday Sept 20 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hewitt Lake Wilcox a son Wednesday Sept 26 to Mr and Mrs a son Thursday Sept 27 to Mr and Mrs John Mikkelsen a son MASKELL Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs George R Sharon a son KERR Sunday Sept to Mr and Mrs Gordon Kerr a daughter Sept to Mr and Mrs Robert Nelles StotiffviRe a son NIELSEN Thursday Sept to Mr and Mrs Carl Niel sen Newmarket a son SHROPSHIRE Tuesday Sept 25 to Mr and Mrs Robert Shropshire Newmarket a son SANDERS Tuesday Sept to Mr and Mrs Charles Sanders Newmarket a daughter ST ANDREWS Wednesday Sept to Mr and Mrs Robert Si Andrews villc a son Saturday Sept 20 to Mr and Mrs Roger Richmond Hill a daughter SULLIVAN Monday Oct to Mr and Mrs George Richmond Hill a daughter flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parU of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World 5 MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone 573J THE SALVATION ARMY ST Evangelistic Crusade Conducted By Captain Marks Thursday October to Sunday October 7 MEETINGS WEEK NIGHTS PM SUNDAY PM also THURSDAY OCTOBER IS ARMY DAY FOR THE CADETS Services In Evening At pm Sunday Sept 1050 to Mr and Mrs a son Friday Sept to Mr anil Mrs FUEL BOARD HEARING DEATHS Franchises Act Chapter Greenwood Section 3 as ton amended and GRAVES the result of an accident at on Friday Sept 28 George Graves husband of Francis Mary Queen Mary Ave dershot veals father of and Marilyn and son of Walter Graves Newmarket brother of Merlin Har ry Robert and Airs Bert Lead- beater Helen Service was held Monday Oct Interment in cemetery Hurling- IN THE MATTER OF applica tions by The Consumers Gas Company of Toronto for certifi cates of public convenience and necessity to construct works and to supply natural to the in- habitants of the undermentioned municipalities The Corporation of the Township of King At Toronto General hospital on Friday Sept Violet Jane Gibson wife of Milton 21 Howard Ave Newmarket mother of Eleanor Mrs Fred Herbert Milton Calif and the late Audrey Irene in her year was held Monday Oct- I Interment Newmarket The Corporation of the Township I At Our Lady of Whitchurch Mercy hospital Toronto NOTICE OK HEARING Many ohm other articles to mention too ESTATE At same time and place will be offered for sale subject to a re serve hid Acre Farm includ ing house with bath and hydro throughout bank barn poultry bouses streams through properly flowing wells at barn HO rod frontage on Highway No and rod frontage on sideroad Acres are workable balance ill streams bush and pasture Two miles from front school Dont miss this farm Ontario Fuel Board hereby I appoints Tuesday the Kith day of at oclock in the forenoon at the offices of the Board Suite Richmond Street East Toronto Ontario for the hearing of the above applica tions and all persons interested therein Copies of each Application may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the of fices of the Clerks of the respec- live municipalities the Applicant the Solicitors for the Applicant Messrs Zimmerman Haywood and 111 Richmond Street Toronto Ontario or this Hoard DATED at Toronto this 2tfth day of September FUEL A It Chairman Simpson ViceChairman of on Tuesday Sept I9fi Arthur of Newmarket husband of Margaret Burke and father of Mrs Richard Jean Mrs Joseph Vale Phyl lis Arthur Jack and Joan of Newmarket Mrs William Bo- land Islington Clarice and Mrs Jack Dennis Gloria Toronto and Harry of Syracuse Service was held Thursday Sept 27 Interment St Johns The family of the late David wish to thank relatives friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and beau tiful floral tributes during our recent bereavement Mrs and Robert STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION Starting Sunday Oct at 700 pm and Continuing EVERY SUNDAY With a special class of instruction each WEDNESDAY AT PM the is a hook symbols closed honk Though it need not a and learn Gods sovereign plan our place in His economy of aire and GRACE CHURCH BOTSFORD STREET MR LEON NASH A C T ORGANIST CHOIR DIRECTOR TRINITY CHURCH to announce of STUDIO OF MUSIC INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN ORGAN PIANO AND TRAINING Please call Between and pm Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY OCT 19S mile seeing TERMS ON l wile balance left on first mortgage at GARBAGE TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF CARD OK THANKS I would to thank Dr Pat rick Greaves and nurses of the York County hospital also Rev for his kind visits and my friends in Keswick and Newmarket for the lovely flow ers cards and gifts- Thanks very much Mrs Walter Collins Sale I pm sharp Terms on Chattels Cash No up farming- Turner Clerk A Auctioneer Phone WW properly marked will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon October for the collection removal and disposal frlafe and other refuse one time per week in the Mussel- mans Lake area from October 1st to May THK lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted John W Crawford Clerk LEWIS SERVICES l NOTICE to CREDITORS In of late of he Town of In the County of York Retired Deceased of tho above- named deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket In the County of York on or about the Ninth day March 1MB hereby notified purtianl to The Act to send to the under signed proof their on or before the Twentyfifth day of after which date the assets of the Katale will bo distributed having regard only the claims of which the under- will then have notice at Newmarket this day of AI Stiver Vale and Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Stanley Evans and TENDERS TENDERS will received the for lie at the comer of Main ami si FOR further apply to Hit Clerks Office tenders will lie received up to oclock noon Friday October lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Wesley rook Town of Newmarket CARD OK THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers and ifs which received during my in the hospital I wish to thank Margaret and Wil liam Arktnstiill and all the nurses for so wonderful to me I would like to say a spe cial thank yuti to two blood donors from llio of Canadian for the blood I needed Mrs Hare ST CHURCH Minister Rev Stuart Johnston RO Telephone 1081 Mr Rudolph Church School and am Nursery 11 am THANKSGIVING Newmarket Ambulance Service hour Newmarket YOUR OF IS A BETTER COMMUNITY BIRTHS At York County Hospital AUKRKON Tuesday Sept Mi and Mrs Kric James Aurora a daughter Wednesday Sept Mr and Mrs Eric Maple a daughter Sept to Mr and Mrs Blake Constable Gilford a daughter Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Hoy HUM am Sunday School am Worship pm service Everyone Welcome lusor G A Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CHURCH OK THE Corner of and Queen Sis Pastor Rev Miss June Haines am school am worship pm Evening service You will like our service TRINITY UNITED Rev Aiken Minister Mr Nash Choir Director am Morning Worship COMMUNION WHAT COMMUNION MEANS Sunday School y45 am Senior School am Beginners Primary am Nursery Class am Junior Congregation pm Evening Worship COOPERATIVE SERVICES St Pauls Anglican church VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship of Churches Comer Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor K J Hill am Sunday School am Worship Service It pm Prayer and Study Meeting A warm welcome awaits you FREE CHURCH Rev Reynolds Airs Gerald DISTRICT QUARTERLY Meet- inn and Youth Rally Oct to Oct inclusive W of Spring Ar bor Michigan guest speaker All Welcome Strasler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Wednesday Sept to Mr and Mrs Albert a daughter THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister am Kc am Worship 11 am Sunday noonWorship pm Evening service Welcome our Service CHRISTIAN CHURCH St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES am Morning worship Special TJuinksgiving Day Music and Message Commun ion pm Sunday school pm Evening gospel and song service Everybody Welcome Wed Oct a pm Congrega tional quarterly business meeting CHURCH OF Mount Albert Gospel Church 3 pm Sunday school Frank Clark Superintendent pm Evangelistic service Earl FRIENDS MEETING Street 11 am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us All welcome Thursday Oct Meeting pm Am i following selfwill or the path obedience Monthly the path of of f JwV

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