and OH It CLASSIFIEDS Continued FUEL BOARD HEARING IN THE Of The Mu nicipal Franchises Ad Chapter Action at amended and IN THE MATTfiil OK flppli- cation by Gas Com pany Toronto for approval of bylaws f Hi- municipal fit lift of between tin- and the applicant granting to applicant the right to ex tend Mi work and pipe into the municipalities and AND IN THE OK an application by Consumer Company of Toronto for an Or der declaring and directing that the assent of the municipal eke- tor he respective not necessary to such Jaw Corporation of the Township of Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch NOTICE Or HEARING Fuel Board hereby appoints the day of October at oclock in the forenoon at the offices the Hoard Suite ail Richmond Street Kant Toronto Ontario for the hearing of the above applica tion and all persons interested therein Copies of the Applications By laws and franchise Agreements may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the of- of the Clerks of the j live municipalities the cant or the Solicitors for the ap plicant Mf rs Zimmerman Haywood and 11 Rich mond Street West Toronto On tario NOTICE OK TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE that the above public hearing the Board will bo asked to Issue an Order declaring and directing that the assent of the respective municipal electors to the passing of the said Bylaw is not necessary DATED at Toronto this day of September ONTARIO FUEL BOARD A It Chairman Simpson ViceChairman BIRTHS DEATHS York County bos- Thursday Oct 1050 to and Mrs Robert Lake Wilcox a son THAT OLD CHESTERFIELD SUITE IS GOOD it phots in a smart to toot lis a AH kiwis of it phots- Let mi it with noil Workmanship to for your Phone The Newmarket Upholsterer Newmarket SIDNEY PEACOCK ENGLISH CRAFTSMAN Subdivision Newmarket ft i FRIDAY SATURDAY matinee evening TECHNICOLOR At York County hospital Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs Frank Bennett a daughter CHARLES At York County hospital Saturday Oct and Mrs Clayton Charles Island a daughter still horn At York County hot Thursday Oct to Mr and Mrs Fred Au rora son John and Mary Jean Edwards Newmarket wish to announce the arrival- of at the Toronto Western hospital on Wednesday Oct A sister for York Coun ty hospital Saturday Oct IWaC to Mr- and Mrs- Leonard Newmarket a son At York County hospi tal Monday Oct- to Mr and Mrs Glen a daughter KUDKLKA At York County hospital Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs John It- It Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs It I Sutton a daughter At York County hospi tal Friday Oct 1050 to Mr and Mrs Helmet Lang- staff a daughter York County hospital Thursday Oct to Mr and Mrs Kenneth It ft Aurora a son At York County hospital Tuesday Oct to Mr- and Mrs Victor Aurora a daughter ROGERS At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct i to Mr and Mrs James Rogers Park a son At York County hospital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Stanley fivhen- Oak Ridges a daughter At York County hos pital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Oak Ridges a son York County hospi tal Monday Oct- to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Too in Lang I staff a daughter At York County hospital Tuwday Oct 1050 j to Mr and Mrs John Vexhakelj Richmond a mm At York County hospital Oct ft to Mr and Mrs Rich vale a son At York County hospital Oct a 1050 to Mr and Mrs Albert daughter WOOD At Oct to Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood a daughter A sister tor Cathy BALDWIN At her home Mosley St Aurora on Friday Oct Mary Emily wife of the late William J Bald win and mother of George Gor don and in her year Service Monday Oct Inter ment Aurora cemetery Suddenly at his residence on Sunday Oct Richard Mulhollond husband of the lato Rowland bro ther of Robert of Ireland Most of Toronto Ben of Newmarket and Mr Hugh McKitlop Annie of Worth Illinois Funeral ser vice was held on Wednesday at pm Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery Toronto WATT At St Michaels hospi tal Toronto on Tuesday Oct 155 Elsie Anderson wife of James Watt and mother of Mrs Helen of Beverly Hills Calif- and James of Newmarket Service was held Thursday Oct In terment Westminster I Park cemetery who passed away October ti cannot Lord Thy purpose see But all is well thats done by Thee Ever remembered by OHve Robert and Aubrey WYLDKR In memory of my parents Mr and Mrs J Wyldcr who passed away Oct I and Jan Deep my heart lies a picture More precious than silver or t torn lis a picture of my dear parents Whose memory will never old grow Daughter Annie Mil ford and family THE STORE FOR YOUNG CANADA When Given The TEST Cliff Clothes Wear The BEST MOTHERS OF NEWMARKET PLEASE TAKE NOTE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THE DOUGLAS BADER STORY IN In loving memory of deer husband and father Percy Helse who passed away Oct We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near Wife Jennie and sons and In loving memory our dear mother Meredo J Law- son who passed away Oct A tribute of love and remem brance To our mother one of the best The joys that missed on lifes journey May she find in Gods garden of rest Lovingly remembered by daughters Flora and Gertrude In loving memory of my dear son Gordon Leslie who passed away Oct A year today dear Gordon was called To his eternal rest Gone when the angels sing no sweet And taken when God knew We miss him here so very much His presence oft seems nigh Hut we all hope in Heaven to meet Where no one says good bye Lovingly remembered by his mother LESLIE In loving memory of my dear husband Gordon Leslie who passed away October 14 1055 Those whom we love go out of sight Hut never out of mind They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind Loving and kind in all his ways Upright and just in all his days Sincere and true in heart and mind memories he left he- hind missed and always re membered his wife leleen A tribute of low and remembrance to beloved mo ther Ellen whom God called home Oct Someone remembers someone Your name is whispered in our prayers A smile a tear a thought sin cere How often we wish that you were here Sadly missed by daughters ami and families loving memory of a dear daughter ftone Ellen who passed away Oct Hi lKH recalls sad memories CM ft- dear daughtT gone In rest And who thinks her Inifay the fine who laved her beat Wadly missed by mother Mr It On Sat urday October in dale United church Toronto by the Rev ft hi Grant Lynn Hover daughter of Mr Beat rice Major Hamilton to Mr larence Frederick I son of Mr and Mrs Laltaye We wish to express our tudu and appreciation to our many friends and customers whom we have served during the last thirty year It is a pleasing fact that many have been our customers since we started We also wish to thank those whom have been in our employ from time to lime We hope that you will give browns bread Co to whom we have sold our business the same loyal support that you have given to us Bakery Mere words ore inadequate to express our gratitude To each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers words of sympathy and acts of kindness we can only say Thank you so much James Watt and family OF THANKS I wish to thank those who sent and remembered me in different ways after my acci dent also Crawford and Clayton Hose for their quick and the nursing staff at York County hospital for their kindness Huntley OF THANKS The family of the late Walter K Davis wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relatives friends and neighbors for their kind expres- of sympathy and flora botes extended during their cent bereavement j The Davis family I CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness gifts flowers cards and visits during my slay in the Number Memor ial hospital Evelyn Stevens j OF THANKS To Hie Newmarket and Aurora Fire and to nil our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the recent toss of our barn in sincere and heartfelt thanks Helen and Ed Johnston OF THANKS John and family express their gratitude to vvity- one for their kindness sympathy and flowers received during j their bereavement John It It King AUTUMN The Parochial Guild of St Pauls Anglican will hold a chickenpatty tea on Thursday Nov I at the parish hall Tea will served from pm Tickets are available from members of the Guild Till TEST of hundreds boys St Johns for buys proves clothes purchased from Cliff are of hotter and are iroierty stylel with lots of pocket space and they wear so longer They stand up Letter and many iihre of extra hard wear They are just what a Inn- as vim all St Johns Training School for has M the place where CLIFF CLOTHES for Cana da arc tested for strength and where elothes are given the severest TESTS known for the and for lbs- boy who wearing ptaliy clothes MORE PEOPLE PREFER TO SHOP AT CLIFF INSLEYS STORE NEWMARKET ONT THE CLOTHING CENTRE FOR Newmarket Aurora Bradford and Surrounding District Just follow the crowds You cannot BLACK Jelly Powders 3 for FRESH MEATS SWIFT BONELESS VEAL LEGS IbD VIKW TOMATO JUICE in 25c It to be if its our nun In the heart belt anil we are now shipping our Markets only the finest grainfed beef Only natural yott tender beef every time You save every Is table trimmed and bone Li removed before Its just better value Visit your Meat fur the new improved beef FANCY tins CORN KERNELS 29c MUCK In our dear who II am be thy led mother It Is nwvvI thy Art in we lovid you So in do by sons and daughter SMITH In of our NURSES GROUP BEGINS SEASON A tin ltitiitivd Nurses thai at York County Una pital on Miss presided A smird evniinn followed a brief business session Mrs Meter Ahoun was in tin pro- Mrs J Austin panel for Ive a were served under the Mrh lames NORTH YORK DRIVEIN THEATRELTD miles north of Newmarket on twill Sharon and Holland Newmarket LEAN MINCED BEEF FRANKFURTERS i tins IGA Beans with Pork 31c lb 29c lb 37c TUB SWIFTS PREMIUM BOLOGNA LINCOLN Halves tin PEACHES 21c lb Farm Produce MICK OK TUB TOKAY GRAPES and SPINACH cello bags 29c tirade nil apples SCARLET PIPPINS lb cello bag roil and tirade APPLES basket JUNKET POWDERS 225c OK INSTANT QUAKER OATS 35c I or WISK pin tin FROZEN FOODS ORANGE JUICE Old South fin this CHOP SUEY line 49c FRIDAY AM SHOW Oil YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL JUNK AtUJIK and SATIJItDAY Ml A Mi IKOHNHOltHt SHOW WAGONS WEST Itflt fAMKlUiN IKKfr KM DAY and Ml HIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO Tech AHHIK HAN BEDTIME FOR DIANA LYNN iWi FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SHOWS END OF OCTOBER I l CASH REGISTER TAPES With them you obtain FREE BONUS GIFTS NOIE All premium redemptions must be based on the values listed in our NEW CATALOGUES ONLY ask ton row BONUS wis CATALOGUE t AURORA KESWICK A- T w pf fcuaa